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The Price of Trust

Page 11

by Amanda Stephan

  "Yes," he answered, smiling up at her. Carly continued to look away, blushing profusely. "I like her more than I've ever liked any girl. She means the world to me, and I'm glad that she's going to stay."

  She stood up hastily. "May I use the ladies room please?" she asked with an uncomfortable smile.

  "Of course, dear. It's down the hallway, second door on the right," Penny answered, surprised by her abruptness.

  "Thank you," Carly stayed in the bathroom for a few minutes, trying to still her panicky nerves.

  "I hope I didn't offend her," Penny said, worried that they had somehow hurt her feelings.

  "I don't think you did, Mom," Joe said, standing up and stretching. He sat down in the recliner, waiting for her to come back.

  "What did you mean about Carly going to stay?" Tom asked. "Was she going somewhere?"

  "Yes. She's been running from place to place because she's afraid that her ex-fiancé is coming to find her," Joe answered simply. Todd, Kelly, and Joe told them some of the details of Carly's experience with Ian before she got back.

  "How awful," Penny whispered.

  Tom was thoughtful. "What are you going to do?" he finally asked. "You know, with a man like that, there could be quite a bit of trouble."

  "I know, she keeps telling me that there's going to be trouble, but I want her to stay anyway," Joe answered as she came back in.

  "And just what do you think you're doing? That's my seat, buddy," she said playfully, sitting down at his feet.

  "Watch out, Carly, he's been wearing cowboy boots all day, and those things probably smell awful," Todd teased.

  "Here, switch with me. I'll sit on the floor," Joe said, his face bright red.

  She laughed, pushing him back into the chair. "No, I'm fine. Really. Just sit. I'm fine."

  "Carly, the kids here were telling us about some of your past. I'm awfully sorry to hear about it," Tom said kindly.

  "I hope you're not upset with us," Kelly said hastily.

  "I'm not upset. It's okay. I don't have anything to be ashamed of," she answered, soothing her friend's fears.

  "Is there a possibility that he will come find you?" Penny asked. Carly hesitated. She was afraid that Joe's family would have serious reservations about their relationship if Ian could come back, but she couldn't lie to them.

  "Yes," she answered finally. "He's found me everywhere I go."

  "Why don't you go to the police?" Tom asked thoughtfully.

  "Ian's very rich, and he's got contacts everywhere. Even in the police force. Money talks more than honesty, I'm afraid. I've hidden pretty well before, and it doesn't usually take him long to find me."

  "Do you mind talking about it?" Tom asked her quietly.

  "It's not my favorite subject, but it feels kind of good to have someone to talk to about it."

  "How bad was it? The kids just told us that he beat you. What did he do?" Penny asked sympathetically.

  "At first, he'd slap me around. He was afraid of leaving bruises. Then as things got worse, he'd punch, kick, pull my hair, slap. Anything and everything."

  Joe leaned forward, putting his hand on her shoulder. "Tell them the worst that he's done to you."

  Carly shrugged her shoulders helplessly. "I really can't tell you the worst. I think he was terrible when he broke my arm, when he blackened my eyes, when he'd just scream at me for no reason, when he took over my bank account and wouldn't allow me to have any money unless he gave it to me. I don't know which is worse. I can't answer."

  "How did he take over your bank account?" Tom asked incredulously.

  "After we were engaged, he said it would be better to build credit with something that had both of our names on it. He said it would be easier to do it right away, but I had no idea that he had it fixed that I couldn't take out any money without his being aware of it. If I went to the bank to withdraw, they would call him before I even left and tell him how much I took, and what time I was there. It was eerie. I didn't realize what he was doing until it was too late."

  "How have you survived so long without money?" Kelly asked.

  "When I left, I had about four hundred dollars that I had squirreled away without him knowing. I took that and saved as much as possible. When I thought I was far enough away, I'd stay a little while, find a job, and save every penny, until he found me. Then it would start all over again."

  "What's the longest you've hidden before he found you?" Todd asked. Joe leaned forward to see her face.

  "This is definitely the longest I've been able to stay at the same place," she replied.

  Joe and Todd looked at each other.

  "But," Joe interrupted before she could continue, "she thinks he's found her again."

  Penny and Kelly gasped in surprise.

  "Why?" asked Tom quietly. He was watching Joe and Todd. He had seen the look that passed between them and he was curious.

  "I don't know really. Just some prank calls, a weird customer, but mostly just instinct. I always get a feeling right before someone shows up that Ian has sent."

  "What do you mean, that 'Ian has sent'?" Kelly wondered, pulling closer to Todd.

  "Ian doesn't come for me himself, he sends someone to bring me back. I've been forced into a strange car twice before I learned to listen to my intuition. Now I try to act first."

  They were all quiet. Tom leaned forward speculatively while Penny moved nearer to him, rubbing his back.

  "Well, that's good for me then," Joe finally said, trying to lighten the mood. "We don't have to worry about him, just watch out for strange cars and people."

  Everyone was apprehensive, and she was sorry for it. Maybe God didn't want her to stay after all. Maybe He wanted her to leave.

  "You know what; it's okay." She stood and gave them a bright smile. "This is a lot to deal with, and I completely understand. I tried to tell Joe I was just going to cause trouble. Thank you for being so kind to me. I've got to go." She left so quickly, they didn't realize that she was going until they heard the door close. They all sat in bewildered silence. Except Joe.

  It was dark and cold out, and Joe had a hard time finding her at first. Finally, he caught sight of her out on the road.

  "Carly!" he shouted, jogging to catch up to her. "Wait!"

  She kept walking. He finally caught up to her and walked beside her for a while, catching his breath. "You got far," he panted.

  "I'm good at running. It's the only thing I know how to do," she answered flatly.

  "Why are you out here?" he asked quietly. "Where are you going?"

  "I'm out here because I'm going home," she said tiredly.

  "Come back. I'll give you a ride into town," he took her arm. She pulled away from him and kept walking. "Carly, stop it!" he said angrily, grabbing her arm again.

  She spun to look at him. "What, Joe? What do you want? I don't want a ride, and I don't want to cause you or your family any more trouble than I already have, okay?" she answered, frustrated.

  "What is the matter with you?" he asked, surprised. "Where did you get the idea that you've caused us any trouble? Can't you see that we want to help you?" He took her other arm, pulling her to him. "I'm not the only one here that cares for you. I've seen how my mom and dad talk to you, how they treat you like family. Todd admires you almost as much as he adores Kelly, not to mention how much Kelly likes you. Why can't you see that?" he asked kindly, looking down into her face.

  "I'm terrified. Everything that I've cared about is gone. I've got no one. I've been running for so long, I'm afraid that this is some sort of dream, and I'm going to wake up and you'll all be gone and I'll be back to nothing," Carly blurted. "I'm afraid that once I belong somewhere or with someone, I'll lose it all." Joe held her close for a little while, letting her relax against him.

  "Come back, and I'll drive you home," he answered quietly. She sighed and allowed him to lead her back to his house. "You know, I can't speak for God, but I can speak for myself and my family. We don't want you to hurt anymore,
or be afraid to love somebody again." He stopped, taking her hand. "I'm not planning on going anywhere without you, Carly. If you left, I'd look for you, and I'd hunt for you just like Ian, but with different intents and purposes. I'd find you wherever you went, so you might as well stay and make it easy on me." She could hear the smile in his voice.

  They walked the rest of the way in silence, thinking about the uncertain future and praying to God that somehow he'd make it all right.

  "Carly!" Tom bellowed good-naturedly as they walked back in. "Where'd you run off to so fast?"

  Carly blushed, ashamed. Joe saw her discomfort, and came to the rescue. "She was walking home," he answered lightly.

  "What?" Penny asked in surprise. "It's too far for you to walk all that way."

  "I'll give you a ride home," Kelly chimed in. "I figured you knew that I would seeing as how I brought you here. Are you ready to go?" she asked, standing up.

  "Whenever you are. Don't rush for me," she said hastily, feeling stupid.

  "Oh no, I need to be going anyway. I've got Uncle Charlie's truck, and he'll be worried about me if I don't get home soon." Todd helped her on with her coat and walked her to the door, waiting for Carly to say good-bye.

  "Well, thanks for the wonderful evening," she said politely.

  Tom shook her hand affably, and Penny gave her a hug. "You come back, you hear? Don't you be a stranger. You're always welcome," she said affectionately. "If you need anything, or just need to talk, give me a call, okay?"

  "I will. Thank you for being so good to me," Carly said around the lump in her throat.

  Joe walked her to the truck and opened the door for her. "Thank you for coming today. I'm really glad you did," he said, leaning on the open door, smiling at her.

  "Thank you for letting me," she replied shyly.

  There was something different between them now. Something deeper. They had reached a crossroads and had passed it together. He closed the door gently as Kelly started the truck. He and Todd stood together and watched the truck fade away down the road.

  Chapter 11

  Carly was ready for church early the next morning. She had had terrifying nightmares all night about Ian and had woken up intending to tell Joe that she had changed her mind and couldn't stay. She drank some juice for breakfast, waiting for the clock to tell her it was time to go. The time just crawled along, teasing her. She sat at the small table for what seemed an eternity before she could leave and not be too early. She grabbed her Bible and jacket, ran down the steps, and let herself out, locking up behind her.

  "I was wondering when you were going to come out!" a voice called behind her, making her jump. She was surprised to find Joe there, waiting to give her a ride to church. All her intentions vanished at the sight of him smiling at her, and she was reassured that God wanted her to stay.

  "Good morning," she said cheerily as he opened her door from the inside. She got in and scooted next to him. He put his arm around her shoulders and kissed her gently on her forehead. She cuddled next to him, breathing in his cologne.

  "Good morning," he said as he backed up and headed toward the church. "How'd you sleep last night?"

  "Not good. I had nightmares about Ian all night. They were so bad that I had made up my mind to tell you that I wasn't going to stay after all," she answered, looking out the window.

  "And now?" he asked casually.

  "Everything looks better in daytime," she said simply. "That means yes." She giggled at his frown.

  He smiled. "I was wondering if you ever answer a question directly."

  "Not if I can help it." They both laughed as Joe parked the truck. He got out and opened her door for her.

  "Don't look now, but I think you're in big trouble," she said. Joe turned around to see Angie glaring at both of them. She stalked into the church, banging the door behind her. "I'm sorry, Joe. I didn't mean to get you into trouble with your girlfriend," she teased. He pinched her ear and took her hand.

  "It’s gotten pretty cold out," he said, looking at her jacket.

  "Oh, I don't know." She pretended not to notice the stinging wind in her face.

  He held the door open for her. They found their usual spot next to Todd and Kelly and sat down. Angie sat directly behind Joe, pretending to ignore them.

  "What did you have for breakfast this morning?" Joe whispered as the music started.

  "Shhhh!" Angie said angrily behind them. They both chuckled, making faces at each other.

  They behaved themselves during church, knowing that a loud "shhh" would be headed their way if they even dared to sniffle wrong. After church was over, they went and spoke to Joe's parents.

  "Good afternoon," Carly said, hugging Penny and shaking Tom's hand.

  "Good afternoon," they both replied warmly.

  "Oh, there's Kenny. I've got to go talk to him for a minute. Glad to see you, Carly," Tom said, hurrying to catch his friend before he could leave.

  "Are you coming over for lunch this afternoon? Nothing really big, just sandwiches," Penny invited. Carly was about to accept, but Joe interrupted her.

  "Actually, I was thinking about asking Todd, Kelly, and Carly to go with me over to the mall this afternoon. Would you like to go?" he asked Carly.

  "Sure, if that's okay with your parents," she answered, blushing with pleasure.

  Penny smiled. "Oh, that's all right with us. We'll just take it easy today anyway." Joe went off to ask Todd and Kelly if they would go, leaving Carly alone with Penny.

  "Carly, sit and talk to me while you wait." Penny sat down, patting the seat next to her. "Last night when you were telling us about that awful fiancé of yours, I just had some questions I wanted to ask you privately." She looked around discreetly making sure no one was around. "You had an apartment, right?" Carly nodded. Penny looked embarrassed, and then plunged ahead. "Were you two living together?" she whispered.

  Carly was so relieved that she almost burst out laughing. "No, ma'am. I wouldn't allow Ian to stay at my apartment before we were married."

  "I'm relieved." She sighed, putting her hand to her chest. "I was so afraid that you were."

  Carly laughed. "I was afraid that it was going to be a harder question."

  "Well, here's a harder one." Penny cleared her throat and looked to see where Joe was. He was still talking to Todd and Kelly. "You do know that Joe was engaged before, right?" Carly nodded. "I was wondering if he's told you about that yet."

  "No, he hasn't really said anything about it."

  "Please don't take this the wrong way, Carly," Penny said uncomfortably.

  Carly's heart was thumping. Was she going to try to stop their relationship?

  "I don't want Joe to get hurt again," she said finally. "Do you really care for him?"

  "Penny, I would rather die than to see him hurt or to cause him any pain," Carly reassured her. "That's why I avoided him. I was going to leave here, so Ian would never find me, but I couldn't. It broke my heart to think of leaving, but I would have if he wouldn't have cared for me." Penny was silent for a moment. "Does that help you any?"

  "Immensely, my dear." Penny smiled, standing up. "I'm glad that he found you, but I'm even happier that you've decided to stay. It would have broken his heart again."

  "You're not upset about Ian maybe coming here?" Carly asked hesitantly.

  "Upset? No. Worried, yes. But I know that Joe will be careful," she said quietly. Joe was walking toward them. "Anyway, people always fight harder to keep the things they love safe. He'll take good care of you."

  "What are you two talking about?" Joe asked, quizzically.

  "You don't need to know everything." She winked at Carly, and went to join Tom and Kenny.

  "Todd and Kelly said they'd go. We've just got to go downstairs real quick and set up some chairs and tables for the deacon’s meeting tonight. I'll be right back." He flashed her a smile and was gone, Todd following.

  "Well, I guess we're going with you two. I hope you don't mind," Kelly said, coming
to talk.

  "No way! I don't mind a bit. I'm glad you're coming with us. It makes everything better to have a couple of friends along," Carly replied, smiling warmly.

  "Uh oh. Don't look now, but Angie's coming," Kelly whispered, grabbing her arm. They turned to walk away, trying to avoid her.

  "Carly!" Angie called, her voice high and false. "It’s been some time since you sat next to Joe. I hope everything is okay between you two now. But I must admit, you both were awfully distracting.”

  "Distracting? What are you talking about?" Carly couldn't help asking.

  "Oh don't be coy," she said loudly, wanting to draw attention and embarrass Carly. "I saw you two holding hands during service, and I don't think you could have put a piece of paper between you two. A little close, don't you think?"

  People were starting to stare at them, including Tom and Penny, and Carly thought it best to put her in her place once and for all.

  "Well, Angie, if you were paying more attention to the service than to us, you probably never would have noticed that we were holding hands," she answered coolly, taking Kelly's arm and turning to go, but Angie stopped them, her voice lower, so only they could hear.

  "I only wanted to warn you. You know, I really feel sorry for you."

  Carly turned around to face her, her anger rising. "Excuse me?"

  "Everyone knows that Joe is still madly in love with his ex-fiancée Amy, and it's only a matter of time until they patch things up and get back together. You don't stand a chance. In fact, Amy's my best friend, and she's coming back to town soon. You'll see. He's just using you, and I thought you'd like to know." She smiled cruelly, enjoying Carly's anguish. "Oh, hi, Joe. I was just telling Kelly and Amy, oh I mean Carly, to have a good day." She turned and walked away with a smirk.

  "Don't pay her any attention," Kelly urged her, glaring at Angie's back. Joe took her hand protectively.

  "Are you okay? You look a little pale," Joe asked her softly, pushing a lock of hair back from her forehead.

  "Are you two done already?" Carly asked, smiling up at him as if she hadn't heard anything he'd said to her. "I'm ready, are you, Kelly?" she said, turning to her friends and smiling warmly. She wasn't about to let Angie know that she had aggravated her.


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