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Right Kiss Wrong Guy (Offsides #2)

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by Natalie Decker

  My jaw tightens as I yank the handle of my truck. “Well, I’ll catch you later then,” Rachel says then heads toward the backend of the parking lot.

  I slide into the seat, close my door, and grip the steering wheel imagining it’s Mark’s neck. This is his doing. She used to smile and talk to me. Then that mother-effer had to mess it up. I slam my palm against the wheel and growl.

  Something hits the driver’s side window jerking me from my dark thoughts. I look over and Tyler shouts, “Roll down your window.”

  I do. Juliet’s twin is beside Tyler holding his hand with her head tilted toward his chest. “Is she dating Chase?” I blurt out.

  Layla gives me a puzzled look and Tyler shakes his head. “Nah man.”

  “Who are you talking about?” Layla asks.

  “Juliet,” I say.

  Layla burst with laughter.

  “What’s so funny?” I ask, my temper rising.

  “She’s not dating anyone,” Layla says. “And if she were, it wouldn’t be Chase.”

  “Why’s he got his arm around her all the time then?” I snap.

  Tyler makes a noise. “Whoa, bro. Chill. Chase isn’t into her. Trust me on this.”

  I scowl. His words are not making my mood any better. I’m not entirely confident that Layla or Tyler know if Chase and Juliet are really dating or not. “Whatever. I gotta get going.”

  “All right. Layla here, was wondering if you could help decorate the halls?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know if I can, man.” Layla frowns slightly. “Sorry, Layla. I’ve got to get home for drills. My dad has me on a tight schedule this week.” More like my whole life. Heaven forbid if my brother or I break his precious schedule.

  “No problem. Want me to come over and do some drills with you?” Tyler offers.

  I shake my head. “Nah. Thanks though. My dad has been on a total power trip lately.” It’s bad enough I had to spend most of my winter break watching hours of game footage tape. I also had quizzes on the shit.

  Only Tyler knows I have no desire to play football in college.

  “If you can, we will start at five. Juliet will be here decorating,” Layla says.

  This answer should be easy. With Juliet’s resounding hate toward me and the greater possibility of being stuck with Rachel at my side the entire time, I cringe at the thought. I rub the knot forming at the back of my neck. “I’ll see. I’ll text you when I’m done,” I say to Tyler.

  “Opportunities like this one only come every so often. Take advantage while you can,” Tyler says as he slaps the hood of my truck and waggles his brows. He’s my best friend but what a dick for using my dad’s favorite phrase on me. Even if it is exactly what I need to hear.

  “Pick up the pace!” My dad yells from across the yard.

  I’m panting and ready to pass out, but it doesn’t matter. Pro football players push through the pain. NFL players don’t whine, they do what needs to be done. This is all the shit my dad repeats to me day in and out. He had his shot at playing professionally but he sustained a permanent knee injury that ended his career.

  That didn’t stop him from pushing me and my brother to continue his dream.

  I hurry to the end of the obstacle course, but my dad’s scowl lets me know I messed up. And he’s going to let me know how bad.

  “Where the hell is your head at? Because from that shitty run, it’s obviously not here.”

  I drop my gaze to the ground. “Sorry, sir.”

  “Sorry doesn’t get you top school picks for your future. Sorry doesn’t cut it during the draft. Sorry isn’t going to work at a professional level. Get your head out of the clouds or would you like me to sign you up for ribbon dancing at the local Y?”

  See. He’s total d-bag. I can’t freaking stand him. “It won’t happen again, sir.” Inside I’m screaming, “I hate this! Why can’t you just let us be?”

  “Better not.” He shoves a ball into my chest. “Again!” He blows a whistle, and I run the course.

  My younger brother Justin is off to the side watching in silence. We’re not allowed to cheer each other on. We’re not allowed to tell the other good job. Dad doesn’t want us commending the other when there is always need for improvement. He’s not raising a bunch of pansies who need gratification when we’re doing something good. His words, not ours.

  I rip through the padded posts; the ball is still in my clutches. Next is the tires. I hate tires. My size fourteen shoe gets caught on the lip of the rubber and I almost trip. I right myself before I slam to the ground. My dad does care because he screams, “Move-move-move!”

  Rushing through the next set of the course I finally reach him, and he clicks the stop clock. “That was worse. You don’t want it enough. Go inside. I’m sick of looking at a quitter.”

  I hand the ball off to my brother who looks just as miserable as I feel. I shouldn’t care about the stupid drills or the fact I screwed up numerously. For some reason though, I do. I think the fact my dad labeled me a quitter has me messed up. There have only been three times I’ve ticked my dad off enough that he sent me to the house without finishing daily drills. All those times I’ve been sick with the flu. I’m not coming down with something, at least I don’t think I am.

  As I step inside the kitchen, my mom looks over at me with a smile. “How did it go out there?”If I were my brother, I’d ignore her and head directly to my room because that’s what he always does when she asks about our drills. “Not good.”

  “You know he loves you and your brother. He just wants you to expand on your gifts because he knows if you do you’ll go far,” she says. I love my mom, but wow is she blind. My dad only cares about one thing: getting his sons into professional football. He’ll disown me and Justin the moment we stop playing football. Dinner will be ready in an hour.”

  I take off my practice shoes and place them in the cubby. “I got to get to the school. I told Tyler I’d help him decorate the hallways for the Junior Elites.” It’s kind of a lie but it doesn’t matter. I need to get out of this house before the asshole comes inside and gives me another speech about how I should be grateful … blah blab blah.

  “Okay honey. Make sure you’re back by seven.”

  I nod. “Yep.”

  “Hey man,” Tyler says as he clamps his hand into mine and pulls me against his chest quickly. We slap backs then release.

  “Where or should I say, what are we decorating?”

  He points at the hallway. “All the lockers.” He picks up a box filled with cut out hearts.

  “Dude. I’m not putting that shit on my locker.”

  Tyler gives me side-eye. “Bro, I’m with you, but it’s what the girls are doing. Just stick it there for a day and then rip it off.”

  Shouts suddenly fill the halls and I turn to the commotion. “Stop it, Layla! I don’t care! Just drop it.”

  “Juliet, you do care. And believe it or not, I can’t sit here and watch you mope.”

  Juliet jerks her arm free from her sister. “I’m not moping. You’re smothering me with all your mothering. I can handle myself.” She drops her gaze to the box by Layla and sneers. “Let’s put these dumb decorations up before I change my mind about being here.”

  Rachel appears in the hall. Shit. “Oh, Juliet. Are you still on your rant about how this is a stupid made-up holiday?”

  Juliet looks at Rachel and then walks over to the boxes of hearts near Tyler and I. “Hey, shorty,” I say.

  She stamps her foot on mine and I yell, “Oww; what the heck?”

  “How many times must I tell you not to call me that?” she snaps.

  I can’t help but burst out laughing. Juliet snatches up a box near me and Tyler says, “Brace yourself.”

  I don’t pay attention to his warning. I’m still staring at Juliet. Suddenly she’s pushed aside as arms lock around my neck and a squeal of my name rings through my skull. Rachel presses herself to me and I try detangling her from me.

  Juliet sees it all. She
snorts. As if to say she thinks I’m disgusting or something. I glance over at Tyler for help. He’s obviously occupied with Layla, so I’m officially screwed.

  Rachel pokes my chest. “Ready to decorate these halls?”

  “Uh.” She picks up a box filled with crap and shoves it in my hands.

  Before I can object, she tugs me down the hall. I should breakaway, hoping to become partners with Juliet. Until I peer over at her. I’m greeted with a clenched jaw and a glare that could burn me alive. The look is really no joking matter. I’m six feet five inches tall and can bench four-hundred pounds easily, but this girl makes me feel like a little kid. There is also the matter that Juliet also has scissors, tape, a box full of hearts and possibly looking for vengeance on the whole Lab debacle today. Maybe I should take my chances with Rachel. At least I know she won’t stab me.

  I let Rachel guide me down the hall. We aren’t far enough from Juliet for me to miss her snarky comment. “Figures.”

  I stop and face Juliet. “What was that?” I ask.

  Juliet stands with her box and starts to march toward Rachel and me. “Don’t play stupid, Black. Is your dad getting you extra credit to lift your grades? Why else would you even be here? You’ve never helped before.”

  I remove myself from Rachel’s clutches, drop our box, and tower over Juliet. Nothing sets me off more than someone assuming I’m really a dumbass and that my dad somehow influences the grades I get. I earn my freaking A’s. I work my ass off. She along with every other person who thinks otherwise can kiss my freaking ass!

  “I have news for you shorty, my dad doesn’t have shit to do with my grades.”

  “Sure, he doesn’t,” she fires back. “I’m on to you.”

  Rachel jerks my arm. “Come on, Jare. She’s not even worth it. She’s a freaking all-time weirdo.”

  “I might be weird but at least I’m disease free. Can you say the same about yourself?” Juliet smirks then she walks down the hallway toward the opposite end.

  Rachel shouts at her. “Ooooh. Was that supposed to be an insult? Don’t be jealous people actually want me and not a stupid lesson in how to ride a broom or whatever it is you do for fun.”

  I have a feeling I should have stayed home and dealt with the possible ass chewing from my dad than came here for this.

  “Let’s get this done. I have to be out of here before seven,” I say to Rachel.

  “Awww such a party pooper.” Rachel smiles. “Bet we can find a way to change that.”

  Yep. I’m definitely going to regret this.

  Chapter Six


  Jared Black is not fooling me for one second. Getting all huffy and practically standing over me like some dumb skyscraper, he must be getting extra credit out of this. I overheard Tyler say something to Layla about Jared getting some extra points.

  Then there is the huge gross factor that he’s into a person like Rachel Little. Any part of me that might have thought Jared was cute completely died right then when he let her hug him. I don’t care if she’s my sister’s best friend; she’s a terrible person. What Layla sees in her, I will never know.

  When I reach Chase and Adaline, I’m so annoyed I throw the box down. “There has to be a way to get out of being his partner for the rest of the year,” I say more to myself than to anyone in particular.

  Chase lifts a brow. “Who are you talking about?”

  “Jared Black.”

  Addy smirks. “Why would you not want to be his partner? He’s super hot, so hello, eye candy. And he’s way smart.”

  I snort. “Smart? He may be okay in math but that hardly qualifies him as being smart.” Because he did save our butts from getting a D or F in chem today with his correct mole calculations.

  Chase shakes his head. “You know he’s second in our class. I’d figure you of all people would want to be stuck with him because at least you’d know he’d do the work. Unlike the last few people you’ve worked with before,” he says.

  As I’m cutting tape from the roll, the scissors slip, and I almost nip my finger as Chase’s words seep in. “No way. He’s not second in our class,” I say.

  “He totally is,” Adaline says. “Trust me I’ve been trying to be second in class since sixth grade.”

  How did I miss that? I knew he was in advance classes like me, but he never participated in any of the classes we shared. I just always assumed his dad had something to do with why he was in there. Before Mark, I thought just like Adaline. I mean hello, he was total eye candy in a boring lecture about the stages of photosynthesis and things like that. After Mark though, it made me flat out angry that people like Jared could just coast through the scholar classes.

  “Whatever. You know that jerk is getting extra credit for being here,” I snap then I drop the scissors. “Oh my gosh! That sneaky tool.”

  Adaline and Chase both shoot me looks. “What?” They both say.

  “If he thinks he’s going to take my spot he has another think coming. I’ll be right back.”

  Before either of them can stop me, I charge down the hall toward the direction of where that oaf went. I may be small, but I will throttle his neck. No one will take my future valedictorian spot without a fight. I will not just step aside for some cute face.

  I round a corner, and my steps falter. Selena is pressed against Mark. His mouth dropping to hers. My heart clenches and I’m not sure why. I don’t like him anymore, but this sight is like rubbing salt in my almost healed wound. Just this morning that jerk was at my door begging for me to talk to him. Telling me what I saw was all my imagination. I’m done. Done with all these liars.

  Forget giving Jared Black a piece of my mind. I stomp toward Selena and Mark and shout, “Really? It wasn’t what I thought?” Mark pulls away from Selena and stares at me with wide eyes. He starts to say something, but I raise my hand.

  “Save it. I don’t want to hear it. Don’t lie to my face about it.”

  “Wait, Juliet. This just started. I really did want to talk and work things out,” Mark says.

  I shake my head. “It looks like you figured it all out.” I don’t believe a word of it.

  Selena smiles. “He did.” She runs her fingers up Mark’s arm. I know she’s doing it to show she’s won.

  A hand lands on my shoulder and I startle and turn. Before I make eye contact his deep voice growls, “Don’t you two have work to do?”

  “Hey Jared,” Selena says.

  It’s repulsive how she can turn on a flirty charm on to him while she’s standing next to my ex. The person she just played tonsil hockey with literally less than two minutes ago. Wow.

  “What do you want, Black?” Mark snarls

  “Don’t worry about it but I suggest you get to work. Or someone might find themselves not going to Italy,” Jared says.

  “You’d actually nark on us?” Selena asks.

  “Would you really like to find out?” Jared asks.

  Mark and Selena take the hint and move down the hall toward their box of hearts. I push away from Jared and glare at him. “What are you doing?”

  “Helping you. You’re welcome?”

  If he keeps doing this crap, it’s going to make it hard for me to be mad at him. I want to be mad at him. Need to be. Boys like him break the hearts of girls like me.

  “I didn’t ask for your help. In fact, I don’t need your help or anyone’s, for that matter. I’m completely fine. You, on the other hand . . . How dare you not tell me you’re trying to steal my spot? I’m staying top in our class, pal. So, if you think for one second you can just smile at me and try to make me swoon, you’re as delusional as that asshat.” I jut a thumb in Mark’s direction.

  “I wouldn’t dream of trying to make you swoon, whatever that means, shorty. You wouldn’t even know how to handle it.” He smirks.

  Wait. What? Is Jared Black flirting with me? No. No. Don’t read any more into this than what it is.

  “I gotta go.”

  “Let me walk you back
,” he says.

  I shake my head. “No.”

  “God, you need to drop that wall every once in a while. I’m just walking you back. Not planning on kidnapping you or anything.”

  “It’s fine I can get there on my own.”

  “Oh, I know you’re afraid of falling for all this … brains and looks.”

  I know he’s joking but I’m not in the mood. “Wow. You think I would fall all over you after you and Rachel did it in the janitor’s closet?”

  He stares at me as if I’ve lost my mind. “Do you always assume the worst about people or is it just me? Me and Rachel in the janitor’s closet? That’s ridiculous.”

  I remain silent and move around him. I head back to Chase and Adaline.

  Jared follows me. What is wrong with him? I whip around. “Go back to Rachel. And by the way, that’s a crap thing to do to your friend Austin. Or are all girls like interchangeable shirts to you?”

  “First, I’m not with Rachel. Second, I would never do that shit to any of my friends. Third, you don’t know me at all. You don’t get to judge me like that.”

  “I’m not falling for your act. I know what I saw.”

  He laughs. “Yeah. What did you see? Someone hugging me?”

  I pivot and continue down the hall, a lot madder than I should be.

  I reach Chase and Adaline who look at me then up at the person behind me.

  “Hey, Black. S’up?” Chase says.

  “Trying to find out from Juliet, here, why she hates me so much,” Jared says.

  Chase looks at me and Adaline smirks. I grab a roll of tape from Adaline and cut strands instead of acknowledging Jared. I don’t hate him. I just don’t like him very much right at this second. He shouldn’t give a crap what I think. He was rude to me at the winter dance. And he’s trying to take my spot in class. I won’t be like every other girl in this school and fall magically at his feet willing to do anything he wants. I was that girl before. I won’t be her ever again.


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