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Red Moon (Vampire Files Trilogy Book 2)

Page 5

by RK Close

  I’m not concerned about the property damage, only what this means for Madison’s disappearance. Involving the police will mean extra red tape—more work for me—but I believe they should be working this case as well.

  Where are you, Madison Taylor?


  Family Ties

  When I informed Mr. Chavez about Madison’s apartment, he didn’t sound surprised, or even concerned. I expected a little excitement from him, some emotion, maybe. Instead, he thanked me for making him aware and promised to notify the Taylors right away. His exact words were, “I’ll handle everything.”

  I half expected him to tell me they would be notifying the police or the FBI. This case is the first time where I felt that my clients may be lying to me, or at the very least hiding something. I don’t know what to make of it. Why hire me, then keep me in the dark? If I find that Mr. Chavez is withholding valuable information from me, this will be the last time we work together. Even if his clients are wealthy and pay on time.

  My phone buzzes while I’m sitting in a coffee shop reviewing my notes for the Taylor case. “This is Samantha Chase.”

  “This is Chad Taylor. I’m returning your call.” His voice is even and difficult to read.

  “Thank you for returning my call. As you may know, I’ve been hired by your parents to locate your sister. I was hoping we could meet. Are you available today?” I ask.

  “Yes, I’ve been expecting your call. I can meet you after four this afternoon. Will that work for you?” I need to see people face-to-face to get a read on them.

  “Perfect. There’s a coffee shop on Maple and Fifth. We could meet at four-thirty. Do you know where that is?” I ask.

  “Yes, I’m in that area already. Once I’m out of class, I’ll meet you there.”

  “Thank you. See you then.”

  “See you then, Ms. Chase.”

  Chad Taylor is also a student at Arizona State University, along with his sister. I have little information on the brother. I’m hoping Madison shared something with him that could help me. Anything that could shed some light on this case and help this investigation. At the very least I’m hoping he can help me understand why his parents don’t want to involve the police. I’m not comfortable keeping law enforcement in the dark.

  The pressure is on because the clock is ticking. Time is running out for this young woman. If a college student took off with someone, she’d be in some hot water. But if someone abducted Madison, the odds are not in her favor. The chances of finding her alive grow slimmer by the hour. A ransom note would be a good thing at this point. Statistics suggest I’m looking for a body.


  After running a few errands, I arrive back at the coffee shop ten minutes early to wait for the brother. Looking through my briefcase for the file, I get that prickly feeling on the back of my neck. I casually pick up my coffee. Taking a sip, I scan the shop. There are two different couples busy with their phones and laptops.

  Nobody seems to notice me. Another man is sitting in the corner, reading a tablet he’s holding. He glances up, smiling at me as he catches me looking. I give a brief smile but quickly look away. He isn’t the reason for my weird feeling. When I think it’s safe, I take another sip of coffee and let my gaze wander around the room. Three baristas are doing their thing behind the counter, and two other men are placing orders.

  I’m just about to blow off the notion of being watched when someone outside the coffee shop catches my eye. Squinting, I look across the street. I must blink several times to make sure I see this.

  Leaning on a car, smoking a cigarette, is Creepy Stalker Guy. He’s looking my way. As I lower my cup, he notices I’ve spotted him, and he smiles that scary clown smile of his. Chills break out all over my body, and my hand holding the cup develops a slight tremor.

  He pushes away from the car and pulls his hood up over his head. Still smiling at me, he tosses the cigarette and starts walking down the street.

  Jumping up so fast my coffee almost spills, I hastily gather my things to follow him. When my arms are full, a good-looking guy with beautiful brown eyes walks in wearing loose, faded jeans and a snug gray t-shirt. He stops, looks around, sees me, and after a moment of confusion breaks into a broad, confident smile with gorgeous dimples.

  My confused look is replaced with one of shock as I recognize Chad, one of my rescuers from the parking garage. He and his friends happened along just as Adam was going to have me for dessert. That was the night my life changed forever.

  That “Chad” is Chad Taylor…wealthy son of the Taylor dynasty, brother to Madison. The night I came across Adam feeding on a woman I was following is etched into my memory forever.

  “Sam! I didn’t realize it was you my parents hired. I thought you sold exercise equipment,” he exclaims. He pulls me into a hug, ignoring my offered hand. I try to peer past Chad’s shoulder but can no longer see Creepy Stalker Guy.

  “Chad Taylor? I had no idea who you were when we met. How’s the band?” I ask, feeling a little uncomfortable. Last time I saw Chad he was asking for my phone number. Now I’m looking for his missing sister. My life is full of strange coincidences lately.

  “Blue Luna is still doing its thing. You haven’t come to hear us play, have you?” He fakes a hurt look, holding his hand over his heart. Smiling, I shake my head, and sit back down.

  “I’ll grab a coffee, and we can talk.” Chad turns towards the counter.

  Between my tenuous connection to Sean and now Chad, I’m starting to feel like my credibility is on thin ice. Technically, I did not date either of them. Maybe there’s no conflict of interest.

  Chad joins me with his coffee in hand. His masculine self-confidence shines in the way he carries himself, the way he spreads his legs and leans back in his chair smiling at me as if he owns the place. He’s very comfortable in his skin.

  “What do you think happened to your sister?” No sense wasting time letting him believe this is a social call.

  He seems surprised by my direct approach but his demeanor shifts slightly to let me know he’s now taking our visit more seriously.

  “I don’t know.” He crosses his arms over his chest. Chad’s hard to read but I know a defensive posture when I see it.

  “Are you worried about your sister?” He seems too upbeat for someone whose sister is missing.


  “Your sister has been missing for over a week, and you’re not worried about her safety?” I lean back in my chair and cross my arms over my chest, mirroring his body language.

  Chad holds my stare for a few moments too long before answering the question.

  “I couldn’t care less if Madison’s dead or alive.”

  I can only blink at him. It isn’t often when I’ve found myself speechless, but this is one of those moments.

  “You look surprised, Sam. Did nobody tell you that my sister’s a vicious, self-serving, backstabbing bitch? Let me be the first.”


  When Hell Freezes

  Chad doesn’t care if his sister’s alive, dead, or vacationing in the Bahamas. I find his attitude alarming, even though I’ve never had siblings of my own.

  “That statement alone makes you a suspect in your sister’s disappearance.”

  His golden-brown gaze is steady when he replies, “There’s no love lost between Madison and me. She would stab me in the back and leave me in a ditch to die if it suited her needs.”

  Does he mean that literally or figuratively?

  As if we’re discussing the weather, his facial expression softens, and he smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes.

  “Why do you hate your sister so much?”

  He studies me for a moment. “I like you, Sam. And that’s why I’m going to suggest that you get as far away from this situation as possible. You shouldn’t be involved.”

  Rising from my chair and putting my hands on my hips, I glare at him. “If one more person tells me to stay away from this case I’m going to ki
ll them with my bare hands!” My face must be bright red because I can feel my ears burning. “What is with everyone? A young woman is missing, and nobody but your parents want her found. Why is that?”

  Chad glances around the room. Following his gaze, I realize I’ve drawn the attention of everyone in the cafe. Recovering somewhat, I sit back down but continue to frown at Chad.

  He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. Chad’s eyes look gentle as he assesses me. After a moment, he gives me a sad smile while shaking his head.

  “I have a feeling you aren’t going to take my advice. I wish you would, for your sake.”

  “Seriously? Why is it detrimental to my well-being if I take this case? What will happen to me? What does everyone else know that I don’t?” I demand.

  “There are things better left alone, and this is one of them. I’m sorry that I can’t explain why. I know you want answers, but it’s not worth the price,” he says, rising to leave.

  “Where are you going? I still have questions.”

  “I’m not going to help you with something that will eventually bite you.” Chad walks to the door.

  Desperate for answers, I blurt, “I need to know what you and your sister talked about the day she disappeared.”

  I can’t believe he’s cutting me off like this. Everyone is shutting me out.

  “I’ll tell you if you let me take you out to dinner.” He gives me a mischievous smile.

  Shocked, I ask, “Are you trying to blackmail me, Chad?” The uncomfortable turn in the conversation has me squirming in my chair.

  “Blackmail is an ugly word. I’d prefer to call it ‘leveraging wants and needs.’ I want to take you to dinner, and you need information I have. Wants and needs. What do you say?”

  “I told you already; I have a boyfriend. I can’t go to dinner with you.” At least now it’s more truthful than the last time I used that excuse on him. “This isn’t fair,” I complain.

  “Whoever told you life was fair, lied. I’ll see you around, Sam.” Chad continues walking toward the door.

  “Wait,” I say. Chad pauses, his hand on the door. “I do have a boyfriend, you know.” Indecision has me biting my lower lip.

  “I know, and my offer still stands.” And with his final words, Chad Taylor strolls out the door with all the confidence of a Hollywood star.


  Walking through the door of my condo, I drop my keys and bag on the table in the entry hall. When I sync my phone to my sound system, the smooth voice of Adele floats through the air.

  Wilbur, my lazy kitty, welcomes me home by curling around my legs and almost causing me to trip. Laughing out loud, I pick him up and carry him into the kitchen. I sit on the floor and stroke his soft fur while he eats. He greets me the same way every time I come home. His happy purring tends to relax me, no matter what sort of day I’ve had. And today was a weird day for sure. Pouring a glass of my favorite red wine, I nibble on a piece of leftover pizza from the fridge while details of the case run through my head.

  I have a missing co-ed who seems to have vanished into thin air, one ex-boyfriend, another secret boyfriend, and a sibling rivalry to end all family feuds. A ransacked apartment, parents who seem to be hiding something, and a possible stalker add questions rather than answers. I’m hoping the stalker is simply a coincidence.

  Peeling off clothing as I make my way into the shower, I become lost in my thoughts. I imagine the soothing hot water sliding the tension down my body and into the drain. Hot showers are like therapy. A long soak in the tub is even better, but time is a luxury I don’t have lately.

  After a few moments, my mind drifts to Adam, and I smile to myself. My mind runs through all the bizarre things we’ve been through since our paths first crossed. It’s been a wild rollercoaster ride with that man.


  I’m deep in thoughts about the vampire living upstairs while I pull a t-shirt over my head and slip on a pair of sleep shorts. Rubbing my damp hair with a towel, I walk into the living room in search of my novel.

  I jump with a start at finding Adam standing at my patio doors. He’s watching me with a wild look in his eyes. Adam looks good in jeans, a snug gray t-shirt, and a black leather jacket. His dark hair is messy and looks damp. Adam’s brilliant blue eyes turn even lighter as his gaze burns a trail over my body. Moments like this, he can’t pass for human. No mortal has eyes that glow like hot flames.

  And right now, they’re blue pools I want to drown in. I shake my head as I look at him. The bad-boy style is a new look I haven’t seen. He tends to lean toward polished sophistication, even in jeans. Tonight, he looks like trouble; every girl’s vision of a sexy bad boy.

  “No front door? Is there a reason you scaled the walls like Spiderman instead of using the front door like we discussed?” I ask, hands on my hips.

  The look on his face is nothing short of savage. I’m suddenly more aware of what I’m wearing. By the look in his eyes and the way he’s clenching his fists at his sides, I know that my shorts are too short, and it’s apparent that I’m not wearing a bra. It’s not helping that these thoughts are making my chest rise and fall as my breathing quickens and my heart rate increases.

  A hot flush stings my cheeks, and I suddenly feel warm all over. Just as the vision of his lips on mine steals into my thoughts, he’s on me. I don’t resist his hands in my wet hair or his lips as they devour mine. My hands slide into his jacket to roam freely along his firm muscled back and smooth skin. Adam growls and a moan escapes me.

  He pulls back but doesn’t release my head. His eyes rove over my face, down my neck, and linger a moment at my breast. I burn under his gaze.

  After a moment, his hand moves down my face and along my neck. His hand pauses there, then trail further south over my collar bone. Tension builds in me as the back of his knuckles slide along the side of my breast, before resting on my hip. I’m shaking with desire. He has this effect on me. I forget to breathe when I’m in his arms.

  Adam’s gaze returns to my face, and after a moment he kisses me ever so softly on my neck and then my lips. There is always an added thrill when his lips are on my throat. But then he does something I’m not expecting. He gently releases me and pulls away. I’m left standing there with my head foggy and my body humming with want.

  “Just to be clear, I do not scale walls. You should rest. Jacob will be here with information for you in the morning. Goodnight, Samantha.”

  I stand there, mouth open, eyes blinking as Adam walks around me and lets himself out the front door. I stare at the door, listening to the soft click as it closes. What just happened? I’m always the one to stop things when they get too heated.

  Did Hell just freeze over?


  Dream Girl

  My dream forest is as creepy as ever. I wonder; why this place? So many of my dreams begin here. I gaze up at the same large moon illuminating a starless sky. Mist moves over the forest floor like something alive and sentient. Out of the corners of my eyes, dark, twisted trees seem to reach for me. These woods make me think of something cursed, long dead, or maybe a sleeping monster.

  My heart races even though this place is familiar. I’m beginning to understand that my dreams, for whatever reason, are meant to tell me something.

  I start walking through the dark forest, untangling my hair and clothes as they snag on the dead branches. After a time of meandering, I come to an area where the trees give way to a misty clearing. Unhindered by trees, the area is illuminated by the moon’s light.

  In the middle of the field stands a woman with long blond hair, wearing a sheer white gown, exposing her arms and back. Her face is hidden from me.

  The scene appears tranquil, but I know better. I’m not certain why, but my fear is piqued.

  I stand very still, observing the woman. She seems intent on the forest ahead of her. I consider approaching her, but before the thought becomes action, she turns and looks at me over her shoulder.

  My brea
th catches as I realize it’s Madison Taylor, the missing co-ed. I breathe her name like a whisper and even though I’m certain she can’t hear me, she smiles as though she does.

  Before I can speak she turns and begins running toward the tangle of dark trees. Calling her name, I sprint after her. She’s unnaturally fast and puts distance between us quickly. As soon as she enters the forest, I’ve lost sight of her. I stop running and spin in a circle, searching for a glimpse of white but find none.

  Feminine laughter erupts all around me, echoing off the trees and in my head. It’s so loud that I must cover my ears.

  Abruptly, the manic laughter stops, only to be replaced by an angry growl that sounds far too close. I try desperately to locate the source of the growling animal. The sound seems to come from everywhere as it grows louder and louder. I clamp my hands over my ears and try to focus my other senses. Through the storm of sound, I determine the general direction of the growl. Squinting my eyes to peer into the darkness of the forest, I see a pair of glowing amber eyes begin to form from the shadows, bearing down on me in slow motion.

  Without hesitation, I turn to flee in the opposite direction. I pour everything I have into the sprint, but it’s as though I’m running in sand. Branches tear at my clothes and hair, but I ignore the pain. My only thought is of escape.

  A primal instinct as old as time takes control and I push my body to its limit. I’m suddenly aware of a change. The loud noise is replaced with an eerier silence. I can still see the forest all around me, but it’s as if all sound has been sucked out and the silence is…deafening. Stealing a glance over my shoulder, I see nothing following me.

  I stop running, trying to suck air into my starved lungs, all the while searching for the beast that hunts me. While I attempt to recover, something catches my eye just under the mist at my feet.


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