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To Be Victorious: The Maestro Chronicles Book 6

Page 42

by John Buttrick

  “I will send a squad of guardsmen as well,” Marcus insisted.

  Daniel nodded. “They are to wear the wolf-head amulets and both of you,” his gaze included Fran, “are charged with capturing Leon alive. I want to question him.”

  “It will be as you say, Maestro,” Fran replied.

  “It will be as you say, Sir Daniel,” Marcus acknowledged the order a moment later.

  David touched his chest. “Mine is already in place. Don’t you worry, Chosen One, that little snake in the grass will not escape me.”

  Daniel nodded at the Teki knife-thrower and watched as David, the guardsmen and the Accomplisheds set out to find Leon.

  Simon and Wilma Ryner appeared on the lawn together. She was beside Sherree faster than the Chief Aid was able to make his way to Daniel, chiefly because of the two hundred members of the Benhannon Guard who had formed a circle around the lord and lady of the manor, and incidentally because Sherree had met her Chief Aid half way.

  “You are not wearing the communication array Daria made for you,” the sandy-haired Accomplished stated, without a trace of his normal banter. His voice sounded strained as if he had been frightened to the core. “Word is spreading like wildfire that Tarin Conn killed you. Leah assured me you were still alive. She and everyone you ever used the spell Restoration on can sense as much and they are calming the rest of us down.”

  “You could have used the amulet I gave you, and Sherree notified Leah and Jeremiah while I was concentrating on the threat,” Daniel replied. Vital information had been provided by the First Lady, why stop to repeat what she had said?

  Simon took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I would have thought to use the amulet if reports of you being assassinated hadn’t petrified me into dumbness. It was only after Leah spoke that I even thought to breathe.”

  Daniel patted his friend on the back. “Sorry for giving you a fright, but when I suddenly sensed the presence of the Dark Maestro on my front lawn, well, my only thought was to confront him. I just was not fast enough.” He did not ask the Chief Aid of the Maestro why he had been in the presence of the First Accomplished.

  “I’m thinking that was a good thing,” Carlos spoke up while eyeing the damage.

  Sero coughed and then added, “He’s right. You might have died.”

  Thanks for the vote of confidence, Daniel wanted to say, but chose to let that subject drop. “Sherree, it is time for us to do as you said and leave this place. Carlos, will you convey us to Shantear?” He said and then turned to Reginald. “Bring Leon and David to Shantear when the spy is captured.”

  “It will be as you say, Maestro,” the Provisioner replied, moments before Daniel was drawn into the blackness between the Estate and the mountain stronghold.

  They appeared in his office. Sherree stood beside him behind the desk. Silvia, Simon, Wilma, Sero, and Carlos were standing in the open area behind the chairs. “You both are scheduled for sleep periods,” the Chief Aid of the First Lady stated matter-of-factly.

  Sleep was about the last thing Daniel had on his mind. “My thoughts are on the dead. The four guardsmen, Whitter, Womack, De Hatter, and Fetterer, are the only people who can be buried. The staff members who died on the fourth floor were instantly burned to ashes. Had Nat, Jason, Ryan, and Liza been wearing the shield amulets, they would have survived the fall, but I doubt the spell in the gem would have been strong enough to save the people who died on the fourth floor had they been wearing theirs.”

  Simon stepped forward and plopped down in the first of the four chairs. “I would think not. A Thirty-bolt Accomplished without using any sort of crescendo would have drained the life-force of a non-Aakacarn in hardly any time at all. Tarin Conn wielded a crescendo and so a shield might have lasted a half second. Mercifully, the staff members died and were burned before their pain receptors could send singles to their brains, of that I am sure.”

  “Their deaths were quick and painless,” Sero felt the need to clarify the words of the Chief Aid.

  Many people seemed to think Daniel needed things to be simplified. Maybe if he grew some facial hair folks would think of him as being more mature?

  Sherree took hold of his hand. “I am sad over the deaths, but I am more concerned about how easily Tarin Conn appeared on our front lawn.”

  Simon crossed his legs. “The Benhannon Estate has come under attack before.”

  Carlos folded his hands against his chest. “True, but those attacks were outside the walls. Some Serpent had to have been inside in order to provide the visual.”

  Sherree fixed her gaze on Daniel. “Invisible Accomplisheds have been walking the grounds. There can be no doubt about it. However, if Leon was in Lanta when Tarin Conn appeared, the little Serpent could not have led the Teleportation circle.”

  “I suspect the conductor of the spell was Ferren Duzolta. I saw him standing among his associates through the eyes of Casey,” Daniel then told them what he knew. It was one of the pieces of information he gleaned from the compartments in his brain.

  “Maestro, I am glad you are alive,” the voice of Ginnie Cree sounded in his head. “A large fleet has arrived off the west coast of Serinia. The Zeuthans have taken control of a wide expanse along the west coast and are building a deep sea port, a large base, and many civilian-type dwelling places. This is not the purpose Sarah Shareen, the little scout, told us. She led us to believe their purpose in coming to this side of the world was to discover the source of the harmonic waves. What I am seeing is an invasion.”

  “What you described certainly sounds like an invasion,” Daniel replied. Great, just what we need, another fighting force to contend with. “Keep a watch through the eyes of your feathered scouts. Our battle plans are set. The strikes to be executed will win us control of the major waterways, including the Serinian Channel, and hurt the allies of the Serpent Guild. I do not want war with the Zeuthans, but I will not tolerate interference. Let me know if any of those vessels sail into the waters we will be patrolling. Our boats and mantas will identify who we are. If the Zeuthan ships attack, they will be destroyed.”

  “It will be as you say, Maestro,” Ginnie sent along with a strong sense of purpose and satisfaction, she evidently approved of the orders. The mental contact ended.

  Daniel reported the news to those in his office, which sparked a discussion that lasted half a mark, and ended with Sherree saying, “It seems the Zeuthans intend to stay a while. Silvia’s viewing of a winged-beast building a nest in Serinia seems to be accurate, as are all of her revelations. Tell me, Seer, have you seen more?”

  Silvia shook her head. “I have had no more revelations concerning the Zeuthans, but I see David has apprehended Leon Laroo. He and Reginald will be in the hall outside this office within a tenth of a mark.”

  “Two spies on the same day,” Sherree announced, which made Daniel curious to know what she meant by that. She did not keep in him suspense. “Accomplished Fettama has arrived in our Aakacarn prison beneath Lake Shantear. He has captured Geb SuTamkin.” The report no doubt came through an amulet.

  Daniel was glad to hear it. “Does Lord of the Land Tamkin know?”

  Sherree shook her head. “No, he will be told eventually, but not soon. I do not know of any Ducaunan lord that would take well the news his son is an Accomplished of the Serpent Guild.”

  Daniel knew there would be political ramifications. “I will inform Queen Cleona and she will decide how to handle the lord. His son will stay in our prison for the duration of the war and then will be tried.”

  “Daniel,” Silvia interrupted. “Aakadon is going to ask for your help and it will interfere with the plan Commander Herling has drawn up.”

  Shouting would accomplish nothing, so Daniel stared at the floor until he calmed enough to ask, “You mean the campeign to take place in the Serinian Channel and on the coast of Taracopa?”

  “I see you granting the request as if compelled to do so,” the Teki Seer replied. “So I have seen and so it will be.

  Daniel knew her gift to be accurate and therefore had no doubt she spoke true, but he could not see how anyone, even Terroll, could compel him to do anything.

  Simon started laughing. “It is difficult for me to see how any person in Aakadon can force a Seven-bolt Accomplished to do anything.”

  Friends think alike, on certain things.

  Silvia fixed a stern gaze on the Chief Aid. “I never said who or what is going to compel the Chosen One.”

  A chime indicated someone outside the office wanted to enter. Daniel nodded to Sero, who opened the door. David and Reginald came in with little Leon in the middle between them. The spy’s focus was on the floor, but when he looked up and saw who was in the room, his eyes widened. “You, you’re dead.” He seemed to be having trouble believing the Dark Maestro had failed.

  “Many people have wrongly come to that conclusion on a number of occasions,” Sheree said, “But my husband keeps disappointing them.”

  Daniel eyed everyone in the room while wondering what tomorrow would bring, which was getting him nowhere. He needed to focus on the moment. “Has he been questioned?”

  Reginald nodded his head. “Fran used Truth Speak on him. Leon Laroo is a Talented of the Serpent Guild whose Potential is so weak he would not have lived to graduate. His diamond hue is what made him so difficult to distinguish from the clear hue of the non-Aakacarns. He was recruited by Ferren Duzolta. The Ferret is considered a legend in the guild for being the only member to successfully attack you and survive.”

  The incident in the wilderness while in the pursuit of hostile Aakacarns was vividly clear and had been a good lesson on several levels. It had come down to a choice of pursuing Serena, Ferren and their associates, or saving Sherree who had been captured by Serin Gell. No matter what choices Daniel made there seemed to be consequences that rippled into the future in unforeseeable ways. He still believed saving Sherree, Jerremy, and the other people who had been Condemned by Serin Gell to have been the correct decision.

  Daniel fixed his gaze on the captive. “Your part in the War of the Champions is over.”

  Sweat broke out on Leon as the color drained from his face and he dropped down so fast it seemed the man had fainted, but the fall stopped when the spy’s nose was about a finger-width from the floor, proving the move had been intentional. “Please don’t kill me.”

  “People died tonight, why should this little viper not join them?” Carlos asked, no doubt giving in to the temptation to add more fright to what the spy was already feeling. The bodyguard knew what his Maestro would command to be done, especially after hearing the orders concerning SuTamkin.

  People were not required to prostrate themselves in his presence, not even enemy Aakacarns, and Daniel did not want them to start. “Set him on his feet,” he spoke firmly, not caring who obeyed, and waited while David reached down and hauled the man up by the left shoulder. “Suddenly Wilma’s idea has great appeal to me. I am going to bed. Reginald, take Leon Laroo to the prison and see that he is placed in a cell where he will live for the foreseeable future. Leon, follow the rules and you will not be treated harshly. Disobey, and the quality of your time will diminish rapidly. Cause real trouble, and you will die. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Great Maestro, I understand. Thank you for not killing me,” Leon spoke as if surprised he was still alive.

  As Reginald took the spy out of the office, Daniel wondered what event would pop up to keep him from sharing a bed with his wife any time soon.

  “Maestro,” Samuel’s voice came in through the amulet given to him. “A Serpent Guild Grand Circle and ten thousand Yetis are attacking Bolover along with a Battencayan legion and a Fon Kayan legion. Me and my teams and the Ducaunan Royal Cavalry are holding our own for now, but we could use back up, especially if the Serpents increase their members. Teleportation raids are happening all over the world and most of the guild’s resources are engaging them.”

  Daniel sighed. “Tell Leah to meet me at the Benhannon Estate with whatever force she sees fit to bring but not to send her Yetis. It would be too confusing for our side to distinguish friend from foe. I will send in my army of Sasquatches and bring eight thousand Benhannon Guardsmen. My defensive force is eager to attack something after what Tarin Conn did at my southern estate. I am at Shantear and will bring two hundred Accomplisheds of the Defense department,” he sent in reply.

  “It will be as you say, Maestro,” the ISIG Conductor responded and then ended the communication.

  Through his link to the alpha male among his Sasquatches, Daniel sent the thought, Gurrumble I need you and the tribe to attack invaders in our hunting ground. He then sent a three dimensional image of where he wanted them to go and which group to attack.

  The huge male was ten and a half cubits from head to sharp-nailed toe. He was in a tree with Gerowel, the alpha female of the tribe and his mate. We will go to this place and defend hunting ground of Daniel/Alpha.

  Fight well. I will come and we shall defend together, Daniel sent in reply and then withdrew his attention from the Sasquatch and focused on his wife. “I don’t think we are going to be able to take advantage of the rest period our Chief Aids scheduled for us.”

  Chapter Nineteen: A Pivotal Decision

  Daniel stood in the staging area, literally on the stage that was two levels beneath the guardhouse of the Benhannon Estate. Illumination came from spheres floating up near the ceiling. The hood of his blue cloak was down. Leah stood to his left and Sherree to his right with their hoods up. Silva, David, Carlos, and Sero were over to the far right, as was Simon. To the far left, but still on stage, were Captain Bower and Jerad, who was holding Daniel’s communication array. The Account Keeper must have gone and fetched it from the lower bedroom, which was appreciated. Lieutenant Roder Keenan had come from the Northland Holding. He wanted to be involved in the fighting.

  They were all facing eight thousand Guardsmen who were dressed and ready for battle, each with either a daggerlance or miniature crossbow in hand. Four hundred Accomplisheds, Leah had decided to match Daniel’s numbers, were among the guardsmen. Two hundred Aakacarns had been assigned a squad of forty to convey into battle and the First Accomplished was going to personally lead the other half against the enemy Accomplisheds.

  Among the guardsmen was Cousin Andrew Trelan, green eyed, and with a light, freckled, complexion. Beside him were Cousin Jaffy, who was slightly older, and Slimmian Moniker, a skinny fellow who resembled Andrew and Daniel’s other cousin but was not kin. All except the last were related to him on his mother’s side. They were in Roder’s group and would no doubt fight well.

  “Daniel, you and the First Lady should remain here,” the First Accomplished spoke softly, perhaps to keep the conversation private. “That is, if you want Tarin Conn and his Serpents to believe you are dead.” She flashed a quick smile that dimpled her cheeks, which meant she had more in mind than helping him keep his survival under wraps. If she thought flashing her dimples was going to charm him into staying out of the battle, she thought wrong.

  Her suggestion made sense. He did want to take advantage of the situation for as long as possible. His enemies had stopped underestimating him a while back and he missed being able to surprise them with what he could do. Their mistakes had won him a good number of victories. Leah knew as much, but he suspected her true intent was to keep him out of the battle; for his own good. He agreed with her, yet felt a strong urge, beyond striking at the enemy after Tarin Conn’s assassination attempt, to be involved in the fighting at Bolover, which was why he did not have it in his heart to deny Roder’s request to take part.

  Silvia walked over and stood beside the First Accomplished. “I do not know what you two are talking about and I would not interrupt, but I have just seen something you must know right now,” the Seer spoke loud enough for Sherree to hear.

  The First Lady leaned in. “Speak Seer, we are listening.”

  The former Teki acrobat nodded, but her eyes had remain
ed focused on Daniel. “You are at a pivot point. The decision you make in the next few minutes will affect the outcome of the war. I cannot yet say in what way or even tell you what choice to make. Either way there will be bloodshed and death.”

  Great, a decision had to be made and no matter what he decided people would die. “Can you at least tell me what choice is going to be so pivotal?” Daniel wanted to know.

  Silvia bit her lip, so he suspected the answer would be less than clear before she said, “I can only guess it has something to do with what you and the First Accomplished were just speaking of. It was only after she began speaking that the viewing came to me, otherwise I would have told you sooner.”

  Daniel understood the choice but it was Sherree who gave voice to the conclusion. “You must decide whether or not to be involved in the fight at Bolover.”

  The words drew everyone on the stage to him and sparked a discussion between Leah, Simon, Carlos, and Sherree, who insisted Daniel remain behind, and Daniel who still felt in his heart of hearts that he needed to be at Bolover. The debate went on while thousands of Benhannon Guardsmen and hundreds of Accomplisheds were looking on, and he did not forget Samuel and the folks actively involved in the defense of the city. Precious time was being spent while a handful of people tried to decide what to do.

  Sero coughed, he was not sick; it was his way of getting attention. “It just occurred to me, you can go looking like him,” the assistant suggested while pointing at Simon. “That was how you lured Tri-Con Chen out of hiding.”

  Daniel reached into the lower pocket of his cloak. He felt the two amulets and the crystal dagger he had taken from Jessie Dusavil. Daniel fingered the amulets, containing the Melody, Mimic, and removed the one with the S on the back. “I will go into battle as Simon,” he announced. Something in his tone or the set of his eyes, or both, must have made an impact, because all debate ended.


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