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The Price of Trust

Page 21

by Amanda Stephan

  "Will you talk to me?" she pleaded. Tom and Todd turned to look at them in surprise. "I can't fix it if you don't talk to me," she said, fighting back tears.

  "Okay," he said, nodding his head impatiently. "Why didn't you tell him we were getting married? Are you ashamed that I can't afford to buy you everything he could?" His face was red with jealousy and anger.

  Penny came out of her room, wondering what the commotion was all about.

  She lowered her voice, embarrassed that his family was watching them argue. "I told you why I didn't tell him. And I don't want all those things he gave me. I want you. That's it. Nothing else," she said, tears welling up in her eyes.

  Joe looked at her silently, unconvinced.

  "I just don't want him to hurt you," she said, tears starting to streak down her face. "I want you to be happy. I'll do anything to make you happy." She looked at his family, watching them silently. "Do you want me to leave?" she asked sadly, wiping her tears away, afraid he would want her to go.

  "I don't want you to be ashamed of me!" he said fiercely.

  "How could I ever be ashamed of you? I love you, Joe," she said as he turned away.

  She looked at Penny helplessly. "I'm sorry, Penny. I can't stay and help." She turned away, her voice breaking.

  "Nonsense!" Penny said, taking her hand quickly. "You came to help me, and I'm not letting you leave." She cast a bewildered look at Tom, ignoring Joe completely. She led Carly to the back room and closed the door quietly behind them.

  "You can sit here until you feel better," Penny said kindly, offering her a chair. She busied herself, giving Carly time to calm down.

  She covered her mouth and sobbed involuntarily, feeling as if her heart would break. Penny hugged her fiercely, rubbing her back and rocking her gently.

  "Shh," she whispered comfortingly. "It's okay. It'll all turn out right. He'll come to his senses. He may get upset quick, but he's even quicker to forgive. He doesn't hold grudges. Shh."

  She looked at her desperately, anguish written across her face. "It's all my fault. What if he doesn't want me anymore?"

  "Joe? Not want you?" Penny smiled incredulously. "Joe wouldn't throw you away if his life depended on it. Anyway, if he stopped loving you because of a misunderstanding, then it wasn't worth much. You just give him some time to think about things. Right now he's jealous and hurt, and if I don't miss my guess, he's more afraid of losing you!" She smiled comfortingly.

  Carly sighed, wiping her eyes. "I love him so much, Penny. I don't want to lose him for anything or anybody. Especially Ian."

  "You won't. Trust me," Penny said, tying her apron and handing one to Carly. "Here, you're going to need this."

  "Thank you, Penny," she said with a small smile as she tied her apron around her waist. "I feel better."

  Penny hugged her again, smiling. "Hey, what are future mothers-in-law for?"

  They worked well together, Penny explaining what she was doing and what Carly needed to do. They finished quickly, enjoying the time they spent together.

  "That seemed to go by quick," Penny said, her face flushed. She sat down, fanning herself.

  "Are you okay?" Carly asked, concerned.

  She leaned over in her chair and grimaced. "I don't feel too well."

  "I'll help you to the house." Carly helped her up, wrapped her in her coat, and led her out of the room. She looked hastily for Joe or the others. Not finding anyone, she helped Penny to the house, holding her securely so she wouldn't fall.

  "Where do you want to go?" Carly asked, taking her inside the kitchen. She sat her down in a chair, helping her off with her coat and boots.

  "I'll just go lie down on the couch," Penny said weakly, trying to stand up on her own. "On second thought," she whispered, holding her stomach. "I think I need to go to our bedroom. I think I need to rest for a while."

  Carly led her into her bedroom and helped her lie down.

  "Is there anything I can do for you?" she asked anxiously, sitting on the edge of the bed.

  "Will you make the men's lunch? I was just going to make sandwiches from leftovers."

  "I would love to. Don't worry about a thing. If you need anything, let me know." Penny nodded feebly.

  Carly went to the kitchen to prepare lunch. She was just finishing up when Tom and Todd came in, stamping their feet and rubbing their hands expectantly.

  "Where's Mom?" Todd asked curiously, washing his hands in the sink.

  "She's sick," Carly said uneasily, looking for Joe.

  "Sick?" Tom asked in surprise, going to their bedroom to check on her. Carly avoided Todd while she quickly set the table, unsure of how he would react to her after seeing them argue.

  He sat down at the table and smiled at her. She finished setting the table, not meeting his eyes.

  "Joe won't be here for lunch," he said calmly as she set out enough plates for all four of them. She looked up in surprise and sat down across from him. "He's out at the house if you wanted to know," he said casually, fixing his plate.

  Carly looked down at her fingernails, fighting back the urge to cry. "Well, I guess I should go home now," she said finally, getting up to leave.

  "He's miserable, you know," he said, looking at her seriously. "Do you want my advice?"

  "Yes." She sat back down across from him.

  "Go over there and talk to him. He'll forgive you as soon as he sees you." He winked, taking a big bite out of his sandwich.

  "Thanks." Carly smiled. "I appreciate it." She got up and quickly packed a lunch for her and Joe.

  "Where are you off too?" Tom asked, coming back into the kitchen.

  She shrugged on her coat, her back to him. "I was going to take Joe's lunch to him."

  "Good girl," Tom said proudly. "Here." He handed her a set of keys. "You can't take Sam's truck out there, so take mine."

  "Thank you. I'll be careful," she said, hurrying out the door.

  She drove to the house and turned off the truck, her heart beating in her throat. A thousand worries accosted her mind as she slowly walked up to the porch, carrying their lunches. She knocked softly on the front door and waited, unsure if she should walk in uninvited or not.

  Joe opened the door, surprised. "You don't have to knock, Carly," he said, turning and walking away from her. "This isn't the fanciest place, but it's yours if you still want it," he said gloomily.

  Aggravated, Carly put his lunch down on the fireplace frame and walked back outside to the truck, intending to leave. She was just starting the truck when Joe came out to stop her.

  "Where are you going?" he said, opening her door.

  "I'm going to take your dad's truck back, and I'm going home."

  She put the truck in reverse.

  "No, you're not," he said, grabbing her left arm. "Don't, Carly." She stepped on the brake, looking at him.

  "Why should I stay so you can ignore me and make me feel terrible about Ian? I can stay home and do that."

  "Because," he said with difficulty. "I need you to stay."

  Slowly, she put the truck in park and scooted over to let him climb in.

  "Joe," she said quietly. "I didn't tell Ian about us because I am afraid that he will come here and hurt you. You don't understand how mean he is." She put her hand on his arm imploringly. "I could never be ashamed of you. I love you with all my heart, and I want to be the best wife I can possibly be for you."

  Joe looked out the front window, ill at ease. "I know I can't afford to buy you everything I want to, and it bothers me that Ian can."

  She looked at him tenderly. "If I wanted the things Ian could buy me, I'd still be with him. You've got to believe me, Joe. I want you and that's all I need."

  "And it bothers me that you were engaged to him," he said sullenly, taking her hand in his.

  "I hate to bring it to your attention, but you were engaged once before too, you know." She smiled, leaning to look into his face. "I don't like it either, but God stopped both of us before we married the wrong perso

  He grimaced in disgust. "You don't have to remind me. I would rather forget that I ever knew her."

  "Now you know how I feel about Ian."

  "I'm sorry I was such a jerk," he said suddenly, pulling her close to him.

  "I'm sorry I made you feel bad," she said simply, kissing him lightly. "I love you."

  "I love you so much," he said, taking her face in his hands and kissing her. "I don't want to lose you." He hugged her tightly, taking a deep breath. "I don't want to wait to get married. Let's just run off somewhere."

  Carly giggled, pulling away from him. "Where would we live?"

  "We could live at your apartment until the house was finished," he said reaching for her.

  She scooted out of his reach playfully. "My place? It would drive you crazy, it's so small." He scooted closer to her, forcing her back against the door. "Be reasonable, Joe," she said, putting her hand on his chest.

  "You're the one being unreasonable," he said, taking her hand and kissing it. He scooted closer.

  "Me?" She opened her door and stepped out quickly, laughing at the surprised look on his face.

  "Come here!" He laughed, getting out after her. She smiled impishly, backing slowly toward the porch. She turned and ran up the steps, Joe in close pursuit. He caught her arm as she fumbled with the doorknob and turned her around, kissing her firmly, oblivious to everything around them.

  "Did you two make up yet, or are we too early?" Todd called out, opening the door to his truck and getting out.

  Joe groaned, leaning his chin on top of Carly's head.

  "Are we interrupting anything?" Tom asked, getting his tools.

  "No." Carly laughed merrily as Joe reluctantly let her go. "We were just getting ready to eat lunch."

  Todd shook his head, shocked. "You haven't eaten yet? That must've been some argument to keep you from eating. I don't think there's a fight out there that would keep me away from food!"

  "Get on in there and eat while we bring the tools in," Tom said, bringing his tools up to the porch.

  Joe took Carly's hand and led her inside, pulling her down next to him on the fireplace frame. Quietly he kissed her and prayed for their food. They ate in silence, watching Tom and Todd set up the tools on the porch.

  "Carly," Joe said, turning to her after he was finished eating, "I can't wait long to be married. Do you think you could live here if I finish our bedroom, bathroom, and part of the kitchen? I can't stand it when you're not with me, and I don't like you living so far away. I need you here." He kissed her quickly, putting his arms around her waist.

  "Joe…" she began softly.

  "It's either that or your apartment," he said, interrupting her. "I'm not giving in."

  "How long will it take you to finish our room and the kitchen?" she asked, shivers of anticipation running up and down her spine.

  "I figure it'll be right before New Year's if I work at it every day." He kissed her ear. "Could you live like that?"

  "Hmm." She grinned playfully. "I think we could make it work." He hugged her, grinning.

  "Where do we start today, Joe?" Tom asked merrily. "You are finished eating, right?"

  "By the look of things, he just started on dessert!" Todd said, coming in behind Tom.

  "Well, I'm going to go," Carly said, disentangling herself from Joe's grasp.

  "Are you going back to our house?" he asked, letting her go reluctantly. He helped her pack the lunch things.

  She grinned saucily. "I have to if I'm going to drive Sam's truck back."

  "Cat," he said, pinching her arm and making her jump. "You really don't have to go."

  "Yes, she does if we're going to get you to do anything around here!" Todd said, one eyebrow arched.

  "I'll probably check on your mom before I go home," she said, putting on her coat.

  "What's wrong with Mom?" Joe asked, following her onto the porch.

  "She started feeling bad just as we finished this morning. Bye, Tom; good-bye, Todd!" she said just as Joe closed the door.

  "Oh wait!" She turned to go back inside. "I need to know if I can drive your dad's truck back."

  "Take mine instead. I've already got all the things I needed out, and I don't know if Dad will need anything." He reached into his pocket and handed her his keys.

  "Okay." She smiled, exchanging keys. "Will you give these to your dad?" She gave him a kiss and climbed into his truck. "I love you, Joe."

  "I love you too," he said, closing her door. He watched her leave and walked back into their house, whistling.

  "I'm glad to see you two made up," Tom said approvingly. "Holding a grudge isn't good for marriages. Where do you want to start?"

  Joe grinned, tossing his keys to him. "Well, I need the fireplace, the bedroom and bathroom, and some of the kitchen done before the New Year."

  "Why before the New Year?" Todd asked curiously.

  "Because she promised to marry me when I get those things done," he said, putting on his tool belt.

  "You two are going to live here without the house being done?" Todd asked, dumbfounded.

  "Why not?" Tom said, coming to Joe's rescue. "That's the way your mom and I did it." He clapped Joe on the back. "We've got a lot to do, and just a little time to do it in, so let's get started."

  Chapter 19

  Carly parked Joe's truck and quietly went inside, setting the lunch stuff on the counter.

  "Penny?" she whispered, peeking in the bedroom. "How are you feeling?" She sat on the edge of the bed next to her.

  She opened one of her red-rimmed eyes. "Not too good."

  Carly felt her head and went into the bathroom, wetting a washcloth.

  "You've got a fever," she said, putting the cool washcloth on Penny's burning forehead. She went back into the bathroom, filled a glass with water, and brought it back, helping Penny sit up to take a sip.

  "Thank you," she said weakly, lying back down. Carly tucked her in gently, and got up to leave.

  "I'll go make some soup for you to eat," she said quietly.

  She managed a smile, closing her eyes. "I'll be fine. Tom will be back soon."

  "I'm not going to leave you alone here by yourself, so if you need anything, call me," Carly said, leaving the door open in case Penny needed her.

  She went into the kitchen and started some broth for Penny, cleaning up the kitchen while she waited for it to be done.

  "Here you go," she said a little while later as she brought the warm soup in for her. She set it on the nightstand and propped her up on some soft pillows.

  "You don't have to eat much," she said, spooning some broth into her mouth. "Just enough to keep you from getting dehydrated."

  She smiled weakly, swallowing the soup slowly. She leaned back into the pillows after a few more spoonfuls and shook her head. "I'm done," she said softly. "What kind was it?" she asked quietly, closing her eyes.

  "Turkey broth," Carly said, setting the bowl back on the nightstand. She got up and rewet the washcloth, wiping Penny's flushed face. She smoothed some hair away from her face, tucked her in, and left quietly.

  She sat down at the table, drumming her fingers, wondering what she could find to do. She looked at the clock, knowing it would be a while before the men got back. Bored, she got up and checked in on Penny, who was sleeping fitfully.

  She went into the living room and turned on the television, turning it off a moment later. She tidied up some newspapers that Tom had left by his recliner, straightened up some knick-knacks, and re-fluffed the throw pillows on the couch. Sighing, she walked upstairs to Joe's room and stood in his doorway, undecided as to what she should do. She glanced around, noticing his dirty laundry and unmade bed.

  Smiling to herself, she quickly gathered up his dirty clothes, put them in the hallway, and made his bed, lovingly patting his pillows into place. She stood over his desk, straightened up a few loose papers, and left the rest for him to deal with. She picked up the dirty clothes and carried them down to the laundry room,
emptied the laundry hamper, and started a load of jeans. Opening the dryer, she found some towels Penny had washed that morning, and folded and stacked them neatly into a laundry basket. She was about to put them away when she heard Penny calling for her.

  Hurriedly, she put down the basket and went to find Penny crouched on the floor in the bathroom, shaking uncontrollably.

  "Penny!" she said, helping her up and leading her to the bed. "Here you go." She tucked her in, wiping her face gently. "Are you okay?"

  "Did I make it?" she asked, shivering.

  Carly looked around. "I don't see any messes. Were you sick?" Penny nodded feebly, pulling the blankets tighter around her. "Here," she said, bringing the water glass to her lips.

  Penny took a small sip and lay back down. "I'm sorry," she said, closing her eyes.

  She wiped her forehead comfortingly. "Don't be sorry. I helped my dad take care of my mom when she was sick, and I took care of Dad when he got sick, so it's nothing to be sorry about. You just rest and feel better." When she was sure Penny was resting, she got up and checked the laundry, putting the jeans into the dryer.

  She kept herself busy with laundry, dinner, and Penny until the men came back later that night. She was sitting at the table resting her head in her arms when they came in.

  "What's that smell?" Todd asked, grinning hungrily. "Dinner," she said, getting up from the table.

  "I didn't think you'd still be here," Joe said, coming and putting his arms around her.

  She smiled, kissing him tenderly. "Who else is going to make sure you guys get to eat?"

  "How's Penny?" Tom asked coming inside, rubbing his hands together.

  She pulled herself away from Joe and started to set the table. "She's got the flu."

  Todd groaned and slumped into a chair. "The flu? You know what that means, Joe."

  "What?" Carly asked anxiously, looking at them both.

  "We always share the flu," Joe said miserably, sitting next to Todd.

  "And those things you wanted to finish in your house won't get done," Tom said ruefully, going in to check on his wife.

  Joe groaned, putting his head down.

  "That's okay," Carly said, trying not to be disappointed. "It'll get done." She sat next to him, rubbing his back.


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