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What He Craves

Page 6

by E. M. Denning

  Matt swallowed. “Yes, Master.”

  Chapter Eight


  Anyone else might have given Matt time to adjust to the new development in his life, but Steve knew Matt. Any hesitation on Steve’s part would be interpreted as lack of interest and sincerity. Matt trusted Steve, but Steve doubted that Matt trusted himself. Steve worried that if he took it slow, that if he gave Matt too much time to think while he slowly eased Matt into the relationship that he’d over think things and tie himself up in knots.

  That’s why, at ten in the morning, he escorted Matt into the restaurant. Steve insisted Matt get out and be social. He’d spent too much time hiding from everyone and if left to his own devices Matt would hide forever. Steve was in charge now and Matt only resisted the idea until Steve snapped a cock cage on him.

  “I own you, Matty. You’re my boy, remember? I make the rules. What I say, goes. You’re coming with me to the restaurant. You’re going to see your friends while I interview the potential new hire. This cock cage will remind you that you’re mine and you’ll do what I ask. Won’t you, Matty?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Steve didn’t bother to teach him to bow and scrape and keep his eyes down. He rather liked the color of Matt’s eyes and submissive conduct be damned. He already had Matt’s submission, he didn’t need him to stare at the floor and walk three paces behind. Maybe they’d work on that for when they played at the club, because it would be hot…his boy, dressed in nothing but a leather jock and a collar, kneeling on the floor, eyes down, chest out. God, Steve adjusted his cock as he climbed out of the car.

  “Everything okay, Matty?” He had been pretty quiet on the ride over.

  Matt nodded. “Yes, Sir. It’s going to take a bit to get used to this…contraption.”

  “It’s like wearing a new piece of jewellery. When you first put it on you can’t not notice it. It’s weird and foreign. After a while you don’t even notice it. Eventually you get so used to it that when you take it off, it feels like you’re missing some vital piece of you.”

  “I’ll have to take your word for it. I’ve never had any jewellery.”

  “Why not? You’d look nice with an earring, maybe a nipple ring. Hell, even a necklace…or a collar.” Steve winked and slid his arm around Matt’s waist as they started toward the restaurant.

  “Dad said jewelry was for women and…and fags.”

  “You know, the more you talk about that man, the more I want to punch him in the throat.”

  Matt shrugged. “He’s dead, so it’s…whatever. He’s gone. It’s not worth being mad about anymore. He was an asshole in life and he even managed to be one after he died. So, it’s whatever.”

  Steve grit his teeth. “What do you mean, he was an asshole after he died?”

  Matt never got a chance to answer. They entered the restaurant and the second the doors opened, half the staff appeared demanding hugs and handshakes. Steve hung back a little and watched the reunion. He grimaced when Dante reached for Matt’s collared shirt. With a single finger he pushed the fabric aside.

  “Those are some nice marks you got there, Matt. Who’s the piranha?”

  Matt looked at the floor and Steve cleared his throat. All eyes snapped to him as he reached for Matt’s hand.

  “I’m the piranha. Now get back to work. There’s an applicant coming for an interview. Send him on back to the office. Matty, you’re with me.”

  Steve had intended to let Matt hang in the kitchen with the staff, it would be good for him to catch up with his friends, but two minutes in and Matt already looked overwhelmed. He didn’t want to stress him out. Steve pulled Matt into the office with him and shut the door.

  Steve sat down in his chair and pointed to the space of floor in front of him. “Kneel.”

  Dutifully, Matt knelt. Steve leaned forward and put his hands on Matt’s shoulders. He kneaded his shoulder muscles with his thumbs. “Are you okay?”

  “I don’t know. It’s strange being back here. And did you see their faces?”

  Steve leaned close to Matt. He gently nipped the top of Matt’s ear. He loved the way Matt shuddered and the little moan that slid out made Steve want to bend Matt over the desk and fuck him hard. Maybe another day when he wouldn’t be conducting an interview. “People are going to know you’re mine, Matty. They’re going to see you and they’re going to be jealous.”

  Matt sighed. “I know. Everyone wants you, Sir.”

  Steve chuckled. He kissed the top of Matt’s head. “Everyone is jealous of me. I don’t think you see yourself the way others see you, Matty. You have no idea, do you?”

  Matt turned his head and blinked at Steve. “No idea about what?”

  Matt never could see anything good about himself. He was perfect, and it killed Steve that Matt couldn’t see that. “You have no idea how beautiful you are, Matty. From the very first moment you walked into my restaurant two years ago, I wanted you. And not only because you’re gorgeous, but you’re kind. Do you know that in all the time I’ve known you, you’ve never said a single bad word about anyone? Not even that server who was an outright asshole to everyone.”

  “Travis? He had a rough time at home, I think. Sure, he didn’t have to be so hostile to everyone here, and I tried to get him to see that we wanted to help him, but he was too angry to listen. I wish he could’ve stayed on somehow.”

  “That’s what I mean. You see the value in everyone else, but none of your own.” An idea formed, and Steve thought it would work out brilliantly. “I want you to do the interview this morning.”

  “Me?” Matt’s eyes went wide, and he paled a little.

  “You. You saw his resume and his qualifications. It’s on your recommendation that this interview is taking place. You worked here for two years and know the staff as well as I do if not a little better. I want you to interview him.”

  “I’m not sure I understand.”

  “You don’t have to understand, Matty. You just have to do it, okay?”

  Matt nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

  Steve stood and told Matt to take his chair. “He’ll be here any minute. The resume is right in front of you.”

  There was a sharp knock on the door and it swung open a little. “Excuse me? I hope I’m not interrupting. The host told me to come back for my interview. I’m Xavier, Xavier Jeffries. I applied for the chef position.” Xavier entered the room with an air of confidence. He was young, oh boy was he young. He didn’t look a day over eighteen. He was a bit on the small side, but his handshake was firm.

  “I’m Steve Paulson, this is my assistant Matt Simpson. He’ll be hosting your interview this morning. I’ll be back in ten or fifteen minutes, Matt.” If the change of pace threw Xavier, he didn’t show it. He calmly thanked Steve for the giving him an interview, then shook Matt’s hand. He was far calmer than Matt, who glanced at Steve as he shut the door.

  Steve went to the kitchen where prep work was underway for the lunch service. The minute he walked into the kitchen, the chatter died and the only the sound of the dishwasher and the grill sizzling remained. Plates clattered, and some of the staff looked at Steve from the corner of their eyes, but no one spoke.

  Steve sauntered over to Dante and put a hand on Dante’s shoulder. “Yes, I’m with Matt. No, none of you get an opinion on this. You also don’t get to embarrass Matt or make him feel uncomfortable by asking him intrusive questions. Our private life is not to become an item on the menu of kitchen gossip. Is that clear? Good.” Steve grinned. “Dante here, since this is his kitchen, will be responsible for making sure all of you toe the line.”

  Brad, one of the few employees who worked both the club and the restaurant, looked at Steve and grinned. “No worries, Boss. We’ve already beat the, our boss has a penchant for kink, horse to death. I’ll admit that none of us thought Matt was the type, but I’ll make sure no one gossips about the two of you.”

  Steve raised an eyebrow. He’d never, as far as he knew, given anyone a reaso
n to suspect that he was kinky. Brad must’ve read the confusion on his face because his smile widened.

  “Steve, you’re best friends with the guy you purchased the kink club from. Do you honestly think we haven’t spent our entire employment here playing variations of, pin the kink on the boss-man? Please. It’s old news.”

  Steve scrubbed a hand over his face and the entire kitchen burst out laughing. “Well, I’m glad you’ve all got the gossip out of your system then. Keep it that way.” Steve decided now would be a good time to check on Matt and Xavier. He left the kitchen and vowed to never admit that he’d been slightly embarrassed that his staff knew about his proclivity for kink all this time.

  He rapped his knuckles on his office door to announce his presence, then swept into the room. He was pleased to see that Matt looked relaxed. He even smiled. Steve flicked his gaze between the pair. They were both grinning. It looked like they were getting along famously. Steve went around the desk and dropped his hands to Matt’s shoulders.

  “What do you say, Matt?”

  “I saw we take him to the kitchen. I want to see what he can do.”

  Xavier’s eyes sparkled. Steve liked how eager he was. His passion poured out of him and he hadn’t even seen the kitchen yet.

  “Okay. Let’s go.”

  The trio went to the kitchen. This time, when they entered all conversation didn’t come to an abrupt halt like it had earlier. Steve was glad he’d talked to the kitchen staff.

  “Okay. Everyone,” Steve began, and the entire staff stopped what they were doing and focused on him. “This is Xavier. He’s going to make Matt and I something to eat.” Steve turned his attention to Xavier. “That guy right there, is Dante. If you need help to find something, ask him.”

  “What would you like me to make, Sir?” Xavier practically beamed as he looked around the kitchen. The kid looked like he’d died and gone to heaven.

  “Surprise me.” Steve slipped his hand into Matt’s. “We’ll be in the dining room.”

  Steve took Matt to the table he usually sat at with Alan. Though Alan wasn’t around as much, he kept the table reserved for him. Alan was due back in town soon and Steve made a mental note to get together, all four of them. Dinner with his sub and Alan’s boy could be a lot of fun. Plus, Craig was close to Matt’s age. He hoped they’d hit it off. Though Craig was a little more outspoken than Matt, he seemed like a nice enough guy.

  “Okay,” Steve said as he sat down. “What do you think of Xavier?”

  “Well, he’s unemployed right now, so he’ll be available for whatever hours you need him. He finished school with top marks. He’s quick witted and will be able to hold his own in the shark tank you call a kitchen.”

  “Would you hire him? If it were your decision, I mean.”

  Matt didn’t hesitate. “Unless he burns the food or poisons us, then yeah, I’d hire him. He seems…incredibly passionate. I’d like to be that passionate about something. I’ve never been passionate about anything before. Well, reading,” Matt shrugged. “But that’s not a career.”

  “Why not? Surely there’s something you could do that was related to that.”

  “I never really gave it much thought. I didn’t even finish high school.”

  Matt didn’t seem to keen on talking about possible careers for himself, so Steve switched gears. “You seemed to like Xavier.”

  “He’s a nice guy. He’s a bit younger than me, but he’s nice. He’s really driven. I’d hate to be the person that stood in his way.”

  Steve was determined to get Matt to a place where he spoke about himself with such adoration and confidence. It was a slow process, but Matt needed to see how capable and amazing he was. He needed to see all the things Steve saw, then he needed to believe them.

  Xavier appeared about thirty minutes after they sat down and presented them with beef ravioli. Steve raised an eyebrow at Matt. “Did you tell him this was your favorite?”

  Matt shook his head. “I didn’t. Maybe one of the kitchen staff blabbed.”

  “If they did I wouldn’t have picked it.” Xavier laughed, but his confidence didn’t seem to waver. “There’s no quicker way to lose out on a job than to fail at cooking someone’s favorite dish.”

  Matt used his fork and cut a ravioli in half. He popped it in his mouth and the look of bliss on his face made Steve smile. Before Matt had a chance to chew and swallow, Steve looked at Xavier.

  “You’re hired.”

  Xavier’s eyes bulged out of his head. “Really? But you haven’t tasted it yet.”

  Steve shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. You’re qualified. Matt likes you, and more importantly, he likes your ravioli. Come in tomorrow at ten. Dante will show you the ropes.” Steve stood and shook Xavier’s hand. “Congratulations.”

  Xavier thanked them both, and surprised Matt by flinging his arms around him and hugging the stuffing out of him. Steve laughed at the wide-eyed look on Matt’s face as Xavier released him, then hurried off to celebrate.

  “He hugged me.” Matt said. “I can’t believe he hugged me.” He turned to Steve. “And I can’t believe you hired someone before you even tasted their food. What if it was terrible?”

  “You liked it. That was good enough for me. I value your opinion, Matt.”

  Matt opened his mouth, but a glower from Steve made him snap it shut.

  “Don’t even try to argue with me. Now, come on. There’s some business at the club that I need to take care of before we go home.”

  Matt stood but shot Steve some serious side-eye. “Should I be worried?”

  “Oh, sweet, sweet, Matty,” Steve said as he slid his arm around Matt’s waist and pulled him close. “You should always be worried.”

  Chapter Nine


  The business Steve urgently needed to handle turned out to be pinning Matt to the door of his office the moment it closed and grinding his erection against Matt while he tried to suck the tongue right out of Matt’s head. Not that he had any complaints. If Steve had wanted to put him on his knees in the middle of the club, Matt’s cock would’ve wept for joy, even in its cage.

  Steve roughly gripped Matt’s ass and his teeth skated down the side of Matt’s neck. Matt hissed when Steve nipped at an already tender spot.

  “One day I want to bring you here.” Steve flicked the lobe of Matt’s ear with his tongue. “I want to bring you here dressed up in a sweet little collar, and a sexy leather jock and I want to parade you in front of everyone. I’m going to make you kneel for me.”

  Matt’s fingers twitched, and he grabbed onto Steve’s waist. Steve let go of his ass and started undoing the buttons on Matt’s shirt.

  “Do you like the sound of that, Matty?”

  “Yes, Sir. So much.” Matt admitted even though he felt his face heat from embarrassment. He was practically a virgin when it came to kink, but that only made him eager to try everything he possibly could, as soon as he could, preferably.

  “Maybe I’ll strap you to a bench and spank you until you come.” Steve said as he slid the shirt off Matt’s shoulders. It pooled on the floor, instantly forgotten. “I could strap you to a cross and flog you.” He leaned in and Steve’s lips moved against Matt’s collarbone. Matt guessed they were exploring, tasting, searching for the perfect spot to bite and leave another mark. “Then fuck your tight ass in front of everyone. Mark you as mine where everyone can see. What do you think of that, Matty? You want me to flog you and fuck you and let everyone know that you’re mine? That no one else will ever touch you.”

  “Yes. Please, Sir. Yes.” Matt closed his eyes as Steve’s exploratory collarbone kiss became a hickey at the base of his throat. Matt’s hands were still latched onto Steve’s waist and he clung to him for dear life. The image of himself, naked and needy, strapped to a cross in front of a club full of people had his cock aching in its cage. He heard himself whimper and didn’t care who heard. Fuck, he hoped someone heard. The thought of someone listening on the other side of the door had
him panting. Being flogged and fucked in front of an audience sounded a million times hotter.

  “When can we, Sir?”

  Steve groaned and pinched one of Matt’s nipples. “Greedy little sub, aren’t you? I’m not doing anything in front of other people that I haven’t done in private. Do you know why?”

  “N-no, Sir.” Matt gasped when Steve’s hands slid down his back and into the top of his pants.

  “Because, my sweet boy, you’re mine and so are all your firsts. No one gets any more of your firsts, only me. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Steve leaned in and captured Matt’s mouth with his. Matt melted into the kiss. He let Steve explore his mouth and bite his lips. He loved the roughness Steve used to handle him. Matt loved how Steve could make him feel both dominated and cherished. Steve owned him, but he never treated him as if he were nothing. It was the opposite. When Matt gave into Steve, he became Steve’s everything.

  Steve kept his hands where they were. His fingertips teased Matt’s crease. “Undo your pants then take them off.”

  Matt’s fingers shook so hard it took him a few tries to get the button of his pants undone, but when it popped free, he didn’t bother undoing the zipper. Instead, he forced his pants and underwear down. He kicked his shoes off and shimmied out of his pants. It wasn’t an easy task with Steve refusing to let go of him, but he managed. He wasn’t graceful, but at least he was finally naked. Except for the cock cage. The foreignness of it wasn’t easily ignored or forgotten.

  Matt bit back a whimper when Steve’s fingers travelled farther down the crease of his ass.


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