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Red Moon (Vampire Files Trilogy Book 2)

Page 7

by RK Close

  I may not even need to ask her many questions. Juliet likes to talk. “What surprise are you referring to?” I ask, surprised by her reaction.

  She looks confused. “Oh, I thought that was what you were asking about. They had our apartment redecorated. It’s absolutely gorgeous. I hope they let me stay. They painted all the rooms, replaced most of the furniture, lights, drapes, flooring, and décor. They said it was a surprise for Maddie when she comes home. It’s going to be sad if she doesn’t come back,” Juliet says, without emotion. “What were you referring to?”

  Trying to hide my surprise, I brush it off. “Nothing, really. That sounds generous. Are the Taylors always so extravagant with their daughter?”

  “Oh, Maddie gets whatever she wants. Not just from her parents. She can be very…single-minded when she wants something.” She pauses and seems to reconsider what she just shared. Juliet grabs her drink and starts sucking away like she realizes she’s said too much.

  I lean back in my chair and cross my arms over my chest and paste what I hope is a casual smile on my face. “What sort of things does Madison want?”

  Too late. Juliet has her guard up now. Just when we were about to get somewhere.

  Juliet starts to look around as if she’s bored with our conversation. “Oh, you know. Grades, career, guys…” she trails off.

  “Who is Madison dating?”

  “She isn’t dating anyone.” She raises her beautifully sculpted eyebrows in challenge.

  “I already know she’s been dating someone, so you aren’t giving away her secrets.”

  “Are you going to tell her parents? Because if you are, I don’t know anything.” She takes another sip of her drink and gives me a narrow look.

  Okay, I will play ball. My instincts tell me Cian didn’t have anything to do with her disappearance. It would suck to be wrong. It would mean I’m losing my touch.

  “I can’t promise that but I haven’t mentioned Cian to them, yet,” I say.

  “You know about Cian?” She looks shocked. Or scared.

  “I met him, yes.”

  “What else do you know about?” Juliet asks, looking at me suspiciously.

  How to play this…hmm.

  “I know many things about Madison that her parents are clueless about, Juliet. You don’t need to protect her. You’re not the only one who knows her secrets anymore. My job is to tie up all the loose ends and fill in the last few missing pieces of the puzzle so we can find her. I’m here to help, so anything you can tell me could help bring Madison home.” I should win an Oscar.

  “Really? That’s such a relief. I’ve been feeling guilty not telling anyone about a few people that I think should be suspects, if you know what I mean,” Juliet says, leaning forward as if we’re old friends. I do the same.

  “Oh, I know what you mean,” I say in my best girlfriend voice.

  “Well, you should talk to our tennis coach for starters. And then I would talk to Maddie’s graduate professor. There’s a motive for you,” Juliet says, leaning back in her chair and raising her eyebrows like she’s just made the best point ever.

  It’s all I can do to hide my confusion. To recover, I mirror Juliet’s body language and facial expression, nodding like she’s preaching the truth. “I was going to look into both of them,” I say, narrowing my eyes.

  “Right? There must be a line of people that want to hurt Maddie. Just hand out numbers,” she says, laughing at her own joke.

  I laugh as well, but it doesn’t feel right. At this point, I’m not certain these two are friends.

  “I mean; you can’t just sleep with people for the sole purpose of blackmailing them. Someone could lose it over shit like that.” Juliet pauses with a thoughtful look, then adds, “I really don’t know how she got to Coach Martinez. I thought he and his wife were solid. And she just had their second kid, a girl I think.” She toys with the straw of her drink.

  “But Professor Davis? Anyone could see that coming. You know, him being a perpetual bachelor and all. Maddie can be hard to resist when she turns it on.” She stops and looks at me blankly. “Are you going to question them?”

  “Of course. I already had those guys on my list, but haven’t gotten to them yet. I wanted to interview you first since I knew you would have some real insight into the situation.”

  I’m going to hell for lying.

  My head is spinning with the idea that Madison may have been involved with three different men, one of them married. And that word “blackmail” is hanging heavy in the air.

  “What I’m not clear on is what Madison would have blackmailed them for. You must know, right?” I ask, holding my breath and praying that the question doesn’t scare her away.

  “I’m not even supposed to know about Coach Martinez, but I heard two different phone conversations that helped me figure out what was going on there. If the phone calls weren’t enough, he started to look uncomfortable whenever Maddie was around. I think that’s why he made her team captain. She’s not the best player, or well liked, or dedicated,” Juliet says, smirking.

  I can no longer hide the shock on my face, but Juliet seems to enjoy my reaction. It’s possible she’s been dying to tell this juicy gossip to someone for a while.

  “But what about the professor? Why blackmail him? She doesn’t need money.”

  “I walked in on the two of them in his office one afternoon. That was so disgusting. He must be, like, forty or something. I mean, he’s not bad looking for an old man but…yuck!” Juliet’s face shows her complete disapproval of this idea, and I almost laugh. “Maddie screamed for me to get out and later told me she’d kill me if I ever told anyone. She can be a little scary when she’s mad. Once she cooled off, she said it was her insurance policy for her master’s degree. I think he may be writing her thesis paper for her. She never cracks a book and she said it was almost done.” She pauses and looks thoughtful for a moment.

  “Maybe it’s karma. There was a weird situation in high school that always stayed in the back of my mind. There was a girl that laughed at Maddie when she tripped and fell in front of a group of football players. The girl who laughed was Becky Lee, the head cheerleader who was also dating Bryce, the quarterback. Becky was very mean about it and wouldn’t let up. Maddie ran off crying but never would talk about it. A week later Beck went missing, and I don’t think they ever found out what happened to her. It was as if she vanished.”

  Juliet stares past me as if she’s reliving a memory.

  “It really bothered me because Maddie became the head cheerleader and started dating Bryce within the same month. I’m not saying Maddie had anything to do with it, but it’s just weird. She didn’t even want to be a cheerleader before that.” She bites her lip.

  “Maddie changed. It was like she became a different person. Whatever she wanted just seemed to happen.” Juliet looks at her watch and then jumps up. “I have to go. I’m late for my spin class. You can text me if you have any more questions.” And with that, she turns to leave.

  “Wait!” I call after her. She turns, giving me an impatient look. “Why are you friends with Madison? I mean, it doesn’t sound like she’s the nicest person.”

  Juliet looks at me as if I’m stupid. “Because it’s safer to be Madison’s friend rather than her enemy.”

  I sit there stunned as her words sink in. I have two new possible suspects on a list that just keeps growing. That sweet college girl—the one I had envisioned from her picture—just burned to ash. Chances of her still being alive are moving from bad to worse.

  I pull out my laptop and type out all the notes I can remember from our conversation. At the top of my notes is my ever-growing list of possible suspects. Sean, Chad, Professor Davis, Coach Martinez, and scary stalker guy. I guess I should add Cian. He could have played me that day. Hell, Juliet could go on that list.

  I’m also trying to imagine Madison as a werewolf. What kind of power-trip comes from being a supernatural being, and how hard is it to hide your tru
e nature? Obviously, Madison has been very successful hiding her true self. I guess it wouldn’t be easy to take down a werewolf.

  And how much of a bad-ass would you need to be, to get the job done?



  Would it take a werewolf to abduct or subdue another werewolf? What about a vampire?

  There was another deadly animal attack last night, and the authorities are urging extreme caution when participating in recreational activities outside of the urban areas. Nightly news broadcasts are now sensationalizing these deaths and working people into a bit of a panic.

  Adam and Jacob are convinced it’s a werewolf turf war, and I’m leaning that way. I need some straight answers from the Taylors. If Madison’s disappearance has anything to do with these deaths, I need to get to the bottom of it quickly. It feels as though I’ve jumped into a can of worms, rather than opened one.

  There are several plausible reasons why someone might want to silence Madison. After all, per Juliet, Madison was possibly blackmailing two different men. It’s imperative to learn if there are any non-human reasons why someone would want to harm her. This means I’ll need to blow my cover of ignorance with the Taylors. Both Adam and Jacob feel this will put me in danger. But they also think being on the case puts me at risk, so nothing changes by telling the Taylors that I know their secret.

  Wilbur jumps onto the sofa and crawls onto my lap, purring loudly. I move my tablet and pen out of his way as he settles in, demanding my attention. He’s been terribly neglected lately with all the crazy in my life.

  Even though I can feel the pressure mounting around me, I still feel the need to add some normalcy to my week. I’m itching to spend some time with Dayna. We haven’t been able to connect as much as we normally do and I miss her. This is the reason I called and asked her to catch dinner and a movie with me on Sunday. Thankfully, she agreed. I had this uncharacteristic fear she’d tell me she couldn’t because she had plans with Jacob instead. I hate to feel needy, but I want some girlfriend time, or I may go insane.

  Speaking of feeling needy, I’m surprised that I haven’t seen Adam tonight. He usually stops in to say hello or good night. I’m dying to see his and Jacob’s place, but he still hasn’t invited me up. Why can’t I just go say hello to him? That’s not needy, right? I’m simply being neighborly. If they ate real food, I could say I needed to borrow some sugar.

  I’ll just go up and say, “Hey.” Why not? We are dating.


  In the elevator, I’m already reconsidering this idea. As the elevator doors open, I slowly step out, then jump back in. What am I doing? This is high school all over again. Before the doors close, I jump back out and look around.

  Wow! This floor is so much nicer than any of the others. Two penthouse suites make up the entire sixth floor. Small mansions in the sky. Fancy schmancy. Our building is nice, but this is like the floor of a high-priced resort. They better pay higher fees than the rest of us.

  Just wait until Gabe comes back and learns that Adam and Jacob live in our building. It makes me smile to think about those fireworks.

  Gabe…I hope you’re safe.

  Their door is marked 6A, and I stand in front of it for a minute trying to gather my nerve. I can’t believe I’m acting like this.

  Before my knuckles can connect with the door, it opens, and I almost scream. The noise that comes out of me is nothing short of humiliating.

  Jacob is standing at the door in a pair of low-hanging jeans and nothing else. My mouth hangs open as I take this in and process it. Boy, do I see what has been keeping Dayna busy. Jacob is a California dream. This is Dayna’s boyfriend. This is Dayna’s boyfriend. This is my best friend’s boyfriend!

  And I’m staring at him like a fan-girl.

  I clear my throat and feel my face burn. Jacob, smiling at me since he opened the door, isn’t helping.

  When it’s obvious I have no words, he says, “Sam. How are you? Adam’s not here now, but you’re welcome to come in. I do have information to share with you.”

  I finally find my voice and recover somewhat. “Well, I actually came to see Adam, but I do need to hear what you’ve learned. Would you mind putting a shirt on?” I look away, feeling ridiculously awkward.

  Jacob seems to register my distress for the first time and reaches somewhere behind the door to retrieve a simple white t-shirt that he pulls over his head. Now he gives me an apologetic smile before pulling the door wide and standing aside.

  “What’s Dayna doing tonight?” I ask, just to have something to say.

  “She’s home. I’m heading over there shortly. Would you like something to drink?” I follow him through a vast entry hall that is big enough to be a room.

  His question is lost on me as I take in these new surroundings. I’m walking on exquisite oriental rugs spread over beautiful grey-toned wood floors, polished to perfection. I can’t believe I’m in the same building. Pictures and paintings on the walls look like something you’d find in an art museum. There is a masculine feel to the furnishings, but they are sure to have been professionally selected and placed. The main great room is done in grays, black and white with splashes of dark reds.

  One entire wall of the room has bookshelves from floor to ceiling and wall to wall. Knick-knacks are sporadically placed on the shelves, but ninety percent is filled with books. Some are incredibly old looking, while others are more current novels, biographies, and non-fiction titles. I can’t help running my fingertips over a row of antique books, their titles in a language unknown to me.

  Jacob’s voice pulls me out of my thoughts. “You like our collection of books, do you? Feel free to take any you’d like.”

  “Oh, thank you, but I’m simply admiring. Who’s the reader?”

  “We both read a great deal. It passes the time. Would you like something to drink?”

  “No, thank you. Your place is incredible. I had no idea the penthouses were this…fancy.” I’m still gazing around like a kid in a candy store. “What information do you have for me?” I ask, dropping into a black leather chair.

  “I’ve found the identity of the alpha for the Mojave pack. His name is Colin O’Donnell. I believe you are acquainted with one of his sons,” Jacob says, taking the seat opposite across from me.

  Sean O’Donnell is a werewolf. Maybe I should have known, but holy cow.

  “Sean, the bartender at Rúla Búla? Are you certain?” I ask, not convinced.

  “Yes, he’s next in line to lead the Mojave pack,” Jacob says, rising from the chair. “I don’t have anything further now. Feel free to stay and wait for Adam to return.”

  I jump up and follow him to the door. “No, that’s all right. I’ll just go back downstairs and get some sleep. Tell Dayna I’ll see her Sunday,” I say, following him out the front door.

  Jacob presses the button for the elevator.

  “Jacob, do you think that the turf war could have anything to do with Sean and Madison dating for a short time?” We step into the elevator.

  “The two of them dating wouldn’t be enough for a turf war. There is bad blood between the two packs, but I haven’t been able to determine the reason yet. I have the feeling that it happened long before they met. I’ll keep searching.” He presses the button for my floor and the lobby.

  “Thanks, Jacob.” I look at him thoughtfully. “Why do you use doors and take elevators, but Adam rarely does?”

  He laughs out loud. “He doesn’t like to conform, and I believe he prefers to embrace our less-civilized nature.”

  I consider that as I step off the elevator onto my floor.

  “Take good care of my friend, Jacob,” I say, as the elevator doors close on him. He just winks at me.

  I need to get to know him better, especially since my best friend is falling hard for him.

  Looks like I’ll need to visit my favorite bartender again. Could Sean be involved with Madison’s disappearance? I wonder if he’ll still buy my first drink.

nbsp; And where is Adam tonight? I miss him.


  Skeleton in the Closet

  I’m lying in bed with a book in my hands. I can’t seem to focus the words on the page. Every time I try to read, the sentences blur together. I’m so frustrated that I do the unthinkable. The book flies across my bedroom, hitting the wall where it lands with a thud next to Adam’s bare feet.

  My eyes travel up his legs and over his intricately muscled body. He’s wearing loose-fitting sweat pants that hang low on his hips—really low—and nothing else.

  I don’t know why he’s here. I’m about to ask, but his eyes are glowing with their preternatural light, and that means his emotions are heightened from danger or…passion. His hands are fisted at his sides, and his head is tilted forward like a bull ready to charge.

  I’m quickly on my knees bracing for an attack, or something else.

  Adam growls low in his chest, and my heart skips a beat. He moves slowly toward me as if restraining himself. The last five feet he moves faster than my eyes can follow and suddenly, he’s on me. I’m thrown onto my back with Adam’s body covering mine and his lips on my neck.

  My eyes close and my heart races. A sweet tension takes over my limbs. I’m acutely aware of the contact between us. We’ve never been this close.

  His lips travel up my neck and across my cheek. Fireworks of color explode behind my eyes when our lips meet. I’m lost in this kiss. Lost and falling off a cliff that I may never recover from. And I know deep down in my soul that I don’t want to be rescued.

  My hands cannot get enough of him as I run them over every inch of his exposed skin. With little conscious thought, my legs wrap around him to draw him even closer. He answers me with a deep growl that radiates from his core.

  He rolls onto his back, taking me with him. I’m straddling his hips as his hands dig into mine. I lean down and do something I’ve wanted to do for a while now. Placing my lips on his smooth chest, I trail soft, controlled kisses up toward his neck, working my way toward his mouth.


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