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Tales from the Dubh Linn

Page 4

by Niall Teasdale

  ‘That…’ she gasped. ‘That was… amazing.’

  ‘The best is yet to come,’ he replied. He lifted her off the seat with no apparent effort and she realised that he had undressed at some point, probably while she was coming down from the high. Her thighs wrapped around his hips and she felt his cock resting at her entrance. ‘Take off your shirt,’ he whispered and she undid the knot, freeing her breasts. His mouth closed around her engorged nipple and a bolt of fire leapt from it to her clitoris. Then he sank her onto him in one, sudden movement. She let out a cry of ecstasy and pain and shock. She felt as though she would explode just from that single penetration, but he lifted her and drove her down again, rise and fall, rise and fall.

  ‘I’m going to come,’ she moaned.

  ‘Then come,’ he replied, ‘and keep coming.’ And Marian screamed out her first ever orgasm with a man…


  His name was not Mark, but he laid Marian down on the bed and went to sit in the chair she had recently vacated. He drank his wine and watched her writhe in simulated ecstasy. Three hours? She did not ask for much, did she? Not a problem, of course; it was not like he had to exert himself physically.

  With her under his mental control he could let his glamour slip. Young, taught skin became withered and grey. His dark eyes sank back into their sockets. His lips pulled back from his teeth, narrowing to thin slivers. The shock of black hair was gone leaving grey skin stretched over a domed skull. He had been dead for two hundred years and the only thing keeping him in one piece was whatever magic animated the undead.

  Two hundred years dead, and he had been doing this for over a hundred and fifty of them, though it had only been in the last eighty or so that it had become really fun. Before that he had had to actually seduce them with his body. The power to control the living had come around the time his body had decayed to the point where he had nothing left to actually consummate the act with.

  Many of his brethren did not understand his enjoyment of hunting like this. He could, and did, control victims, feed from them, and leave them with no memory of what had happened. He could have had Marian any time he wanted, but what he wanted was to slowly twist her from the cute little book-loving Goth into his own little chew toy, preferably a perverted one. The outfit suggested his manipulations were definitely starting to have an effect. He did not really appreciate it. His taste for young flesh on display had diminished over the years along with his basic humanity, but he knew plenty of people who would pay well for a new toy. The fact that he always delivered a virgin was an added bonus.

  Dispassionately, he watched Marian as she lay twitching on the bed, legs spread lewdly, and planned what the next stage would be.


  ‘I need you again,’ Marian said, her voice quiet but very urgent. ‘Tonight.’ She had spent Sunday with a niggling feeling that something was missing and had been unable to get herself off with her vibrator.

  ‘Tonight? I can’t afford another hotel room.’

  ‘I’ll slip out after dark,’ Marian replied. ‘We can do it anywhere you like.’

  ‘It’ll have to be in the car, a quickie.’

  ‘Yes, just a quick one. I need you. I’ll just wear my coat, nothing to remove.’

  ‘Okay,’ he said, ‘ten o’clock. I’ll park down the road a little.’ He stood and walked off, apparently to class. He was smiling; Marian was really susceptible to vampire saliva. In a way it was a shame. He liked it when they fought a little more.

  March 2011

  They had driven out to a layby on the A3 to do it tonight. Their Friday night “dates” involved nothing but sex now. Marian could not do without it. Every night she was slipping out of the house, but they could do longer sessions on a Friday or Saturday.

  Marian was straddling Mark’s hips, bouncing playfully on top of him, her orgasm building when she opened her eyes and saw the people gathered around the car. There were around ten of them, mostly men, but a couple of women. One of the women had pulled her breasts out of her shirt and was pulling at her nipples. Several of the men were jacking off as they watched.

  ‘There are…’ Marian began, her stroke faltering.

  ‘I know. That’s why I came here. Now keep going.’ There was no one there, he could not afford to be seen, but Marian saw them anyway.

  The woman with her tits out was nodding encouragement and Marian got back into the beat. She could not close her eyes and shut them out. Instead she watched them as they watched the show. There were total strangers getting off and watching her fuck. The thought drove her over the edge and her body thrashed in the throes of climax, and then she had another tiny orgasm as she heard the applause of her audience.

  And then Mark said, ‘I’m still hard. Keep going, they want more.’

  Marian gave a little whimper and undid her blouse. If she was going to fuck in front of an audience, she might as well give them the full show.

  May 2011

  ‘She’s an old friend from London,’ Mark said. ‘She’s down here for a seminar for the week and I said we’d meet her.’

  Sitting in the car beside him, Marian pouted. ‘But when will we…’

  ‘We’ll have time,’ he said. ‘Don’t you worry. We’re going to her hotel room. You’ll like her. Her name is Lisa.’

  The door to room one-oh-three opened and Marian found herself looking at a tall woman with a model’s figure and long, black hair. Lisa smiled. ‘Mark! And you must be Marian. Come in. I’m afraid there’s only one chair. Marian, you can sit on the bed with me. That’s a lovely outfit.’

  Date night uniform was now a micro-skirt and a skinny little top which showed off Marian’s midriff. Lisa was not exactly wearing much more, though hers looked more expensive. Marian sat down on the edge of the bed and almost immediately felt light headed. She turned her head slowly to look at Mark as he sat down in the chair. His pupils were glowing softly, but the euphoria swelling through her was enough for her to just ignore the strangeness of it.

  ‘How are you keeping, Lisa?’ Mark asked, his voice conversational in tone.

  ‘I’m good,’ Lisa replied. Marian blinked and looked down to find Lisa’s hand on her thigh, long fingers slowing circling over her skin; it felt good, Marian did not feel like asking her to move it. ‘Business is good, I’m enjoying myself.’

  ‘How’s Abby?’

  ‘Hot as ever,’ Lisa replied, grinning. Her fingers circled down over Marian’s inner thigh, a slight pressure spreading legs which almost seemed to move of their own volition. ‘How’s school?’

  ‘Huh, how is school ever? Marian keeps it interesting for me.’

  Lisa’s gaze turned to Marian. ‘She is a little hottie too.’ Marian’s lips parted as the circling fingers moved further up her thigh. ‘Lie back, Marian, you’ll be more comfortable.’ As Marian did as suggested, the fingers slid up under her skirt, resting a moan from her lips. ‘My she’s responsive.’

  Marian felt her skirt being pushed up to her waist. She closed her legs to allow her thong to be pulled off and immediately spread them wide as Lisa’s hands pushed on her thighs. ‘Limber too,’ Lisa said before her tongue began to lick smoothly over Marian’s labia.

  ‘A gymnast,’ Mark said. ‘Not competition class, but certainly very flexible.’

  Lisa did not answer. Her tongue was probing and lapping, parting Marian’s nether lips to reach the prize beneath. Marian’s moans filled the room as Lisa began to tease at her clitoris. It was different from when Mark did it. It felt… more physical, more raw. And it was a woman between her legs and she was loving it and… Her mind dissolved into her first orgasm. As she came down she felt her top being pushed up and soft lips pressing to her right nipple. She moaned again as the familiar electric sure bolted from nipple to clit. The lips moved and musky scent filled her nose. She opened her eyes and found Lisa’s pussy staring her in the face. Tentatively extending her tongue, she lapped the folds of skin before her and heard an encouraging “oh!” from Lisa.
She licked again, and again, pressing harder. The taste as her tongue parted the moist lips was odd, pungent, but the reaction from Lisa was enough to keep her pressing onward. She found Lisa’s clit and began to lap hungrily at it and Lisa returned the favour, her body shaking and trembling.

  ‘Oh! Fuck! Yes!’ With Lisa’s exclamation a sudden gush of fluid filled Marian’s mouth, sprayed her nose and cheeks, and she felt… proud.

  ‘My turn,’ Mark said.


  Lisa climbed off the bed and let Mark’s mind tricks play out. ‘She’s good. Inexperienced, but enthusiastic. How long before she’s ready?’ She insisted on him maintaining his glamour around her; the sight of his real body made her sick.

  ‘Another month,’ Mark said. ‘As you say, inexperienced, with women anyway. I’m going to put her with a couple of other girls, make her into a good little rug muncher. Let’s say July.’

  ‘All right, I’ll be ready for her.’ Her gaze swept over the half-dressed girl writhing on the bed. ‘Can you get her to eat me while she thinks you’re doing her from behind?’

  ‘Of course. Don’t worry, she’ll get plenty of practice tonight before she has to go home to her loving, oblivious family.’

  Lisa smirked. ‘You’re a sick man, Theodore.’

  ‘Mark, child. Don’t use that name around her.’ He waved a hand at the bed. Marian was getting onto all fours. Her back arched as an imaginary, rampant Mark penetrated her. ‘She’s ready for you.’

  July 2011

  ‘I, uh, wasn’t entirely truthful about how I was turned,’ Mark said. They were in his car, parked in an out of the way spot in a small country park. ‘The vampire who turned me had a lover, and he blames me for her death.’

  Marian’s lips opened in a silent “Oh!” ‘That’s why you had to leave London.’

  ‘I wasn’t in London. I used to live in Bristol. All that was faked for me, but he’s found me. I have to leave. I can hide in London. That’s where I’m going.’

  ‘But the police…’ Tears were forming in her eyes now. She could not lose him.

  ‘He’s over three hundred years old, Marian. The police can’t stop him. He’ll rip them apart to get to me, and then he’ll rip me apart. I came to… to say goodbye.’

  ‘No!’ The tears would not fall, but they hung there, on the edge. She could not do without what he did to her. ‘I’ll come with you.’

  ‘You’ve got a life, Marian! You can’t throw it all away on a dead man!’

  ‘I can’t give up… give up what you do… give up us…’

  He was silent for a long second. ‘All right, but we have to go tonight. Pack light, only essentials. I’ll be here at two. Don’t be late.’


  Marian was not really sure what was happening, but she stood, silent and naked, on the small stage of a strip club, unable to move or cover herself and no longer really caring. Mark was somewhere out there in the darkened room, along with a dozen or more other men. She could feel their eyes on her, cool and appraising.

  Mark had changed as soon as they had got into town, but she had ignored his sudden cooling until he had brought her to this place. Lisa had met them and Marian had been pushed into a room, the lock closed behind her. Marian had cried for an hour, but more because Mark had not bitten her for over twenty-four hours than because of what was happening.

  She felt numb now. Standing here, Lisa beside her, she knew she had not really loved Mark for months. Love had not been a factor in her decision to run away with him, just an addiction to what he did to her.

  ‘All right,’ Lisa said and Marian flinched, ‘let’s get started. She’s been heavily conditioned, but you all know the vendor, you know she’s untouched. Shall we start the bidding at two thousand?’ Her gaze scanned the room, seeing something Marian could not make out in the dim light. ‘I have two, anyone for three? Three thousand… four. Come on, gentlemen. She’s a trained gymnast, very flexible, beautiful muscle tone… Six thousand… seven…’

  ‘Ten thousand.’ The voice was deep and resonant and soaked in sex and promise.

  Lisa smiled. ‘Ten thousand. Do I hear twelve?’ There was a gentle rumble around the room, but no other bids. ‘Ten thousand it is. Sold. Belvedere, do you want her wrapped or will you take her as she is?’

  A tall, dark man walked out of the shadows, his shirt open to the navel to reveal a muscled chest, his jodhpurs apparently heat shrunk to his legs. ‘I’ll take her just as she is,’ he said and his voice went straight to Marian’s pussy and throbbed there. ‘Come, my dear, I have several hours to kill and a new toy to try out.’

  Marian took his offered hand, shivering at his touch, and followed him to the door. She looked back once, but there was no sign of Mark.

  September 2011

  Marian had to open her mouth so far her jaw almost locked, but she managed to wrap her lips around the enormous phallus she had been presented with. It belonged to a huge, grey werewolf who proceeded to force as much of it down her throat as he could manage. After a couple of weeks of tutelage from two of Belvedere’s girls, Marian’s gag reflex was essentially nil, the issue was air.

  The other issue was the wolf’s buddy who was busy ramming her pussy with what felt like a baseball bat. It hurt, a lot, but she was used to pain now, physical and emotional. She was used to the cameras as well. This was her third movie, but her first werewolves. There had been no warming up, no foreplay. She had been pushed down onto all fours, a tongue had slathered spit over her labia, and then he had started trying to ram himself in.

  Across the room, Belvedere sprawled in a folding chair. Later he would heal her and, if she was lucky, fuck her. He kept her fed and clothed, brought vampires to her to keep her addiction supplicated. He protected his asset, which was what she was until he chose to let her go.

  She gulped in air as the wolf withdrew for a second before pushing back in. At least she was getting a bit moist and the pain was subsiding in her groin.

  January 2012

  She had been told that the Dubh Linn was the place to go if she needed a fix, but setting foot in the place was scary. She had dressed in a way that she hoped said “I want to be bitten and fucked,” the shortest skirt she had with nothing under it and a long sleeved, off the shoulder top which bared her midriff. She took her coat off as soon as she got in through the door to make sure she was on display.

  The pub was one big room with a bare stone floor, unpainted brickwork for walls, and a ceiling which seemed to be the floorboards of the building above. Thick, oak pillars held the place up and divided it a little. There were tables through the middle and booths at the sides, and eyes, dozens of them, all looking at Marian. She could feel the hunger in those stares and it both scared and aroused her.

  The barman was fae. She had learned to tell after spending so much time with Belvedere. He had cut her loose just before Christmas, giving her a thousand pounds and a final three hour monster sex session as a leaving present. Most of the money was gone on a room and her food over Christmas, and she had already started turning tricks. Spreading her legs was the only work she was good for. But she had not managed to snag a vamp customer yet and she needed a fix.

  ‘White wine,’ she said to the dark man with his dark eyes that promised such pleasure… She had expected to be carded, but he just poured the wine and put it in front of her. She was reaching into her purse for the money when a hand with long, delicate fingers placed a five pound note down on the counter.

  The hand’s owner was a woman, tall, exquisitely beautiful, with pale skin and long, black hair that fell around her shoulders in waves. ‘Let me get that for you,’ she said and Marian smiled. ‘I’m Jackie.’

  ‘Thank you, Jackie, I’m Marian.’ She picked up her glass and took a sip.

  Jackie smiled, showing her fangs. ‘Do you like girls, Marian?’ Direct and to the point. Well, Marian could be direct too.

  ‘I like vampires.’

  ‘Good. Let’s find somewhere a little
more private to talk.’


  ‘Damn, she can’t be more than twenty!’ John Radcliffe stood over the naked body of a young woman, her skin white from blood loss. She looked contented, almost happy, her eyes closed in a pleasant sleep.

  ‘Nineteen,’ Kate Middleshaw, his partner replied. ‘ID says she was Marian Clark. One of those age verification cards issued in Guildford.’

  ‘At least we can hand off telling the family to the Surrey force. I hate doing that. I guess we don’t need a coroner to determine cause of death?’

  Marian’s body was sporting fresh bite wounds on her throat, wrists, and both thighs. There were a few spots of blood on the sheets, but not much. ‘Vampire,’ Kate replied. ‘Possibly more than one. Coroner can tell us if there’s more than one saliva source.’

  John sighed. ‘What’s the point? You know we’ll never find them.’

  ‘We can at least try…’

  The senior detective shrugged. ‘Yeah… Yes, we can.’ He started looking around the room and picked up a battered paperback. ‘Huh, “Blissful Destiny.” I blame these crappy vampire romance novels for this. Makes them look like dark, romantic heroes instead of the monsters they are.’

  Kate glanced at him. ‘They aren’t all monsters, and you know it.’

  ‘My wife is atypical. Come on, there’s nothing here. Let’s get back to the station and let someone know their daughter is dead.’ He turned toward the door and gave the book one last glance before tossing it onto the nightstand. ‘Blissful destiny my arse,’ he said.


  Oxford, England, November 26th, 1992

  ‘I’m sorry, Wen, I really am, but I thought you should know.’ Wendy listened to the voice of her friend, Sheila, over the car-phone and wondered briefly whether she really was sorry. Sheila had always hated Barry, Wendy’s husband, though the reasons behind it were a little unclear.

  ‘Yeah,’ Wendy said. ‘Look, Sheils, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.’ She hit the disconnect button before Sheila could respond and sat there feeling sick.


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