Book Read Free

Owned by the Club

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “I don’t know if I can do that,” she said.

  “Which is why we’re giving you all this time to think about it, to know your own mind, and what you want to do.” Pops dropped a kiss to her lips. “We can wait.”

  “Billy told me there’s a party tonight at the bar. He wants me to drop by.”

  “When one of us speaks, he speaks for all of us. We want you to come, so you can come and see what we’re all made of.”

  “Can I bring Joe?”

  “Yes. He’s more than welcome. Especially seeing as he’s the one fighting our corner.” He kissed her cheeks and rubbed the patch away. “Have a little faith, baby.”

  “It’s not every day you’re propositioned about being owned by a group of men.”

  “You’ll love it.”

  She watched him head toward the door. “You’re done?”

  “Yeah, I’ve got to head to the bar. I’ve got work to set up there. I look forward to seeing you.”

  She watched him leave her shop, and she followed him, closing the door behind him. They were confusing her. One moment it was like they couldn’t keep their hands off her, and now she wasn’t so sure. They were … making her want. She’d never felt desire like this, nor known this kind of yearning that was rushing through her body. The whole thing was… exciting.


  “Do you think she’ll come?” Billy asked.

  “Yeah, I do. She asked if Joe was allowed to come,” Pops said, getting the stage ready for the local live band he was giving a chance to.

  “I like Joe,” Marshall said. “He knows we’re the real deal.”

  “That’s because we’ve each pulled him aside, and told him exactly what we want with his girl,” Gavin said. “He wants the best for Rosie. We all do.”

  “She wants us,” Ethan said. “No doubt about that.”

  “It’s not about long term at the moment,” Pops said. They all wanted her to be in it for the long term. He was tired of screwing random women that he had no feelings for. At forty-five years old, he wanted to settle down, fall in love, and be with one woman. “She’s afraid of settling down.”

  “She’s afraid of us. If one man can break her heart, how easy would it be for all five of us to do the same?” Gavin said.

  “We’d never hurt her.” This came from Billy.

  “We all know that, but clearly she doesn’t.” Gavin shrugged. “Time. That’s what we’ve got to give her.”

  They all departed, and got to work. Pops glanced over at Gavin, and he liked the change in his friend. Usually he was the morbid one, always thinking something wouldn’t work. He headed into his office and was writing up the last of the order when Gavin entered.

  “Hey, we’re opening up. Already got a load of thirsty customers.”

  “Okay. I’ll be out in a moment. Can I ask you a question?”

  “Sure, you can ask me anything.” Gavin entered the room, closing the door.

  “Five days ago you were completely against this. You didn’t think it would work.”

  “I know.”

  “What changed?”

  “Everything. I can’t even begin to describe it. Being around her, loving her, seeing how natural she was with all of us. You can’t deny that there was a spark there.”

  “I’m not going to deny it.”

  “When we sit around talking about it like a bunch of old men, I don’t think it’s going to work. Why would I believe that? Seeing her reaction to us firsthand, that’s what changed my feelings. She was real and pure, and everything I never thought we could have. We’re going to be good for her, and I’ve talked to Joe. She has feelings for us, even if she’s not sure. I’m holding onto that hope,” Gavin said.

  “I’m glad.”

  “I’m good to go.”

  “Yeah.” Pops watched his friend go and released a breath. Pops would gladly die for all of his friends. They had been through a lot together, and their friendship, their bond, had kept them connected. He wouldn’t be without any of them.

  Once the order form had been sent, he got to his feet, and joined everyone at the bar. They were already busy serving customers, and the band was up and getting ready. He didn’t want to go straight into the loud music. He wanted to build up to that.

  Pops served drinks, chatted with customers, and generally did his duty. All the time, like his friends, they were watching the door, waiting for her to arrive.

  Finally, at eight, she entered, looking so fucking hot and sinful, he wanted to take her straight back out again. The red dress she wore molded to every curve, highlighting her sexy body. The dress showcased her full hips and waist. She was curvy in all the right places. He wanted to get his hands all over her and show her exactly what a good time he could give her. Her black hair was piled on top of her head with ringlets cascading down. Her makeup was minimal, and actually on closer look, he saw she wasn’t wearing any. Her skin was flawless.

  Joe took her arm, and they approached the bar.

  “Hello, handsome boys. Don’t you think my girl is the sexiest woman in the bar?” Joe said.

  “Joe, stop it.”

  “What? I’m trying to help you here, sweetie.” He sighed. “I do good work, right?”

  Pops chuckled. He rather liked Joe’s flair for the dramatic. Also, he saw how much Rosie loved him, and what she loved, he did.

  “Thank you for bringing her out,” Billy said.

  “My pleasure. I’ve always wanted to come here, but with you guys’ reputation, I’ve been avoiding it.” Joe leaned against the bar. “Live band?”

  “Will be out in about half an hour,” Gavin said, coming up behind her.

  In fact, all of his men came closer, gathering around her, trying to hide her from any other male.

  “When the band comes out, which one of you will dance with me first?” she asked, her cheeks going red as she glared at Joe. Her friend had obviously put her up to that question, and he found it more adorable that she struggled with it.

  “I will,” Gavin said.

  “We’ll all take a chance to dance with you tonight,” Ethan said.

  Joe tutted. “What about me? One of you has to dance with me.”

  “I wouldn’t,” Rosie said. “He’s got two left feet, and he can’t dance at all.” She stuck her tongue out.


  “You were the one that asked me to ask that.”

  Joe gave her a little shove, to which she responded. There were times they treated each other like children in a playground.

  “I’ll take a beer,” Joe said. “My girl here will take an orange juice to start the night. She never could handle her drink.”

  She rolled her eyes. “He’s right. As much as it kills me to admit it, I can’t drink a whole lot. I can try.”

  “I’ve had to carry her passed out ass home one time too many. I even started weight training to help me.”

  “Hey!” Rosie said.

  “What? Sweetie, I’m not calling you fat, but when you’re not helping me, you are a dead weight, and a dead weight is harder to carry.” Joe lifted his arms up. “I call these beauties ‘Rosie’s’.”

  She slapped him again, covering her cheeks. “So embarrassing.”

  “Don’t be embarrassed for us,” Pops said. “I’d love the chance to pick you up and carry you wherever you want to go.”

  “Lucky girl,” Joe said.

  No, they were the lucky men.

  Chapter Six

  Gavin’s hand stayed on the base of her back, and Rosie loved his touch. She was aware of the others watching them. Every time she glanced in their direction, there was no escaping the heat in their eyes.

  “So, everyone keeps telling me that I belong to you. What do you think?”

  “I think I want you. I speak for all of us.”

  “I don’t want you to speak for all of you. I want you to answer for yourself.”

  He sighed.

  “I know you guys have been together a long time, an
d this is probably completely out of character, and whatnot, but I’ve got to make a decision.”

  “You already said you want to be with us.”

  “I thought that was about sex, Gavin. What you guys are wanting is not just about sex anymore. It’s about something else.”

  “We want you to belong to us. To be our woman.”

  “What about you? All five of you must have different wants, different needs, different desires.”

  “If we did, do you think we’d be waiting for you? We wouldn’t be here, wanting you, hoping you’ll see what we all desire. You want to know what I want? I want you, Rosie. I want to wake up kissing you in the morning, and take care of you. Everything your heart desires, I want to give it to you, and see the happiness in your eyes.” He leaned forward, kissing her cheek. “You’re the only woman I want.”

  He stepped away, but before she could move, Billy had his arms around her.

  “We all promised you a dance.”

  “Did you hear any of what I said to Gavin?” she asked.

  “No. You’ll have your private moments with each of us.”

  “This is what you want as well? To share one woman.”

  “You make it sound like it’s a sin.”

  “Years ago, it would have been,” she said.

  “What did you want to know?” he asked.

  “What do you want? No one else. I don’t care about what other people think. I want to know what you think.” She did care about the others, but right now, she wanted to know what they all were thinking.

  “I’m hoping you’ll see that we’re all here because we want to be.”

  She moved from Billy’s arms to Marshall’s. He was the largest of the group, and towered over her like a big bear.

  “You gonna ask me?” he asked.

  “You heard?”

  “Gavin told us what you were asking, and I saw the same look in Billy’s eyes. You think we’re not all here because we want to be?”

  “Don’t you have any other wishes? Dreams?”

  “Of course I do. I want to be a daddy, Rosie. I want to have kids, and treat my woman with love and care. I want to watch her get loved by my friends, and then beg me to love her as well. I’m hoping that woman will be you.”

  “You want to share?”

  “Yeah, and don’t even think to tell me that it’s not right. I saw how much you loved being between us. There’s no denying that.”

  Ethan was next, and he said exactly the same. The more she heard from each of them alone, the more she realized this was a combined dream, not just one man’s.

  Finally, she was in Pops’s arms, and she smiled at him.

  “So, you thought I was ordering everyone around? Telling them what they wanted, and not caring?”

  “I don’t know what I think.”

  “You do. You thought I was this horrible brute of a man who didn’t let his friends think for themselves.” He winked at her.

  “I didn’t think that at all, but I was worried that you were ordering them around.”

  “Do you seriously see me ordering Marshall around? He could lift me up and throw me around as if I don’t weigh anything.”

  She laughed. “Yeah, I can see that.”

  “I’ve only ever seen him look so happy when you’re around. He loves you.”


  “Yeah, we all love you.”

  “Why then, Pops, have none of you come and talked to me? Done anything with me?” she asked. Five years she’d been back home, and for five years, no one had ever taken the time to be with her.

  He sighed. “Our reputation is not the best, and then we were all in different relationships. It took us some time to admit that we all wanted the one woman, the same woman, and to live happily ever after. We’re guys. We’re supposed to be obsessed about one woman only. Each of us would always find something to say about you. You’re the glue that brings us together.”

  “Sounds kind of romantic, sticky, but romantic.”

  He kissed her head. “You’re the one we want, Rosie. You’ll see that in time.”

  When he went to pull away, she shook her head. “I’ve made up my mind.”

  “In one dance?”

  “No. It was in five dances. You know, I’ve been watching you guys for quite some time. I’ve heard women talk about you, and what you’re capable of. I’ve always been curious and jealous of them. You’re all so big, so dominating, so powerful.”

  “You want to be with us?” he asked.

  “Yes. Joe’s been telling me to stop living my life as if I’m waiting for someone to tell me I’m living it wrong. He believes that at thirty years old, I’ve not really lived.”

  “What do you feel when you look at us?”

  “I want it. I want it all. Every little bit, and it scares me. I’m not going to deny it.”

  “Then fight that fear because you never know, babe. We could be the best thing that has ever happened to you.”

  He kissed her head, and she watched him walk away.

  Joe grabbed her, pulling her into his arms.

  “That was so fucking hot. Like a prequel to what is going to happen,” Joe said.

  She smiled.

  “Why do you look so fucking sad? You’ve got five major hotties, and you look like someone killed your cat.”

  “I don’t know what to do.”

  “Then take a deep breath, and screw all that negative crap. Think about what you want for a change, what you desire, what you crave, what you want.”

  “What about what others think?”

  “Please, stop giving them power that they really don’t deserve. I demand that my best friend find that love, and if it’s with five handsome guys, start rubbing some of that luck on me.”

  She burst out laughing. “Thank you, Joe.”

  “What are BFFs for?”


  Joe had left already, and Pops watched as Rosie danced with Marshal and Ethan. Customers were quieting down, and the band was already packed up and gone. It had been a long night, but a good night.

  “She’s perfect, isn’t she?” Billy said.

  “Damn straight she is.”

  Pops wanted everyone gone so he could focus on their little angel. So far he’d only gotten to dance with her once.

  He watched as Marshall grabbed her ass, making her gasp as he swung her hips from side to side.

  “That’s it, baby. You’ve got to let the music take you. Become one with it,” Pops heard Ethan say, moving up behind her, taking her hips. She was laughing, and it was a sight he wanted to keep on seeing.

  “You love her?” Gavin asked.


  “We all do.”

  He’d loved her from the first moment he saw her. There were fifteen years between them, and he’d felt too damn old compared to her. Now, he saw a future with her, a future he knew he could make perfect.

  Another hour passed before the last customer left, and it was close to three in the morning. Pops was primed and ready for the rest of the night. Sleep was the last thing on his mind.

  “So, do you guys live here?” she asked.

  “No,” Gavin said. “We have a house about ten minutes from here.”

  “I don’t want to go home,” she said.

  “Then what do you want?” Pops asked.

  She smiled. It was one of those sweet smiles that was also trying to be seductive. He found it to be the most adorable look he’d ever seen.

  “I’m hoping you’ll show me where you live.”

  “The truck’s out front,” Ethan said.

  “Let’s lock up, and head home.”

  Pops was the last one out of the bar, closing and locking all the doors as he left. He climbed into the truck with Marshall and saw Ethan was with Rosie. Billy and Gavin were riding separately.

  “We can’t screw this up.”

  “We won’t.” Rosie was too curious, and there was no way they were fucking it up.

ther of them spoke on the way toward the house, which was an old ranch house that they bought out. The acres were still farmed and worked by the local rancher, and they had a large garden for when they had kids.

  Damn, kids. Pops wanted them. They all dreamed of having a whole house full of children. A large family.

  Ethan was helping Rosie out of the truck as they pulled into the house. Pops stayed back and watched as they all took turns to charm her.

  Walking up the small steps, he followed in behind, keeping an eye on them and waiting. Ethan and Gavin took her on the grand tour, and the rest of them just observed.

  He saw how much she loved the kitchen. Her eyes went huge as she took in the large space, with an island in the center, and all of the up to date appliances.

  “Wow, you guys really know how to tempt a girl,” she said.

  “This is all yours,” Marshall said.

  “It’s what you all want?” she asked.

  Billy snored. “Come on, you asked us all. Haven’t we given you our answer clear enough?”

  She bit her lip and nodded. “You have.” She looked toward the stairs. “You haven’t showed me upstairs.”

  Pops took the lead. He held out his hand. “I’ll show you.”

  Without any hesitation, she placed her hand in his, and they started moving up the stairs. There were five bedrooms in the ranch house. They all had their own rooms, but his room, which was the largest, was the room he hoped they would all share. The bed was large, and besides, they had to make room for any potential kids.

  He didn’t linger on any of the other rooms, and took her into the main bedroom.

  “This is where you’ll want me?” she asked.

  “We want you now,” Ethan said.

  Pops’s friends had all entered the room behind him. His cock was so damn hard that it was making thinking next to impossible.

  She licked her plump lips and smiled. “I like it. I like your house, and I want to give this a chance.” Rosie reached into her hair, removing the pin that had kept the whole length up.

  Pops wished he knew what made each action seem sexy as hell.

  Rosie spun and presented her back to him. “Would you like to unzip me?”

  He didn’t need to be told twice, and glided the zipper slowly down her back, exposing her red bra. Not waiting for another instruction, he unsnapped the catch, and helped her out of her dress and bra.


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