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Witness Protection (Alpha Agency Protectors Book 8)

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by Scarlett Winters

  “Someone will be in to talk with you in just a moment, I need to go to the debriefing will you be alright while I am gone?” She looks up and again I get a glimpse of that fire in her eyes before it is again masked by the meek disguise she has in place.

  “I will be fine thank you.”

  She smiles and I walk out of the safe house striding across the base to reach our command center where the debriefing will happen. I don’t like being away from her, and possessiveness has set in. I am not sure where it is coming from, but I have a need to be with this woman that far outweighs the normal feelings of wanting to protect a witness.


  “We have searched Craig Fortini’s home and office. There is no evidence that Miss Stuart had anything to do with Fortini’s business dealings. It appears that she was straight with us at the scene. She hosted parties and such for him, but that was it. He used her as a pretty plaything and then when she wasn’t needed, he kept her under lock and key.

  “Do we know anything about the mother?” Another of the team asked.

  “Yes, she is now married to Robert Manchelli, the head of the Manchelli crime family. She hasn’t seen or as far as we can tell from the girl’s correspondence reached out to her since she left Fortini.”

  My heart lurches in my chest at the thought of Elise being left by her mother in Fortini’s care.

  “How old was she when her mother left?”

  The commander looked at me curiously. It isn’t like me to ask irrelevant nontactical questions, but I want to know as much about Elise as I possibly can.

  “She was 17, it was her 17th birthday, actually. Mother left without a backward glance. She has been with Fortini since then. From what we have been able to uncover, he has basically kept her prisoner. She has no other family and had nowhere to run. He knew that eventually he would be able to use her as a bargaining chip and it looks like today. He made his move. Bates and Elise were to be married in a small private ceremony.”

  “She is going to need protection and I volunteer.” I blurt out and all the heads in the room swivel towards me. I am not one to offer to babysit witnesses, but I made her a promise and I am going to stick to it.

  “Archer, this is a surprising twist you hate babysitting witnesses.” The commander says raising one eyebrow.

  “I made a promise to protect her and I am going to keep it.” My voice goes cold, my eyes like steel as I look around the room daring anyone to contradict me.

  “Sounds like Archer is on witness duty, let’s get all the other positions assigned.”

  I tune the commander out as he assigns the rest of the crew to different details, some helping me to guard Elise others to post up to make sure that Fortini doesn’t escape.

  The briefing ends and I stand, eager to get back to Elise’s side.

  “Volunteering for witness protection duty is there something you aren’t telling me?” Chase asks me as we leave the briefing room and head out of the command center. He has been assigned to help me in my witness protection duty.

  “No, I promised to keep her safe, and that is what I am going to do. No one is going to touch her on my watch.”

  Chase chuckles as he falls into step beside me, “Oh how the mighty have fallen. It is finally happening, a woman has gotten to you.”

  I look over at his smiling face and frown, “What are you talking about I offered to protect a witness that isn’t so strange.”

  Chase just shakes his head, “If you say so, my friend. I can’t remember the last time you volunteered for witness protection duty. You always say there is no action in it, and you can’t stand sitting around watching someone eat and sleep.”

  Chase is my best friend and if I can’t be honest with him, I don’t know who I can be. “There is something about her Chase I don’t know, I just feel this need to protect her and keep her close.”

  He smirks at me, “As I said oh how the mighty have fallen. It was the same way with me and Vanessa.”

  I smile at the mention of Chase’s wife. He met her in another case, she was the witness that he was protecting the former wife of a mob boss. He had fallen for her and after her ex-husband was put away, they married and now have a brand-new baby girl.

  “I am not saying I am in love with her Chase I have spoken a handful of words to her, I just feel like I am the one that needs to protect her and keep her safe. I told her I would, and I need to keep my word.”

  We walk back into the safe house, and I see her sitting on the couch. She is wearing jeans, and a sweater with her hair pulled back in a ponytail. It is a far cry from the sexy siren outfit she was wearing earlier. It makes her look younger and more vulnerable, igniting that powerful protective instinct in me once more.

  I will protect her no matter the cost.

  Chapter Five- Elise

  I brighten as Jason and another man I remember seeing at Bates’ mansion come strolling through the door. Just seeing Jason makes my heart thump hard.

  “Miss Stuart we are ready for you.” A man in a black suit said standing outside the door of one of the rooms in the safe house.

  I look back at Jason who nods and comes with me as we enter a little room set up with couches and chairs. It is meant to look cozy, but I know what it’s really used for. They want to find out what involvement I have had with Craig’s businesses and what I know. If I trust them, then I will hand over the flash drive and hopefully they will give me a new life.

  I sit down on the couch and Jason sits next to me. He lays his arm across the back of the couch in a protective gesture that causes me to feel warm and giggly. I appreciate that he wants to protect me. I am not sure what it is about me that he feels so protective of, but it feels good to have someone who finally cares about me.

  The man sits down a file folder in front of him.

  “Miss Stuart first let me say I know that you have had a hard life. We know how your mother dragged you from one bad boyfriend to the next, finally leaving you with Mr. Fortini. We also have found no evidence of any kind of wrongdoing on your part and therefore will not be filing any charges against you in connection with Mr. Fortini’s business practices.”

  I feel all the breath leave my lungs. Until I heard him say the words, I was convinced that I was going to go down with Craig for all of his wrongdoings. It was good to hear that they knew I had nothing to do with the things that he was doing.

  “What we need from you is your help, Miss Stuart. You lived in the house with him. I am sure you overheard things. As you know your stepfather is a very bad man and needs to be off the streets and away from people that he can hurt.

  I look over at Jason who gives me a warm smile.

  “I don’t mean to sound crude, but what’s in it for me? I imagine you will seize all of Craig’s assets as they were bought with money from his illegal ventures. I have no family, no money, and Craig barely allowed me to leave the house and when I did it was with two bodyguards. I went to high school online. I am going to need help to establish a new life.”

  The agent nodded, “We agree. Witness protection is going to be imperative for you. Even from prison Craig’s reach will be long and there will be nowhere safe for you if you keep your real identity. We will set you up somewhere far from him and allow you to keep the money in your bank accounts. We are aware that it has come from illegal means, but it is a small consolation for what you have gone through.”

  I sit back on the couch, my mind whirling. There are millions of dollars in my bank accounts it was one way that Craig used to launder his money. I can buy a house and just write books or go to college or do whatever I want. All I have to do is roll over on one of the most dangerous men in the country.

  “How will you keep me safe? Craig as you say will have a long reach from prison, what happens when he finds out I have disappeared into witness protection and with his money? He isn’t going to take that lying down.”

  “For the first year you will have a protection detail after that you will be on your own
. Believe or not the less of us around the safer you will be as we won’t be drawing attention to you.”

  “If I don’t give information on Craig?” I ask, wanting to know all of my options.

  “Then you can walk out of this safe house and off the base with what you have brought in with you and take your own chances.”

  I just looked at him. We both knew that Craig would assume I talked, and I would be dead within hours of leaving.

  “I want it in writing this deal and then I have something for you that is better than whispered secrets that I overheard walking down hallways or at dinner parties.”

  The agent gives me a hard look, “Give us what you have now. I promise that we will keep our bargain.”

  A cold smile crosses my face. “I lived with a notorious drug runner and I learned a few things. I want it in writing and then I will give you what you want.”

  The agent stands and gives me a firm nod before exiting the room.

  I look over at Jason hoping I don’t see the disgust in his face but all I see is pride.

  “Where has this girl been hiding?” He asks, and I see the desire for me in his eyes.

  “She has been here all along, I just had to hide her so that I could survive.”

  He just nods and stands opening the door and I slide past him rubbing my body against his just slightly as I walk by. I feel him shudder at my touch and smile. I am starting to think this witness protection thing might not be too bad.

  Chapter Six- Jason

  Two weeks later

  She is driving me crazy if I don’t have her soon, I think I will explode. We have been dancing around our attraction for the last few weeks. She is going to be mine and only mine even if I have to quit my job and follow her into witness protection.

  When I watched her drive a hard bargain with the agents for her information, I was so proud. There was not one sign of the meek woman in distress she had been previously. A strong and independent woman was there instead, and I found it so amazing.

  She took the signed agreement for witness protection and the deal discussed with Agent Grant handing over a flash drive full of documents and audio recordings of conversations that are going to put Craig Fortini away for life.

  It still shocks me how a girl who was barely out of her teens managed to get one over on a gangster-like Fortini. The meek girl routine that she portrays really worked on him and while he thought she was under his complete control she was gathering insurance.

  “Jason, do you know when I am going to be able to move off base?” She asks me as I come into the living room. It’s late, and all the others have gone home. I volunteered to stay, resulting in many snickers and knowing looks as I moved into the safe house and took the night shift.

  It has been torture to know that she is sleeping right down the hall and I can’t crawl into bed with her and do all of the things that I have been thinking about.

  “No, they haven’t said. Tired of me already?”

  She looks me boldly in the eye. “No, not at all just ready to move on with the next phase of my life.”

  “As soon as they transfer Craig to the federal prison where he will await trial we can discuss where you are going.” A lump forms in my throat at the thought of not being with her.

  “Are you going to come with me?” She asks looking at the floor. Her confidence is gone and back is that meek girl from before. I know that it isn’t an act all the time, that when she feels unsure, it is like a suit that she slips into.

  “I am not sure what your detail will look like,” I tell her, but I know that I am going to fight to be the one that gets to go with her when it’s time. She is mine, and I am not letting her go.

  “If we don’t know how much time we are going to have we need to make the most of it.”

  She slides off the couch and I feel my heart start to race.

  “I want you, Jason, there is something between us you can’t deny it.” She tells her lips inches from mine. All I have to do is lean forward and press my lips to hers. I have imagined doing it a million times and now that the moment is here, I’m hesitating.

  “Are you sure you want this, Elise? I am sure you haven’t had a chance to have a real relationship before and I don’t want you to confuse gratitude for real feelings.” Alarm bells are going off in my head. I can’t believe I just said that to her. Here is the opportunity I have been waiting for and I am wasting it.

  The truth is I want her forever and not just for a one-night fling. I want her to understand that I care about her and not just getting her into my bed.

  Her chocolate brown eyes bore into mine as she stands up on her tiptoes and brushes her lips over mine.

  “I want you to be my first Jason.” She wraps her arms around my neck and brushes her lips once and then again over mine. I am lost.

  I wrap my arms tightly around her and deepen the kiss. Slanting my lips over hers over and over again.

  I finally break the kiss and swing her up in my arms, I wish there were candles and flowers she deserves for this to be romantic.

  “If you want to stop at any time Elise, you need to let me know,” I tell her laying her down on the bed.

  “I will.” She says softly as she pulls her t-shirt over her head. She is wearing nothing underneath and her breasts bounce out, perky, round and perfect.

  I crawl up the bed taking my time with her mouth, kissing her, and teasing her. Slowly my hand drifts down to her breasts where I slide one thumb over a taut nipple.

  She gasps slightly and I leave her lips trailing down her chin and throat until my lips replace my fingers and she moans as I take her nipple into my mouth.

  I tug and tease at it, moving to the other one until she is writhing underneath me.

  Moving down her body admiring her womanly curves I pull down her sweats taking her panties with them.

  I throw them to the floor and take a moment to just look at her spread out in front of me.

  Her hair is spread out on the pillow a mass of curls, her eyes sleepy with pleasure. It is an image I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

  I spread her legs and put my head between them. I feel her tense and look.

  “Are you ok?”

  She just nods biting her lip, “You are going to like this I promise. If you don’t just tell me.”

  I watch her face and then she nods again before I bury my face in her warm wet pussy.

  I lick up her folds and hear that gasp come out of her again. Finding her clit, I lick and suck at it, watching as she starts to writhe on the bed under my mouth.

  Inserting one thick finger into her tight wet channel, I moan. The feel and taste of her is intoxicating.

  I lick and suck at her clit, moving my finger gently in and out of her as she starts to moan again.

  “Jason something is happening?” She says sounding breathless and a bit frightened.

  “Just let go, Elise, I am here.”

  I watch over her body as her first orgasm overtakes her. She shudders bucking her hips as I work her with my finger until she melts back into the mattress, opening her eyes to look at me as I crawl up her body.

  “Are you ready for me?” I ask her, poised at her entrance.

  “Yes.” She wraps her arms around my neck as I slowly enter her. I grit my teeth at the feeling of her tight and wet pussy pulsing around my cock as I stretch her body for the first time.

  “You are mine now, Elise.” I look down at her, my eyes burning down into hers.

  I know I shouldn’t say this to her, after all, she has been through the last thing, she wants is to feel owned by a man, but I can’t help myself. I need her to know she is it for me.

  She smiles up at me, “I am yours, Jason, now and forever.”

  Something clicks inside of me at her words, a piece that now makes me whole.

  I slide the rest of the way into her and then out she instinctively pulls her legs up to hold me inside of her.

  I slide back in and feel the barrier
of her virginity.

  “Are you sure you are ready?”

  She nods and I push past, watching her face. It clouds and I stop, closing my eyes. I am fully seated inside of her and it feels so good, but I don’t want to hurt her.

  “Are you ok? We can stop.”

  “Move again I like that.”

  I grin down at her, there is the sassy girl I know and love.

  We start to move together, my cock moving in and out of her, I reach down and press her clit between our bodies and that is all that it takes to have her falling apart in my arms.

  She explodes around me, her muscles clenching and squeezing me. With one last thrust I push into her, spilling my seed deep inside of her. She is mine now and forever and I pity anyone who tries to come between us.

  Chapter Seven- Elise

  I wake up and roll over smiling at Jason who lays in the bed beside me. I survey his delicious body with my eyes. I can’t believe that this man is all mine. Some women wouldn’t like how possessive he is telling me that I am his. He makes me feel safe and I know that I am in love with him.

  “Good morning beautiful how are you feeling?” He asks me, rolling over in the bed. I watch as the sheet rolls down his perfect body.

  He sees where my gaze is and smirks.

  “Are you ready for more already? You are not too sore?”

  There is some discomfort between my legs, but it is just a reminder of the incredible night that we had.

  I lean over and kiss him, sliding closer so that I can run my hand up to his abs and up his well-defined chest.

  “I am going to take that as a yes.” He murmurs against my lips, his hand sliding up my bare leg.

  His phone buzzes and he groans.

  “Just ignore it,” I say against his lips, my hand disappearing into the sheets and running my fingers down his rock-hard cock.

  “I can’t duty calls, if I don’t answer they will be breaking down the door.” He rolls over and grabs the phone.

  “Archer.” He barks into it and I roll back over on my back listening to the rise and fall of his voice as he gives the morning report.


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