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Right Kiss Wrong Guy (Offsides #2)

Page 8

by Natalie Decker

  “Chase? No.”

  “Hmmm. Maybe it’s just me then.”

  I shrug. “Maybe.”

  “What are you going to do about Rachel and Austin?” I ask.

  “I’m going to punch him in his head. All I have to do is tell Rachel that Jared told me a secret and she’ll follow whatever I say.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  Adaline looks at me like I’m nuts. “That’s her all-time crush.”

  “Okay, but why would that make a difference? Aren’t they hooking up?”

  Addy looks at me as if I’m crazy. “Um, no. She wishes they were hooking up but he’s not into her. You think he’s dating Kimber?” She takes a bite of her pizza.

  I give her a look. “Why would I know that?”

  She points her slice at me. “You’ve got like every class with the guy.”

  “That doesn’t mean I pay attention to his social life.” I glance over at Jared. Kimber is still touching him. It irritates me. When Kimber leans in and basically brushes her lips over Jared’s ear, I wince. “Gross. Hello. Lunchroom. Not in a private room.” My stomach literally turns. I’ve totally lost my appetite. I look over at Adaline.

  She’s watching me. “Juliet, what would your mom say about that mouth of yours?” Addy teases.

  “Probably the same thing she said about my shirt this morning.”

  Adaline giggles. “It is rather interesting.”

  I glance down at the all black shirt that says, Love Sucks.

  The next class bell chimes. I dispose of my lunch into the nearest trash can and we head out of the commons. Adaline turns off the toward the Choir room and I go to Trig. I drop into my assigned seat and watch as other students pour into the class.

  Jared stands by the door laughing at something Tyler says then strolls into the room. I observe Jared walk over to his seat and slump down in it. He pulls out his materials then glances about the room. His eyes land on mine then he smirks like he has a secret or something.

  He’s really too sexy for his own good. I wonder what it would be like to touch his hair. Omigod I didn’t think that. I break our connection and flip through my book. Then I busy myself with my notebook and turn to a blank page. I’m completely ready to take notes or do problems.

  Our teacher Mr. Dockson enters the room right as the tardy bell rings. He walks over to the board and begins to write while he says, “Today, we’re going to cover derivatives of inverse trig functions.”

  Most of the class groans. I scribble down every note on the subject. About forty minutes of explaining he hands us out sheets and tells us to partner up. I notice a few girls approach Jared. I glance back down at my notebook. As I start the first problem by myself a throat clears. “You got a partner, Valentine?” Jared asks.

  I smile and shake my head. “Awesome. You got one now.” He scoots a desk closer to mine. Why does this make me happy? I shouldn’t care. It’s just collaborating to work on problems. It’s not like he asked me out.

  Whoa. Where did that come from? Would I want Jared to ask me out? No. Maybe. Crap. No, the answer should be no.

  I shake myself from my silly thoughts and work on the problem. Jared is silently jotting down something, and I ask, “Want to do the odd and I’ll do the even ones? Or do you want to work on all of them and see what we come up with?”

  “I like the odd and evens. I’ll finish up on number one you work on two, cool?”

  “Yep. Got it.”

  The problems distracted me, so my mind wasn’t wondering about Jared asking me out. Utterly ridiculous. Even if I were into football players Jared is like God. He wouldn’t date me. I know, Mark was popular and way out of my league. But Jared is way more popular and super out of my league.

  There is sickening cracking sound and I glance up. Jared smirks. “Sorry, sometimes I have to crack my neck if I sit too long.”

  “Oh.” That is all I say to him for the remaining of the class period.

  Chapter Sixteen


  She doesn’t talk to me until after the bell rings. “Did you want to meet after school and finish this? Or did you want to go over what we have in the morning before first on Monday?” she asks.

  This is my chance to spend some alone time with Juliet and you better believe I’m taking it. “After school is fine. How about your house?”

  “Uh … Can we do yours? My mom’s work phone has been ringing non-stop since the first of the year. It settles down after Valentine’s day.”

  “Um … okay. I have to warn you; my little brother might annoy you. And my mom might ask you a whole lot of uncomfortable questions.”

  “Okay. Anything else I should know? Like you’re not secretly an alien?”

  I laugh. “No. Well, my dad might be that’s still up for debate.”

  She smirks. “Nice.”

  “For real though, more than likely he won’t know you’re there.” Which is how I’d like it.

  “Awesome. He kind of scares me. Anytime I have to go into his office, he gives off this I will eat your soul vibe.”

  I laugh hard. No one has ever said that about my dad. It’s funny to hear her make that assumption. “Yeah, he tends to be way too serious.”

  “All right, I will see if Chase can give Adaline a lift home and then I’ll follow you to your house. Is that okay?”

  “Well, I … um … gotta pick Justin up from school and we’ve got some drills to do. Can I call you? Should be done around five.”

  She nods. “Do you need my number?”

  “Nah. I have it in my phone from Christmas Eve.”

  “Right.” We walk together into our last class of the day.

  As we go to our seats, all I can think of is yesssss! Alone time with Juliet. It sucks that it’ll be at the one place I can’t stand being at. She’s going to be there with me though. I can’t wait until the school day ends.

  I make my way to my mom’s car in a slight daze when Chase yells, “All right, Black. What are you up to?”

  “Up to? Going home.”

  “No. I’m talking about Juliet. What are you doing?”

  I shove him. “None of your business.”

  “It is my business. She’s my best friend. She doesn’t need to be hurt again.” He shoves me back.

  I shoot him a glare and snarl, “I’m not going to hurt her. I’d never hurt her.”

  “That’s what your buddy Mark said, and I helped him. I’ll be damned if I make that same mistake. Leave her alone.”

  I drop my backpack to the ground, ready to level him if I must. “Does it look like I’m asking for your help?”

  He shoves me again, and I bump into my mom’s car door. Shit. I better not dent it, or she’ll never let me drive her car again.

  “I’m warning you. If you mess with her, I’ll kick your ass!” he snaps.

  I push him away. “Consider me warned.” I snatch my backpack from the ground and unlock the car.

  I head over to the junior high. My brother stands near a bench clowning around with his friend Steve. I beep the horn then roll down the window. “Come on, Justin. I’ve got stuff to do.”

  “I’m coming. Keep your boxers on.” He makes no attempt to get into the car though. Little jerk.

  I wait for another minute. “Dude!” I yell at him.

  Justin says, “Later, Steve.” Then he slips into the passenger seat.

  “You’re a jackass. Next time I’ll let you walk home.”

  He smiles. “What’s the rush? I figured you wouldn’t want to get back so soon.”

  He’s right about both things. “I’ve got homework.” I leave out the part about it being a date with Juliet Valentine.

  Chapter Seventeen


  A text message from a strange number pops up on my phone.

  Unknown Number: Hey. U can come by. Done early. Live over in Brady Addition. U know it right?

  Me: Yes.

  I program Jared’s name and number into my phone. He s
hoots me over his address. I grab my things, climb into my Wrangler, and head to his house. A few minutes of driving and I pull up to a beautiful home.

  I make my way to the front porch and ring the doorbell.

  A woman with short brown hair and red tips greets me. “Hello. Can I help you?”

  “Hi. I’m Juliet Valentine. This is the Black residence, right? I was supposed to meet Jared to do our math homework.”

  “Oh. I sent Jared to the store. Come on in.”

  What the heck? Why would he tell me to come over if he wasn’t even going to be here? I could have played another round of Tomb Storm.

  “Um … Okay.” I follow her in and instantly regret agreeing to study here. Holy crap. The entryway is full of pictures of football teams. I notice each stage of Jared and Justin’s football career from flag, to Pee-Wee, Junior Varsity, and Varsity. It reminds me of the hall of valedictorians at school.

  His mom stands by an archway to our right. Beyond it, there is the living room. “Go ahead and have a seat. Jared should be back any minute.” She leaves, and I look about the room.

  If I thought the hallway down football lane was awful, the living room beats it, hands down. There are phrases posted on the walls like “No pain, no gain,” “Excuses are for quitters.”

  A huge glass-encased shelf takes up one whole wall toward the back of the room. It’s filled with trophies, metals, and footballs. What’s totally creepy are the key locks on the glass. I snort. “Oh my God, do they honestly think someone will steal a trophy?”

  “My dad thinks my brother and I might be famous someday. So yes,” a voice says.

  I whip around clenching my chest and say, “You scared the crap out of me.”

  “I’m Justin. And which twin are you?”

  “Excuse me?”

  Justin smiles. “I saw you in Jare’s yearbook.”

  As I’m about to answer him, I hear footsteps clunking down the hall. Jared peeks into the living room and says, “Hey, I was looking for … Juliet. Hey. Were you waiting long?”

  “No. I’ve probably been here about five minutes,” I answer.

  “Cool,” Jared says. He looks over at Justin. “Come help me get these groceries out of the car for Mom.”

  “See you later, Juliet,” Justin says then follows Jared out of the living room.

  I take my backpack off, walk over to the couch, and sit. My eyes start to glaze over as I wait. I press my head against the headrest and close my eyes.

  My shoulder shakes a little. “Juliet. Hey,” I hear Jared say.

  I pop open one eye. “Tired?” he asks.

  “No. Kind of. It’s fine.”

  He extends his hand out to me. I place mine in his and feel an instant jolt. Whoa. What was that? Jared pulls me up and I crash against his chest. “Omph. Sorry,” he mumbles. His gaze locks with mine.

  I blink and detangle myself from him.

  “Follow me,” he says, and I grab my bag from the floor and do just that.

  He leads us into the kitchen. His mom is stirring something that smells marvelous. My mouth waters. “Hey, Mom. Juliet and I are going to head up to my room.”

  “That’s fine. Keep the door open. I’ll call you down when dinner is ready. Juliet do you like shrimp?”

  “Oh, um … You don’t have to make me anything.” I look at her then at Jared.

  He leans close to me and whispers, “She’ll send you home with dinner if you don’t eat it here.” Oh, no. I just wanted to do homework not eat with his family too.

  “Nonsense. We always feed our guests. Do you like shrimp?” she asks, turning to me and offering a small smile.

  Crap. “I like it,” I say.

  “Great,” she says.

  Jared’s hand brushes against the small of my back. Any other time I would have shrugged away from his touch. Now, I don’t want to move. Tingles zip up my spine. I’ve never felt this before, even with Mark.

  He guides me away from the kitchen and down a short hallway. There are no decorations, inspirational phrases or pictures on these white walls. Jared moves away from me and up a flight of steps. I follow him up then into a room off to the left.

  I gaze incredulously at the blank blue and gray walls. I was fully expecting some models in bikinis, football legends, or street signs. His floor is spotless too.

  “What?” he asks.


  “You’re gawking with your mouth open. Something you didn’t expect?” he smirks.

  I close my mouth and shrug. “I thought you’d be a little messier.”

  “Like Mark?” He laughs.

  “I don’t know. I’ve never been to his house. Chase is extremely messy. I just assumed all boys were like that.”

  Jared smiles. “In defense of all the males in the world, I’m barely in here. It probably would be a little less clean if I were.”

  I roll my eyes. “I don’t believe you.”

  He motions to the bed and I sit down near his pillows. I remove my shoes and sit criss-cross-applesauce style. Jared does the same at the other end of his bed. We both pull out our materials for Trig and lay them out between the two of us. He continues to work on the odds while I work on the even numbers.

  Not much time seems to pass but suddenly there is a knock on the ajar door. Justin stands there. “Mom, wants you downstairs,” he says.

  “Why? Is dinner done?” Jared asks.

  “Not yet. She just said to come up here and get you. I don’t know.”

  Jared gets off his bed and walks out, leaving me alone in his room. I could lurk through drawers, or search his closet if I wanted. I know Addy would do that in a heartbeat. I remain on his bed and continue working on our trig homework.

  A creak draws me from my paper. “Who are you? Where’s my son?” Mr. Black says.

  “He went down to the kitchen to talk to Mrs. Black,” I answer. “I’m Juliet Valentine.”

  “The one who cheers or plays soccer?”


  He nods. “I heard there have been a few scouts calling office about you.”

  I smile, unsure of what to say to that.

  “What are you doing in my son’s room?” He asks.

  “We were finishing up a group assignment for Trig,” Jared says. He goes around his dad and makes his way over to the bed. “Dinner should be ready in five minutes. It was my turn to set the table.”

  “Jared, after dinner I need a word with you in my office.”

  Jared nods and as soon as his dad is out of sight he says, “Sorry. Was he being an ass?”

  “No. He just wanted to know what I was doing in here. Like he was shocked you had a girl over.”

  I write the answer to number 18 down as he answers, “I don’t.”

  I peer up at him. “You don’t what?”

  “You’re the first girl from school who’s ever been in my room.”

  I make a face. “Well, now I feel special.”

  “You should,” he teases. “Can I ask you something?”

  I shrug. “Sure.”

  “Why did you make that face when I told you, you were the first girl who’s ever been here? Is it really that hard to believe?”

  I laugh. “Actually, it is. You’re super popular and everyone wants to date you.”

  He rubs the back of his neck while a blush creeps across my cheeks. I did not just say any of that out loud. Dork.

  “Everyone huh?” He asks.

  “No. I meant most girls. I don’t want to date you.”

  He frowns. “Why not?”

  “Because someone like you would never like someone like me. So why would I pine over something I could never get?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be into someone like you?”

  I narrow my eyes. “Because I’m a Geek and you’re not.”

  “That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. You know, for someone who’s supposed to be so smart, you sure have a lot to learn.” He rises from the bed and makes his way to the door. �
�Dinner’s probably ready.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  I’m so lost on what to do now. She doesn’t think I would be into her? Is she crazy? She’s the most perfect girl ever. Of course, I freaking want her.

  “Hello, you two. I was about to send your father up there to come collect you. Juliet, what would you like to drink? We have lemonade, tea, water, milk, and orange juice.”

  “Water is fine. I can get it myself,” Juliet says.

  “Oh, don’t be silly. You’re our guest. Go ahead and sit yourself down beside Jared.”

  She does as she’s told. My father glances over at her then at me. “How’s the homework coming?” he asks.

  “Fine,” I say.

  He makes a hmph noise. “So, Juliet, have you decided which college you are going to play for?”

  “Oh, I’m not,” she says. My mom places a glass of ice water by Juliet’s plate.

  “Thank you. Everything looks amazing.”

  “You’re welcome,” my mom says as she sits down at the other end of the table.

  My dad grabs some salad from the bowl while he drills Juliet with more questions. “Not going to college or not going to play soccer?” he asks.

  “Play soccer.”

  He drops the salad tongs into the bowl. “Well, that seems like a bad decision. What do your parents think about this?”

  Why is he being such a douche right now? I want to save Juliet from this, but I’m not sure how.

  “I don’t know,” she answers.

  I grab the salad bowl and offer her some first. “Want some?”

  She nods. I put two scoops on her plate.

  “It seems like a waste of talent. Coach Harper is constantly giving you high praise,” my dad says.

  “For gosh sakes Freddy, leave the poor girl be,” my mom chimes in.

  “It’s fine,” Juliet says as she grabs the Italian dressing.

  “Well, you should. Jared, what do I tell you about football?” he asks.

  I want to die. No one wants to hear this bullshit. Especially not Juliet, she’ll think I’m an asshole. My father is waiting though. “Always know your stats. You can’t improve if you don’t know where you’re lacking.”


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