Back to Life Series Box Set

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Back to Life Series Box Set Page 69

by Danielle Allen

  Conner’s eyes lit up. “I figured you may be thirsty after the way you burned up the dance floor. You had everyone watching you. But I’m sure you knew that. Anyone who looks like you and dances like you lives in the spotlight.” He smiled and shifted a little closer as the person next to me moved. He sat down in their freshly vacated barstool. “You really were the best dancer out there. You were really dancing. Now look at them.”

  I turned my head to look to the dancefloor just as he started gesturing to get the bartender’s attention. I laughed to myself as I listened to Connor rattle on about my dance moves. Although my skill level paled in comparison to my pre-accident days, I could still move. My lines weren’t as clean and my technical precision was crap, but most of the time, I could out-dance anyone in the club. I wasn’t going to win any competitions, but I could hold my own on the dance floor.

  “What can I get you?”

  Hearing the deep rumble of CJ’s voice made me whip around, my hair fanning around my shoulders. Finding him staring at me made my stomach quiver. I realized it was the intensity in his eyes that affected me most. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking, but I could almost feel it.

  CJ shifted his gaze once Connor started ordering.

  “Yeah, I’ll have a rum and Coke,” he ordered before looking at me and placing a possessive hand on my back. “And I’m not sure what my beautiful drinking companion would like…”

  Have a cute guy flirt with me? Check!

  Connor studied me for a second before he continued, “But she looks like a Cosmo kind of girl.”

  Wrong. All wrong. But keep flirting.

  I didn’t care for the taste of cranberry, but he was cute and flirty and that was what I really came for. Well, that and the drinks.

  “No she doesn’t.” CJ sort of snickered to himself as he crossed his arms. He shifted his eyes to me, studying me for a second. “What do you want?”

  You, I thought with a wicked smile. Oh!

  Connor moved a bit closer to me as he handed CJ two twenty dollar bills. “I’ll have a rum and Coke and she’ll have whatever she wants. Keep the change.”

  I should probably stop thinking about CJ when Connor is the one I’m chatting with. CJ is missing out and even if he won’t admit it, I know it’s getting to him. I ran my hand through my hair. Because even though he’s not saying anything, he’s watching.

  I couldn’t help but smile as I lifted a perfectly arched eyebrow. “Surprise me.”

  CJ stared at me and even though I couldn’t read his expression, I felt the power behind it and it knocked the wind from my sails. He wasn’t looking at me because he wanted me. He was looking at me because he saw me. It was an unnervingly raw feeling and as uncomfortable as I was, I knew there was something there, something that was affecting me. I let out a deep, shaky breath as he shook his head slightly before grabbing the bottles to make the cocktails.

  “Do you know him?” Connor asked, breaking the trance CJ’s eyes put me in. He moved my hair off of my shoulder and then settled his hand on my back.

  “No, not really. I met him tonight.”

  I felt CJ staring at me, but I chose not to look. I liked that Connor’s flirty aggressiveness fed my bruised ego, but more than that, I liked the idea of CJ seeing that he missed out. Connor’s flirtatious touching didn’t cross any lines, but if I was being honest with myself, he wouldn’t have his hand on me if CJ wasn’t there to witness it.

  Maybe next time he won’t ignore all this sexiness when he sees it, I thought with a giggle to myself.

  I was definitely feeling the effects of the alcohol in my system.

  Connor tucked my hair behind my ear and leaned toward me. His hot breath tickled my ear as he whispered, “I think he has a thing for you.” His hand, which had previously stayed between my shoulder blades, slowly slid down my spine. “And I don’t blame him. Look at you.”

  I was about to say ‘look but don’t touch,’ but CJ dropped our drinks on the bar with a thud. Some of Connor’s rum and Coke sloshed over the top of the tumbler.

  “Hey, watch it!” Conner barked. He took his hand from my back to grab napkins and wipe down his glass. “You need to be more careful. I’d hate to have to speak to your manager.”

  CJ chuckled under his breath. “I bet.” A curvaceous woman with long dark hair flagged him down and he walked off.

  “What’s with that guy?” Connor grumbled, staring down the bar at CJ as he took a gulp from his glass.

  I didn’t respond, but I also had my eyes on CJ. I watched the way he responded to the hair tossing, breast thrusting, lip licking woman who seemed to be taking a long time ordering a drink.

  So is that his type? I shook it off and tore my eyes away from that exchange. No, it doesn’t matter. I’m here to drink, have a good time and flirt with men. Check, check, and check!

  I turned slightly, giving Connor my attention.

  He rattled on about nothing as we drank and laughed.

  “What was it?” He asked, pointing to my empty glass. “I see you liked it.”

  It was delicious. I licked my lips thinking about the taste. “I’m not sure. I couldn’t even taste the alcohol in it.” I smiled widely. “But I feel the alcohol in it.”

  Connor laughed. “I’ll get you another one.”

  “No, no. I’m fine.” I looked at my reflection in the mirror behind the bar. I looked happy. I felt good. The night was everything I was looking for. “I need to get ready to go soon anyway.”

  Connor flagged a bartender down. “Are you sure? What’s the rush?” He turned to the bartender with the nose ring. “Two shots of tequila, please.”

  “I hope those are both for you.” I swiveled on the barstool, noticing that the crowd had died down considerably. My eyes swept the room for Addy or CJ. I didn’t see either of them. “It was nice meeting you, Connor.”

  Standing for a second, the world swirled around and I had to grab onto the bar. I closed my eyes, allowing my body to catch up to the sudden movement. After a few seconds, everything steadied. My legs felt like lead and there was a dull ache, but the rest of me felt fine and my speech wasn’t impaired. I was confident I could make it to my car safely. I was in no condition to drive, but I wanted to get my coat and then take a taxi back to the hotel. I figured I could get my car in the morning.

  “Em, wait.” He stood and quickly cancelled his tequila order. “Let me at least walk you out.”

  “No, it’s okay. Stay and enjoy yourself.” I took a wobbly step and he grabbed my arm and protectively made sure I was steady. Although I didn’t feel drunk and I didn’t feel like I’d had that many drinks, my head and my legs were not on the same page.

  I know my limit and I’ve had way less than what I usually—shit!

  I didn’t eat. I didn’t have dinner and I was out drinking on an empty stomach. And my legs hurt because I didn’t take my medication.

  No wonder these few drinks are making me walk like a toddler.

  “Where’d you park? I want to make sure you get there safely.” Connor held my elbow in a respectable way.

  I looked into his bleary brown eyes and nodded. “Okay. You can walk me to my car.”

  With his assistance, I made it across the room and up the steps to the street.

  “It’s freezing,” I announced, hugging myself.

  Big Mike laughed and gave me a wink as we passed by.

  “Come here,” Connor said, awkwardly tucking me into his side. With my heels on, we were the same height so it didn’t really work to keep me warm, but it was better than nothing. “Is that a little better?” He rubbed my arms up and down.

  My teeth chattered as we walked to the end of the block and waited for our turn to walk. People walked down the sidewalks from surrounding bars and restaurants. It was busier than I expected for a Thursday night. I found myself watching a woman with long legs and a short skirt stumble her way to the other side of the crosswalk.

  “You think she had a good time tonight?” I qui
etly wondered aloud.

  The woman was alone, but that didn’t mean she was lonely. She possibly had to be at work before her friends so she left first. She possibly had a husband or wife waiting for her at home. She possibly was single and went out just to enjoy herself. I kept watching her. She was too far away for me to see her facial expression, but something about the woman being alone made me want to cry—not for her, but for myself.

  “Yes, I did have a good time,” Connor replied, misunderstanding my question. He wrapped his arm around my waist. “Did you?”

  I nodded. “It was exactly what I was looking for.”

  “You’re exactly what I was looking for.”

  Fuck, I sighed, trying to clear the fog from my head. Okay, I probably should’ve seen this coming.

  The hair on the back of my neck stood up as I felt his hand sliding down my hip. He leaned in for a kiss and I turned my head, trying to let him down easy. “Oh, no thank you. I’m not…interested in doing anything physical with you.”

  His hand slipped to my ass and he turned, grabbing me. He forced himself on me, grinding his hard-on into me.

  Twisting, I tried to weasel my way out of his grip and he held me tighter. “I just want a kiss.” He leaned in again as I used my arms to create distance.

  “No, stop,” I hissed, trying not to make a scene as a group of people walked by snickering. “Connor, stop it!”

  His grip got stronger, stiffer, and less playful in response to my words and that was the moment panic spread through me.

  My head was foggy, but I was sure I wasn’t being flirtatious in telling him no. I blinked several times and focused on his face. Seeing him, really looking at him, I became silent, shaken by how strong he was and how reluctant he seemed to let me go.

  “Still cold? Let me get you somewhere safe and we can get you warm.” He leaned in again, his lips brushing against cheek as I struggled against him. “It’s just a little kiss. You’ve been acting like you wanted it all night.”

  I pushed as hard as I could and although he stopped advancing toward me and puckering his lips, he didn’t budge.

  “No! Stop!” I closed my eyes, feeling the alarm bells going off in my head, making me woozy. I wrapped my free arm around the metal light pole behind me and held onto that. “Leave me alone!”

  Connor’s arm remained around me, making me question if I’d said the words aloud. Therefore, I said it again, no longer caring if anyone saw or heard me.

  “Back the fuck off! I need space. Just—please, I got it.”

  Grudgingly, he slipped his arm from around me. The relief of pressure informed me of how forcefully he was handling me. I didn’t bruise easily, but I knew that spot was going to be sore.

  “I was just trying to help,” Connor argued loudly, looking over my shoulder. “You wanted me to walk you to your car. You wanted me to keep you warm. What the hell is going on?” He appeared uneasy for the first time.

  Looking behind me, I could see Big Mike walking away from his post in the center of the sidewalk. It looked like he was staring right at me and I felt a sense of relief. I turned back at Connor as I slipped to the other side of the pole, using it as a way to create more space between us. There were still people walking, but no one appeared to be paying much attention to us. I looked back again and saw the security guard stopped, but still looking our way.

  “I’m going back to December. Just go to your car. Have a good night.”

  Connor’s big doe eyes scanned me. “Is this because I tried to kiss you?”

  “Yes,” I answered honestly. “We had a good conversation and then you offered to walk me to my car, I didn’t ask you—you offered. Then you tried to kiss me. Trying the first time, I get it. We were flirting; maybe you thought you felt a spark between us. But after I said no, you tried again for a second and third time. You grabbed me and…” I shook my head.

  “Fine, I misread the signals.” He looked over my shoulder again, presumably to Big Mike. “Come on. We have the walk sign. Let’s go.” He grabbed my arm and pulled me with jolting force.

  My arm slipped from around the pole and I lurched forward before planting my heels, bending my knees and yanking out of his grip. My heart thudded in my chest as anxiety and distress coursed through my veins.

  “I said good night, Connor.” Forcing the fear from my body, I narrowed my eyes and spat my words with enough venom that he’d think twice about putting his hands on me again. “You touch me again and I will scream my fucking head off.”

  His eyes went cold, reducing to little slits and he was silent. There was a moment where I didn’t know what he was going to do.

  Is he going to grab me and drag me to my car? Is he going to apologize for the misunderstanding? Is he going to threaten me? My eyes widened fractionally as we glared at one another. Does he have a weapon?

  A man’s gruff voice disrupted the unsettling tension that built between us.

  Connor ripped his eyes away from me long enough to notice the man heading toward us, speaking loudly his phone. The man slowed to a stop near us, continuing his conversation as he waited with us.

  My eyes jerked from the stranger on the phone to the stranger I’d been talking to all night. The dead, cold stare was completely different from the flirty glances we’d shared earlier.

  “Whatever, dick tease. Waste of time.” His lip curled in disgust. “Good luck getting home,” he griped sarcastically.

  He took off running across the street even though the signal clearly stated ‘do not walk’ and two cars were cruising down the road.

  Adrenaline drained from my body as the distance increased between us. I waited until he was completely on the other side of the street before I hobbled back down the block to December. I knew I was convincingly bad ass as I stood up to Connor, but I was scared—mainly because I wouldn’t have been able to run if I tried.

  Muttering angrily under my breath, I trekked down the block. Between the cold, the alcohol, and my legs starting to ache, it took longer to make it back to December without the assistance of someone. But I made it.

  I wanted to say goodbye to Addy and CJ, but more than that, I didn’t feel safe going to the parking deck alone.

  “Hey,” I greeted the security guard, teeth chattering.

  “Are you okay?” He looked down the street as if he were scanning the area. “Are you cold or are you shaking?”

  “Cold,” I whispered, running my hands up and down my arms. “Ca-can I run down to say goodbye to Addy?”

  He was quiet, his eyes flicking around the area again. Giving me a small reassuring smile, he answered, “She left with that fancy boy toy of hers.” He shook his head as he took off his coat and wrapped it around my shoulders. “If I would’ve been hired a day earlier, Addy would be mine.”

  “Th-thank you.” Feeling the warmth of Big Mike’s coat as it engulfed me, I immediately felt better. I was able to stop trembling.

  I needed something, anything, to get my mind off what could’ve possibly happened with Connor.

  Even after I said no, he still tried. And then he grabbed me! I couldn’t wrap my mind around it, but I swallowed my anger and tried to turn my lips upward into a smile.

  “So, you and Addy?”

  “He scooped her up before I even had a chance. And then…just when I think I’ll get my shot because he’s moving back up North, he goes and puts a ring on it.” The big man threw his arms up in dramatic fashion, causing me to let out a small giggle. “There’s that smile! I thought that lowlife stole it when you were at the corner. I thought I was going to have to kick his ass.”

  I pulled the coat tighter, remembering the look Connor gave me. “When I looked back and saw you, I felt okay. I thought you could see us but I wasn’t completely sure until I saw you walking toward us.” I gave him a hug. “Thank you.”

  Squawking laughter erupted from the bottom of the stairwell, startling me and I almost stumbled backward.

  Big Mike checked his watch before he loo
ked behind him to the people steadily streaming out. “They just closed so I need to make sure everyone leaves in an orderly fashion.” He leaned down and in a stage whisper added, “They don’t call it Thirsty Thursday for nothing.” He did a drinking motion with his hand.

  I smirked, laughing under my breath.

  “I’m glad you’re alright.” He motioned with his head. “You can head downstairs. CJ’s in his office.”

  So he can ignore me and make me feel idiotic for even making a point to say goodbye? No thanks.

  I scrunched my nose and twisted my lips. “I don’t want to disturb him if he’s busy. I’m sure he…” I cleared my throat as I leaned against the brick wall. “I was just hoping to walk to the deck with someone less pushy. I don’t need to bother him with that.”

  Big Mike chuckled under his breath. “Go talk to CJ.”

  I gave him a look. “Why?”

  “Because he was the one who wanted me to make sure you were okay.”

  Chapter 4

  Friday, January 13th - 2:07 a.m.

  The anger I’d stuffed down in the bowels of my belly was replaced with a nervous energy as I looked at his name engraved on the door. My finger traced the lettering of his last name. I looked over my shoulder at the December staff wiping down tabletops and mopping the floor as I rubbed my hands together. Sucking in all the air my lungs could take in, I held it for as long as possible. Slowly, I let it out as I knocked on the door. I hadn’t thawed all the way out before I gave Big Mike his coat back so my knock was louder than I’d intended.

  “Come in,” CJ called out.

  I had a nervous flutter whip through me as I pushed the door open.

  “What do you need?” he asked as he finished typing. He closed his laptop and when he looked up, the slight twitch in his face registered his surprise. He sat back in his chair. “Oh…hey.”

  “Hello.” I closed the door behind me and stepped into the small office.

  Licking his lips, CJ looked down and started collecting his belongings. “I thought you were gone.”

  “I was. I came back.” I shifted my weight from one foot to the other and almost tipped over. I quickly grabbed the bookshelf and prayed he didn’t notice. “I just wanted to say thank you.”


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