Back to Life Series Box Set

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Back to Life Series Box Set Page 70

by Danielle Allen

  “For the drinks you didn’t pay for all night?” CJ eyed me as he stood. Slipping his laptop into a bag, he then put on his coat, never taking his eyes off of me.

  And now he thinks I’m a clumsy, sloppy drunk. I licked my lips. Clumsy, sometimes. Drunk, occasionally. But sloppy? Never!

  But instead of conveying that, I smiled, biting my bottom lip.

  I thought about denying his accusation, but he was right. I didn’t pay for a single drink and I’d just tipped over in his office. So I was well aware of how it looked. The coincidence only amused me more.

  “Well yeah, for that too,” I giggled. “And I’m not drunk, by the way. I’m of sound body and mind.” I let go of the bookshelf and squared my shoulders. “But I was thanking you for making sure I got to my car safely.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he replied with a blank face as he slipped the strap onto his shoulder and walked around his desk.

  I waited for him to smile or say something, anything to keep our interaction from stalling in the awkward silence territory. As the seconds ticked by, I felt us toeing the line.

  And there it is! Hello awkward silence. I was waiting for you.

  I blinked slowly as I tried to navigate a way out of the situation. It had been four years since I flirted with a man who made me a little nervous and twisted my stomach in knots. But that man was Anthony and clearly that didn’t work out so well.

  What did I think was going to happen? He’s at work and I don’t even… I don’t even know.

  He stood there looking like the epitome of raw power. Between his broad shoulders and athletic build, his mere presence commanded attention. But it was his sharp jawline, penetrating gaze, and deep voice that held so much authority. Even if I didn’t see his sex appeal, his aura made me feel safe and that alone was sexy.

  CJ’s stare wasn’t emotionless, but his face was. I didn’t know what to say or do and my nerves got the better of me.

  I ran my tongue over my lips quickly. “Oh, oh okay. Sorry!”

  Reeling, I took a step back and my heel caught on something causing my leg to give out and I actually visualized myself falling as I was falling. My arms were only able to move enough to prevent me from knocking myself out on the bookshelf.

  I was pretty sure embarrassment kept me from putting my hands out to brace for my fall. My body just collapsed.

  Before all of my body weight could even hit the ground, CJ swooped in and scooped me up in his arms.

  I gasped as my softer body slammed against his harder one. My arms instinctively gripped his biceps and even through the wool of his coat, I could feel how strong he was.

  “How much did you have to drink?” CJ asked, his voice low and his grasp on me tightened.

  I inhaled shakily as his breath tickled my face. Swallowing hard, my eyes lingered on his lips before flicking up to his eyes. “I’m not drunk,” I answered breathily.

  Making sure I was upright, his hands slipped from around me and settled on my hips. “You look drunk.” Slowly, he created a sliver of space between us. “You almost fell on your ass like you’re drunk.”

  I shook my head. “I’m not.” My legs felt wobbly, but I didn’t think it had to do with the alcohol. I tore my eyes away from his. “I’m not drunk.”

  “Bullshit.” He cautiously removed his hands from my body and picked up his laptop bag. “Do you think you can walk?”

  “Yeah,” I nodded and then closed my eyes. My head was still spinning from the fall.

  Or his eyes.

  “I’ll take you home.”

  My eyes flew open. “Home? I’m not going home.”

  He took a couple of steps and opened the door. “Well, I’m closing for the night so you can’t stay here.”

  I giggled.

  He looked at me without smiling, causing me to laugh harder.

  He continued to give me a blank stare and I threw my head back and cracked all the way up.

  The laughter felt good to my soul, but each laugh made my stomach clench tighter and my head throb a little more.

  “Not drunk, my ass.” A smile played on the corners of his lips as he ushered me out of his office.

  The freshly mopped floor was slick and my heel skidded slightly. A fresh wave of heat rose up my neck and I swept my eyes around the room to see if anyone noticed. Glancing behind me, I saw CJ locking his office door.

  That would’ve been even more embarrassing if—

  He grabbed me and tucked me into his side. Without a word, he held me close as he made a beeline for the night manager. His touch was firm. There was nothing romantic about the hold he had on me as he rattled off a list of things to the man he was leaving in charge. I felt like a child who had been reprimanded and forced to keep still by my parent.

  They exchanged their goodbyes and then we left.

  “Where’s your coat?” CJ asked as we made our way up the stairs.

  “Hey!” Big Mike cheered as we pushed the door open and stepped out. “Anyone else still in there?”

  A chill rippled through me as I felt the January air cling to my bones.

  Was it this cold before?

  Before I could open my mouth, CJ’s coat covered me. I closed my eyes for a second, feeling the warmth and inhaling the cologne that lingered in the wool. My lips spread slowly into a smile.

  CJ gave Big Mike a few quick directions. After the security guard made a joke that caused all three of us to laugh, we said a quick goodbye.

  “Oh and I’m glad you’re walking Em to her car,” Big Mike called over his shoulder as he headed down the steps to check on the final few employees in the building. “She looked cold and scared when she got away from that prick.”

  And with that, he disappeared.

  CJ looked at me for a second before tucking me back underneath his arm. I was doing everything I could not to limp my way to the parking deck. To the outside world, we probably appeared to be a happy couple slowly strolling down the street. In actuality, I was being held like a disobedient child as CJ peppered me with questions about the incident with Connor. I told him what happened, tempering my rage.

  That could’ve gone so wrong, so fast. What was he thinking? What was I thinking? I know better.

  CJ ran out of questions and he basically carried me down the sidewalk in the loudest silence I’d ever heard. The noiselessness just made me think about Connor grabbing me which reignited the anger I’d managed to push down.

  “Do you want your coat back?” I asked, trying to change the subject. Even though the grey wool was keeping me warm, I could see his breath coming out in clouds of cold air.

  “No, I don’t want my coat back. I want to put my fist through his fucking face.”

  The grit in his voice sucked the air out of my lungs. I swallowed hard, unsure of what to make of the tug in my gut. After a lengthy silence, we slowed to a stop at the end of the block.

  “I handled it,” I answered with quiet defiance.

  I wasn’t defending Connor by any means, but I felt like I needed to defend myself. I was livid that I was in that predicament. I shuddered to think what could’ve happened if he’d waited until the parking deck to try to kiss me.

  If he didn’t take no for an answer in public, he for damn sure wasn’t going to take no for an answer in the privacy of the deck.

  I closed my eyes for a second, keeping the lava like fury that burned within me at bay. “I’m okay.”

  My lashes fluttered open and our eyes locked. I’m okay now.

  When the few people who were also waiting to cross the street started moving, he broke our stare. Shaking his head, he led us across the street. “Did he put his hands on you? Did he grab you? Did he fucking have your permission to touch you?”

  Each question was angrier than the last. His nostrils flared and his face hardened. His lip curled and his free hand was balled into a fist. He was fuming and somehow, with each angry question, it was as if he took my anger away. My legs were working doub
le time to keep up with his long stride. But the way CJ held me, tucked under his arm, my feet barely touched the ground.

  His grip slacked once we were safely across the intersection. The sounds of horns and music floating from cars punctuated the air.

  “Did he or did he not try anything with you?” His deep voice roared with an intensity that made my heart skip a beat.

  I looked around, avoiding eye contact with him. But I felt him staring at me, demanding confirmation for an answer he already knew.

  I cleared my throat as I stepped out of his grasp. Unbuttoning the coat he’d given me, I slowly removed it from my body. “What’s the matter with you?” I hissed, unable to shake the embarrassment from my tone. “Stop yelling at me!”

  “I’m not—I’m not yelling at you. I’m just…” CJ let out a loud growl that seemed to echo through the night’s sky.

  I jumped at the sound. He didn’t scare me, but his outburst did. I was surprised by the anguish in the sound. I was also surprised by how calm I felt despite the fact that my heart was beating rapidly. Looking around, I noticed two different sets of people watching us. They’d slowed down briefly before scurrying off.

  “I’m kicking myself enough. I don’t need you to do it, too.” I swallowed hard, my anger dissipating as my emotions whipped into a frenzy. “I don’t understand why you’re...” Unable to come up with a word, I gestured emphatically at his demeanor.

  CJ laced his fingers together and rested them on top of his head. He paced toward the parking deck entrance and then turned abruptly. “I knew I shouldn’t have left you alone with him. I knew it. I fucking knew it. He was an entitled little shit and I should’ve never left you alone with him.”

  The pull in my gut intensified as I was caught off guard. “You didn’t leave me alone with him. I made a choice.” I couldn’t quite read the expression on his face, but his body was tense. I took a step forward. The desire to touch him strengthened, but I resisted the urge. “It wasn’t a smart choice, but it was my choice to walk out with him. You didn’t do anything.”

  “No, it wasn’t the smart choice, but you wouldn’t have made that choice if you weren’t drinking. I was sober and I saw the shit happening and I should’ve… I knew that asshole was no good and I should’ve told you to let me know when you were ready to go.” He let his hands drop as he shook his head. His body slacked a bit and he bit his bottom lip. “When Big Mike called, I should’ve told Darren I’d discuss the new lighting later so I could’ve walked with you. I shouldn’t have left you alone with that asshole.”

  I searched his face and saw the protectiveness and innate goodness emoting from his hard, sexy shell. But my eyebrows still furrowed because I didn’t understand why he had such a vested interest. With his chest puffed out and his breaths coming out in bursts, he was seething. I felt the exact moment CJ extracted my anger over the Conner situation and dissolved it with his protectiveness. The more livid he was about it, the more secure and protected I felt from it. It was an odd exchange of energy; unlike anything I’d ever experienced.

  “It’s not your fault. I appreciate you being so concerned, but you’re not liable for me.” I took another step toward him and my voice trailed off into a small puff of air. “It’s not your fault.”

  Bringing his face to mine, he pointed toward December and growled, “He put his hands on you after leaving my club. He shouldn’t have put you in that situation. He shouldn’t have…” He paused, dropping his arm and letting out a rough breath. “No, it’s not my fault, but I could’ve stopped it.”

  I looked into his eyes and saw so much swirling in them. My heart rattled in my chest with him being so close. My eyes dropped to his lips and I let out a shaky breath. Our bodies were close, almost touching. I felt that dizzying effect of wanting to be kissed so badly that I could taste the want and desire.

  I was cold, but the warmth from his words heated me. I was with a stranger, but I felt safer than I had in a long time. I was all out of trust, but for the man I met only six hours prior, I trusted implicitly.

  I reached out for him, wrapping my hand around his forearm. It felt like a block of ice. “You’re freezing. Let’s get out of here.” A chill ran through him and he visibly shook. “Come on.”

  I wrapped his coat and my arms around him in an effort to warm him up. “Do you want your coat?” I asked as we made our way into the deck. I kept my arms around him to generate heat as he had his arms around me to keep me walking in a straight line. “Because you are going to get pneumonia being out here in subzero temperatures.”

  CJ’s hardened face softened a bit as he looked down into my eyes. He took the coat from around his shoulders and wrapped it back around me. “Who taught you how to read a thermometer?” He joked, a small smile playing on his lips. “It’s not subzero. It’s maybe forty degrees.”

  “What? Is that a smile? Is CJ actually smiling?” I cooed, running my fingers against the side of him, tickling him.

  He rolled his eyes, but did give me a full, toothy grin. “Yeah yeah yeah.”

  I looked down at my shoes. “Thank you.” I peered up at him through my lashes. “For looking out for me. For caring.”

  He didn’t respond; he just held me tighter.

  In his touch, I heard everything he didn’t say and my lips twisted into a small smile.

  “I just want to know how you managed to let that jackass walk you to your car. He ordered you a Cosmo for God’s sake!”

  I let my head fall back as my laughter cackled through the night. I was laughing so hard that when he slowed us to a stop to wait for the elevator, I had a tear that dried on the side of my eye. I wiped and rubbed at the evidence of my amusement as CJ moved us into the elevator to the second floor.

  He didn’t laugh but I could see that he wanted to and I could hear it in his voice as we exited onto the second level of the deck.

  As I gathered myself and my laughter waned, I noticed him staring. I slowed my pace as our eyes locked.

  “You don’t ever have to thank me for looking out for you,” he whispered softly.

  Oh! I was a little taken aback by how my stomach fluttered and my heart raced as a response to his words. Oh, okay.

  “Where’s your car?” CJ asked as we came to a stop.

  “Oh!” I’d been so caught up in my body’s reaction that I’d forgotten we were going to my car. “Ummm… over there!” I pointed in the corner. “And I’m good to drive. The cold knocked the alcohol out of my system.”

  “Where are you going?” He ignored my statement as he guided me toward my vehicle. About seven cars away from mine, he stopped. “Give me your keys.”

  “Why?” I asked as I pulled them out of my clutch.

  “Go ahead and get in the front seat.” He propped me against a shiny black sports car.

  “Why?” I questioned him louder as he jogged to my car. “I’m okay to drive.” My legs felt wobbly so I put both hands on the freshly waxed vehicle.

  He opened my car, grabbed my coat and then ran back to me. Easing me into the car, he buckled me in and then closed the door behind me.

  God, it feels good to sit down. I massaged my thighs and felt some relief.

  Once CJ climbed into the car, I stopped kneading my legs and turned toward him. “I know how to operate my own seatbelt.”

  He started the car and revved the engine before smirking at me. “So why didn’t you?”

  I narrowed my eyes at him, playfully glaring. “Why did you?”

  His smile grew as he navigated out of the parking deck and turned up a song I loved. “Where are you staying?”

  I told him the name of the boutique hotel as I moved my upper body to the song. He chuckled to himself and he pulled off.

  Twenty minutes and four songs later, CJ parked outside of the hotel.

  “Would you mind helping me inside?” I asked, unsure of my ability to walk gracefully.

  “Of course. Let me get the door for you,” CJ said before he grabbed my coat from the
backseat and slipped out of the car.

  I smiled to myself, but didn’t move as I waited for him to come to my side of the car.

  He opened my door and paused for a second before he leaned in. Our faces were only inches apart as he unbuckled my seatbelt. The sneaky little smile that played on his lips caused my breathing to hitch.

  “What?” I whispered as he grabbed my hand and helped me out of the car.

  “I thought you knew how to operate your own seatbelt,” he whispered back, giving me a final tug.

  I gasped from the soft collision of my body bumping into his. My body temperature rose on impact. I had a snappy comeback, but his face so close to mine and his hands on the small of my back made my mind go blank.

  “Oh, nothing to say, huh?” CJ teased as he took a fraction of a step away.


  His voice made everything he said sexy.

  I swallowed hard and rolled my eyes. Slipping out of his coat, I handed it to him in exchange for my own. “Whatever, Cedi.”

  The rich tone of his chuckle warmed me as he shut the car door with a bang. Closing the gap between us, he finished buttoning his coat. “Say it again.”

  I twisted my lips. “Am I not saying it right?”

  “Say it again.”

  My face heated. “Cedi?”

  “Cedi.” He moved closer.

  “Cedi,” I repeated breathily.

  He smirked. “Perfect.”

  I giggled, slapping his arm. “I said it the exact same way.”

  “I know. You said it right the first time. I just liked hearing you say it.”

  My stomach flipped.

  “Let’s get you inside.” He wrapped his arm around my waist and helped me to the door as I hobbled along.

  I squeezed my eyes shut as I struggled with each step.

  “Are you okay?”

  If I opened my mouth, I would’ve cried out in pain. So I nodded, trying to turn my grimace into a smile.

  Without warning, CJ hoisted me into his arms.

  “What are you doing?” I exclaimed, wrapping my arms around his neck and pretending the sheer relief that my legs felt wasn’t completely thanks to him.


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