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Fallen Angel, Part III

Page 16

by Tracie Podger

  It didn’t sound like she was in the mood for talking nice, her tone was very clipped. She might be angrier to see Travis than pleased. I felt unsettled. From where I was sitting I had a view of the front desk, I would see her first. Thankfully the restaurant wasn’t full, only a few tables occupied as it was still early for the evening diners.

  I saw her walk in, stop and chat to the concierge before shrugging off his arm and walking over. I wanted to stand just before she got to me. I wanted to warn her that Travis was sitting at the same table, she wouldn’t have seen either him or Robert until she got to us. I didn’t get the chance though.

  “Have you seen this?” she asked, throwing a file on the table.

  It knocked my glass over and I watched as the red wine dripped off the table and onto my dress. It was only then that she realised Robert and Travis were sitting opposite me.

  “Who the fuck are you people?” she hissed.

  Robert stood.

  “Don’t you fucking come near me. Who are you?” she shouted.

  The restaurant had quietened and people looked our way. Robert reached out to take her arm, he hadn’t said a word. She tried to back away before he could reach her but she wasn’t quick enough.

  “Get your hands off me or, I swear, I’ll call the police. You don’t need that, do you? Brooke, do you know who you have married? And as for you, you have lied to me from day one,” she said, her gaze flicking to Travis who now also stood.

  “Let’s take this out of here,” Robert said, his voice low, a sure sign he was angry.

  He propelled her through the kitchen doors, Travis and I scrambled from the table to catch up. I picked up the file as we did. Robert marched her towards the back of the kitchen, to the service doors that led to a road behind. The staff stood looking with wide eyes as Caroline twisted and turned, trying to break free of Robert’s grip.

  “Get back to work,” he barked at the staff.

  “Rob, let me deal with this,” Travis said as we pushed through the doors.

  “If I let you go, are you going to run?” Robert asked.

  Caroline was scared and I could see her hands tremble.

  “Please, Caroline, let’s talk about this. All this, it’s a load of lies, a journalist who has it in for Robert and other businessmen. I can explain this,” I said, waving the file in front of her.

  Travis stepped between Robert and Caroline, he brushed a piece of hair behind her ear, a tender gesture.

  “I’m sorry, I fucked up big time. I got scared and I want to tell you why. As Brooke says, that stuff, it’s rubbish. How did you get it?” he asked.

  Caroline’s eyes darted between us. I placed a hand on Robert’s arm silently begging him to step back. He scared her and we needed to calm her down, to listen to us. Thankfully he got the message and moved behind me, away from her. It had the effect I wanted, I watched her take a deep breath to calm herself.

  “Some guy approached me at work, he knew who I was, Travis. He knew where I lived. He knew Brooke and I had lunch last week, he knew my mom and, worst of all, Travis, he knew about Harley. He knew about my son. How do you explain that?”

  “I don’t know, what did he say?”

  “That I should know who I was dating, that I could be in danger. He said his life had been threatened by him,” she replied looking towards Robert.

  Travis shook his head.

  “Caroline, it’s all made up. We know about these reports, we have a copy of them too. Robert has lawyers going through them to see what can be done about it. Will you come back in, sit with us and let me explain?” he said.

  I watched as tears fell down her cheeks and I felt for her. I stepped beside her.

  “Caroline, please, listen to me. Sometimes I get photographed, that’s how this reporter may know about you. He must have seen us leaving the club. Look, there’s a copy here.” I showed her the first photograph in the file.

  “For years people have wanted to know how Robert got started. Can I tell you what I think? Robert bought a company, a long time ago. It wasn’t viable so he closed it down and sold off the land. This reporter’s father worked there and he blames Robert for his dad losing his job. There are many businessmen mentioned in this file, Caroline, this isn’t just about Robert and Travis.”

  “And that reporter’s dad committed suicide, Brooke, or didn’t you read that far?” Caroline said.

  “That’s terrible. No one knows why he did that but it could be the reason for all of this. Can we please go inside, just you and me?”

  “I’m not safe, Brooke. My son is not safe around Travis.”

  “Has Travis, other than get scared and run, done anything to you, or Harley?” I asked.

  “That’s not the point. I’m pregnant, I’m carrying his child. He has lied, how the hell do I know what you are telling me is the truth now? They’re crooks, the fucking Mafia if you read everything in that file and I will not have my child near that.”

  “I can understand that, you’re scared, but what if this isn’t true?”

  “Answer me this, how did he get his scars?”

  “He, and Robert, got into a fight. They were not angels, Caroline, but you’re talking about something that happened over ten years ago.”

  “Now you’re taking me for a fool. I’m a nurse, that wasn’t just a fight,” Caroline said.

  “Okay it wasn’t just a fight. It was a vicious attack on Travis but, as I said, over ten years ago.”

  “You really believe what you’re saying, don’t you?” she said.

  “I believe what my husband tells me. It’s about trust and I would never trust the word of a journalist, especially this one. Think about it, would the Mafia own a children’s home? Would the Mafia have a big office block in the middle of DC, not far from where the bloody President lives?”

  I paused, hoping those words would calm her down enough to be able to talk this through.

  “Just come inside, it’s chilly. Talk to Travis and let him explain why he got scared and why this is all crap,” I said, waving the file. “You’ve met us, Caroline, you’ve met the girls, do we look dangerous to you?”

  “Oh, you’re good, Brooke. You nearly had me there,” she said with a laugh. “Did you know that woman, the one whose daughter died, she also died recently. What did your husband tell you about that, huh? Are you that gullible you believe everything you’re told?”

  My eyes shot to Robert. He looked stonily ahead, his stare fixed on Caroline. I detected a very slight twitch in his jaw muscle. If he was upset with Caroline earlier, he was certainly mad right then.

  “Oh, you didn’t know? Yeah, well, according to that file she died of a drug overdose, but did she?” Caroline said, her voice rose in anger.

  “You and me, forget Robert and Travis, just you and me. Let’s go back in and you tell me why I’m gullible, enlighten me, Caroline,” I said.

  At first I thought I was getting through to her, she seemed to relax a little. Travis stepped back to give her some space. She had nodded, we thought that meant she would follow us but as we turned to head back inside, she ran. Travis reached out to grab her but she dodged him.

  She wasn’t looking when she ran into the road. She didn’t see the truck and it had no time to stop before it hit her.

  I dropped the file and covered my mouth to silence the scream. Time slowed down. I saw Travis run and fall to his knees, he cradled her head in his arms. She had her eyes open, her mouth was moving and she was trying to speak. Robert was on the phone, calling for an ambulance. The truck driver climbed down from his cab.

  “Oh God. Oh God, I didn’t see her,” he said.

  “Call a fucking ambulance,” Travis shouted.

  “They’re on their way bro. Just hold on, okay,” Robert replied.

  People stood on the pavement, one crouched down beside Caroline and placed his coat over her. There was so much blood. I couldn’t see where it was coming from but it ran like a little river towards where I stood. I watched it
surround Travis’s shoes. I was totally stunned. Robert was pacing, still on the phone and giving as much detail to the emergency services as he could. He walked back to where I stood, picked up the file and pulled me to him holding my head to his chest so I couldn’t watch anymore. We stood behind Travis and waited until we heard the sirens approach. We watched as an ambulance and the police pulled up alongside the truck.

  Paramedics tried to coax Travis away. In the end Robert pulled him back by his arms. The paramedics got to work, they were quick and efficient, asking Travis for details of what had happened. He climbed in the back of the ambulance with her, throwing the car keys to Robert.

  We stood with the police giving as much information as we could. There was no point in denying that an argument had started, it had been seen by many people. Robert told them that Caroline was pregnant, her and Travis had broken up and a confrontation had occurred. He admitted walking her out of the restaurant so as not to disturb other diners and after a heated discussion she had run across the road. Travis had tried to stop her but he wasn’t quick enough, she had slipped out of his grasp. After what seemed like an age, we were free to leave.

  “I’m taking you home,” Robert said.

  “No, go to the hospital, Travis needs us,” I replied.

  “Brooke, don’t you think you’ve had enough of hospitals for a while, let me take you home. I’ll go back for Travis.”

  “I’m fine, please?”

  We climbed in the car and Robert pulled into the traffic, for a while we sat in silence.

  “Ask me,” he said. He hadn’t looked at me, just kept his gaze firmly ahead.

  “Did you kill Irene?” I asked quietly.

  “No, that’s the first I’ve heard of it.”

  I nodded. I believed him, he had always said if I asked he would tell me the truth. He handed me his mobile and told me to call Mack. The call connected to the car’s speaker and I listened as Mack answered.

  “Rob,” he said.

  “Irene Cole died of a drug overdose, find out what you can,” he said.

  “I haven’t heard anything from our contacts, but I’ll check. You okay?”

  “We are on our way to the hospital, Caroline ran in front of a truck. I’ll call you when I know more.”

  “Shit. Travis with you?”

  “He’s in the ambulance.”

  “Okay, give me a call when you know anything.”

  Robert disconnected the call and we made our way to the hospital, parked the car and entered the building. It took a while before we were shown to a room where Travis was waiting. I swallowed down the nausea I felt as I walked in. The smells, the noise would always remind me of what we had been through just a few months previous. Travis was sitting with his head in his hands but he looked up as we entered. His eyes were red and his cheeks still wet. Robert sat one side, I on the other and we placed our arms around him.

  “This is all my fucking fault,” he said.

  “It was an accident, Trav,” Robert replied. He also told him what had been said to the police.

  “What’s happening?” I asked.

  “She has a head injury, she was awake for a bit but she’s gone into a coma. I’m still waiting for someone to tell me. Shit, I need to call her mom, what the fuck do I say?”

  “Do you want me to?” I asked. He nodded and handed me his phone after scrolling through and finding the number.

  I stepped out of the room to make the call. It answered on the fourth ring.

  “Hello?” I heard.

  “Mrs. Vine, my name’s Brooke, I’m a friend of Caroline’s. I’m sorry to tell you but there’s been an accident. I’m with her at the hospital and I think you should come,” I said.

  “An accident? What happened? What hospital?” she said. I could hear the panic in her voice.

  “How about I send someone to pick you up?”

  “Erm, yes, please. Oh God, Brooke you said? I need to find my bag. Please, tell her I’m on my way,” she said.

  I made my way back into the room and texted the address and instructions to Gary. I stressed the urgency and then we sat and waited. This was the part that I hated the most, the not knowing, the waiting for someone to come and tell us what was happening. There was no point, as Travis was doing, keep heading for the nurse’s desk. They knew about as much as we did. Caroline was in surgery, she had suffered a head injury, that’s all we knew.

  A while later the door opened and I watched a nurse escort a very distressed elderly woman into the room, she was accompanied by a child. Travis stood and walked towards her. As he did, the child, Harley, ran into his arms sobbing.

  “Oh, Travis. My baby, what happened to my baby?” she asked.

  “Elaine, come and sit down. Hey buddy, it’s okay, I’ve got you.”

  Travis’s voice broke on every word and I swallowed the lump that had jumped to my throat. I watched as he held Harley, running his hand over his hair, circling his back and letting the child cry. I knelt down beside him.

  “Hi, Harley. I’m Brooke, how about you and I go find some drinks?” I asked. I thought it best that Travis explained what had happened to Elaine without Harley hearing, for now.

  He looked at me, the tears still falling down his cheeks and then turned to Travis who nodded to him. I held out my hand and we left the room. I had seen a drink machine a little way up the hall and hand in hand we walked.

  “What do you like to drink?” I asked as we approached.

  “Erm, Coke would be good,” he replied.

  I fumbled in my purse for the correct change, trying hard not to let him see my trembling hands. While Harley was retrieving the bottle, I caught a glimpse of Gary standing by the nurse’s desk.

  “Harley, will you wait here for me? I’m only going to be there, with the man that picked you up. I just need a minute to talk to him, is that okay?”

  He nodded and I headed towards Gary.

  “Everything okay?” he asked.

  “I don’t think so, they’re still waiting for news. Can you do me a favour? I don’t think Harley should stay here all night. I’ll offer to take him home but I need something for him to sleep in. Is there anywhere local you can get something for me?” I asked.

  “Of course, he’s nine isn’t he?”

  “Yes, thanks Gary. I know that’s not quite in your job description.”

  “Listen, anything for you, Brooke. I’ll be back shortly.”

  “Let me give you some money,” I said, reaching for my purse.

  “I have a company card, we can sort it out later,” he replied before heading off.

  I made my way back to Harley and as I did I noticed two men in white coats enter the room we had left. I decided to wait, whatever the news was, I thought it would be better for Harley to hear it from Elaine and Travis than to listen to the medical jargon from the doctors.

  “Do you like school?” I asked, anything to distract him.

  “I love school, I’m in the top class in all my subjects,” he said.

  As he spoke his lip quivered and tears pooled in his eyes again.

  “I want to see my mom,” he whispered.

  “I know darling, when she can, nanny will take you. We need to let the doctors see mummy first.”

  “Is she okay?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. Why don’t we sit here until nanny and Travis have spoken to the doctors?”

  As I sat on one of the hard plastic chairs lining the hall, he sat beside me clutching his Coke.

  “What’s your favourite sport?” I asked.

  “I like soccer and hockey. Mom takes me to hockey practice on a Thursday and we get to play soccer at school, do you like soccer?” he asked.

  “Well, where I come from it’s called football.”

  “Football? That’s not right,” he replied.

  We spent a good ten minutes discussing the differences between American and English, he laughed at some and I was glad to take his mind off what was going on for a little whil
e. I saw the doctors leave the room and taking his hand, we stood and made our way to it. I had the foresight to glance through the window in the door first. Travis had his arms around a weeping Elaine. I knocked then slowly opened the door.

  “Come and sit next to me,” she said to Harley.

  “Mommy got run over and she hit her head. The doctor told me that she’s sleeping. Sometimes when people hit their head they go to sleep for a while,” she explained.

  “Can we see her?” he asked.

  “I don’t think so, not at the moment.”

  “Elaine, why don’t I take Harley home. It’s already late, I’ll bring him back in the morning if that’s okay with you,” I said.

  “Would that be okay, Harley? Will you go home with Brooke? It’s where Travis lives and you’ve been there before. We can’t see mommy tonight but I’ll make sure you can in the morning,” she said to him.

  I looked at Robert, he smiled and nodded. Harley gave his grandmother and Travis a hug before taking my hand. Travis stood and walked with Robert, Harley and me to the door.

  “Go home, Rob. There’s no point us all waiting here, I’ll call you later,” he said.

  “I’m happy to stay,” Robert replied.

  “No. I need some time with Elaine.”

  “Okay, ring me if anything changes. Take the car keys, just in case. You might need to take Elaine home for a change of clothes or something,” Robert said.

  Gary waited in the corridor with a plastic bag and we headed out to the car. Robert asked Harley about his soccer, his hockey and they chatted back and forth on the journey home. He was a friendly child and talkative, I guessed because he wasn’t aware of the severity of his mother’s situation. Harley had been to visit Travis once before with Caroline, he hadn’t been in the house though.

  “Your house is upside down,” he remarked as we made our way upstairs.

  Robert laughed. “Wait until you get up there, you can see all the woods. That’s a great place to make a camp you know.”

  “Do you have a camp?” Harley asked.

  “Sure, and Travis does too. I’ll show you one day.”

  “And who do we have here?” I heard as we reached the top of the stairs.


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