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Mixing Business With Pleasure (Love Conquers All Book 2)

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by Persons, Cheryl

  “Sounds good to me.” He put out his arm to link hers and she pushed it away. She then looked around the office and saw that an employee, Bruce, was watching them intently. “Sorry,” he whispered.

  She didn't respond, what was done was done; she just had to be more careful. She didn't want the office to think that they were having an affair on the side. That would be bad news for everyone involved. He opened the door for him, but she figured it was because he was a gentleman and nothing else. “Thank you,” she replied quietly as she got in and he hurried to the other side. Once they were on their way to the restaurant she turned to him. “We have to be careful.”

  “About what?”

  “We can't have people starting rumors that we're dating. You don't understand, it really is a company policy and I don't want either one of us to get into trouble.”

  “They can believe what they want. We know the truth.”

  “Yeah but, it's our word against theirs and if they strongly believe we're having an affair they could cause trouble, even if it isn't true.”

  “You're right, but what happened to you being the boss? I mean, don't you have a say in things like that?”

  “I'm not the one that makes the rules and I can't just say I'm the boss and what's my business stays my business. So, there's no way around it. What we have is simply platonic, but we have to be even less than that when co-workers see us. We can't let them see us doing anything or going anywhere. If they do, we have to make up excuses.” She paused for a moment, “It's the only way I can be your friend, outside of work.”

  She didn't know if he truly understood, but she had to pray that she was getting through to him. “Fine, if someone says something I'll say that you had a meeting and needed me to go with you. It won't be unusual, because it's happened before.”

  Tiffany let out a breath, “Okay that's good. We'll stick with that.”

  They pulled into the restaurant and she quickly opened the door, not giving him the chance. When they walked into the restaurant she noticed how busy they were and she hoped that no one was there that they knew or their first day of being friends outside of work would be over. She glanced out around the room as the hostess led them to a table. She sighed with relief when she placed them in the back. “Thank you,” she heard Matt say as they sat down.

  “So far so good,” she mumbled under her breath.

  “What was that?” He asked as he looked down at his menu.

  “Nothing, I'm starved.” She lied as she looked in the menu. It was only a few minutes before she placed the menu down and knew what she wanted. When he looked at her with a curious expression she laughed, “I'm a very decisive woman. It doesn't take me long to decide what I want. He mumbled something she couldn't quite make out. “Did you say something?”

  “Nope, just thinking about what I want.” She knew that wasn't true, but it was supposed to be a celebration and she didn't want to argue.

  “Hi, I'm Tina. I'll be your server today. Have you decided what you wanted?”

  “Matt?” Tiffany waited for him to look up from the menu.

  “Yes, I think I'm ready. You go first.”

  “I'll take the Medium order of Nachos, without tomatoes and a regular coffee. Thank you.”

  “I'll take two beef burritos with rice on the side and I'll just drink water. Thanks.” They handed the menus to the waitress and Tiffany worried that the silence was going to be awkward. “This seems like a nice place. It didn't take them very long to build.”

  “No, it didn't.” He turned back and faced her and smiled. “You know I was thinking about something...'

  “Oh yeah, what's that?”

  “You got to hear my story, as troubling as it might have been, but I haven't heard your story.”

  He laughed and took a drink of his water. “I don't have anything to tell.”

  “Right and I'm to buy that? Matt you were engaged, I was just curious as to what happened.” She bit her tongue and cringed, “I'm sorry, it really isn't any of my business. If you don't want to tell me, you don't have to.”

  “Do you ever give a guy a chance to speak?”

  Her eyes got big, then he started to laugh and she knew he was teasing. “I'm just overeager I guess. I have to break that habit.”

  “Don't, it's cute on you.” She knew she was blushing, but it wasn't something she could control. It really isn't a very fascinating story. I'll share, if you really want to hear it.”

  “I do,” she smiled what she hoped was an encouraging smile as she sat back and waited for the food.


  Matt didn't know whether he really wanted to share his life story, but Tiffany was so willing to tell him about hers. He really felt like he could trust her. “My parents got a divorce when I was young, maybe about 6 years old. I lived mainly with my mother growing up. My father took off once the divorce was final and so I felt like I was the man of the house. I had to take care of my mom, because no one else would. Throughout high school, I didn't have a whole lot of friends. I never went to the prom, didn't go on any dates. I didn't feel like I knew how to handle myself around girls, since my dad wasn't there.” He paused as the waitress brought them their drinks and then left the table once more.

  Times weren't easy and so I went and found a job, it didn't make big bucks but it helped out. For awhile it was just my mom and I. I was happy when my senior year she met her new husband. Josh is a great guy and I knew she would be happy.”

  “Did your biological father ever come back?”

  “He came back my senior year of high school. Our relationship has always been rocky, but it's in a better place now. I went off to college and that's when I met Suzanne. It was truly love at first sight. She was going to school for Nursing and we spent the next 4 years together, nearly every waking moment we would find reasons to be with each other.” He looked at her, wondering if she wanted him to stop. Her expression showed she was intrigued with his story so far, so he continued.

  “It was about a month into dating that she proceeds to tell me she has a daughter. Her name is Tabitha and she was 3 years old.”

  “Is Suzanne older than you?'

  He shook his head, no...Actually she was a year younger. So, she had Tabitha when she was 15.”

  “Wow, I can't even imagine.”

  “Yeah, it was rough on her. She had a good support system, so that's what kept her in school...striving for her dreams.” He barely noticed when the waitress placed the food in front of them. “Thank you,” she nodded and walked away as they began to eat. “Do you want me to go on?”

  She nodded with satisfaction, “Please.”

  “When I got to meet Tabitha, I fell instantly in love. I felt like she was truly my daughter and I wouldn't hurt, or let anyone hurt her for anything. Every time I went out with Suzanne, I made sure Tabitha went with us. It's a packaged deal and I was ready to be a dad.”

  “Where was her biological father?”

  He shrugged, “No one knows. He was older than Suzanne was, about 18 and after graduation he took off.”

  “Did he know him about Tabitha?”

  “Suzanne had told him, but he didn't care. I proposed to her on our college graduation night. She immediately, without hesitation said yes, and I was the happiest person in the world. We decided that we were going to wait about a year, then make preparations. We both wanted to get a job and be stable, before taking the leap. I got a job in the next town over and she got a job at the hospital in the city. We were both finally happy with what we were doing. So, it was almost a year after graduation and I talked to her and said that I was ready to begin planning for the wedding. She tried to put me off and when I questioned her, she told me that she changed her mind. She didn't want to get married, she felt like she didn't get a chance to see things because she was saddled in a relationship.”

  “Are you serious? Just like that and it's over?”

  He nodded, “I guess so. I didn't know what to do. After al
l, Tabitha was already a huge part of my life and Suzanne is saying that she wants nothing to do with me. Not only that, she doesn't want me to see Tabitha, because it will confuse her. By this time, she's almost 8. I have spent every waking hour with both of them and I'm cut out of their lives.”

  “I'm sorry Matt, that's not fair to you. She shouldn't have done that. No matter what her reasoning’s were.”

  “It is what it is, but I waited 3 years until I realized that I couldn't stand living in the same town and not being able to see Tabitha. I got over losing Suzanne, but I don't know that I will ever get over having to say goodbye to Tabitha.”

  “That means she would be 11 now?”

  “Yeah and I haven't talked to her since that final day. I saw her a couple of times. I went to her school and watched her from the playground, but it obviously wasn't the same. Yes, I know that that's creepy.”

  “It's not creepy, you were a concerned father.”

  “The exception being that I'm not a father.”

  “It just proves what a great one you'll be when you get the opportunity.”

  He laughed, “I think that ship has sailed.”

  “Don't cut yourself out; I'm sure you'll have plenty of more relationships. You act like you're ancient.”

  “Just old, not ancient.” He replied with a smile, “If it happens then fine, I just won't hold my breath. Are you finished? We probably shouldn't be late. The boss might yell.”

  Tiffany laughed, “You're right, that would be awkward.”

  Matt grabbed the check and paid the cashier then he walked her out to the car. “Thanks for listening.”

  “Thanks for sharing.”

  He nodded as she got into the car. “He had to admit, he felt better. He would never get past losing Tabitha, but it helped knowing if he needed to talk to someone Tiffany would be there.

  Chapter 4

  Matt briskly walked through the office, he was glad to see he was the only one there. He made his way through Tiffany's office door and placed the single long-stemmed rose on her desk. It read simply, Congratulations! Matt. He smiled in satisfaction that he had made it without being caught and then went back to his office. He was busy working at his desk when he heard someone walk in and clear their throat. He looked up and smiled, “Hey Bruce, when did you get here?”

  “About 5 minutes ago.” He looked around and then focused his attention back to Matt. “I have to hand it to you, you are smooth.”

  “I don’t understand what it is you're trying to say?”

  “Tiffany...I have been trying for several years to get her to notice me. You come in and, within months you have a date. Is it a Friend with Benefits relationship? Or is there more to the story?”

  “Bruce, you don't know what you're saying. You might just want to leave right now.”

  Bruce laughed rudely and then shook his head. “Why keep it a secret? She's a very attractive woman; it just hurts that you were the first one to get your hands on her. What's your secret?”

  Matt stood up and walked over to his door, he peeked outside to make sure there was no one else around. “I don't know what you think you know, but you're way off base. Tiffany and I are friends and that's all there is to it.”

  “So, it is friends with benefits. Should have known.”

  He stared at Bruce; he was two seconds away from throwing him through a wall. “What do you mean by that?”

  “Tiffany isn't the type to have relationships where she can love all the way. She goes through men like most people go through Kleenex, use it once and then throw it out.”

  “Bruce, I would appreciate it if you would just leave.”

  “Hey man, I know you want to defend her, but it's true.”

  He knew that Tiffany had said she wasn't the loving kind and that she only used men for one thing, but it felt wrong to hear Bruce degrade her like she wasn't worth his time. “She's a great girl Bruce and I enjoy spending time with her. There's nothing going on and I would appreciate if you would stop talking about her.”

  “Maybe that's it; you're angry that you can't get some when she's so easy. Then you wouldn't mind if I make my move?”

  His jaw dropped and he seriously thought he was going to punch him, but then he spotted Tiffany from afar and lowered his voice.”

  “You don't have a chance, so get that thought out of your mind.”

  “That sounds like a dare. Are you daring me to ask her out on a date?”

  “Good morning gentleman.”

  Matt jerked back to reality when he saw Tiffany enter his office. “Good morning Tiff,” Bruce replied with a hunger in his eyes. “I'll be seeing both of you around.”

  When he walked out of the room Matt watched Tiffany stare after him. “What was that all about?”

  “Nothing, no worries.”

  “Can I believe that?”

  “What would you say if he was to ask you out on a date?”

  Tiffany laughed, “Why would he do that?”

  “Just answer the question.”

  “I told you...I'm not into relationships. Not to mention, is it really any of your concern?”

  “I guess not,” he mumbled and took a seat. “It was just a question.” He didn't know what to say to her to make her realize that it would be a mistake. She was right, it wasn't his concern. However, that didn't mean he didn't care what happened to her.


  Tiffany started to leave, but then turned back around. “Oh yeah, I forgot the reason I came in here. Thank you for the rose, but it's precisely things like this that can make people wonder. Is that why Bruce was here?”

  Matt shrugged, “I don't know. I got to thinking, I don't care what people think and you shouldn't either. We are two grown adults and if I want to be friends with you that should be good enough. If rumors fly we'll deal with them as they come. No one should get the chance to tell someone who they can or can't associate with.”

  “Are you prepared to face the consequences? I mean...what if the board comes to us and decides we can't work together and one of us has to go? I'm not going to back down. Are you?”

  He smiled, “Tiffany, if it comes to that...I'm not going to let you lose your job just because we were friends. We have a solid case. They won't be able to get the evidence together that we were having an affair, because there won't be any. That's all there is to it.” Tiffany thought for a while and agreed. It wasn't like they had done anything wrong. Nothing in the rules stated that two co-workers, even a boss and employee, couldn't be friends.

  “You're right; I'll stop worrying so much.”

  “Good, now that that's settled. You're welcome for the flower.”

  She laughed and turned away, he was sweet and the perfect guy...if she was ready for something like that. She almost forgot the question he had asked earlier about Bruce. That was before she spotted him heading towards her office and he appeared to be on a mission. “Bruce.” She nervously stated as he approached her. “May I help you with something?”

  “Actually, it's something I can help you with. Let's go in your office and talk.”

  She reluctantly led the way and once they were inside he closed the door. “What are you doing?”

  She grabbed for the door, but his hand brushed hers. “We need some privacy, you'll understand soon enough. She pulled back and stared at him. We have known each other for a few years now and I don't know why you have never given me the chance.”

  Her eyes got big and she couldn't believe he was there in that moment. “Bruce, I never really thought of you in...That way.”

  “I'm sure that there are a lot of guys you could say that about. It doesn't mean that you haven't gotten to know them better.”

  Her face reddened and she looked away. “What's this about? You know that co-workers can't date. I wouldn't want you to get into trouble.”

  “That doesn't stop you from being with Matt. I mean, I saw you guys go out together yesterday. I know that something's going on.
Just be honest with yourself.”

  “Nothing is going on between Matt and me. We're friends and yesterday was just a business luncheon. I needed him there to help with the public relations.”

  “Is that what you're calling it now? Public Relations? Who are you trying to fool? I see he gives you flowers, he beams when you're around. You don't have to deny your feelings, not when I am finding it quite fascinating.”

  Tiffany swallowed hard; she could feel a headache forming. “What's this really about?”

  “I have a proposal for you. I won't spill the beans about Matt, if you go out with me.”

  “What? That's nuts. You won't tell about Matt and me being friends if I go out on a date with you? News're a co-worker too.”

  “True, but if you go out with one will get in trouble and everyone will be happy.”

  “Everyone except for me,” Tiffany mumbled.

  “Come on, it's just one date. Who knows you might like it.”

  She doubted that, she wasn't agreeable about being blackmailed. “You're blackmailing me. You're okay with that?”

  He smiled, “If it gets me what I want.”

  “What's in it for you? What exactly do I have to do on this date?”

  “That's the fun part. I thought we could do dinner, dancing; afterward we can go back to my place for some dessert. Just a typical night that you are used to.”

  “Dessert? As in...”

  “Come on Tiff, you're a smart woman. You know what I mean.”

  She unfortunately did. “I don't know. I'm pretty busy. With this new campaign and all. It might be several weeks to months before I can squeeze you in.”

  “You have till Friday.”

  “WHAT??? You can't mean that.”

  “Oh...I do. We will have a great time and you will be so thankful you agreed to this. Trust me, you will enjoy yourself.”

  “I can't possibly make it by then, pick another time.”

  “Tiffany, you don't seem to realize that I hold the cards now. I play a hand in your future and if you don't care about that then don't go with my plan.”


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