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Unbroken Promises

Page 19

by Dianne Stevens

  “Hey, that’s my shirt you got on. I was looking for that yesterday,” Jesse teasingly accused but his voice held a sensual, smoky edge to it. One that she’d never heard, that is, directed toward her.

  “Yes, this is your T-shirt and over there in the corner are four of your others. I’ve washed, dried, and folded them for you. You should have known I had it when you couldn’t find it. I’ve been sleeping in your semi-clean Tshirts every night since I was eight years old. I’ve always loved the way you smelled so I’d take the ones you wore that still had your scent and sleep in them. Then I’d wash and switch them out.”

  Beth could have added she wanted to rip into pieces then burn the ones that smelled like perfume, but she didn’t. That was an unpleasant fact she had learn to live with while waiting to be old enough, but no more. He was soon to be solely hers even if he had yet to accept it. “To me you always smelled like home. When I was away at school, it was harder to do so I would sleep with one beside my pillow to make it last longer.” Jesse shook his and chuckled. “I knew you used to wear them when you were a kid, but I didn’t realize you still wore them every night.”

  “Jesse, I’m so glad you’re here, but I know you didn’t come here to talk about shirts. Did you need me for something?” Beth whispered to herself, “I know what I need from you.”

  “Did you say something’?”

  “Oh. Um-no.” She shook her head innocently. She sure didn’t want to scare him off.

  “Yes, I most certainly do. I needed to tell you the good news because I couldn’t wait, and Jordon said I could. Susan and Jordon made up, but the best part is…Susan’s pregnant!” Beth screamed, and then threw herself in his arms. Jesse held her and they both laughed at first.

  Then Beth started crying and Jesse felt his own eyes tear up because they both loved Susan and Jordon so much and knew how long they had waited and wanted a baby.

  “How far along is she? Is everything alright with her? What’d the Dr…?”

  “Whoa…now,” Jesse interrupted. “All I know is that she is three months along. That’s all the information Jordon gave me. We’ll have to get the rest from Susan tomorrow.”

  “My goodness, three months already. Why didn’t she let us know before now? Oh, okay, I’ll wait for Susan. Let’s go see if we can wake up Cody. I know he would want to know, too.” They went upstairs to try to wake him but it was no use; Cody was totally out of it. They went back down to the kitchen. Beth went over and put on a pot of coffee.

  “Beth, honey, don’t be making that for me. I need to be going. I’ve got to get up early in the morning so I need to go on home and get in bed.”

  “Oh, Jesse,” Beth said, her shoulders wilting. “I thought we could talk and celebrate about being an uncle and aunt. If you’re hungry, I’ll be happy to fix you something to eat. Please stay a little while. I don’t want to be by myself with this wonderful news, and I can’t budge Cody.

  “I’m sorry, darlin’, but I’ll have to take a raincheck. You’re going to come by the house tomorrow, aren’t you?” Jesse said as he made his way to the front door.

  “Of course, bright and early. I can’t wait to see them. I hate you have to go, but I understand. I’ll see you when you get home tomorrow.” Then Beth reached for Jesse, pulled him to her, and held on tight. When she raised her head, he met her lips but kissed her platonically. Beth tried to deepen the kiss but, as soon as she thought he might allow her to turn it into a heated French kiss, he pulled away. She was disappointed but she didn’t allow it to show. Beth had never been French kissed because she would never allow it. She wanted the first one to be with Jesse. She was determined that, when it did happen, she was not going to be unresponsive and have him think she wasn’t ready.

  Although Jesse stopped the kiss and embrace, Beth wasn’t totally disheartened because she felt as if she made a huge advance toward gaining her lifelong dream. So, when Jesse stepped back, she just smiled up at him as if everything was hunky-dory.

  Jesse broke off from the gentle kiss and blew softly and thought what a passionate creature he was holding. He couldn’t take much more and maintain control. He had to leave because, ever since he had seen her naked, he had gotten so hard he was hurting. He could feel how soft her unbound breasts were as they pressed against his chest when he hugged her. He was doing his best to stay in control and not grind his pelvis against her as his instincts was urging—begging him to do.

  He was glad he didn’t have his shirt tucked in. Her walking up the stairs in front of him in nothing but a shirt and pair of skimpy underwear did nothing to help the situation either. Even now, as she backed up to look at him, he could see her nipples through the shirt, his…shirt, for goodness sake.

  He knew he hurt her feelings by saying he had to leave, but they had waited too long for this not to be done right. They needed to begin with dating. He didn’t want to cheat her out of the courtship. Beth was not one of his multitudes of one-night stands. She was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life loving.

  When he severed all his old ties in the next few days, he would commit himself to Beth and begin their dating. After that, there would never be another one-night stand. He didn’t even want to sleep with Beth. Well that wasn’t the whole truth; he wasn’t going to sleep with Beth.

  He wanted a wedding first and Beth deserved no less…so he had to leave now before all his good intentions disintegrated.

  “Okay, Auntie, I’ll see you tomorrow,” Jesse smiled, then left.


  As soon as Jesse shut the door and started walking toward his truck, a girl from out of nowhere walked up beside him. She startled him at first because he hadn’t seen her. There was no moon and the only lights were a few sporadic porch lights and a streetlight that was about a half an acre away. His mind had been on how fast he could get home, take a cool shower, and get some relief one way or the other, because he was still so aroused from holding Beth he was uncomfortable in his jeans.

  His erection was so enlarged it bowed as it tried to push above the top of his jeans through the binding underwear. He inconspicuously put a hand under his shirt and undid the top button of his buttonfly jeans, trying to ease the ache of the bend. Upon closer look at the young girl, he thought she was probably close to Beth’s age.

  “Hey! I was wondering, could you help me get my car started?” She had a huge smile on her face as she pointed at a dumpster at the far end of the parking lot. “It’s parked on the other side of that dumpster.

  “Yeah, sure, jump in and I’ll go see what I can do,” Jesse offered. “Do you know what’s wrong with it?”

  “Yeah, it’s a weak battery. It did this a few days ago. My dad has a new battery ready for me.”

  “Why did you park over there so far away from everything?” Jesse asked, perplexed why a young lady would park her car so far away from lights and people at night.

  “Oh, I was cleaning the trash out of my car before I left to go to my parent’s house. I didn’t want to ride in a junky car.” After answering, the young lady climbed in on his side of the truck as soon as he opened the door instead of going around to the passenger side. When she slid over to give him room to get in, she didn’t slide far. She was so close her thigh was resting against his. Jesse tried to scoot over toward the door, but he was already so close he was rubbing against the armrest.

  Jesse was thinking to himself, “Surely she isn’t trying to do what I suspect she’s trying to do.” He had more than his share of women come on to him to have reason to suspect she was doing just that. “This is not a good thing. Hell, I still have a hard-on from Beth,” Jesse thought.

  “I’ll just do what needs to be done to get her car running and be on my way as quickly as possible”

  With that settled, Jesse cranked up his truck. ZZ Top blared out of the radio and he reached over and turned the volume down. It was only a few seconds before he pulled his truck directly in front of her car so he would be close enough for the j
umper cables to reach.”

  “I’m sorry to bother you, but I’m so thankful you’re going to help me. I cut off my car to clean it out; but, when I got back in, it wouldn’t start. By the way, my name is Becky. What’s yours?” Becky said as she held out her hand to him.

  “Hello, Becky, my name is Jesse Bately. Something seems familiar. Do I know you from somewhere? Have you ever been to Dixie’s before? Tell me your last name, Becky, maybe I know your family,” Jesse said as he took hold of her extended hand to shake. Instead, Becky more or less caressed his hand as she held it.

  “I doubt you know my family. I’m sure it was at Dixie’s that you’ve seen me. I’ve been there several times. I’m so hot. Do you mind if I sit in the truck with you a few minutes before we try to start my car so I can cool off?” she said as she started unbuttoning her shirt. “It’s like a sauna tonight, don’t you think, Jesse?” Becky said seductively. She didn’t stop until she removed her shirt completely. All she had on now was a sheer low-cut bra.

  Jesse knew he was in trouble now. She was, no doubt, a brazen little hussy. The perfume she had on was nice but it was too strong. It smelled as if she had recently sprayed it on and sprayed a great quantity at that. She reminded him of the twins who got Jordon in so much trouble. In a way Jesse was glad he wasn’t committed yet because she sure was a pretty thing. Her breasts were not large but they were proud and perky.

  “Jesse, your hand felt so rough,” Becky said as she held his hand again. “You must do a lot with your hands,” she said silkily, then went on. “Feel how soft my skin is compared to yours,” as she placed his hand on the part of her breast above her low-cut bra. With her other hand, she unclasped the front and both breasts sprung free.

  Jesse, already on fire, could hardly think. His thought drifted back to the reason he was already aroused…. “Beth.”

  He knew tonight was a beginning of their adult relationship. Jesse’s conscience was warring with him to stop what he was doing, by telling him that he had committed himself to Beth when he allowed himself to look at her nude body. However, his flesh that wanted release told him he had not made any commitment to Beth yet.

  He didn’t touch, he had only looked. He hadn’t even kissed her, yet, not a real kiss. Nor had he taken her out on a first date as a couple. If he had, he would never permit Becky’s seduction.

  He would have stopped at his first suspicion that she was trying to put the move on him. That was when she practically sat on top of him when she got in. He was no inexperienced youth.

  He would have politely said, “Ma’am, you need to move over some and give me some room, or you can drive my truck over and I’ll walk;” but…since he convinced himself he and Beth were not yet a couple, he wanted to see how far Becky would go. At the present, with her breasts exposed by her own hand, he believed she probably had no limit.

  Jesse promised himself that this would be his last toss before he and Beth got serious. With his conscience eased with those thoughts, things got hot and heavy quick. He wanted her naked and naked fast so he pushed her back on the seat and reached for the waistband of her shorts. He pulled both panties and shorts off at the same time. She was trying to unbutton his shirt, but he pushed her hands aside and just ripped it off and threw it in the floorboard. He didn’t take his pants off. He just shoved them down to his knees and reached for the rubber he always kept in his billfold and put it on. Jesse took her legs and put one on the back of the seat and one on the steering wheel. Then he put one hand under her hips to tilt her and plunged into her hot heat.

  Over and over he slammed into her. Becky was moaning and crying out loudly with passion begging for more. Jesse knew he was about to come, so he reached his hand between them and manipulated her into climax. Becky screamed and Jesse hollered out as he thrust in one more time.

  After Jesse cleaned up a little, he stood up the best he could in the cramped space of the truck and pulled his pants on. Becky was able to put her clothes on easier. She had finished buttoning her shirt when Jesse opened the door and stepped outside. She slid over, got out on his side, and was standing in front of him when they heard something fall.

  They both turned toward the sound. They found themselves staring at Elizabeth who was staring back. The sound they’d heard was a trash bag she had dropped beside her. Beth walked toward them with a slow roll-like walk until she stood right in front of them.

  “Hello, Becky, and hello again, Jesse. Kinda’ hot tonight, isn’t it?” Beth said nonchalantly.

  “Uh, hello, Beth. Jesse and I were just talking a few minutes,” Becky stammered.

  “Yes Becky, I’ve been standing here for the last 15 minutes watching y’all…talk.”

  “Oh, Beth, I’m so sorry,” Becky said guiltily.

  “Becky, you have been one of my oldest and best friends. You, of all people, knew how much I loved Jesse. I appreciate your apology, but I hate you now and I will hate you forever.

  Please leave,” Beth said coolly.

  After Becky left, Beth turned to Jesse. Jesse could see both hurt and anger surging from her, even though she was showing a stoic façade. Beth was holding her eyes open wide, which he knew meant she was doing her best to beat back her tears. Her hands were fisted so tight he was afraid her palms would bleed from her perfectly manicured fingernails. She suddenly straightened her shoulders and stiffly lifted her chin, which meant anger now ruled and she was ready to fight. Yes, he knew her very well.

  “Jesse, do you realize it was less than an hour ago that you stood in my bedroom with me standing naked before you? You knew without a doubt that I would have given myself to you completely; but, for some reason, you chose not to take me. And it couldn’t have been because I was too young this time because the girl you just laid is six months younger than I am,” Beth said in an unemotional tone. She then took a deep breath and went on.

  “Jesse, when I was a little girl, I made you make me a promise to wait until I grew up before you married. Well, Jess, as you can see, I’m grown. I will now make you two promises. They may even relieve you.

  First promise–I will never marry you, Jesse Bately.” She cocked her head slightly to the side. “You know several times you mentioned to me that, when you married, you would only marry a virgin. Which, I might add is an unheard of request this day and age. Nevertheless, I believe your words were, ‘I’ll never have another man’s leftovers.’ Well, Jesse, as you know, I always wanted to be that woman you married. I’ve kept myself, not because of your threat, but because, my ‘virginity’ was what I wanted to give to you as a gift.”

  “Now, my second promise…you will not be the one who will take it. You will not be the one who will make love to me the first time, or anytime, for that matter.” This was all said calmly, but firmly, before Beth turned and walked away.

  Jesse was so mad he kicked the side of his truck and then smashed the window in with his fist. “And I PROMISE you– Miss Elizabeth… I will…do Both those things!” Jesse shouted before Beth got very far.

  She stopped and turned around. “And my response to that, Jesse, you just broke your first two promises,” Beth said matter-of-factly, “but, to make it easier for both of us, I won’t make either of us wait very long before I carry out the second of the two promises.” Beth took a couple steps closer.

  “You know what, Jesse? I’ve heard Clay’s back in town and he’s a-lookin’ for me. You know, I have to give credit where credit is due; he does have an incredible body. If I’m going to give it up…it might as well be with a stud,” Beth said arrogantly. Then she turned to go again.

  “You be warned, Beth. I’ll kill the bastard who touches you,” Jesse said with venom.

  Beth kept walking away. “That’s mighty hypocritical talk from a man who just got caught screwing my best friend,” Beth said without turning around.

  At that moment, Jesse hated himself. All this because he wanted release and found it by having sex with a hateful bitch. She knew who he was from the beginning. Tha
t’s why she wouldn’t tell him her last name because she knew he’d remember she was Beth’s friend.

  He then snapped to the realization that, when Becky left, she had no trouble starting her car.

  When she got in, it cranked right up with the sound of a strong battery. Damn, how could he have been so stupid? That 19-year old girl just played him for a fool. In the long run, he had acted like an inexperienced kid Jesse dismally thought to himself.

  Jesse ran his finger through his hair and then jerked hard in agony pulling several strands out by the roots. One thing was for sure; Jesse clinched his teeth; he meant what he said. There wasn’t going to be any man touching Beth but him. He would have her one way or another. He had waited too long and loved her too much to lose her now.


  Jesse tried several times to talk to Beth, but she wouldn’t even look at him much less talk to him. She came over the next morning to see Susan and congratulate her and Jordon on the pregnancy. Beth was in full control. She was acting as if nothing had happened. The only thing difference in her actions was that she ignored Jesse as if he didn’t exist.

  Jesse felt cold inside as if a part of him had died. He and Beth had been through so much for it to be like this between them. Beth acted as if she hated him and couldn’t even stand to look at him, much less talk to him.

  They all sat in the living room before going into the kitchen to eat breakfast. The smell of fresh baked cinnamon rolls filled the whole house. The sound of the washing machine and dryer blended harmoniously in the background. Jesse tried to arrange the conversation where Beth would at least have to acknowledge he was in the room.

  “Hey, Beth, how does it feel to know you’re going to be an aunt?” Jesse said cheerfully in front of Susan and Jordon so she would have to talk to him.


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