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To Be Victorious: The Maestro Chronicles Book 6

Page 35

by John Buttrick

  Daniel nodded and continued on down to his office with the escorts surrounding him, Sero and Carlos to the rear and the pair of Teki at the front. Silvia opened the door and Daniel stepped in to find Sandra and Ginnie sitting in two of the four chairs in front of his desk. “I take it you are here to brief me on what the Zeuthans are doing.”

  “What is a Zeuthan?” Simon asked while taking a seat.

  Carlos stood by the door with his arms crossed and resting on his chest, while Sero took the other chair, and conjured two for David and Silvia.

  Daniel went and sat at his desk. “Zeutha is a continent on the opposite side of the world from Atlantan. A scout from an imperial warship was injured in Serinia,” he began and continued on in greater detail, finishing with, “so I gave her a new right hand and Ginnie conveyed her back to the kingdom.”

  “Did it occur to you I might have wanted to know about one of the most significant discoveries of our time?” Simon blurted. Learning new things about the world was one of his passions.

  “Yes, that is why I am telling you now,” Daniel replied.

  “Maestro, with all due respect, she tricked you into making those five rings,” Sandra stated a little more hotly than was appropriate.

  “The person you healed yesterday,” David stated in a way that made it sound more like a question.

  A winged lizard with the scout lying along its back appeared above the desk. “This is what Alfie saw just before I conveyed to the beach in Serinia where I wrestled our new Potential Blake from the Serpent who had captured him,” Ginnie provided a brief report along with the image.

  Silvia sprang to her feet. “That is what I saw in my vision; a beast just like that laying eggs on a beach, minus the person.”

  Daniel decided to alleviate the Conductor’s concerns, if at all possible. She was quick to anger but most of the time could be reasoned with. “All anyone managed to get out of her, other than what the jade trident on her forehead represented, was her name, job description, the vessel she served on, and the name of the empire. I sensed she had an ambitious streak twice as wide as she was tall so I negotiated.”

  Sandra pursed her lips stubbornly for a few moments and then replied, “You could have allowed me to use Truth Speak on her. We would have had more answers and you could have then wiped the entire conversation from her memory. She never would have known we questioned her.” Everything the Conductor said was true.

  Daniel shook his head and sighed. “I have enough enemies and do not need to stir up a conflict with an empire I know next to nothing about. So, I treated a ship’s scout with respect and courtesy. I healed her wounds and sent her back feeling good about her encounter with us and also some new rings with spells locked into the gems.”

  “I think she tricked you,” Ginnie threw her opinion in with that of her Conductor.

  Daniel chuckled. “She thought she tricked me and apparently so did you. The first two rings she requested were standard spells for drawing water and creating a rope of air, things any level one Talented could do. The third was more advanced; the control of an animal. I locked Mind Touch into the topaz. It will not only allow her to control the creature she rides, it will allow her to link her mind to any creature she uses the ring on. What I gave her was far more advanced than the one she lost. The last two rings she lied about. Sure as the sunrise that young woman never had a ring containing a shield spell or one that allowed her to focus blades of air.”

  Ginnie leaned forward. “She never fully trusted us, but you frightened her, and I think she felt compelled to answer who she considered to be a Chief Conductor, although you gave her a rationalization that probably made her feel good about straying from her standard reply. She is a scout loyal to her people and even though she appeared to cooperate, I did not believe everything she told us. I am suspicious by nature, but how did you know she was lying about the last two rings?”

  “She had not the slightest hesitation when speaking of the first three rings, but with the last two her demeanor changed and she seemed to feel the need to explain why her shield failed and gave you a reason why she did not interfere with your duel with Grom,” Daniel explained.

  Ginnie nodded. “Sarah gave plausible reasons, but they did not fool you.” She stated and paused before speaking the rest of what she wanted to say. “Not that I mean to criticize your giving guild specific spells to a foreign Aakacarn, but I am wondering why you did.”

  “It is interesting how you Accomplisheds, don’t mean to criticize, when that is exactly what you are about to do, and speak with, all due respect, to the Chosen Vessel, when you are about to voice disapproval of his actions in a less than respectful tone,” Silvia fearlessly chimed in. “Events swirl around him and you are fortunate he chose to explain the actions you had the privilege of witnessing. Show a little more respect.” She finished and sat down, eyes glaring and practically daring the two Accomplisheds to disagree with the scolding. Her speeches about him often lasted longer and ended with join, stand aside, or risk being smashed into ruin. On the whole this was an improvement.

  Daniel allowed the statement to stand on its own. “The spells are locked into the rings and are inaudible. The guild specific spells have not been compromised. Personal Shield is locked into the gem but it isn’t even as good as the one in the amulets David and Silvia are wearing under their clothes. Sarah has to will potential into the ring, which is the way she is used to casting spells. You know the amulets I made work on contact with skin. I gave her the ability to cast blades of air for no better reason than she wanted an offensive ring. She will likely be scouting in dangerous areas and I didn’t want the little filly to die.”

  “You have been spending way too much time with your uncle,” Simon evidently felt the need to share. “From what you told me, a Nephi is considered a half breed.” He also picked up on the fact that Daniel used that particular phrasing to lighten the mood and change the subject.

  “Yes, the product of a marriage between an Anakim and what they call a Drudge. Sandra, Ginnie, someday we might be expanding our search for Potentials to the other side of the world. The Atlantan Guild would welcome the Nephi to our numbers,” Daniel answered and then brought the conversation around to what he wanted to hear from the Seeker. “What is taking place on the beach where Blake and his family lived? I am sure Alfie can give you a visual.”

  Ginnie closed her eyes. “We are in a tree high above the cliffs and can see a long white ship off the coast. That must be the Lucia. Amid-ship on both sides is mounted a waterwheel. The vessel has seven towers with those flying lizards, of varying sizes swarming around them. I/we see two absolutely huge crocs lying on the beach and hundreds of men in the mottled green uniforms like what the scout was wearing. Those are the Zeuthans and the few who are dressed in purple and fuchsia must be as well. I also see several hundred men of the Serinian Navy in a circle over to the side. They are being watched by a squad of Zeuthans. Seer, your vision is true. These people are building what might well be considered a permanent base and a place for their beasts to lay eggs. Maestro, I can send Alfie to the ship if you want greater detail.”

  “Have him stay in hidden in the tree,” Daniel replied. “Do you see our little scout?’

  Ginnie began shaking her head before answering, “No, she might be on the ship and giving a report to her leaders like I am to you.”

  The Accomplished was being used as a scout and Daniel had no problem taking advantage of her resources. “Thank you, Ginnie. Please let me know if any more Zeuthan vessels arrive.” He then tossed her a golden amulet, set in the precious metal was a topaz stone containing a sapphire falcon clutching a diamond lightning bolt in its talons.

  “I certainly will,” the Seeker replied and pocketed the communication amulet.

  Sandra was rubbing her chin speculatively. “If we can get even one Seeker on that new continent, he or she could convey back, and then that Accomplished could transport hundreds of Seekers. We would be able to sift through
all of Zeutha, gleaning Aakacarns.” She smiled, clearly in a far better mood. “I am glad you handled the scout the way you did.”

  Her reaction was why Daniel had mentioned seeking potentials in Zeutha. It is good to know what motivates the people serving you, he figured.

  Simon stood up. “Dinner is in a quarter of a mark. I communicated with the Benhannon Estate just now and told them to expect you and Bella. I also asked Scarlet Meado to inform the Scholar of the change, he has agreed and is looking forward to spending time with you. I contacted Wilma and she doubts Sherree will be able to join you for the meal, but the First Lady will definitely convey to the mansion later in the evening.”

  Daniel did not need to be told why his wife would not be joining him. The First Accomplished was having dinner with the Chief Aid and so the First Lady of the guild had to be on duty. He was tempted to skip dinner and convey to her, except Bella was apparently eager to meet. “And here I thought you were just sitting there idly. Very well, this meeting is adjourned, and I will soon be conveying to the mansion.”

  Simon smiled. “Sitting idle, I don’t remember what that feels like.”

  It was likely the Chief Aid would even multitask during his dinner with Leah. Daniel stood up and so did David and Silvia. Sero glanced to his right and the two extra chairs vanished. Carlos opened the door, allowing Sandra and Ginnie to exit.

  “I will go to the guest section and from there convey to the mansion with the Scholar,” the bodyguard stated and then walked away at a fast clip.

  “I am looking forward to dinner,” David said. “I think we ate sometime yesterday when you did. Yep, it was at the bungalow before we started out on the RiverDancer. I can’t say the last four days were uneventful, but I can say we missed more than a few meals.”

  Daniel glanced at the Teki knife-thrower. “You had most of the afternoon to catch a meal.”

  Silvia’s face suddenly became as pink as Simon’s had been. “That was not the appetite we chose to indulge.”

  It took Daniel a few seconds to realize what she meant and then decide not to inquire further. He turned to his assistant, “Sero, will you take us to the mansion?”

  “Certainly, Maestro,” the Demfilian-born Accomplished replied.

  The deep black nothingness of in between here and there enveloped Daniel and before he could say, “That was almost too much information,” he was standing in the dining room of his mansion. He changed his mind about the Teki couple being unhappy about spending the afternoon away from him.

  The dining room was illuminated by traditional oil lamps and had a long table with twenty chairs. By the aroma he knew they would be eating chicken and also fresh-baked bread. Jared was already seated at the head of the table; he was in charge when Daniel and Sherree were away so there was nothing unusual about that. Men and women dressed in blue livery with the Benhannon crest were setting the table and everything seemed to be coming together with the precision of a well-organized team. “Greetings, Sir Daniel,” came from half a score of people as they went about their tasks. He greeted them in return while the Account Keeper stood up and closed the distance between them.

  Daniel’s stomach growled in reaction to the mouth-watering smells coming from the kitchen. “It has been awhile since any of us had a chance to eat,” David was quick to say to the Account Keeper. “I hope you are cooking more than one chicken.”

  Jared’s eyes were fixed on Daniel. “I imagine being the Chosen Vessel takes up quite a bit of your time. It has been months since you dined here and it seems not even Simon can predict where you will choose to eat or sleep. Even so, I am happy to see you this evening. The estate is running smoothly and Lanta is still flourishing.”

  Daniel had been hoping somebody would give him good news, well, he had it and decided coming to the estate had been a good choice for more than one reason. “Jared, yours is the first fully positive report I have received all day. When Bella Sander arrives, we can all sit down and enjoy a meal and a nice chat.”

  “Of course, Sir Daniel, we shall in deed,” the Account Keeper said, and then turned to David. “We have so many chickens cooking, even with extra mouths to feed; we should have enough leftovers for chicken and dumplings tomorrow.”

  Daniel took the opportunity to cast Find All. He became aware of every person and thing within the mansion, out on the grounds, barracks, and stables. His focus went out farther and took in Lanta. Folks were going about their business and most of them were recognizable through the spell. He could put a name and a face to every person he had shaken hands with, even the Guardsmen Gerloff who was coming out of the saloon. However, Daniel sensed hundreds more people in the town, and the inn was full, and all he could sense about them was that they were human and non-Aakacarns. The slightly more vibrant life-force of Leon the boot-shiner was on the first floor of the mansion next to Layla Dugarren. They seemed to be involved in a conversation but the spell was incapable of providing audio, not that Daniel was in any way interested in what was being said. Due to the shield in place, all he sensed below the estate was dirt, rock, and the underground river that fed the spring. “Jared, I am sensing a whole lot of strangers in Lanta.”

  The Account Keeper nodded his head, evidently aware of the situation, and his smooth facial features suggested he did not consider the matter a problem. “Everyone within five jurisdictions of yours is frightened by the raids taking place. All of them have been attacked and so a certain number of people decided to vacation in Lanta where at least the roof will not fall in on their heads. D and D might have to create shelters if the influx continues. The Lightning Bolt is at capacity, but I do not see this development as anything we cannot handle.”

  The snap-crack of displaced air coming from the hall was followed by Carlos, Bella, and Blake entering the dining room through the double doors. “Maestro, our youngest recruit was with that Cenkataaran Prince and the Cana boy you chatted with earlier,” Carlos began to explain the presence of the newest member of the guild.

  The young Serinian ran to Daniel and looked up. “After you left I went to find Rorie and his two friends, but Lauren was gone and so it was just me, Jessie, and Rorie. I think they were afraid I might cast a spell on them, the way they kept adjusting their coats all nervous like. Then Accomplished Tiran came along and I followed him and found out he was going to eat with you and I asked him if I could come and he said, yes.” Blake took a breath after the quick flow of words. His eyes widened with unshed tears. He was missing his parents, Daniel figured, and likely wanted to be with him or Ginnie. The boy’s face scrunched up worriedly “You aren’t mad, are you?”

  “No, not even slightly,” Daniel replied with an answer that produced an immediate grin from the youngest Talented. “But after we eat, you will have to go back to Shantear with Accomplished Bagget. You will be waking up early in the morning so you can have breakfast before going to class.”

  Blake let out a sigh. “I know. I have to learn more stuff.”

  “Oh, what a fortunate young man you are,” Bella joined the conversation. “I enjoy learning new things.”

  “But you’re old,” Blake evidently felt the need to point out.

  Bella chuckled. “Yes, I am, and you are young. Everyone else in this room falls between your age and mine. Now that we have determined the age range, I believe we can get back to the point. We can all benefit from learning new things.”

  While they were talking, food was set on the table and everyone took a seat. Daniel insisted that Jared sit at the head and then took the seat to his right. Blake sat beside his Maestro and Bella took the seat on the opposite side of the table, facing his host. Everyone else found a spot and the eating began.

  After finishing off the courses, light conversations, and before dessert, Bella said, “The most recent report I received from the Eagle Guild is puzzling and most disturbing. The entire city of Aria has been depopulated. Up to this time the Zuneans only targeted military and government personnel. Why do you think they woul
d take the trouble to move eighty thousand people who were not resisting?”

  “We noticed that many of the towns and villages along the Mighty Hirus had been depopulated. The Pentrosan custom is to take captives and use them for manual labor. I suppose the Zuneans are doing the same thing,” Carlos gave his opinion, which was good and valid.

  Daniel suspected a far more sinister reason for the mass removal of folks from their homes, remembering the mummies not even the buzzards would eat. As matters stood, he agreed with the bodyguard, figuring not even Tarin Conn would kill whole populations of people. “I imagine the production of Anacondas and airships is labor intensive and our enemies likely want as many vessels as can be made in the shortest amount of time.” He certainly hoped the reasoning was true.

  “I love apple pie with whipped cream,” Blake announced as Selea Louise brought out the desert. Selea would normally be on her family farm, but had been taken on as a part-time baker.

  Sero patted the boy on the back. “Don’t we all. Me, I like just about any pie that has whipped cream on top.”

  As Daniel was bringing a fork full of pie toward his mouth, Bella said, “You are probably correct about people being forced into production crews. It is the same conclusion Talmon Reese and I came up with. I just wanted to have your thoughts on the matter. Daniel, the meeting tomorrow is critical. I know the last one completely fell apart.”

  “Fell apart,” Carlos blurted. “Your Eagles invaded Ducanton, your current Grand Maestro, and the Maestro of your guild, participated in trying to capture my Maestro and First Lady. You make it sound as if my Maestro could have changed the outcome and the failure was over a minor disagreement.”

  Daniel felt the same way, but knew Bella had not meant to minimize what had occurred, only emphasize the importance of the meeting in Bashierwood. He put down his fork. “Bella, I know the Atlantan Guild must find a way to work with the Guilds of Aakadon. In spite of the accomplishments and victories my guild has stacked up in the last four days, we are not yet at the point where we can say we are winning this war. By any measure, if we continue as we are, we will lose.”


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