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Page 13

by Ember Flint

  Aria looks up at me and I can see tears running down her cheeks, I automatically reach one hand toward her face to dry them, but she takes a step back.

  “It would kill me, Cash. Staying would kill me in the end,” she says softly and I feel her words stabbing painfully at my heart with the bluntness of a dull knife.

  I clear my throat and retrieve the rented pages of the prenup to show her that she is free, she owes me nothing.

  “You can go and you won’t have to give up your ranch, you can have it anyway, I know what it means to you,” I manage to say, my chest constricting sorrowfully at the thought of waking up without her in my arms tomorrow.

  Aria bursts into tears of what I assume is relief and starts to leave the room.

  Before she reaches the door, I stride toward her again.

  I will let her go even if it kills me, but I have to know one more thing first.

  “Why, Aria? Why can’t you even try to like me? Am I such a monster? Why would be with me be so horrible that it would kill you? Am I so despicable?”

  She takes a rapid breath.

  “You don’t quite get it, Cash,” she says bitterly, new tears staining her cheeks and tugging at my heart. “It’s not that you’re despicable, it’s that you’re wonderful, just… just not in love with me. You are only after one thing. You only want my body, but I cannot stay. I could have tried, if I didn’t— but I can’t be your plaything, I’m flesh and blood, and thoughts and heart and I’m so in love with you I cannot stand to have you not loving me back. Don’t you see? I have to do this? It will be too painful to stay.”

  Her big doleful eyes are gazing upon me with such an unwavering blaze of love in them, that I’m momentarily too elated and too stunned to speak.

  My world stop, rewinds and starts over as soon as I see her going for the door again.

  I grab her forearm and spin her around until she is looking at me and I kiss her with everything I’ve got and with all the love I feel.

  Aria pushes back against my chest, breaking our connection.

  “Please don’t… you’re just making things worse.”

  I cup her lovely, dejected face and smile down at her.

  “Do you really love me, baby?”

  She gasps, breathing hard. “I do, Cash.”

  I start to shake my head and chuckle. Once again I have to admit that when it comes to her I am a lucky bastard. I can’t believe this.

  When I look up again, I see a flash of hurt pass through her expressive, dark eyes and I immediately realize how my reaction could look to her. After all, she is not a mind reader.

  I gently pull her to me and hug her close, my head resting on top of hers.

  I’m very emotional right now and not a little confused, speaking is very difficult, but I know I have to try.

  I kiss her hair. “I didn’t know. I didn’t understand, Aria and the same is true for you right now: you don’t know and you don’t understand. Remember the other night when you told me your favorite flower would be a blue rose, if there were such a thing?”

  “Yes,” she says against my chest, her voice muffled.

  “I thought I could buy my own little slice of happiness when I saw you, but I was blind to all that you are. I’ve been looking for something as rare and pure all my life, but I didn’t think I was the kind of man who could really have it. You, baby, just proved me wrong: I’ve found a blue rose in you. I love you more than I could ever say, Aria.”

  She pulls back, her eyes filled with tears. “You do?”

  I smile at her. “I do. Will you marry me tomorrow, my love? I will make you the happiest woman in the world.”

  She jumps up in my arms, her body wrapping around mine.

  “I will, Cash, I will marry you and I will spend the rest of my life making sure you find a blue rose every step of the way.”

  We meet in an unspoken kiss, lips clashing, tongue chasing, laughter bubbling around us and tears staining our faces.

  “I want you, Cash,” Aria moans urgently on my mouth and before she knows what hit her, I’m pressing her against the wall, undressing her from the waist down, pulling up her t-shirt to reveal her full, naked tits and slamming my cock all the way home in a powerful upthrust that makes her pussy immediately clench, triggering the fastest climax in the history of mankind in her lovely, curvy body.

  I pound her to the wall, making my framed diplomas shake all the while kissing her, her cries of pleasure devoured by my mouth as I stick my tongue as far as I can.

  As she comes down from her high I start to inevitably reach mine, the contractions of her hot, tight cunt coaxing the seed from my balls.

  “Fuck, love, I love you so much, so much!” I groan, speeding up my strokes.

  “Oh, God, Cash, yes! I love you… I love you! Don’t stop, I want it harder and harder still!” she mewls.

  I, of course, am more than happy to oblige and start to fuck her as hard as she can take and then some, my eyes riveted to the sight of her fantastic breasts jiggling up and down with every thrust of my hips.

  I feel the strongest orgasm of my life, grab me by the balls and I ride it to the end, thrusting every inch of my big hard cock inside Aria’s willing pussy, until I feel my hot cum shoot out of me in thick streams and I growl, throwing my head back, emptying my seed and my soul inside of her.

  Chapter 14


  I laugh as we stumble through the door of the bedroom, my legs firmly clasped to my newly minted husband’s waist, Cash’s hands planted on my ass, my wedding dress hiked up to my hips.

  I look around and I giggle, astonished.

  “Cash, what’s this? I can’t even— this is lovely!”

  “You are lovely, ravishing,” he murmurs, nipping at my jaw. “You like it?”

  I hug him even more. “I love it, thank you.”

  He grins up at me. “Anything for my baby.”

  “How did you do it?” I ask him.

  He chuckles against the column of my neck.

  “No time to answer any questions now, wife, I want you naked and on that bed with my cock rammed inside of you all the way first.”

  I laugh. “And then you’re going to explain?”

  “If you won’t have fainted by then, yes, my love.”

  I can’t imagine where he found the time to pull this off. It wasn’t like this yesterday night. We have been together every moment today and we just got back from the ceremony in front of the Justice of Peace.

  I don’t know how he did it, but he managed to turn our bedroom into a blue wedding-night heaven down to the curtains and the carpets and there have to be something like a hundred blue vases filled with bluebells scattered about.

  When my man —and boy, do I love the fact that I can really call him mine now!— wants to fuck me hard and fast, there’s no stopping him, not that I would ever wish to.

  Before I can blink again, I’m totally naked and astride his hot, aroused body, sinking to the hilt on his huge, hungry cock, my pussy exploding on impact in a thousand amazing sensations, the pleasure pulsing at my clit and tingling in my nipples.

  Cash sits up, balancing on one arm and I wrap myself completely around him, arms and legs holding him to me for dear life, his own arms sneak around me and he starts to thrust up every time I ride him downward, reaching so deep we both are panting in ecstasy.

  All the world falls away, like a forgotten mantle slipping from our reality and there’s nothing but us now, everything else is no longer real and no longer matters.

  We climb together, body undulating, hands searching, lips tasting, the wet sound of our fucking filling the room along with my moans and his groans of pleasure.

  A couple of thrusts more and we are both gone, our orgasms pulling us under.

  Cash drops back down the bed with me still on top of him and wrapped around his body.

  “That was amazing, love,” he says, breathing raggedly.

; “I can’t believe we really got married. I am so happy, Aria.”

  I feel the sweetest squeeze around my heart.

  “Me to, Cash. So, so very happy…”

  I kiss his chest, his shoulder, his lips.

  I’m so perfectly happy and finally so hopeful for the future I want to laugh and cry at the same time, but I do nothing of the sort, I only look in the beautiful blue eyes of my husband and I fall in love with him even more, pretty sure this is going to be a frequent occurrence.

  “Do you think we made a baby yet, love?” I ask.

  He grins, nuzzling his face against my breast. “It doesn’t matter if we did…”


  “No. I’m going to keep on pumping you full of cum either way, love, so either you are pregnant or not right now, it doesn’t really matter, you will be.”

  He says it so seriously that I have to laugh.

  “Really? You think you can boss my body into pregnancy, browbeating it with your iron will only?”

  “Well I was thinking of using more my cock then my will and sweeten the deal with plenty of orgasms for your lovely pussy… also a whole lot of cum it’s going to be involved in the process, but yes in the end I think I will be the victor.”

  I giggle. “You are crazy!”

  I kiss him softly. “But I love you so very much, Cash.”

  Cash smiles caressing my face and I can see how much my words are affecting him.

  In certain moments, it still looks like he doesn’t entirely believe I could really love him just for him, but I’ll spend the rest of my life making sure he knows it’s true every single fucking day.

  Cash cups my face in his large hands, all playfulness gone, his face determined.

  Whatever he is going to say, I know him enough now to know it will be serious and he will mean every word.

  “I love you so much, baby. You mean everything to me, Aria… everything. Never let go.”

  I hug him fiercely to my body. “Never, Cash.”

  And it is true, I love him so much, no matter what life will decide to throw at us, I know that we will never let go of each other.

  If there will be lemons, so be it: I know I’m strong enough to squeeze them as long as Cash is by my side.

  I’m not scared of the future anymore; I can’t wait to see what tomorrow will bring us.

  This is us, happy and in love.

  This is going to be our forever.



  One year later…

  There’s nothing around me but the sound of the crystalline, azure waves crushing on the shore and Aria’s giggles as I twirl her in the water, her arms and legs fastened to my body as we smile, laugh and kiss.

  My hands leave her thighs and reach behind her to splay on her beautifully rounded, firm bottom, clutching her naked, wet breasts to my chest.

  “Cash, hold me, please, don’t let me go!” she blurts out urgently against my neck, her arms almost strangling me.

  I pull slightly away to look her in the eye.

  “I’ll never let you go, baby. Can’t promise I would, even if you wanted me to.”

  “I’ll never want you to, love.”

  She kisses me sweetly, her hazel eyes shining golden under the sun, her long wet curls brushing my forearms and tickling my skin.

  Turns out my fearless wife who actually snuck out one day to ride Artax, got almost thrown off and did the same thing the next day, is scared of deep waters and doesn’t know how to swim.

  Not that the little stubborn thing mentioned it to me of course, when I told her we were going to go away for two weeks to celebrate our anniversary and asked her if she would like to be by the sea.

  To be honest though, my wife didn’t want a vacation as an anniversary present at all.

  When I asked Aria what she would like to do, she made me fall in love with her even more —I didn’t know it was possible, because I already loved her so much it definitely hurt in that delightful way that only requited love can, I suppose.

  She didn’t want another big rock on her finger or around her swan-like neck, she didn’t want a romantic date —though we did get one anyway, the day before we left, when she surprised me in my office with a picnic basket full of my favorites and hers. Her culinary skills are out of this world and we ate until we couldn’t almost breathe we were so full and then we fucked so much we burned all those calories up and got so hungry again we had to order takeout to sate our appetites— no, what she wanted was entirely different and selfless.

  She said she wanted for us to rescue a struggling ranch as an anniversary present and help the owners get on their feet again, she wanted for it to become a tradition to repeat on every anniversary.

  So you see, my woman, my lover, my wife is absolutely the best and she was ready to give up not a single anniversary present, but the next —hopefully— sixty ones as well.

  That’s the kind of person she is and I thank God every day for it, for making me leave that FFC Board meeting at the exact moment I did and most of all for making her fall in love with me even if I acted like an ass and almost lost her in the process.

  I decided to just go ahead and set up a charity in our name inside the already existing family’s foundation that will do just that, but then of course I ended up booking a holiday for us anyway because I really wanted two weeks alone with my wife.

  We have so much to celebrate, we couldn’t simply stay at home.

  Not only we have had a wonderful year together full of love, laughter and mind-blowing sex, but she just made me even happier a few days ago when she baked me my favorite cake

  —red velvet—, curiously covered with a layer of blue and one of pink icing.

  At first I didn’t get it, but man, when I did I practically hollered in joy. I was so loud that I send most of the staff at the manor running to us, afraid something was wrong.

  They opened the door to my study, but never got to walk through it and I heard them hastily shut it close again.

  I didn’t see who it was to be honest, my eyes were tightly shut, I had Aria wrapped around me and we were completely engrossed in a soul-shattering kiss.

  In the last five days or so, I’ve had a hard time believing I could actually be so lucky, but I am.

  It really happened, I found the love of my life, a blue rose in a world of black ones that only cared for my wealth; Aria made me rich in a way I had never been until I met her and now she is going to make my life —our life— truly complete, giving us a child, making us a family.

  So you see, I had to take her away somewhere.

  Now, had she told me she couldn’t swim even in shallow waters without panicking, I would have taken her to my chalet in Aspen to relax and enjoy the snow and lots of hot chocolate, but since she didn’t, I simply decided to take her to our private Polynesian island.

  But it’s not a big deal, I’ll make her love this place and I’ll make a swimmer out of her even if it takes me a month —I haven’t had much luck teaching her in the last five days, but I can always postpone our departure if we feel like it.

  “Don’t worry, my love. I told you: I’ll teach you how to swim, you’ll turn into a fish before our holiday is over.”

  She wrinkles her nose at my turn of phrase.

  I nod. “Alright not a fish, I do apologize. You’re far to pretty for that analogy. I’ll turn you into a mermaid, you’re already gorgeous like one anyway.”

  She bites my chin and scoffs. “Flatter will get you nowhere.”

  I shrug. “As long as it doesn’t keep me out of your panties, I’m cool with it getting me nowhere else.”

  Aria shakes her head and smacks my shoulder, but I can see she is laughing inside, her eyes twinkling with it.

  I press her more to me and my cock gets even harder, the large head jerking against the wet, smooth fabric covering her hot pussy.

  She brushes her nipples against my chest a
nd rubs herself against the front of my trunks and I’m suddenly very much aware that sea water is not the only salty thing wetting them.

  “How about we start our next swimming lesson later, love? I’m getting all wrinkled and there are far better things we could be doing right now,” she says.

  I feel one of her hand slide between us, under the waistband of my trunks and close around my girth.

  Aria is bent on sabotaging my plans at every turn, but it’s not like I can really complain when she uses this particular technique.

  She starts to stroke me more insistently, her thumb caressing my head in a circular motion every time her hand reaches it, turning me impossibly harder and bigger and making my legs shake.

  I can’t do much but take the bait. “Better things you say, love? Such as?” I grunt.

  Aria leans forward until her lips are on my ear, her hand relentless in her massage. She nibbles on my earlobe, making me jump out of my skin, more pre-cum slicking her motion as my dick extends to full mast, the waistband of my swimsuit no longer flat against my lower abdomen, the tip peering out.

  “Well for instance, we could be fucking right now,” she whispers. “Right on our little towel on this desert beach, no one to hear us scream.”

  “Damn, baby. You drive me absolutely crazy, you know.”

  “Oh, I know, love, but it’s only fair since you do the same to me.”

  She bites the point where my neck meets my shoulder, making my cock jerk again and my balls tighten to hard nuts full to bursting for her.

  I reach down and unceremoniously undo the little ribbon keeping her thong in place, I rip the other without much care and throw the little scrap of yellow fabric in the water, making Aria scream and giggle, her arms coming again around my neck.

  I groan, assaulting her lips with a harsh kiss and I start to wade us back to dry land, my legs kicking tall, white sprays of water all around us as I march purposefully, holding Aria still pressed against me, her wet, slippery cunt kissing my hard abs.


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