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Unbroken Promises

Page 13

by Dianne Stevens

  “I’m n-”

  “And, no, you haven’t lost her,” Donna said as she cut Jesse off. “To have known Beth ever since she was a child; you sure don’t seem to know her right now. Beth only likes Bradley. You remember this; she’ll never agree to marry him. Her mind is already made up. She is in love with you. You can see her heart in her eyes every time she looks at you.”

  “Okay, if you’re so smart, then why is she wearing his ring?”

  “That, I haven’t figured out yet, but Bradley seems to be a very controlling type of person.

  My guess is he manipulated her somehow. I also believe Beth is not the type to be manipulated for very long.

  Beth had one day to get ready for her trip to Cayman Island. She really didn’t know why she was going. She guessed it was because she didn’t want to hurt Bradley’s feelings. She was aggravated at him for the way he blurted out about the ring. He knew she wasn’t going to marry him. She never led him on or gave him any indication they were anything but friends. As soon as her family found out who his family was, they were going to have a cow.

  Although it wasn’t Bradley’s fault who his brother was; but, even if, and that’s a big IF, she loved him and didn’t love Jesse, it would never work out. His family hated her. “Oh well,” Beth thought. This was going to be one trip she would probably never forget.

  She was packed when Bradley came to get her. He said ‘hello’ to everyone then brought her things to the car. She told him she’d be out as soon as she told everyone goodbye. After she hugged everyone, including Jesse, she said she’d see them in a couple of weeks.

  As she was leaving she turned to Jordon. “Hey, daddy, be on standby in case I need you to come get me at the airport before the end of the two weeks.”

  “Of course, but do you have a particular reason for saying that?”

  “Well, when his family meets me, they might throw me out.”

  “Elizabeth! Why in the world would you say such a thing? Why would Bradley’s family throw you out?” Jordon said utterly baffled.

  “Do you remember Troy and his family?”


  “Umm…well, that’s them…gotta’ go; love you,” Beth was laughing to herself as she once again made a fast escape.

  She heard Jordon as she was running to the car vehemently telling Susan, Jesse and Cody,

  “Ain’t no way in hell she’s marrying into that bunch of idiots!”

  “The little minx,” Jesse thought amusingly to himself as she left. Donna was right. Beth did not intend to marry Bradley. He didn’t know yet how she’d gotten into this situation, but he knew how she planned to get out of it. She was most likely going this route to save the boy’s pride.

  Beth loved snorkeling in the crystal water. She could see the beautifully colored fish as clear as if she were looking at them in an aquarium. She and Bradley were having so much fun floating around in the warm water and listening to the seagulls squawking overhead as they searched for food. She and Bradley stayed mostly to themselves and went sightseeing everyday.

  They went to the turtle farm and saw the hundreds of turtles in different stages of growth. Then they took a boat out to Stingray City where they were able to swim and touch the intimidating creatures. To Beth’s amazement the stingray’s felt smooth to the touch; to her, their skin felt similar to that of a flounder she caught one time in the Gulf. Cayman Island was such a beautiful and peaceful island, almost like stepping back in time.

  They had been there four days. Bradley’s parents had been friendly toward her but distant.

  They did not know who she was yet. Troy was not flying in until the next day. Bradley had told them he wanted to marry her, but they didn’t make any encouraging or negative comments.

  Bradley was so sweet. She hoped he found someone who would be good to him and love him and not his money. She started to go ahead and tell him she wouldn’t marry him but then decided she’d wait to see what happened when Troy showed up. She hoped she wouldn’t have to do anything.

  When Troy walked into their rented house, Beth felt weak but gritted her teeth and got ready for the inevitable catastrophe. She was in her bedroom when he greeted his mom and dad. She heard Bradley calling her to come out. She took a deep breath, held her head up, and walked out.

  “Troy, I want you to meet the woman I want to marry.”

  Troy smiled at first and then slowly a puzzled look came over him and then red-hot fury.

  “Mom, Dad! This is the girl who cost me my football career! Surely, you are not going allow Bradley to marry this conniver. Her whole family is cracked. Her sister’s brother-in-law is the one who put me in the hospital and he never served one day in jail. She is only after Bradley for his money,” Troy raged.

  “You better shut up, Troy! You know you deserved everything you got. If Beth agrees, she’ll be my wife.”

  “Boys, that’s enough!” Their dad ordered. “Bradley, I’d like a word with you.” Beth walked back into the bedroom and started packing. She heard the raised voices of Bradley and his father. She felt sorry for Bradley. He was no match for his father. She now knew where he got his controlling nature. Twenty minutes later Bradley knocked on her door.

  He looked crestfallen. She walked to him and hugged him.

  Bradley cleared his throat before he spoke. “My dad gave me an ultimatum. He said the choice was mine. However, if I marry you, he will cut me off all the family income. He told me you would never be welcome in their home because you would tear our family apart and he would not put my mother through that. He said I had to make a decision tonight.” Bradley cried as he spoke. “Beth, if you will marry me, I will give it all up for you. I have my own money. We will do fine.” Bradley took Beth’s hands in his. “I know you’ve said all along we could only be friends. If that’s still the way you feel, you have to tell me now.”

  “Bradley, I care for you not only as a friend but as a best friend; but, no, I can’t marry you.

  Even if we did get married, we would have so much going against us we’d be miserable.” Beth was now crying also.

  “You can’t say I didn’t give it my best shot. I love you, Beth. If you ever need me for anything, I’ll be a phone call away. I hope that man you love so much knows what a precious gift he has.”

  Beth started to take the ring off, but Bradley stopped her. “Please keep the ring. Even if you don’t wear it; keep it. Maybe you’ll remember me with fond thoughts when you see it.” Then he hugged her and she hugged him back.

  Bradley took her to the airport that night. They both knew it would be uncomfortable for her to stay any longer. She would have a five-hour layover, but at least she was able to get a flight.

  She called Jordon from the airport and told him when to pick her up.

  “What the hell is going on, Elizabeth?”

  “Daddy, I’m okay, and I’ll tell you everything when I get home.” Beth had a lot of explaining to do when she got home. By now everyone figured out; she didn’t love Bradley and never planned to marry him. So the big question was, why was she wearing his engagement ring?

  “I can’t really tell you because I don’t know how it happened myself. One moment we were friends and he was helping me move home. Then, before I realized what was happening, I was wearing a three-carat diamond ring. I should have told him right then but I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. I knew I would have to tell him sooner or later; but, at the moment, I chose later.

  That was a big mistake. That ol’ saying, ‘don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today,’

  has a whole new appreciation value to me,” Beth said then smiled a humorous smile.

  “I learned a lot about myself while I was gone for those few days. I’m a conniver, a money hunter, and my family is a bunch of nuts…I guess that’s what cracked means,” Beth said laughing.

  Jordon and Jesse wanted to go beat some sense into the whole bunch. Like Beth, Susan found it amusing. She could have learned to like Bradley, not
as a brother-in law but as a person.

  She felt he would have been too controlling for her sister.

  Cody couldn’t stop laughing about the part when Troy figured out who his new sister-in-law would be. He said he

  would love to have seen his face.


  Beth and Susan spent the whole summer catching up. They went shopping and out to eat almost every day.

  Before dawn one morning, Beth and Jordon left to go fishing. When asked if she wanted to go with him, Beth could tell he was surprised when she said “yes!” Beth really wanted to have some quality time with her dad; he was always so good to both her and Cody. They couldn’t have asked for a better father.

  The water was choppy when they first got out on the lake. Even as heavy as their boat was, the choppy water bounced it up and down as if it were a fishing cork. By the time they made it to the little nook that was out of the wind, it had settled down. The little hidden area had a nice thick log that floated out from the bank. The log looked to be the home of a thousand perch.

  And it was. After two hours the ice chest was full of brim and sun perch. When they got back to the lake cabin, Susan and Cody were there. Cody had the privilege of helping Jordon clean the fish, and Susan fried them.

  When they were almost finished eating, Jesse and Donna pulled up, followed by Beaux.

  They were going to take the boat back out and go skiing. Jesse asked who wanted to go with them. The boat was big enough for five people. Susan and Jordon immediately declined. Susan said they were going to finish cleaning up then relax in the big hammock by the water. Beth and Cody said they would go with them.

  Beth couldn’t help but like Donna. She was a very nice person, but Beth didn’t like her enough to let her have her man. She knew she had to think of something to make her lose interest in Jesse.

  Jesse hollered for Beth and Donna to hurry up. Beaux and Cody were already in the boat.

  “You know, Donna,” Beth said as they made their way down to the boat..”Jesse is easy on the eye, but that doesn’t make up for all his bad habits. He is so-o-o grouchy. He’s also hotheaded.

  Sometimes his temper is so violent that he throws and punches stuff. And, Oh my goodness, he is such a slob. He never does anything for himself like wash his own clothes or pick up his apartment. Um…You haven’t seen his bungalow, have you?” Beth was praying she’d say no.

  “No, Elizabeth, I haven’t seen his home and from what you’ve said, I don’t think I want to. I didn’t know he had such a bad temperament either. I’m glad you told me these things.” How Donna held back her laugh she didn’t know. What an amusing young woman. Beth would make sure Jesse never had a dull moment. When she saw the love these two had for each other, she backed off trying to get romantically involved with Jesse. Not that she ever had a chance anyway, but she was not the type of person to come between two people. She knew they had already overcome some obstacles, and she planned to do her part to make sure they ended up together. She really liked Jesse, of course, as a friend now, and she was beginning to like Beth.

  Now, as for Jesse’s friend, Beaux, that was a different matter. In high school, she liked the tall Cajun and thought he was so good-looking, but one of her best friends had a crush on him at the time. That girl was long married now and Beaux was not. Moreover, neither was she.

  Beth had to run back up the steep rocky bank to the camp because she had forgotten sunscreen and she was already burnt.

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake, hurry up!” Jesse fussed at Beth as she ran off.

  Donna looked at Jesse. “Calm down, don’t be such a grouch.” Then she lowered her voice.

  “I’ve just heard what a hotheaded slob you are,” she said with a mischievous smirk.

  “You have, have you?” Jesse chuckled. “I guess that’s a good sign. At least she doesn’t want anyone else to have me.”

  “That’s for sure. She also told me how messy your apartment is and wanted to know if I had…seen it.” Donna fluttered her eyelashes and smiled.

  Jesse roared with laughter then. Cody and Beaux joined in overhearing the conversation, both knowing the history of the two.

  Beth retuned and climbed in. Jesse ribbed up the loud roaring motor and they took off, leaving behind the motor’s pungent exhaust fumes. The wind whipped against their faces bringing with it the fresh moist scent of the lake. As Jesse drove further out, he slammed against another boat’s wake causing a heavy spray of cold water to douse and chill everyone in the boat.

  When they got to the middle of the lake, the men took turns skiing in the cool greenish brown water. From a relaxed and laid-back position, Beth and Donna watched and drank a cold drink.

  Their legs were slightly angled so they could prop their feet up on the same cooler.

  Jesse nodded to Donna and told her she was next. She took off her bathing suit cover to get in the water.

  “Oh, my,” Beth thought, “she is gorgeous.” Unlike her tall frame, Donna was petite and had a darling shape, which was very well proportioned. Everything about her was perfect even her hair. It was reddish blonde and fell in thick waves to the middle of her back. Beth felt like an oversized giant next to her. Beth was 5’8”, but, next to this little beauty, she felt huge. Her boobs were big, her butt was big, and her legs were long. Beth knew the only thing little on her was her waist.

  All the men were looking at Donna, but they were trying their best to be inconspicuous. “She is indeed lovely,” Jesse thought, but his heart and loins were not stirred. He had been sitting down while driving the boat; so, when Beaux turned quickly away from Donna, Jesse was eye level with the reason he had turned quickly away…Beaux’s loins were stirred. Jesse snickered when he heard Beaux whisper, “Mon dieu!”

  “Jus’ shut your mouth,” Beaux cut, which only made Jesse laugh harder.

  “Maybe you need to go back in the cold water, Beaux,” Jesse teased. “Hey, buddy, go for it.

  Donna and I can be no more than friends. You know where my affection lies. I think you two would make a wonderful couple,” Jesse said more seriously.

  “We’ll see,” was all Beaux said.

  Donna had never skied, so Beaux jumped in to help her get started while Jesse drove. She didn’t do very well. She kept falling before she got up all the way. After she finally skied a little way, she was ready to quit because she was so exhausted. Beaux helped her back in the boat before he climbed in behind her.

  Jesse looked at Beth, “Your turn.”

  Beth took a deep breath, and took off her knee length shirt. She wore a whole piece underneath, but the front scooped low and the sides scooped high. She had tried on several bathing suits and she thought this style looked the sexiest on her. She wanted Jesse to think she looked good. As she raised her arms to pull the shirt over her head, her breasts pushed out.

  Beaux leaned over to Jesse and whispered, “Impressive…are you sure you can handle all dat, ol’ man? I don know, I tink you might need some help,” Beaux teased.

  Jesse gave Beaux a killer stare. “Just shut your damn mouth and turn your head,” Jesse ordered.

  Jesse wore a sleeveless undershirt, which he was now taking off. He got up, walked over to Beth, and handed her his shirt.

  “Here, put this on. That bathing suit is so low you will fall out of it the first time you hit the water.” After scolding he went back to drive the boat.

  Cody was doing his best to keep from laughing. He thought the whole situation was hilarious. He couldn’t believe Jesse was jealous over Beth.

  Beth liked the idea of Jesse noticing her like that, but his fussing embarrassed her, especially with it being in front of Donna and Beaux.

  “It’s been years since I’ve skied, Jesse. I don’t think I’ve been since you taught me. Do you remember when you taught me?” Beth remembered it like it was yesterday.

  She was 12 and they all went to the lake. Jordon brought the boat for them to ski; and, while he drove, Jesse got in the water to hold
Beth steady while Jordon pulled her up. She was scared at first and clung to him.

  “I can’t do this, Jesse,” Beth said her voice quivering.

  “Baby, you can do this. I’m right here to help you. Now, do you remember everything I told you about how to get up?”

  Beth nodded yes.

  “Okay, if you get scared, all you have to do is let go of the rope.”

  “But I’m scared now!”

  Jesse laughed. “Just try, Beth, I have a feeling you’re going to do great.”


  Beth nodded her head and Jesse gave Jordon the go-ahead. The boat pulled her up and she was doing great. Then she started to wobble and fell. Jesse quickly swam over to her.

  “Beth, are you alright?”

  Beth coughed a little and then smiled brightly. “I did it! Did you see me?”

  “Yeah, you did great your first try. Remember, don’t lean forward and you’ve have to be flexible after you get up. If another boat passes, don’t panic; just roll with the waves, don’t stand straight legged. Are you ready to try again? Jordon’s swinging the boat around.”

  “Yeah, I think I can do it on my own now. You can get back in the boat if you want to.”

  “Okay, if you’re sure.”

  It didn’t take her long to get the hang of it.

  When she finally got back in the boat, Beth remembered how Jesse and everyone else bragged about how well she did.

  “Yes, Beth, I remember, now quit day dreaming. Are you getting in or not?” Jesse temper was already maxed out.

  “But, Jesse, I might need someone to help get me started, too.” Beaux winked at Donna, bobbed his head toward Jesse, and mouthed the word “watch”. He and Donna talked a little in the water and she informed him that she and Jesse were strictly friends. She said she knew the minute she saw him look at Beth that he was in love with her.

  Beaux told her he figured that out a while back also.


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