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Sweetest Torture (Sweetest Kill Book 2)

Page 10

by Alexander, S. B

  Michael was like a dog in love with her. The second she walked through the door, he stood and walked quickly to her, pulling her into his arms and hugging her like she was the love of his life.

  Max hated her. I could tell the way he grabbed my hand, and looked deep into my eyes like he needed me to hold him back. I placed my hand on his lap and gently rubbed him, to reassure him.

  But I was no happier that she was here.

  Michael got a call, and walked off, leaving Stella to walk into the kitchen

  I hadn’t talked the woman too many times. I saw her the first time outside of dean’s shortly after he and I met, and then when she was picking up his stuff when he went off the radar when he was done with this job while we were dating.

  She smiles at me, in a manner that is anything but friendly

  “Are you married yet?” she spits

  Max and I say nothing

  “I have been doing a very good job of taking care of your family, you will be happy to know that your screaming kid no longer whines for you, and that your husband no longer cries out your name at night. Now he just moans mine when we fuck.”

  I drop the fork I am holding. The sound of the heavy metal clinking against the fine china echoes through the dining room.

  Max grabs my hand and pulls it beneath the table, gently squeezing, reminding me not to let her get to me. But I can’t help it. I can’t listen to what she has to say and not get upset.

  “You always did seem to me like a sloppy second’s kind of girl, Stella.” I say

  She lunges across the room, but Max stands up and shoves her away from me. I hear Michael walking into the room and Stella takes that moment to smirk at Max and me and then falls dramatically to the ground.

  When Michael sees her on the floor, she begins the waterworks. Michael looks pissed

  “What the fuck happened in here.” He yells, reaching down to help her up

  “Max attacked me, when I asked Olivia how she was doing.” Stella pouts

  Max looks at his father “she was fucking running her mouth about fucking Olivia’s husband and telling Olivia that her kid doesn’t cry for her anymore. Olivia made a comment which I personally found quite humorous.” He pauses and looks over at me with a smile “and then Stella lunged for her, I was just protecting what’s mine dad.”

  Michael looks to me and then down to Stella. “Just what did Olivia say that was so humorous?” He glances up at me for a response

  “I told her that sloppy seconds was always her style.” I murmur

  Michael looks at Stella and then his son and starts to laugh. It’s not a fake laugh, but rather a giant belly laugh which I didn’t even really know the man was quite capable of.

  “Stella, you are no longer a part of my family, Olivia belongs to Max so you cannot come in here and say such things and not expect a response.”

  Stella looks put out “so you don’t care about me anymore, you are choosing her too?”

  “There is not much of a choice, Max likes having her here, and he intends to marry her and have children with her and so she is the priority over you.”

  “Fine.” She spits out “I will just go back to Dean and tell him how well you are doing here Olivia, tell him not to waste his time on you anymore. Not that he has been, since I got him back.”

  “Dean wouldn’t take you back Stella, you are disgusting, he hates you.” I state to her back as she walks towards the door.

  She walks back towards me, with her cell phone now in her hand she turns it to me and a text message is on display as she hands me the phone. I look up at her, the smile that is plastered on her phone makes my stomach drop.

  ‘Stella, when are you coming back baby. I can’t wait to sink back inside of you. I am sorry I made you feel like I didn’t want you. I married her out of obligation for our son, but she’s gone now so we can be together. I luv you.’

  My anger takes control. I don’t know why Dean would say something like that. He didn’t have to ask me to marry him, he had a choice. I told him that very thing when he first asked me. I thought he was happy. He looked so proud when we were finally married. But I couldn’t deny the words, or the proof of his phone number at the top of the text message. It was from Dean. It was dated this morning.

  Still holding the phone I ask her “if he has been fucking you this whole time, why is he just now sending you a text message to reaffirm his feelings for you and defend our marriage?”

  Her smile is still there “I had to have an excuse to get away and make sure that you weren’t going to come back and ruin things. I was rather hoping you would be dead by now, but knowing that you are with Max for real is SO much better than that. He sent the text when I staged a fight between us, but now I am on my way back. By the way. Your son really does look just like his father, he looks nothing like you. Which means I can totally play off being his mom from here on out. You won’t mind will you?”

  The cell phone is out of my hand and thrown at her head so hard and so fast I didn’t even realize I made the decision to do it. The plastic cracks off her skull and blood is instantly dripping off her. I quickly reach for Max who had positioned himself earlier between us slightly to protect me from Stella, and grab his gun which is always in the band of his suit.

  I cock the gun quickly and point it at her head. Max laughs slightly.

  One of the first things that Max and I started doing together once he realized he could trust me, was to take me shooting. He said it was something that Dean should have taught me after I was taken the first time. It was one of the few jabs he really threw Dean’s way, in front of me at least.

  Max moves away “angel, she’s not worth it.” But he’s still smiling

  I look at Michael “do you love her?” I ask

  Michael looks at his son and says “no I do not.”

  “Stella. I want you to do me a favor. When you go back to Dean, I want you to tell him that I love him. I want you to tell my mother to kiss my son and then I want you to tell my lovely husband that I want a divorce. I expect that the divorce papers can be brought here?” I ask looking to Max, who shakes his head yes

  “I want you to remember this moment for the rest of your life, I want you to look me in the eye and remember each and every time you have fucked me over personally, or through someone else. I want you to look at me and know that I did nothing to you, but fall in love with a fool. My son has no part in your evil bull shit. So if you and Dean are going to be together, that’s fine and great, but you get my best friend or my mother to raise Landon. You will not raise my baby. You can have my fucking husband if he’s too busy fucking you and sending you text messages to actually look for me. You can have everything I own, but cannot have my child. Do you understand me?”

  Stella is shaking, but she nods her head yes. “Obviously you aren’t going to shoot me.” She replies a few moments after I finish. She’s getting cocky again

  “Oh yeah, about that.”

  I drift off. I turn the gun down to her leg and pull the trigger. I could have shot to kill her. I wanted to, but I wanted her to hurt the way that I hurt when I was first taken, when Hector had hurt me. I wanted her to feel physical pain and have a scar that make her remember this moment.

  “I loved him with everything I had.”

  I hand the gun back to Max and walk back upstairs. No one says anything behind me as I go.

  I grab the first bottle of alcohol that I see on the cabinet before I walk up the stairs.

  I walk into my room, and into the bathroom. The bath tub is large enough to fit 3 adults. Max made sure that I had a large variety of soaps and hygiene products, which I thought was sweet. Baths were my favorite past time here.

  I drink about half the bottle of tequila, which is risky considering I don’t drink much but I need to numb the pain.

  Part of me wonders if Dean is playing Stella, but if he was playing her, it would mean that he was there in town still. Which meant he was not out trying to find me. All of
the previous pain of what he had done to me before Landon was born came flooding back and twisted in with the fresh hurt of Stella’s declarations.

  I did forgive him, but that didn’t mean that I forgot all of those feelings, it didn’t meant that part of me didn’t resent that he had admitted to sleeping with Stella over the years when she had manipulated him earlier. It was all very possible, or it was not possible at all, but the pain was there all the same. Chewing up my heart and Patron was going to make it all better for now.

  I turned on the stereo with the remote. Listening to Kings of Leon, they were one of my favorite groups.

  “Wait for me” came on. It was off their newer album, which Dean bought me shortly before we got married, it was uploaded onto my IPod one day when I was sick in bed. I never bought music anymore. With the baby I didn’t have time to really listen to it.

  I hear a light knock on the door, before Max comes in.

  Chapter 34

  He doesn’t usually come into the bathroom while I am in here, he has opened the door, but stayed where he was. I don’t even care that he is entering now, and pulling a chair up to the side of the raised bathtub.

  “You didn’t knick any major arteries on Stella, so she will be fine.” He states

  “That’s almost too bad.” I reply, looking at him. He smiles at my response

  “I know you know right where you could shoot her if you were intending to take her life, you wanted her to feel pain, but you didn’t want her dead. You made your point. She will be stitched up tonight and sent back in the morning.”

  I nod my head. And take another pull of the tequila, it still burns down my throat.

  “Did you mean that stuff that you said about asking for a divorce?” Max asks me suddenly after several moments of silence

  I look to him again. His suit jacket is off, his tie loosened and he looks fucking gorgeous.

  Move some bubbles around, waving my hand in and out of the water, loving the numb feeling that has taken over most of my body.

  “I did. Have you ever been in love Max?”

  He looks at me, like he is seeing me for the first time. “I have... Once”

  “Imagine if you fell in love for the very first time, and thought that you had met the love of your life imagine you had every reason to believe that this other person loved you every bit as much as you loved them, if you poured your heart and soul into making another person happy and they just didn’t seem to appreciate it. Or they acted like they did, but all the while their actions said that they didn’t care. Imagine if you were in my shoes, and you knew that the person you married did not wait a single fucking second after you were kidnapped before moving on. Just imagine finding out that you were not the love of your life’s one true love. But rather just another conquest that he just so happened to knock up. Stella has been a road block our entire relationship. This is the 3rd time she has really fucked stuff up. And it’s the last time.

  I know I will never see my son again. I understand. I know my mom and Alexis will take care of him. It hurts, it really does. But Dean had a choice. He could have fought for me, and he choose instead to screw Stella and make her feel good. It sucks.”

  I stop talking and watch Max. He’s still staring at me

  “When you were in love, how did it end? Did it hurt like this?”

  Max reaches forward and takes my bottle of tequila, he takes a long pull and watches me for several moments before answering

  “It hasn’t ended yet.” He whispers holding my gaze

  “Oh, I didn’t know you were seeing someone else, when do you have time for that?” I laugh

  Max laughs “You are a silly girl, it’s you Olivia, and it is you that I love.”

  “What?” I ask

  “I think I have been in love with you for a few weeks now. Since I realized that you were making a real effort at making a life with me. Somewhere along the way, I feel in love with you. I have never loved another woman before. I have never wanted another woman before. Not until you. It’s you.”

  He moves from the chair and kneels before the tub “is that the craziest thing you have ever heard? I don’t see how it could be, I have tried to show you in every way possible but I never wanted to push you before you were ready.”

  He doesn’t wait for me to respond, he dips his hand into the water to rub my side. When I don’t protest, he moves his hands to my hip and then between my legs.

  He quickly begins to rub my clit beneath the water, slow and steady when I move my head back at the feel of his hand between my legs, he takes that as an invitation to slip a finger inside of me.

  “You are so beautiful, and you are so sweet. I don’t see how any man could not fall in love with you after a short amount of time. But here is the very big issue between me and some of those men. Although we met on less than desirable circumstances, I will give my whole live to make you happy. You will never have to cry tears of me angel, because I will always be here. I will always be true to you.”

  He picks up the pace with the ministrations of his fingers and I suddenly come hard.

  “Yes angel, god you are even fucking beautiful when you do that.” His voice is full of seduction.

  He rises slightly and I can see his erection pressing against his suit paints. I lean forward, pulling myself up onto my knees and reach forward for the buckle of his paints.

  He grabs my hand before I am able to do anything further “you don’t have to do this angel, I just wanted to make you feel good.”

  I don’t know if it’s me or the alcohol talking but I look up at him “I want to make you feel good for making me feeling.” In the most seductive voice I can manage.

  He pulls me up from the bathtub. I climb out and he takes my hand and leads me to the bedroom, he turns so that his back is against the bed. He rakes his eyes up and down my body, licking his lips in appreciation while he releases the buckle of his pants unzipping the pants slowly, watching my reaction as he does.

  When his pants are fully opened, he pulls the pants down and steps out of them, leaving his black briefs on, which leave nothing to the imagination, his erection is straining against the fabric. When he stands back up, he grabs himself almost as if he is trying to relief his need.

  I walk towards him and reach for the waist band. He lightly grabs my chin forcing me to look into his eyes “are you sure you want to start this, because I don’t know that I would be able to walk away if we go any further.”

  I rub him gently through his briefs, causing him to lightly growl “I’m sure Max.”

  I reach up and slowly begin to unbutton his dress shirt, when I reach the bottom and its wide open I notice that he doesn’t have any tattoos. He is strong too, but he’s not as strong as someone else. But Max doesn’t need to be full of muscle, he’s perfect the way that he is. He’s smart, and he’s kind and he loves me. He told me he loves me.

  I nudge him back so that he will lie down on the bed

  Once he does, he scoots back on the bed so that his legs are not lying over the side. When he does I climb up on top of him, straddling him. I lean down and lightly kiss him. Our first kiss.

  He’s gentle. He doesn’t need to devour me, there is nothing rough or tainted in this moment He gently moves my hair behind my ears.

  “Don’t do that.” I ask gently that was his thing. He always said he needed to see my face. He had to see all of me he would tell me.

  He nods. He doesn’t ask me why, he just accepts it.

  Instead, he gathers all of my hair in his hands and holds it to the side. Kissing me.

  I begin to slide myself in small circles against him. I feel him pull away slightly and hiss at the movement, which only causes me to press down a little more but never stopping.

  Max grabs my hips and pushes me down more firmly, the feeling of his briefs against my bare flesh should be uncomfortable but it’s not. In fact it feels amazing.

  I scoot back away from him, slowly moving my body down his. When I reach
the waist band of his briefs, I pull them down and remove his erection. Just by touching him finally nearly sends Max over the edge, his back arches and he lets out a small slew of curses.

  I gently lay small kisses along the side of his cock, before pulling it into my mouth and sucking gently, but with enough pressure to get him really going.

  I move my hand along his base in half circles, up and down. Max starts to moan, so I start to suck a little harder.

  He doesn’t take long to come. He tries to warn me, but I ignore him.

  I have a million thoughts cross into my mind when he finishes. I should stop this. I should go back into the bathroom and finish my bath and pretend that none of this ever happened. I look down at my hand where my wedding ring should be.

  Three grown men, all with their own world of personal contacts and favors could have found my by now. But they chose not to.

  I have to move on. If I am going to be here forever, I am going to try to be happy.

  I climb back up Max and pepper him with more kisses, all of which he returns with a bit more force than last time.

  He turns me so that I am on my side, still facing him.

  He kisses me, and with another hand reaches between my legs rubbing two fingers between my folds

  “So wet.” He mutters

  “Of course, that was pretty hot.” I laugh

  “You are fucking hot.” He grabs my mouth with his again. I lose myself in the kiss, and barely have time to register his lifting my one leg up and over his hips and entering me in a quick smooth motion.

  Granted it’s only been 6 months, the sudden feeling of having him inside of me causes pain, but only for a moment.

  Dean and I had sex sure, but only about 10 times before I went missing, with a new baby, it was hard to find a whole lot of alone time.

  “Shit angel, there is going to be no coming back from you.” Max groans into my neck, thrusting in and out of me deliciously slow.

  He leans up onto his elbow and grips my breast into his one hand, twisting and pulling on my nipple while sucking gently on the other one.


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