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EROTICA: The Biker's Girl (Biker Mystery Romance) (Erotic Bad Boy BBW BWWM Romance)

Page 12

by Jolie Day


  His voice carried down the pathway, and it sent Elise’s heart into a terrified thudding against her chest. She scrambled up from the cobblestone and dashed toward her car again. She ran headlong into a man in a suit, and she shrieked as he grabbed her arms to steady her.

  Let go of me! Let go of me! Elise felt that Rusnak had seized her again, and she knew it was the end.

  She wasn’t getting out of his grip this time.


  “Hey! Whoa!”

  The voice was not Rusnak’s. It was familiar, but it was not evil to her. As she looked up through her tears, she saw that it was Eric. His hair had mostly fallen out of its swept back look, and he seemed wildly concerned.

  “Elise? What’s going on?”

  “Eric!” she gasped. And then she sobbed. She clutched onto his jacket and pressed against him. “I’ve g-got to get out of here! Please! Help me get away!”

  Eric looked up from her and toward the event center, and then without a word he took off his jacket and draped it over her shoulders, then walked her away from the area and away from her car. He didn’t ask what had happened. Instead he guided her to a sleek black car resting just down the road. A chauffeur stepped out and opened the back for them, and Eric helped Elise inside before the door was shut. He stroked her shoulder and held her close until she calmed down.

  “Was it Rusnak?” Eric asked after a few minutes.

  Elise had stopped crying a couple minutes before. She looked up at his face. “How did you know?”

  “Because I know a sleazebag when I see one,” he replied caustically. “I should have offered to drive you home, or should have stayed with you until he left. I apologize, Elise.”

  She shook her head. “He caught me off guard. I...I had no idea that my mother had already made an offer with him to trade me for money.”

  “What?” Eric looked utterly alarmed. “Your mother sold you?”

  “Or was planning to,” Elise added. She shuddered. “He tore my clothes...I just barely got away.”

  Eric hugged her to his side. “I’m glad I asked the driver to flip around. I thought I saw you on the ground outside, so I asked him to stop so I could get out and make sure you were alright.”

  “I-I’m not alright,” Elise admitted. She broke down again, unable to control her tears. She felt betrayed and ruined.

  “Elise...” Gentle fingers were on her chin, and her head was lifted up toward Eric. Before she knew it, he had softened her cries with a tender kiss pressed against her lips. His lips were soft and caring, and molded around her mouth in a sweet and assuring way. One of his arms supported her lower back as he exchanged affection with her. Elise welcomed the kiss after a moment. At first she had felt a bit taken aback, but it was nothing like how she envisioned being with Rusnak. Eric was attentive and protective. There was no doubt that he felt strongly for her and only wanted her safe, both physically and mentally.

  The kiss calmed Elise down immensely. She felt like her head was a bit clearer now, and the terror that Rusnak had sent through her faded away behind them, just like the event center. Eric pulled away from her, but Elise wasn’t ready to let go. She clung to him and reached up to kiss him once again, desperately wishing to hang on to the delectable feeling of their lips embracing. Eric returned the kiss as long as she needed. She held onto him for the entire ride, fixated in overwhelming herself with his warmth and ardor.

  The car stopped in a garage a few minutes later.

  “We’ve arrived, sir,” the chauffeur spoke up, startling Elise and she broke away from him.

  “Ah, so we have,” said Eric. He looked around outside the car windows before glancing back at Elise. “Come with me, Elise. I’ll make you some warm tea inside, and you can stay here tonight.”

  Elise was appreciative of his hospitality, as well as his own desire to be with her. She followed him without a sound, stepping out of the car. Eric led her around several other fancy cars until they reached a door leading into a home. He opened it and let Elise in while the chauffeur left to drive around to the front of the house.

  Eric’s home was much more than just a “house,” however. Elise stepped into a gorgeous, dark-washed, wooden walkway that led straight to a beautiful amber-toned kitchen. The entire interior of the manor was decorated in warm bronze, orange, and gold tones. It looked like the sun had set perpetually on the windows of the place...causing everything to flare with colors of fire and summertime. It was inviting, and it smelled like polished wood paneling with a faintly musky undertone.

  Eric led her into a sitting room not far from the kitchen. She dropped down onto the cushioned sofa slowly, clutching his suit jacket tightly around her shoulders.

  “Let me get you some tea,” Eric insisted. “How does spearmint and strawberry sound? Something chipper that will help soothe your worries.”

  Elise nodded faintly. “Th-That sounds good, yes.”

  Eric stepped away to enter the kitchen and boil water for the tea. She twisted in her spot to look over the couch at him.

  “I feel like I’ve made a fool of myself,” she uttered.

  Eric set the teakettle down on the stove once it was filled and then stepped back into the sitting room. “What do you mean?”

  “I’m not rich,” Elise admitted. She felt sick with the truth. “I’m not even close to being middle-class. My mother desperately wanted money, so she kept sending me to Rusnak’s dinner parties so I could meet a rich man to be married off to...All so that she could reap the financial benefits from it.”

  Eric frowned severely.

  “I-I’m ashamed,” she continued. “I didn’t even deserve to go to those parties. I just did it because I knew we desperately needed money. I didn’t tell you about myself at all because I feared you wouldn’t be interested.”

  Eric was quiet for a few seconds. It was long enough that Elise almost felt convinced he was bothered by her low status. Finally Eric walked around the sofa and sat beside her.

  “Elise, listen,” he began. “I really couldn’t care less about social class or how much money you carry around. I knew there was something different about you compared to the others at his dinner party. You hadn’t been tainted or spoiled by riches. I also had a feeling it was something like this when you told me what your mother had done. I’m deeply sorry for what she’s put you through. No child should ever have to be forced into some kind of depraved role just so their parent can feed off the money that’s made in the process. The very thought almost makes me ill.”

  “But you’re’re not turned off by my secrets?” Elise wondered, stealing a careful glance at his blue eyes.

  “Are you kidding? I’d prefer you this way. If you were a rich girl like I initially thought, I wouldn’t have such a great opportunity to pamper you like a potential boyfriend would. To hell with what your mother has done. To hell with Thane Rusnak. Now that you’re here, those things shouldn’t matter. I took a liking to you because you are you, and not anything else.”

  Elise felt like crying again, but she knew it was just a build up of all of the emotions she’d felt throughout the evening. She couldn’t believe so much had happened in such a short amount of time. Eric was right, though. While she was here, all she wanted or needed to focus on was the two of them and her safety.

  “Eric...I don’t know what to do, though.”

  Despite wishing to focus on just those things, it was hard not to think about the future.

  “What am I supposed to do when it’s time to go home?”

  Eric’s brow pulled inward sharply again. It wasn’t an angry look, but it was hard and stern for sure. “You don’t have to do anything anymore, Elise. Who says you’re supposed to go home? Your mother? She’s not in control of your life anymore. It’s time that you took the reins and did what you wanted. You’re...what? Twenty...?”

  “Twenty-four,” she muttered.

  “See? Well old enough to take charge of your life. So my recomme
ndation is that you should stay here with me until you are able to remain on your feet on your own.”

  Elise gazed at him, feeling conflicted. “But what if I want to remain here with you, even when I am feeling more stable?”

  His expression lifted significantly. “We’ll talk about that.”

  A high-pitched whine rang out from the kitchen as the teakettle released a bevy of steam from its spout.

  “But tea first,” he added before standing from the couch and entering the kitchen again.

  Elise remained on the sofa in silence as she heard Eric pull the kettle off the stove and prepare the tea. He came back after a minute or so with a steaming mug in one hand. He set it down on the coffee table in front of them to let it cool, and then leaned over and opened his arm, offering for Elise to enter his embrace. She did so, falling into his arms and pressing her cheek against his chest. He loosened up his tie and pulled it from his collar to get comfortable. Elise basked in his warmth and his masculine scent. His chest was hard underneath the fabric of his dress shirt, but there was a peculiar comfort that came from their contact. She felt like she could sleep there for an eternity.

  Elise nearly did. She was only roused when Eric leaned forward to pick up her mug of tea and hand it to her. “It should be cooled off enough now.”

  Elise accepted it and sipped it lightly. It was still hot, but the pleasant sweetness mixed with the tingle of spearmint already helped clear her head and soothe her body. It was relaxing and enjoyable, and she almost couldn’t believe how much better she felt just by being in Eric’s presence and drinking a mug of hot tea.

  “So what would you like to do?” Eric asked after Elise sat up a little more to enjoy her drink.

  Honestly Elise didn’t know. The fragile, feminine figure inside of her wanted to remain by Eric’s side for days. He made her feel a comfort that she hadn’t experienced before, and he made her feel expertly safe. Another part of her worried about what her mother would do if she found out that Elise had refused to become Rusnak’s mistress...or whatever he wanted her to be.

  “I...I’ll decide in a little while,” she finally stated. “For now I’d just like to remain here for the night. Next to you.” The words were out of her mouth quickly, and she blamed it on the tea making her feel too comfortable.

  Eric wasn’t bothered in any manner by her forwardness, however. In fact he appeared flattered. He lowered his head down to her neck and kissed her lightly there. The sensation spread a flurry of tingles through her skin.

  “I believe I would like it if you remained next to me tonight as well, Elise.”

  His tone had turned smoky and captivating. Gently he took the tea mug from her hands and set it back on the coffee table. He then turned her shoulders so that she faced him head on. Elise lifted her fingers and pressed them against his chest earnestly.

  If she had been in any other state of mind, she may have been alarmed at how quickly she felt drawn to Eric, but right at that moment she knew there was no better way to get calm. Eric pressed his lips to hers again, and this time he appeared to make no intention of letting go. His hand wrapped around the back of her head, holding her against his lips, and she wrapped her arms around him. His own hands wandered down her dress. He broke away from her lips just for a moment.

  “He tore your dress,” Eric whispered.


  Eric tugged at the open spots in the back and undid the last of the buttons.

  “What are you doing?” Elise wondered quietly, but she was quickly quieted as Eric pressed another kiss to her. He finished loosening up her torn dress and pulled it over her shoulders. She moved closer to him as he worked the outfit off of her. She followed suit by lifting her hands to the buttons of his dress shirt and unfitting them from their holes. Soon she had exposed his muscular chest, and he had her bare.

  Elise honestly didn’t know what had come over the two of them, but she didn’t want to stop now. Eric hoisted her into his lap, kissing down her throat. She moved her legs over his hips and felt a bulge underneath his pants. For a moment Elise was uncertain. What if Eric was just taking advantage of her?

  No, that isn’t the case, she thought. I want this just as much as he does.

  Eric stroked his fingers through her hair and then pressed her closer to his hips. She sighed, not uncomfortable with the contact. His slacks felt thin, and her panties pressed hard against him. She hooked her arms around his shoulders.

  “Eric,” she began. “A-Are we really doing this? Now?”

  He hushed her. “It’s alright, Elise.” He unzipped his slacks. “Are you nervous, Elise? I thought perhaps it would calm you some more.”

  Elise nuzzled his jaw. Perhaps Eric was right. This kind of activity would help her feel fully relaxed, and it would get her to stop thinking about the heinous happenings of the night. For a time I just want to forget, she thought. As she looked down, back at Eric, she saw that he had exposed himself to her. She flushed as she gazed at his manhood in his hand. He was thick and long, and she hoped that he would fit. She’d had relationships in the past, but she had never gone very far with them. Eric would be her first official companion that she was intimate with.

  Curious, Elise brought her hand down to touch his masculinity, getting a firm feel of his velvet skin and powerful hardness underneath. Eric sighed and pressed his hands against her thighs, allowing her to stroke him. She liked the feeling that he gave her, and she anticipated what he would feel like inside. Tempted, Elise shifted to tug her panties off one leg. She was about to lower back down into his lap before Eric stopped her with a hand. His fingers moved between her thighs, and she gasped as he slipped a finger between the soft folds of her sweetness.

  “E-Eric,” she gasped.

  “You’re moist already,” he commented. His voice had grown sultry, but it still retained that smooth richness that it had when she had first met him. She inhaled sharply as his fingers stroked against her opening, teasing the possibility of entering inside, and Elise didn’t know if she would be able to stand it much more. She wanted him in there, but she didn’t want to seem too eager. Instead a slight whimper escaped her lips.

  “You want this for certain then?” Eric confirmed, and Elise nodded, still keeping her arms on his shoulders.

  Eric pressed his fingers inside, and they slipped into her tight canal. Elise whimpered from the feeling. It was exquisite and nothing like she’d felt before, but at the same time it caused her to feel apprehensive. What if it hurt to have him go inside her? What would she do?

  Eric kissed her lips sweetly as he worked his fingers around her cavity. At first it had felt like torture, but then she sensed herself opening up to him. Her nectar pooled in his hand, and he eventually dragged his skillful digits away to stroke them down his own shaft, lubricating his member.

  “I think we’re ready for this, Elise,” he cooed.

  Elise panted heavily for him, ready for his attention. Eric positioned his firmness to her opening, and then he gripped onto her hip and pushed her down his length. Elise mewled as his thick tool slipped inside of her, and she lowered down fully onto him. It hurt and stretched her at first, but she gradually grew used to the feeling of being widened out. She enjoyed the way that he filled her and satisfied her cravings. He removed his hand from the base of his shaft and brought his fingers around her other hip, slowly using both palms to work her up and down along his length. Elise’s head vibrated with the activity. She felt electrified and yet so relaxed at the same time. Her flower had never felt so pierced and full, and she loved every bit of it.

  “E-Eric!” she gasped as he moved her up and down along his length. Her mind was a blur, images of what had happened earlier fuzzed out by sheer pleasure. Eric groaned in his own waves of enjoyment as he worked his tool along the interior of her center. She leaned in and kissed him deeply, pressing her tongue to his, and he returned the sensual action with his own tongue. As he moved inside her, she felt herself tightening.

p; “We can’t have this end quite yet,” he growled, his voice husky and aroused.

  “Wh-What…?” Elise didn’t have time to react, as Eric gripped onto her and lifted her up and off of him. She almost felt an absence of his member inside of her when he pushed her away and rested her back against the sofa. “What are you doing?” she asked, but Eric didn’t answer her. Instead he opened her legs and leaned inward. She gasped when his tongue met her clit, and she laced her fingers into his hair. He kissed along her folds and pinched at the most tender of areas.

  Elise whimpered more, holding her breath and tightening her thighs a little around his head. He trailed his fingers along her most sensitive skin and snarled against her femininity. “I love being down here, Elise. Just about as much as I love being around you.” His words were silken and exquisite. Elise sighed in lust and pleasure as he stroked her inner most areas with his skillful tongue and kissed against her opening with tender lips.

  Relaxed and wanting nothing more than his pleasure, Elise kept herself open to his advances and his activity. Eric lifted himself up and spread out her legs, holding her captive with her back against the sofa. Elise watched him carefully.

  “Are you going to plunge into me, Eric?” she asked. “Am I yours?”

  Eric smiled crookedly and then touched the tip of his masculinity to her opening again. “Yes, I do believe I am.” Without any other warning, Eric thrust inside, burrowing deep into her flower. Elise bucked her hips to meet his halfway, feeling satisfied with the fullness that he gave her. He rocked his hips against hers, penetrating her opening with a force that she couldn’t even begin to fathom. He had started slow, but then moved quicker, gaining speed with every thrust until his hips were a blur of nothing more than sheer ecstasy. Elise tipped her head back and wailed at the top of her lungs from his punishment. Her body felt abused and attacked from his manhood, but she enjoyed every bit of it. As he continued to penetrate her, Elise felt a rising climax. She was about to reach her peak, and a sudden wave of fear enveloped her as she wondered what was about to happen. Elise gripped onto Eric’s firm arms, crying his name continuously. Eric plunged inside of her a few more times, running his thick length against her sensitive slot, and then she felt it. It was an overwhelming bout of perfect pleasure that washed over her body and shook her with shivers. She came powerfully, shuddering against Eric, and he thrust inside her opening a couple more times before meeting his peak as well. With a groan, Elise felt a forceful wave of warmth enter inside her, and she understood that he had climaxed and released his seed into her canal.


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