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To Be Victorious: The Maestro Chronicles Book 6

Page 59

by John Buttrick

  The Maestro of the Willow Guild was not aware of Ruth’s revelation, which was why he painted a rosier picture on the situation, and yet that did not explain his being overly confident. He did not say anything about how difficult defeating those forces in the coastal region of Taracopa would be while that hub existed; nor did he mention the naval battle that took place between the Serinian Navy and the great white Zeuthan warships. Through avian eyes Daniel had witnessed giant crocs smashing the wooden hulls of ships to splinters and Aakacarns on the backs of Quetzals casting spells that set fire to sails. He never did figure out what the drop-shaped spell-created projectiles were that came from the huge guns of the Zeuthan vessels, but he had seen what happened when they impacted. Every destroyer, cruisier, frigate, and man-o-war that had been struck was instantly blown apart. The destruction had been quick and absolute, leaving no time for sailors to abandon their ships. The battle lasted half a mark and ended with the Zeuthans in possession of the only navy base on the western side of the island kingdom. The Senior Soarer who went with Agent Bonny Tell to spy on the Imperial forces had to have reported the news to his leaders, one of which was not more than ten strides from Daniel.

  It was clear to him the foreigners were the ancient power in the west Ruth had warned about on the same occasion she delivered the more distressing part of the viewing about winning before the fall. She had also warned him that not every ally among the seven ancients would be his friend and the proof of that was staring him in the eyes. Maestro Cransur came close to being friendly, even though he still cringed at the sight of Sherree’s tummy, but the Vice Maestro of the Eagle Guild clearly disliked his host, and yet was definitely an ally.

  The feeling was mutual, the best Daniel could do was to behave cordially toward the man, and that because Tobermin was truly competent and always seemed to accomplish the chores set before him. There was a reason the man was made second in command of his guild and it certainly had nothing to do with personality. The question to be answered in the end was what would he and other Accomplisheds of Aakadon do when they no longer needed the Chosen Vessel?

  The answer only mattered if Tarin Conn and his guild lost and Daniel and his guild survived. Fortunately for the world, “No matter how difficult the task, a Benhannon never drops a set chore just because it is hard and he is tired,” his father had reminded him earlier in the day; right after his mother had said, “If you don’t like the tune being played, write one of your own.” He had hugged them both for the encouragement. Even so, saving the world seemed like a mighty big chore.

  “I agree,” Leah spoke up. “We can win with our Maestro to lead us. Queen Cleona rules from her recreated palace and in spite of the many Serpent raids, the Ducaunan government still stands, and we are holding our own on each battle front against everything Tarin Conn is throwing at us. Victory will not be easy but it is achievable.”

  Daniel knew, “Holding our own,” would never lead to victory, but chose not to comment about that. “Conductor Cresh, we can still win if we learn where the teleportation hubs are and with the help of Aakadon, eliminate them,” he stated, finishing what he had intended to say before Runyen and Leah had chosen to share their thoughts.

  Samuel folded his hands in his lap. “I and my agents are seeking the hubs and will disclose them to you upon discovery. We know the names of the Operation Commanders, Sera Cray, Othello Sherman, and Boris Blassoff, but not where they command from. We do know the locations of three hubs; the recreated one Maestro Cransur mentioned that is commanded by Leo Zanner. Mount Suteck, and the one in Mount Filia. As you know Rex Badger fled after his hub was captured, but we do not know where he went.”

  The former Teki’s thick eyebrows came no closer to meeting, so he was not overly stressed by what he did or did not know. Perhaps he should have been. Daniel could see no other way forward without more information.

  Did the man expect the swirling of events to provide the locations?

  “We are not yet ready to take on the home base of Vance Cummin and even less able to take on Tarin Conn at his seat of power,” Jeremiah Lassiter stated, correctly.

  “Conductor Cresh, with the help of Aakadon, we will strike at the hub in Joppa as part of a simultaneous assault that will include the future hubs you and your department discover,” Daniel said, with a nod to the representatives from the Aakacarn city. “That is one of the reasons I invited our guests. We must work together to take over the locations; otherwise the nests will be reconstituted when we leave, as was done in Joppa.”

  “Our Accomplisheds and commoner allies are locked in combat all over the continent,” Tobermin pointed out. He summoned a map and caused the areas in contention to glow. “As you can see we are fully engaged. However, the required forces can be made ready once we know the locations of the remaining hubs. Senior Soarers are also working to uncover those Nests.” He paused, taking a deep breath, and then let it out. “It seems to have taken a long time for Tarin Conn to recover from his spellcasting in the Taltin Sea. Does your Chief Aid have any insights he can share with us on the subject?”

  “I estimate he has drained over fifty thousand captives since returning to his favorite mountain. While I have not learned anything specific, I think it safe to say he is preparing to strike at us hard, and I wish I knew when, where, and in what way,” Simon revealed what he knew.

  Him and me both, Daniel thought. “Wishes cannot reveal what we want to know or make our foe go away. We will make our plans and hope the Creator gives us what we need to be victorious.”

  No one disagreed with the statement and so Daniel went down the line, hearing the reports, beginning with Sherree, and ending with Leah saying, “The Serinian legions are crossing the interior of the island and soon will be surrounding the lands now occupied by the Zeuthans. A major battle is brewing and will spill out into total war over who will rule the kingdom. The king has a force four times the size of the invaders, and the bulk of the Serinian Royal Navy remains and is in ports on the east side of the island, but all of his weapons, shields, and vessels of war are conventional. His opponents are Aakacarns equipped with rings and staffs of power. The land battle could start any day now and the same is true if the rest of the navy sails around the island. That is all I can report at this time.”

  Franklin, whose hair and beard were dark brown, leaned forward in his seat. “Maestro, Accomplished DeSuan has expressed concern for the welfare of his family and a hope that you will do something to help them.”

  Daniel glanced at the representatives across from him before giving an answer. “Serinia chose not to get involved with the war against Tarin Conn. The government has refused to communicate directly with any member of the Atlantan Guild. Even Jerremy has to communicate through his mother because his father will not talk to him. We have been unofficially helping his family for quite some time, and that likely will not stop, but official help must be requested from Keljun Soon. His kingdom has an Accomplished of Aakadon serving in Polen Tare and he can go to him for help and guidance.”

  “The Zeuthans are highly aggressive and methodical,” Sandra added her concern to the conversation. “Agreeing to help Serinia would mean us taking on the seventy-five warships that are currently in the waters off the kingdom’s west coast and possibly the ground forces our First Accomplisheds just mentioned. The number of ships and marines keeps increasing and we do not know how many more are on their way.”

  Daniel fully understood the danger without the need of someone clarifying it for him. “I am aware of the possible costs of helping Keljun Soon keep his throne. Our vessels of war are capable of defeating those ships if it comes down to a direct confrontation, but the help we provide may be limited. We have a war of our own to fight and as of today, are not close to victory. It will likely take all of our resources, all of our physical strength, and every bit of life-force energy we can summon to defeat Tarin Conn and his Serpent Guild. Inform Jerremy we will do what we can, for I can promise no more than that.”
r />   Franklin nodded his head. “That is essentially what I told him, but I promised to mention the matter in this meeting.”

  Daniel would have given much for the circumstances to be different, but could only work with what was, and not with what he wished the situation could have been. He noticed neither of his guests volunteered to help the monarch keep his throne, but gave them an opportunity by asking, “Does anyone else have a comment or last item to add before we close?”

  Every person stared back at him and he took their silence to mean, no, and was about to end the meeting when, “Maestro, Queen Cleona has gone into labor,” Scarlet Meado, the Three-bolt Accomplished in charge of protecting the royal family, sent through the amulet he had given her.

  “She just started her eight month,” he replied as if that actually mattered. The Queen was about to give birth and the amount of time transpired since conception did not matter to the baby.

  “None-the-less, she is about to give birth,” Scarlet replied with a sense of patience one reserved for people who were a little slow to catch on. “She has requested your presence.”

  “Acknowledged, thank you for informing me,” Daniel replied, and then announced the blessed event to those seated around him, adding, “I will be conveying to Ducanton..,”

  “You and I will be conveying to Ducanton,” Sherree corrected him.

  He locked eyes with her. “The First Lady and I will be conveying to Ducanton. You all know your tasks, so get started on them, and Conductor Lassiter, you can begin making plans with our two guests from Aakadon for when Conductor Cresh’s department supplies us with the needed information.” The last he stated while locking eyes with the ISIG leader.

  Samuel and his agents were doing their best to supply information and were highly motivated individuals, so Daniel felt a little bad about applying more pressure, but what he needed to know was absolutely crucial to winning the war. If the contest was at all winnable, it would only happen by everyone, including him, putting forth their maximum efforts.

  He stood up and, shortly upon leaving the conference room, conveyed to the palace along with his wife and Simon, who chose to accompany them for reason of his own. Chamberlain Bercassie, dressed in a violet gown, was standing in the hall with Scarlet and two Royal Guardsmen, Ben Tucker and Jo Talpin. Daniel had met the pair in the Whetstone where the men serving the Queen sharpened their martial skills.

  The stately gray-haired woman raised her pointed nose toward the ceiling and announced, “Sir Daniel, Her Majesty is in the royal bedchamber. The midwife is with her now. You will accompany me to the royal receiving room. I will then go to be with Cleona until the child is born. When she and the princess are ready, I will come and get you.”

  “Lead on,” Daniel replied.

  Even though she had addressed him and ignored Sherree, Simon, and Scarlet, those three followed along down the hall and into the royal living quarters. The Accomplished in charge of protecting the Queen wore her hood up and the dark bangs that stopped just short of her eyebrows were all that could be seen of her hair. She was taller than Sherree, but shorter than Simon. Scarlet originally served wearing the uniform of a Benhannon Guardsmen, but when Daniel’s establishing the Atlantan Guild became public knowledge; she proudly donned the blue silks of her true station.

  Rey Callerin, the Minister of Health, was in the waiting area when they arrived. It was his job to officially declare the newborn to be healthy. “Sir Daniel, I am glad you were able to come in such short notice,” he spoke in his resonant voice. The man could read aloud a to-do list and make it sound interesting. He eyed Daniel’s blue silks, perhaps expecting him to be wearing the garments of a Royal Knight of the Realm.

  Prince Consort Collin Tirana entered the room moments later. He did not sit in any of the plush chairs or couches, nor did he invite anyone else to sit. The man could barely stand still, so nervous was he. “Sir Daniel, thank the Creator you have arrived. Such screaming, I fear Cleona’s life might be in danger.”

  Was it the normal screaming associated with childbirth or something more? Daniel wondered. “Lead the way and I will see what I can do?”

  Collin nodded and rushed to the door and opened it just as the Chamberlain was reaching for the latch on the other side. “Highness, I have been sent to notify you that the baby has been delivered. Sir Daniel, you and Lady Sherree are to accompany us, and of course you, Minister. The rest of you will have to stay behind. It is the Queen’s bedchamber after all, not the common room of an inn,” she stated and nodded approvingly when no one disputed her words.

  Daniel followed behind Sherree, who followed behind the Prince, who quite unnecessarily followed behind Cherian. A little person with incredibly powerful lungs was wailing away up ahead and the sound put everyone at ease. Collin suddenly moved ahead of the Chamberlain, rushing to open one half of a pair of double doors and then led the way inside. Cleona was in bed with the babe lying in her arms and a great smile on her face. “Collin, come see our daughter.”

  The midwife, a woman of middle years and slightly plump, stood near three maids. All of them were on the other side of the huge four-poster bed and one had towels she must have used to wipe down the baby while another held a basket containing soiled sheets. The Queen’s dark hair was plastered to her head with perspiration, she was clearly exhausted by the ordeal, but happiness radiated from her as if silently declaring the tiny girl was worth every bit of the effort expended.

  The Prince shot to her side and began examining with wide-eyes the tiny person that had entered his life. “Jillian, you are perfect.”

  “I will be the judge of that,” Rey stated, but did so with a smile.

  After a brief delay, Collin moved aside, a little, so the lean-framed Minister could do his job.

  “She is beautiful,” Sherree commented from beside Daniel.

  He had to agree. He guessed Jillian to weigh nine pounds, which was practically unheard of for one born premature. She was pink from head to toe and had black hair. Her eyes were closed tight, but not her mouth, it was wide open. She did not fancy being turned every which way by the Minister and had no reservations about letting everyone know.

  “When do you suppose she will stop crying?” Daniel wondered out loud.

  At the sound of his voice the wailing stopped and little eyelids popped open. Beautiful brown eyes scanned the room until they fixed on him. “Apparently at the sound of your voice,” Sherree said, and then added, “not that I am surprised, being quite fond of hearing it myself.”

  He smiled at the tiny girl. “My greetings to you, Princess Jillian, welcome to the world.”

  It could have been gas but he could have sworn the smile she returned was for him.

  Rey placed the baby back in her mother’s arms. “Jillian Tirana Ducalin is in perfect health,” he declared.

  “Do you hear that, my Jillian, you are perfect,” Cleona told the babe and then kissed her on the hands, feet, and forehead. When she finished another round of kissing, she handed the baby to Collin, and then focused on everyone else in the room. “Thank you, Rey, for coming. Cherian, will you escort the Minister out?”

  He did not seem troubled by the abrupt dismissal as the Chamberlain led him from the room, but he must have wondered about it.

  “I thank you, Becky, for exercising your skills as a midwife. Lana, Frea, you and Patrice can go with Becky to share the news with the rest of the staff,” Cleona dismissed them as well. When they exited, she focused on her knight. “Even though Jillian appears to be healthy I want you to examine her the Aakacarn way so we can know she is well on the inside.”

  “It will be as you say, my Queen,” Daniel replied and then gently took the girl from her father’s arms and placed two fingers on her forehead.

  The spell, How Do You Feel, revealed her to be perfectly healthy, so he cast, What Is This, and scanned as far down as her vat. The life-force energy contained within the tiny reservoir was tinted pale blue. He had been wrong about it turning cle
ar by the time of birth. Even though the tint of each Aakacarn life-force was supposed to be unique, he immediately recognized it as being the exact same color as that of Clarion. He focused deeper to the helix-shaped recipe strands and could find nothing that should not be there, except a bluish tint to the little pictures of what her body was supposed to look like. He would have been more worried if Jillian’s skin had the same coloring.

  “What is the matter?” Cleona demanded. “The happiness on your face has been replaced by concern.”

  He ceased the spell and eyed Sherree, then addressed the question. “Jillian is completely healthy. I saw no sign of the Lethal Growths anywhere inside her. My reaction was caused by seeing the tint of her life-force energy. It is a shade of blue lighter than mine.”

  “Why should that be any kind of problem?” Collin asked while staring at the face of his daughter as if trying to find a trace of blue in her complexion.

  “Does she share the same tint as our daughter?” Sherree inquired. She knew what having any kind of coloration to a person’s life-force meant and was already a step ahead.

  “Yes, which means in all probability, Clarian will also be an Aakacarn.”

  “What?” Cleona blurted. “Are you saying Jillian is an Aakacarn?”

  “When I enhanced her ability to fight off the Lethal Growths and any other sicknesses, the energy also must have transformed her into an Aakacarn. Such a thing has never happened before and should have been impossible. The same effect has happened to the baby in Sherree’s womb, including accelerated growth. There is no way to reverse what was done.”


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