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Red Moon (Vampire Files Trilogy Book 2)

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by RK Close


  Vampire Files Trilogy, Book 2

  By R.K. Close


  Copyright © 2016 by R.K. Close.

  All rights reserved.

  First Print Edition: November 2016

  Limitless Publishing, LLC

  Kailua, HI 96734

  Formatting: Limitless Publishing

  ISBN-13: 978-1-68058-907-8

  ISBN-10: 1-68058-907-5

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.


  This book is dedicated to my parents,

  Russell and Fay.

  Thank you for always being my biggest fans.

  I love you.

  Table of Contents











































  Feral eyes watch my every move. There’s no brilliant color to distract me—only shiny black orbs that look soulless in a dimly lit room. There’s an undeniable connection between us—me and this man I watch. Time seems to stand still as the rest of the world slips into shadow. There is only us. Not a man and woman, but animal and prey.

  He once pointed out to me that we are all beasts at our core. Only our choices separate us from the wild animals. He’s long past making moral choices. I shiver as another harsh noise emanates from his chest. Chains rattle but the sound is reminiscent of nails on a chalkboard.

  How did we come to this?

  He’s going to be the death of me, even as he’s saved me—in more ways than one. Why has he stayed? I want to believe that this powerful man has fallen head-over-heels in love with me, but I find it difficult to believe. The notion both amazes and terrifies me, even now. The odds are high that I’ll die by his hands tonight, but my brain refuses to stop analyzing where we went wrong.

  We are wrong. We were impossible from the beginning. Surely one of us should have figured that out. I’ll blame him. He’s much older than me.

  Hysterical laughter wants to bubble to the surface, but tears spill from my eyes instead. The cold concrete blocks of the wall scrape against my back as I slide down it and tuck my knees to my chest, letting the tears flow freely.

  Even though I’ve been in the company of supernatural beings that rarely die, my own life has an expiration date. Today’s date, I think.

  Did I believe it would end any other way? I’ve been playing with fire, but I can’t walk away from him.

  Even if I would have lived a long life with him by my side, I’d be old and spent while he stays the same—an old soul wrapped in the body of a handsome, youthful man of means, doomed to watch me age, wither, and die.

  Fresh resolve fills me, and I wipe my tears across my sleeve as I get to my feet again. My legs tremble as I take another hesitant step toward him. Only ten feet separate us now. It didn’t take me long to determine that he’s been starved for blood—maybe as long as a week. According to Jacob, a strong vampire can go up to three days without feeding before he becomes a danger to those around him. We never discussed how long it takes to lose their minds and digress to this. This being a mindless need. This hunger that cannot be denied at any cost.

  Chains rattle violently from his efforts. A large bolt, attached to the square plate fastening the chains to the wall, works its way loose, hitting the ground. In my mind, it might as well be boulders crashing down a mountain. That’s the second bolt to fall since I woke.

  Each of the brackets has only three bolts instead of four, as if someone planned for the restraints to fail. If his mind were clear, he could twist them lose himself. If this were a week ago, he’d rip those plates from the wall and level this place on his way out.

  We’ve been at this for hours. Ever since I awoke on the cold, concrete floor with him growling and thrashing at me like a wild animal, Gabriel’s words of warning have been echoing through my mind like a ghost in the room. He knew this could happen. But I don’t think I could have stopped my feelings, even if I wanted to. Lord knows I tried.

  It’s almost over—either I’ll step into his reach, or he’ll pull those brackets from the wall. Either way, it’s the same conclusion. There’s a part of me that wants to end his pain. I know he’s suffering. I’ve been wracking my brain for a way out of this situation, but someone thought this through with great care and detail.

  He growls and flexes his muscles in a frenzy of frustration. At this moment, he doesn’t look like the man I love, but he does look like the vampire he is.

  He screams his hunger at me, and my heart constricts with unbearable pain. More warm tears roll down my cheeks. I’m sure he no longer recognizes me. His face is pale and gaunt; dark circles give his now-black eyes a horrifyingly haunting look. My efforts to speak to him only seemed to infuriate and agitate him more.

  My heart breaks with the idea that he doesn’t know me in our last moments together. That dark thought may kill me before he has the chance to.

  A loud grinding noise interrupts his thrashing along with my dark thoughts as one of the plates securing his chains pulls completely free from the wall. The sound manages to capture his attention. He looks at the end of the chain lying on the ground. For the briefest of moments, he’s distracted. He rolls the shoulder of his newly freed arm as if testing the muscles.

  When his head turns, and his empty gaze finds me, those alien eyes are menacing. He lunges for me with his newly freed arm, and I jump back against the wall, barely avoiding his grasp.

  Maybe I’m not as ready to die as I thought.

  If not for his weakened state, I would never have the speed to move faster than he can.

  My chest heaves from the effort, and I feel the rush of adrenaline surging through my body, giving me new energy. If only it came with hope.

  With only one arm chained to the wall, he almost touches me. He bellows furiously as he reaches for me—the mouse just outside his grasp. He turns back to the wall and grabs the remaining chain with both hands, yanking violently.

  When the last plate finally pulls free, my heart feels like it will shatter.

  He looks at the chains now hanging loosely at his sides. Slowly, he turns his gaze to meet mine. My heart is in my throat as I think, Is this how our story ends? Like this—really? Nature simply running its course. As if in answer to my questions, a final tear slides down my cheek.

  I don’t dare breathe.

  With his head low and a deep growl that
begins low in his chest and seems to bounce off the stone walls, Adam lunges at me.


  Personal Space

  Life’s stranger than fiction. One minute I’m rolling along, thinking I have the big stuff figured out, then—smack! Life hits me upside the head with a two-by-four.

  Discovering that vampires are real felt more like a sucker-punch. Reality caught up with me during a routine investigation. I’ve always minded my own business. Well, sort of.

  Other people’s business? That’s my job; my profession in a nutshell. Wading through other people’s dirty laundry is how I make a living. It’s not nearly as glamorous as the movies would have us believe, but private investigating pays well, and I love the freedom of being my own boss. There’s a sense of accomplishment when I finish a case, even if it’s a difficult one.

  Vampires. By no fault of mine, it seems I was at the right place at the wrong time, or vice-versa. Either way, it put me in the path of a vampire. I may have met others, but I wouldn’t have known. Six months ago, I’d have laughed at the suggestion. In the blink of an eye, my life changed forever. There’s no going back, once you know what hides in the shadows or lives next door. Not that I remember normal. Is that even a thing?

  It’s fascinating to me, how little time it takes the human brain to respond to drastic changes in our environment. Before stumbling upon a vampire snacking on a redhead, I was unaware that vampires or hunters live among us. Since learning the truth, I’ve considered if not knowing was better or worse. Not knowing doesn’t make you any safer. Zachariah’s victims would testify to that if they survived making his acquaintance.

  Of course, if I didn’t know what I know, I wouldn’t have met Adam. I can’t imagine not knowing this vampire. He’s my nemesis one minute, my rock the next. I’m not entirely certain what we are to one another, but I do know that I’ve somehow been drawn to him since we first met, even if he scares the hell out of me.

  I’m still frightened of him, but for entirely different reasons now.

  Adam. He wants something from me, but I don’t know what that is, yet. Maybe he doesn’t know either.

  I’ve made it clear what I’m looking for, and what I’m not. I’m not interested in a one-night stand. And Adam’s still here. I’m willing to see where this leads or…ends.

  For now, Adam and his heart are a mystery to me. My own heart is confused as well. I was raised to believe that lust is just lust and everyone has it, but with love it becomes something wonderful. Passion alone leaves you longing for more. Per my wise mother, if you have both—lust and love—it gets better and better with time.

  That’s what I want: passionate love that gets better and better, like a fine wine. We certainly have the passion part of the equation. Can I fall in love with someone who isn’t human, or should I not even entertain the idea? And the biggest question of all; is Adam capable of loving me in return?

  I’ve learned a few things about vampires, but I’m no expert, and I still have plenty of questions. Adam isn’t forthcoming with his feelings or his secrets.

  With Adam and Jacob currently in the process of moving into the penthouse unit of my building, I may have my answers sooner rather than later.

  I haven’t received an invitation to their new pad, and I’m growing impatient. My active imagination has me visualizing a large empty apartment with a couple of coffins sitting in the middle, but that’s just my dramatic side.

  Adam’s told me that he doesn’t need to sleep. He’s “rested” on my couch many nights, to protect me. I’ve already missed his presence in the evenings since he stopped staying over, and it’s only been a week.


  Two delicious aromas float on the air in my tiny kitchen—coffee and bacon. Two of my most favorite things in the world. Chocolate is a close third. Mornings have always been my best time of day. Each morning is a fresh start. Anything is possible.

  A song is playing on the digital radio, and I can’t help but hum along. It’s some song that was popular when I was in high school. I know some of the words but can’t recall the name. Funny how that happens. So hot one minute and a faded memory the next. My knife keeps time with the music as I chop veggies for my omelet. My mouth begins to water from the smell of the bacon that’s already been cooked. Coffee and bacon, I could live off these two things alone. And maybe chocolate. Yes, coffee, bacon, and chocolate. In that order.

  Taking another sip of liquid gold, I place the knife on the counter. I reach for the first egg when my hair ruffles in a breeze that shouldn’t be there. Instinctively my body tenses and I grasp the counter. As if out of nowhere, a strong masculine arm encircles my waist from behind, causing me to gasp. Cool lips touch my neck, and a shiver passes through me. Adam growls against my sensitive skin, almost causing my legs to buckle.

  “You court disaster every time you do that,” he says, never taking his lips from my neck. I fight the urge to shiver again.

  Thank the heavens I’m wearing a robe. Gone are the days of freedom, when I wore nothing but panties and a tank top around my condo. A conservative approach to loungewear became a requirement because of surprise visitors all hours of the day and night. On more than one occasion, I’ve come out of the shower to find Adam in my condo. His timing is suspicious, to say the least.

  “You’re supposed to start using the front door,” I say, relaxing a little but not completely.

  When Adam’s in the room, tension seems to fill the air. His presence tends to suck up all the oxygen. Besides, having a vampire’s lips on your neck is not only dangerous but intoxicating as well. Who knew? I’m a thrill-junkie at heart.

  “My apologies, old habits…” He continues to kiss my neck.

  Or did he just lick me?

  This time together is supposed to be our “get to know each other” phase. We agreed to start dating. Dating being my word, not Adam’s. No permanent commitment, but merely getting to know each other better. My condition is that we take things slowly.

  I don’t do casual sex, and he seems to accept this, even if he’s always pushing the boundaries and testing my resolve.

  “You’re already breaking the rules,” I say with a grin I can’t hide.

  It’s hard to keep it together when he does stuff like that. I pull out of his arms, placing my back to the fridge before my knees turn to Jell-O and my resolve crumbles.

  His eyes are full of mischief as he stands there looking like he might eat me. Adam is darkly attractive and could never pass for an angel, which is fine because he isn’t one. With his brooding good looks and the body of someone who lives at a gym, he’s a naughty fantasy come to life. I’ve met some attractive men, but I’ve never met one who made me feel the way he does. It’s more than just physical with Adam. There’s more to him than what’s on the surface.

  “Have you eaten?” I ask, casually. I’m always a great deal safer if he has.

  He’s still a mystery to me, but I see past the hardcore, dominating, alpha male that he projects to the world. He’s not just a scary vampire, but he is a scary vampire.

  He’s never frightened me more than the night I thought he died. I’d believed I’d never see him again. The memory feels like a lifetime ago but it wasn’t. That scar is still fresh.

  “As it would be, I have not. Are you offering?” There is a wicked gleam in his eyes. Seeing that look makes me want to run screaming from the room, or melt into a puddle. Sometimes I don’t know which of the two emotions are more dominant. “I seem to recall that you owe me a bite.”

  The thought of him leaving my life forever affected me more profoundly than I would have thought possible. I’ll never forget having to watch the light go out of his eyes. That’s the moment when I knew. Adam means something to me—even if I don’t know what it is, yet. I plan to find out.

  “That offer is null and void because we never officially laid the trap for Zac. Therefore, the terms were never met and thus, canceled.” I cross my arms and give him a smug look.

bsp; At five foot nine, I’m tall for a woman, but he’s at least half a foot taller than me. With his dark hair, unnaturally blue eyes, five o’clock shadow, and a body to die for, Adam is a walking, talking cover model for erotica novels. And right now, he’s looking at me like he knows it.

  Lesson number one: vampires do not understand personal boundaries. Well—this one doesn’t.

  “But I did take a rather large sword in my chest for the trouble. That should count for something. A consolation taste, perhaps,” Adam says, moving toward me with intent.

  I slip past him, avoiding his effort to corner me.

  “Adam, we are not going there this morning. Let me finish my breakfast. I’m starving.” I ignore his advances and start cracking an egg into a bowl.

  His body presses into mine from behind, while his arms pull me against him. He whispers in my ear, “I’m starving for more than just food.” And with a brush of air on my backside he’s gone. The curtains by the patio doors move softly with his departure.

  What does he have against using the front door?

  I lean over the counter and let out a long sigh. Dating is complicated between the blood connection and Adam living so close. I think we need to have another discussion about boundaries and personal space.

  And I could use another cold shower.


  Power Couple

  Feeling bored and antsy, I glance around the elegant, yet sterile, office lobby. I’ve been waiting for thirty minutes to see Mr. Chavez, the attorney for my most recent clients.

  After looking at the clock on the wall for the fiftieth time, I rise from my seat with a loud sucking noise as my thighs peel away from the leather cushions.


  A petite brunette receptionist glances up at me with another one of her patronizing smiles, then busies herself with her computer. I haven’t heard her hit a single key, so I’m confident she’s shopping the internet.


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