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To Be Victorious: The Maestro Chronicles Book 6

Page 45

by John Buttrick

  When they reached the chamber dedicated to the Ducaunan government, after descending three levels, the first person he saw was Prince Consort Collin Tirana, the third son of Lord Jacsun Tirana. He had dark eyes, a neatly trimmed mustache, and a short beard that ran along his jaw line. His suitcoat and trousers were made of red, silver, and black silk. Prime Minister Xan DuTobin, wearing his currently wrinkled purple robe of office and royal hawk medallion, was standing to the right of Cleona’s husband. The Prime’s craggy face gave him a distinguished appearance and his stout frame showed the war had not robbed him of his many appetites. Scattered around him were the six ministers of the cabinet, each in their official scarlet robes and sporting slightly smaller hawk medallions.

  Finance Minister Bret Benhooman broke from the crowd and slapped Daniel on the back. “It is good to see you again Sir Knight,” he said with a broad grin. The man was the friendliest government official in the realm and far less stuffy than his peers. His optimism had waned a little at the beginning of the war but he somehow managed to find a way to lift his spirit and make people feel a little bit better, such individuals were a valuable commodity in a world full of death and destruction. His scarlet robe was wrinkle free and seemed to have been freshly laundered; a contrast to the state of the garments worn by the Prime Minister and many other people in the room.

  “It is nice seeing you again,” Daniel managed to say in a cordial tone. It was not the minister robbing him of sleep. “Yours is the first smiling face I have seen since before Cherian arrived with the summons.” Sherree had been smiling and giggling before the interruption.

  Bret shifted his eyes toward Joshua. “You will not be seeing any among my fellow ministers.”

  Beside him was Joshua Raven, the Minister of Defense. His facial hair was neatly trimmed. His brow had wrinkled into what seemed to be a permanently strained expression and had been that way since the destruction of the royal residence. He gave Daniel a brief nod and received one in return. Bret was certainly not wrong about the countenances of his peers, although to be fair, there was precious little to smile about of late.

  Landis Terren, the Minister of Emissaries was a bald man with a belly overflowing his belt. His robe was damp with sweat stains and dirty, clearly he had not changed clothes often, if at all, since evacuating the capitol. He stood next to Boen Sentrainer, Minister of Law Enforcement. His brow was furrowed and he shook his head, causing a lock of dark curly hair to fall in his face. He brushed it back in place while jutting out his chin stubbornly. Since Loren Quin, the Minister of Public Works, had a similar expression and was rubbing the goatee on his chin, Daniel figured the two had been arguing and only stopped at his arrival. They both forced smiles onto their faces while their eyes were blazing with anger. It would have been better if there had been no pretense in the expressions. Then again, maybe they were afraid to show displeasure in the presence of a knight with seven golden lightning bolts on his helmet.

  Daniel was actually pleased to see clean-shaven, Sergeant-of-the-guard, Frederick Zaccum, a member of the Royal Guardsmen for over twenty years, so pleased it lightened his mood. The man had a touch of gray in his hair and was also a friend of the Chosen Vessel. Frederick’s green and gold uniform was spotless and his black boots had a mirror polish. Standing beside the old soldier was Jonah Ducalin, dressed in a light green wool suit, and with a sword at his belt. The duke’s youngest son was tall, thin, and his dark hair was cut close to his scalp. Daniel thought of the shared journey from the capitol, down through the Swamps of Append, and up to the northern border. Frederick and Jonah had faced many dangers on that mission and they never faltered, both being men of fine character. The royal nephew possessed a strong will, but was not an unreasonable man. A quick nod in their direction produced a salute from the guardsman and a nod from the young noble.

  Queen Cleona, wearing a golden crown and dressed in a violet and pink gown with an ermine stole draped over her shoulders, stood near a silver-haired man with a neatly trimmed beard. His suit was purple. Her brother, Duke Cantor, was whispering to Duchess Jocelyn, his wife. The plump duchess spoke back to him with her head held high, but in a voice too low for Daniel’s ears to make out, unless he chose to cast the spell, Running with the Wolves.

  He banished the thought, partly because he did not care to hear the conversation, and largely because some of the folks had not as of yet taken advantage of the bathing facilities and he did not want to increase his sense of smell. Their attempt to mask the odor with perfume was not working. He performed the Symphonic, Freshen Air, in his mind and soon the entire assembly area began to smell like a meadow after a spring shower. People glanced around the chamber as if trying to find the source of the improvement in air quality.

  On the other side of Jonah was Jebben, his older brother who looked a great deal like him, only more mature and with curly hair. Over in the corner, speaking to Bella Sander was Rey Callerin, the Minister of Health. He was a lean man with a healthy complexion and a resonant voice that made people want to listen to him. His tones no doubt benefitted him as a reassuring healer and a politician.

  Bella’s presence was not surprising with him being Aakadon’s Accomplished to Ducanton, but a sense of wariness came over Daniel as he approached the Queen. Admiral Archibald Dulannin emerged from a circle of nobles. His turquoise uniform was spotless and wrinkle free. He moved well for a man with a limp and was near the monarch by the time Daniel was. Accomplished Juelz Benwelch had kept pace with the naval officer and gave his Maestro a respectful nod of the head, which was returned. The twenty-year-old Two-bolt Accomplished of the Department of Emissaries had dark silky hair and eyes like his Zunean mother and the height of his Ducaunan father.

  “Sir Daniel Benhannon,” Cherian announced as if they were at the royal court and no one in the room knew who he was or perhaps were unaware of his presence. Every head seemed to have followed his walk through the crowd, but the Chamberlain apparently did not mind stating the obvious.

  “It is good to see you my Knight,” Cleona addressed him, not as an older sister would, but as the monarch he served. “Scholar Sander has presented me with a proposal from his Maestro.”

  The wariness doubled as Daniel took in the somberness on the face of his elderly friend. “What does Talmon want me to do?”

  Her Majesty answered, “He has called for a near simultaneous strike on our mutual enemies in Ecoppia, Cenkataar, and Aczencopa, Admiral Dulannin has judged the plan to be workable, Minister Raven has given his approval, and the Prime Minister also agrees the effort should be made.”

  Without asking the details Daniel suspected, going by what Silvia had predicted, that Reese’s near simultaneous strike would interfere with the plan created by Chas Herling to win control of the western and southern coasts of Atlantan. He did not know for sure the strike being called for was the one foreseen and so decided not to verbalize the assumption. “Some of my Accomplisheds are on the Joint Mission Task Force, but they are still in training with Accomplisheds from Aakadon,” in a neutral location, he chose not to say out loud, “and it will likely be days at best before they are ready to be deployed. Tomorrow, we begin a major offensive that could take days to accomplish.”

  “That offensive must be postponed,” Minister Raven stated what sounded an awful lot like an order, which was beyond his authority to issue to a Royal Knight of the Realm.

  “That’s right,” added fat King Jame Ecoppus, whose cheeks were puffy, and who was standing near skinny Prince Kelvin of Aczencopa. The ebony-skinned Ecoppian monarch was in a crimson suit with white trim and had an ermine stole draped over his shoulders. He walked boldly through the crowd of nobles and up to Daniel. Kelvin was in similar apparel, minus the stole, and the stubble on his face suggested he either missed shaving or intended to grow another beard. Jame placed both hands on his broad hips. “Your Queen has agreed to help me regain my capitol.”

  “And the plan also calls for your guild to attack the enemy fleets that are in
Aczencopa’s territorial waters,” the Prince stated, almost as if he dared anyone to disagree with him.

  “Sir Daniel has promised to strike at the rebels in Taracopa as a part of the plan you want him to postpone,” interrupted Lauren Van Efery. Walking up beside him was Varn Van Essen, the gray-haired minister who served as his advisor. The prince was yet to be crowned but he took the responsibility of kingship seriously and clearly had the best interest of his people securely on his young shoulders.

  “Sir Daniel will keep his promise after he has fulfilled the duty required by his Queen,” Xan told Lauren. “The alliance between Ducaun, Lobenia, and Taracopa is strong. This new opportunity will unite us with Aczencopa, Ecoppia, Cenkataar, and Aakadon. Our Knight’s meeting with the Grand Maestro in Bashierwood was a big step forward and opened the door of cooperation. The campeign proposed by Maestro Reese opens the door wider. At this point rejecting the first actual plan of working together could very well set back tender relations that are just beginning to take root.”

  If not for Silvia’s advanced notice, the proposed change would have stirred up a belly full of anger, and might have caused Daniel to say and do things that were undiplomatic at best. He was irritated, no question about it, yet had not decided who bothered him more, the Ducaunan government in advising the Queen to permit politics to change what had been agreed upon, Talmon for going through Cleona in an attempt to ensure cooperation, or the attitudes of Jame and Kelvin.

  Prince Van Efery’s jaw dropped. He was out of his depth, had no words with which to form a rebuttal, and yet clearly wanted to argue on behalf of his kingdom. He closed his mouth and stared at Daniel, who understood the reasons without the need of having them stated by the Prime Minister, and had only one question that mattered. “My Queen, is it your will that the campeign, which I recommend we go forward with, and afterward send in the Joint Mission Task Force to fight for Cenkataar, Aczencopa, and Ecoppia, be postponed?”

  The words of the high ranking nobles meant little to him. Cleona had stated that others agreed with the new plan but had said nothing about her decision. He wanted to hear from her mouth that a change was to be made and also wanted to make clear his view on going forward with the plans that had already been made.

  Her Majesty looked him in the eyes. “I understand your view on the matter and have taken into account the change will require a re-shifting of guild assets that are currently focused towards the western and southern coasts. Your patrol-boats, mantas, and rapid transportation spells make it altogether possible to marshal those forces to the attack points called for in the new plan. That being the case, it is my will that you redirect those forces at the objectives outlined by Maestro Reese and in accordance with his schedule.”

  He had his orders. “It will be as you say, my Queen,” Daniel replied formally.

  Perspiration formed on her brow and she licked her lips. His words had been what she expected, but not delivered with the disapproving stare of the Chosen Vessel, a signal he had not intended to send. The nobles began nervously rubbing their hands, some stuffing them into their robes, and a few shifted from one foot to the other, perhaps on the verge of fleeing.

  He fixed his eyes on the Scholar. “Senior Soarer Sander, your Maestro manipulated this outcome, almost as skillfully as Efferin Tames might have done. Talmon chose the method and I will remember this when he and I meet in Aakadon. Be that as it is, my Queen wills that I participate in his plan. I want specific details from you on what the objectives are so the Atlantan Guild can prepare for the coming assaults.”

  A collective sigh of relief sounded from the crowd at his addressing of the elderly Accomplished. Really, had they actually believed he would refuse?

  Cleona daintily wiped at her brow and seemed to be perfectly composed. Bella’s left eyebrow had arched up at the use of his title. He clearly understood the matter was not between two friends having a conversation at dinner, they were the Chosen Vessel and the representative of Aakadon discussing how to proceed with a military assault. He cleared his throat while absently stroking his long white beard. “The Maestro suspected you would not have agreed to his proposal so soon after the meeting in Bashierwood and before the Joint Mission Task Force was ready, so yes, he had me relay his plan directly to Queen Cleona, who he knew would understand the political benefits to be had in cooperating with Aakadon and gaining more allies. It is not the method I would have chosen, nor the timing, but his will has been done, and so we have come to the part you are not going to like. Before I go into detail about that, I want to remind you that Aakadon is shielded and once you are there for the meeting, you will not be leaving until the conference is finished.”

  Was that supposed to be intimidating or a warning to be on the lookout for duplicity and further attempts at manipulation?

  Daniel wondered what detail in the plan would be even more objectionable than them forcing a new timetable on him, one with objectives he knew benefitted Aakadon and its allies more than the Atlantan Guild, Ducaun, Lobenia, or Taracopa. But it was Bella’s reminder he chose to address. “Oh, my memory is working fine. When it comes time to discuss methods, Talmon would do well to remember he is trapped in the city with me.”

  “I will remind him,” Bella replied somberly, as well he should. “The plan calls for your guild to sink all of the naval vessels along the coasts of Aczencopa and Cenkataar, as well as every vessel in the Aczen Sea. At this point in time there is no ship in those areas that are not under the control of Zune, Pentrosa, or the Ecoppian Marines. Your offensives must start before dawn. Do you know those areas?”

  “Yes,” Daniel was well aware of the ports that were under enemy control along the coastlines of the two oceans, not so much those within the Sea, not enough to provide conveyance points. Members of the guild would have to fill in those gaps in his knowledge, primarily the Seekers. Since the mission would be destroying ships rather than ports, he was confident his people could carry out their part of the plan, but wondered how the actions would help win Ecoplis back for King Jame, and what had not yet been revealed about the campeign that would be objectionable. “The help you seek from the Atlantan Guild is well within our ability to accomplished, given sufficient time. As Her Majesty indicated, the assets can be redirected quickly enough to meet your timetable, but you have not made known to me why the timing is so critical.”

  “It should be enough for any Royal Knight of the Realm that his monarch has ordered him into action,” the Ecoppian King evidently felt his opinion needed to be heard.

  Twenty-three out of fifty Royal Knights of his realm had fled with him along with the Royal Guardsmen, the rest of the military sided with his brother Trogan. The Prince usurped the throne with the help of the Serpent Guild and Jame was forced into exile. The crown was his birthright, but that alone did not inspire loyalty in the people he recently ruled over. Both the army and navy were quick to back the younger royal during the overthrow.

  Cleona brushed aside the remark with a casual sweep of her hand. “My Knight has asked a reasonable question and deserves an answer, which I will give him. Sir Daniel, a fleet of swift-boats and three cruisers are at this moment taking a secret route through Ducaun and will be in striking distance of Ecoplis shortly before dawn. Your offensive must begin first and the forces of Aakadon will strike some time after that. Also, some of your Accomplisheds will be needed to transport Jame and his loyalists into battle.”

  Daniel did not find the added requirement of transportation to be objectionable and still wonder what part of the plan he was going to dislike. A point of concern came to him, other than picturing King Jame on a horse and leading an army into battle. “I thank you my Queen for enlightening me. As for attacking within enemy territory, I hope Talmon has taken into account the fact that the Serpent Guild could teleport a large number of Grand Circles into the region. Also, I hope he knows Trogan is in Port Kaylor, in the top center of the anvil peninsula, which we all know extends into the Northern Ocean, and far away fro
m where my people will be sinking ships. Talmon should also know that taking Ecoplis will win King Jame back his physical throne, and a small portion of land, but would not give him rule over the much larger part of the realm to the north and East.”

  Bella nodded his head, clearly accepting the statement as being a legitimate concern rather than a criticism. “Prince Trogan will be dealt with in time. Placing King Jame back on the throne in Ecoplis will send a powerful message to the Ecoppian people; that their true monarch has not stepped down in favor of his brother and is against the Serpent Guild and its leader, Tarin Conn. Maestro Reese did take the possibility of an overwhelming number of teleportation circles arriving on the scene into account, which is why it is absolutely critical for you to personally take part at whichever attack point suits you. Your public presence will draw the full attention of the Serpent Guild and its leader away from our main objective.”

  “Because they still think Jerimiah Lassiter is running the Atlantan Guild. They still think I am dead, as they do Sherree and Leah, and that belief has made them take risks and lose battles. I have been fighting in disguise, tipping the balance in favor of our forces,” Daniel tried to make the folks around him understand how beneficial the ploy had been. A few of those times he used Mimic to appear as the Defense Conductor and to great success.

  “That was exactly my point in the debate,” Boen backed him up.

  “Sentrainer,” Loren Quin rounded on the Minister of Law Enforcement, “the debate is over and you lost.”

  Boen’s face flushed red but he remained silent and a different voice took up the argument. “Only those of us living in your stronghold know you are alive,” Kelvin must have decided it was necessary to state what was known to everyone standing around him. Unfortunately he did not seem to be finished. “The rest of the world thinks the Chosen Vessel is dead and that we cannot hope to win against Tarin Conn, only postpone the inevitable. How long do you want our people to go without hope so you can have an advantage on the battlefield?” The question had been raised by a man who had never been in a battle.


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