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To Be Victorious: The Maestro Chronicles Book 6

Page 61

by John Buttrick

  The podium was behind him where no one stood, seeing as he felt the occasion was no time for speech making. A thousand Accomplisheds were standing in front of the benches and facing their Maestro. These were men and women from the department of Defense, Seekers, ISIG, and one hundred from Communications. Behind them were five thousand Sentinels. These were all he dared to spare from the battles taking place simultaneously across the continent and in particular the cities under bombardment. To his left stood Leah, Samuel, Sero, and Carlos, to the right were Chas, Silvia, and David.

  Everyone was dressed in blue except the Teki who were wearing their vibrant colors. She in bright yellow trousers, tight green shirt with orange stripes, and her favorite broad leather belt with a daggerlance sheathed on one hip and a crossbow clipped to the other. The former juggler was wearing bright purple pants and a red shirt with yellow horizontal stripes. He had a knife on each hip, many blades hidden within his clothing and sheathed in his boots. He also had a crossbow clipped to his belt, but probably would not use it. Neither of the pair wore their coats, evidently feeling the shield amulets Daniel provided were protection enough, no matter the weather conditions.

  Samuel summoned a three dimensional image of Mount Suteck, provided to him by Rachel. The surface was transparent and each tunnel, hallway, cavern, and chamber glowed in contrast for easier reference. Black man-shaped images represented the Aakacarns, white yeti-shaped images were quite obviously yetis, gray figures bent over at the waist depicted the Condemneds, and red images were regular folks, non-Aakacarns, in a chamber not far from Vance’s office. Daniel reckoned they were waiting to be cursed by Maestro Cummin.

  “Half a mark ago there were twenty thousand Accomplisheds in the lower chambers where teleportation circles regularly arrive and depart in an orderly fashion,” the ISIG Conductor stated. “All but a little over five hundred have gone to where, we do not know. As you see here, here, and here, there are another six hundred sixty-six Aakacarns scattered throughout the complex.”

  “What more do we know?” Leah asked.

  “We know that right now Vance is in the chamber with the non-Aakacarns. Two Accomplisheds are in the room with him. From what we have learned it is their responsibility to keep the captives alive, clean, and under control until their Maestro casts the spell, Condemnation upon the unfortunate souls.”

  “Why don’t we just convey into that chamber, kill Cummin, rescue the captives, and be gone before nineteen thousand or more Serpents return to their base?” Carlos wanted to know.

  Sam’s gaze went to the bodyguard. “I am glad you asked because that is very close to what I propose to do, with one exception, and it is an important one,” he answered with the Teki Master-of-the-ring trait of building interest rather than getting right to the point. “Accomplished Karesin is in an airshaft in the ceiling of the hallway between Vance’s office and that chamber. The closest visual we can obtain is from her. A number of my agents in the crowd off the stage have creatures providing images in other places within Suteck and will be conveying teams to wherever Chas believes will bring about swift success.”

  Commander Herling’s eyes were fixed on the mountain, no doubt taking in every detail while listening to the report. He nodded, clearly satisfied with whatever he had been pondering. “We can take it easily. I have complete confidence in Sir Daniel’s ability to defeat a Four-bolt Accomplished, so we will get him to the chamber first, he being the best qualified to take on the Maestro of the Serpent Guild. The main body of the Chosen’s Sentinels will hold the hall at what will be the duel zone while Accomplisheds convey to these specific areas,” he stated while indicating the various chambers deep within Mount Suteck, “and will use the spell, Fashioning, to sense and then reshape the teleportation centers and in particular these lower chambers where most of the teleportation Circles are likely to reappear. I, a detachment of Sentinels, and a score of Accomplisheds should go to the level where we know Condemneds and yetis are being housed,” he added while pointing at the greatest concentration of gray figures. “The Communicators will coordinate the arrivals of each conveyance to avoid the possibility of anyone attempting to share the space occupied by someone else. The Maestro’s group should be the first to arrive and be the smallest, reducing the sound of displaced air, and when he enters the room, the rest of the groups will convey to their assigned attack points.”

  “The only change I propose to the plan,” Leah spoke up, “is for me, Conductor Cresh, Carlos, Sero, and the Maestro’s Teki escorts to be in the hall guarding the door with the Sentinels.”

  Chas nodded his approval of the change. It was like him to place the Sentinels in the thick of things, but he knew prudence dictated there were times and situations where greater strength was needed. Silvia and David were also nodding their approval. They too always wanted to be in the thick of things.

  While specific tasks were being assigned to each group, Daniel began mentally summoning spells, using so little potential that not even the Aakacarns standing around him would be able to see the glow, and then added Da Capo’s to each Symphonic, without focusing any of them. He could only guess at what spells might be needed in the coming duel, so made his choices with the knowledge he could focus any one of them instantly, and summon anything else in his repertoire to counter whatever he had not thought of. Too bad he had not thought of doing so before the assault on the hotel Lavistra. Live and learn; that was the key to growing in just about every path of his life, unless lack of knowledge or prior consideration got him killed. The ability to live and learn was never guaranteed.

  When the talking had gone on long enough in his estimation, he focused on Leah, “Have you been given information pertaining to me or made any plans that could interfere with what I am about to do?”

  The First Accomplished knew that question was coming, having heard it frequently since the incident where she and Carlos overstepped their authority. “No, Maestro, and I am in full agreement with this plan. Like Commander Herling, I am sure you are more than capable of defeating a Four-bolt Accomplished and a pair of lesser Aakacarns.”

  “Good enough. Sam, give us the visual so we can move before the opportunity is gone,” Daniel said, making it clear he approved of the plan and was ready to get on with it.

  In truth, he knew the former Teki was always in a hurry to accomplish whatever goal or task was set before him, which is why the man smiled at hearing the words that brought an end to the discussion and a call to action.

  Samuel glowed with potential and moments later Daniel was caught up in deep darkness and appeared in a long hallway with everyone who had been on the stage, except Chas who was to lead the special detachment. One Communicator was standing by the ISIG Conductor. The other ninety-nine would be conveying with the Security agents who were assigned to bring the rest of the invasion force to their designated areas of attack. Communicator Ryon Carroon stood ready to oversee the conveyances and ensure the safety of all in the area that would soon be filled with Sentinels. The Fon Kayan-born Aakacarn was wearing a six-banded communication array loaded with gemstones and even though he was a recent graduate, the young man was capable of fulfilling the task he had been assigned.

  Daniel focused Find All out to a one span spherical radius, keeping the energy level low so as to escape detection. Three Aakacarns were in the room farther down the hall along with a thousand people who seemed to be lying down on a lower level. Two Accomplisheds stood before the third with one of the captives between them. Vance was no doubt in the process of condemning a person and did not seem to be distracted, which meant either no one heard the sound of air being displaced or the swirling of events was still working in Daniel’s favor. He certainly hoped both possibilities were true.

  Five hundred seventeen Aakacarns were spread in three teleportation chambers and six hundred sixty-six were scattered around the complex on different floors with the largest amount half a span away and down six levels. Eight thousand yetis were a quarter of a span away and
up four levels and twelve hundred fifty Condemneds were in ten chambers on the same level. The numbers and locations were exactly as reported.

  So far, so good, he thought.

  The grill in the vent above was pulled aside and then Rachel Karesin dropped down, landing on her feet with the surety of a cat. “Maestro, the chamber where Cummin is working is this way.” She probably had not sensed the casting and did not know her Maestro knew where to go.

  The Pentrosan had a pale complexion and even though she was thin, her wiry frame was strong and quick. A single golden lightning bolt on the hood of her cloak indicated the amount of potential she could wield and the standard-issue sapphire baton in her right hand gave her an extra four bolts. On the buckle of her belt was a hound, indicating the Department of Internal Security and Information Gathering.

  “Lead on,” Daniel told her, knowing the hall was about to get crowded, and also being eager to take on the Maestro of the Serpent Guild.

  Rachel’s dark eyes held his gaze for a moment more and then she darted down the hall with him, Leah, Samuel, Sero, Carlos, and the Teki escorts running along to keep up. Daniel approved of the pace. Events were still swirling in his favor.

  No one spoke as they reached their destination. Daniel nodded his readiness, unsheathed his crescendo, and then quickly opened and stepped through the door. The first details to catch his eye were the huge round chamber and a pit, seven cubits deep and slightly less in diameter than the circular room it occupied. More than a thousand people, some fully clothed and some scantily clad, were asleep on the floor. They were wearing whatever was on their bodies at the time of abduction. The pit could hold four times the amount of people who were all lying in one section.

  To the right, on the same level as Daniel, was a tall man of Ecoppian descent. His black hooded cloak had no lightning bolt. To his right was a Cenkataaran woman in her night gown and on the other side of the captive was a round-face fellow with the short and stocky build of a Demfilian. They were No-bolt Accomplisheds, but the one facing them had four lightning bolts, two on each shoulder of his cloak, and a pearl-handled platinum dagger in his left hand. Behind him was a chair and to the right of that was a barrel of water, condemning people must be thirsty work.

  The Serinian was wearing black silks with gold trim with the hood down, revealing a communication array similar to the one often used by Leah. His dark eyes went from being focused on the captive to Daniel. Quick as a blink the dagger flashed and the ceiling, floor, and rounded walls glowed from what was likely a shield spell. The only way to convey from the room was to over whelm the barrier or kill Vance. The second option held the greatest appeal.

  “Welcome to the Pen, Maestro Benhannon,” Vance said. “We were expecting you.”

  Cummin was not the only one who could act quickly as a blink, for in the same amount of time Daniel placed a shield with a few holes for air over the pit. The difference being, his casting would not be seen until struck by a spell. “Really, I only received my invitation half a mark ago. It seems I have arrived a bit early and most of your staff is away.”

  The appointed leader of the Serpent Guild certainly showed no fear, his facial expression was smooth, confident, and his voice had been almost casual. It truly was as if a guest had just arrived for a dinner party. “Actually, no they are not,” he replied.

  “Daniel, thousands of Serpents are appearing throughout the complex. They were invisible. We have so many people in here, in so many confined areas, and Running with the Wolves provided so many smells, the enemy spell-casters were indistinguishable,” Leah informed him. “Some of them have conjured shields and others are tunneling into the halls. Refashioning the chambers is having no real effect on them. All of our strike force is here and we are outnumbered ten to one. Fortunately, even though both sides can reshape or tunnel through the passages at will, the Serpents are having difficulty attacking any one group in mass. Unfortunately, I am sensing a shield on the chamber you are in, so we cannot help you and you cannot help us.”

  “Understood,” Daniel sent through his array while eyeing the enemy Maestro.

  Vance’s lips formed a closed-mouth smile. “While a large percentage of my guild is in sky-cruisers and destroying the cities of your allies, Tarin Conn and I seized the opportunity to tempt you into striking here.”

  Daniel wondered how either of them could know how to tempt him to attack Suteck, unless, they had a spy in Shantear or knew of Rachel’s presence. “My associates have caught your spies in the past and we will catch whichever one informed you of this mission.”

  The high-ranking Serpent laughed and shook his head. “Since you will soon be dead, I have no problem revealing to you just how completely you have failed, and it comes down to yetis, sasquatches, marsh rats, and ospreys. It was a clever idea and I must admit it took us awhile to catch on.”

  Daniel had a bad feeling about what they had caught onto.

  “We have known for a long time you composed a spell to seize control of the large- harry brutes, but did not know you composed Melodies to control rodents and birds and actually see and hear through them. You have been a worthy foe, I must admit. You had us questioning every member of our guild and a few were put to death for treason.”

  “I can’t say I am sorry for your loss,” Daniel replied while keeping a firm grip on his diamond-bladed knife and considering how quickly he could send Die Now at the two No-bolts. They were both sweating and trembling with fear, but not their leader, which caused Daniel to wonder why.

  “The closest significant body of water is nearly two hundred spans from here, a rather large distance for a raptor that prefers fish, and yet we have gained a large population of ospreys in the trees of the mountain. It was brought to Tarin Conn’s attention that Mount Filia is infested with marsh rats, rodents commonly found in the Swamps of Append, southern Ducaun, and northern Taracopa. The Supreme Maestro composed a spell to locate marsh rats and ospreys. I cast the spell and discovered many such rats in the ventilation system of this mountain and one in the vent in my office. I came up with the idea of baiting the trap during the air raids,” Vance paused and gave a nod of respect.

  “The raids were supposed to happen on the day you attacked Joppa, but were postponed after you revealed to us how very much alive you still are, a small detail I will rectify very shortly. Anyway, back to my point, setting the bait was only a matter of speaking where your rat could hear me order the teleportation circles to their attack positions, and it was not long after that an Aakacarn appeared in the same section, confirming our suspicions about the creature and others of its kind. I killed the rodent, but allowed the intruder to live. The other rodents were allowed to survive so my Accomplisheds could be ready in those areas where we suspected the rest of your Atlantans would appear; which they did and are paying the price. For your information; I just sent the order through my array for all vermin to be killed, as well as any osprey in or around our facilities.”

  Flee! Daniel sent the mental call to all of the creatures in his swirl that were at or near a Serpent Nest and through his array sent, “Everyone, get your scouts away from all Serpent locations.”

  He felt Slinky die in Mount Filia, but his condor got away. In anger he focused Die Now, backed by four bolts of potential, through his eyes at the two No-bolts, and the same level of life-force energy through his crescendo at the enemy Maestro. Three topaz lights shot over the pit and the Demfilian and the Ecoppian fell dead without making a sound while the third beam, four bolts kicked up to eleven by the energy amplifier, struck Vance Cummin.

  The man laughed as a shield formed along the contours of his person. “It does not absorb energy as yours does, but this new spell composed by your-better draws enough potential to match whatever amount strikes it and converts my breath back into breathable air. My spells for this duel are set and the Da Capos are tied to this crescendo. By the way, fool, the dagger was created by Tarin Conn, and although it is not the most powerful ever made, it does
add twenty-seven bolts to my four. Your losses today are piling up, but you will not survive to tally the score. I would never have allowed you so close to me if this was meant to be a fair fight. Did you really think I would face you with a crescendo of my own making?”

  Simon could read lips, but not his Maestro. The Chief Aid was likely doing everything he could to help Sherree, which provided some comfort in the current situation. When Daniel cupped his empty hand next to his ear, the Maestro frowned and caused the words to appear in the air. Sound waves could not pass through the shield.

  “Yes I did think you would face me with your own crescendo,” Daniel thought but did not say after reading the statement. “This could get messy,” he added upon further reflection.

  Apparently he was not the only one to think of casting spells with Da Capos ahead of time or to create a shield that adjusted to the amount of energy focused at it when struck by a spell. Worse, the incorrect assumption about the energy amplifier could get him killed.

  The dark-haired Cenkataaran woman had slumped to the ground, evidently one of the dead Aakacarns must have been holding the sleeping captive up with a Melody. Daniel cast a dome shield on her with a few air holes and then concentrated completely on his adversary. Well, the best degree of focus he could manage under the circumstances.

  “Maestro,” Sam’s voice came into his head. “I am contending with - Sera Cray, others of my team have reported - seeing Othello Sherman, Boris Blassoff, and - Leo Zanner. It looks like - the hub commanders are here, bringing the number of - Serpents to contend with to nearly fifty thousand. Where they are based - does not seem to matter much at the moment, seeing as they - have brought most of their Serpents with them. - I am not sure we can win this.” The gaps in his report were indicative of multitasking. Sera had to be a formidable adversary.

  The news was disheartening, but mountaineer determination would not allow Daniel to give up the struggle just because the chore had gotten harder. “Be nimble and quick. You have superior mobility and the better defensive spells,” he sent by way of encouragement.


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