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Be Mine Forever_Darcey's_Book 2

Page 15

by Mary Lynn Cooper

  She shook it, gripping his palm firmly, a broad smile lit up her face. “That’s a good start. And I promise you, you won’t regret giving me another chance.”

  “I shall see you in Tokyo then?”

  She nodded. “Yes, I can’t wait. You have no idea just how you’ve made me so happy.”

  “The pleasure is all mine, Miss Smidt.”

  Chapter 21

  “Leo, don’t take this the wrong way, thank you for inviting me, but is flying private really necessary?” she asked while a distinguished looking older gentleman led them to a waiting aircraft.

  A charming chuckle escaped Leo’s lips. “I’m a busy man. I don’t like queues and I like the comfort only privacy offers. Most of all, I like saving time. By flying private we’re saving about six hours.”

  “Good morning, Mr. Warwick,” a stunning olive-skinned stewardess greeted them as they stepped inside the plush and astonishingly spacious jet. Darcey’s eyes danced around the interior of the luxurious ride. The tray tables were topped with dark shellacked wood, the carpet felt like marshmallow under her feet.

  Leo thanked the stewardess who showed them to their seats. “You’re a luxury travel writer, consider this part of your research.”

  She smiled, her cheeks warming up as she took a seat next to him. “Thank you. I mean, this aircraft is beautiful. I could only dream of it, well except I don’t really dream of flying private. Been an economy traveller all my life.” She leaned back on the leather recliner, immediately noticing how the furniture on the plane was a thousand times cozier than what she had in her flat. “This is really impressive.”

  “I’m glad you like it.” He took out his silver laptop along with what appeared to be a thick stack of legal documents from his briefcase.

  “Tell me, you fly private so you can work? I thought you wanted to relax, which was the whole point of taking your jet?”

  He lifted his gaze from his papers. His thick lashes never failed to astonish her. It was almost a pity they were bestowed by God to a man. To say Leo Warwick was gorgeous was more than an understatement.

  “Excuse me?” he asked.

  “Apologies, I was just thinking out loud. Go on. You must have plenty of work to do.”

  He smiled and gazed at her for several moments without saying a word. Her pulse quickened. Before she could find any words to fill the silence, the irritatingly pretty stewardess returned with a tray filled with coffee, succulent salmon, toasts, poached eggs and generous servings of black caviar. The plates were placed on the spacious table along with orange juice and bottles of French water. Then, to Darcey’s surprise, the stewardess served a plate brimming with blueberry pancakes, thick maple syrup dribbled generously over the stack.

  “Wow! How did you know I love pancakes?” She directed the question at the stewardess.

  The woman’s perfect features formed a dazzling smile. Darcey decided she hated her. “It’s actually the first time Mr. Warwick ordered pancakes. Most of the time the ladies opt for salad or fruits.”

  Leo instantly cleared his throat. The stewardess gasped daintily. “I mean—the wives and girlfriends of Mr. Warwick’s business associates, of course.”

  Darcey extended her hand for the other woman to shake, hoping to clear the air. “I’m Darcey, the meal looks fabulous.”

  Miss Perfect shook her hand. Darcey noticed she had pristine maroon nails. “What a lovely name, just like Mr. Darcy from my favourite novel.”

  “That would be enough, Agatha. Thank you.” There was a hint of annoyance in Leo’s voice. Agatha excused herself, her smooth cheeks glowed with a fresh shade of blush.

  Darcey picked up a knife and fork and gave the pancakes her attention. The opulent surroundings and mild discomfort from Agatha’s comment caused her hands to shake a little. While Nathan lived a very comfortable lifestyle, Leo’s was dripping with luxury. Something about the eldest Warwick unsettled her, and not at all in a terrible way. He exuded sex appeal, more sex appeal than she cared to admit.

  His smooth voice interrupted her thoughts. “How did you get your name? It is indeed beautiful.”

  “Just like Agatha, my mum loves Pride and Prejudice and named me Darcey, with an e of course.” She cut a piece of pancake and took a bite. “Hmmm, I think I could get used to this. Not even first class would serve this.”

  “We have a personal chef on board,” he told her nonchalantly, as if he just told her he had a dog.

  “He’s flying with us?” Unbelievable.

  “Yes.” He took a bite of salmon.

  “Let me guess, there’s a doctor on board, too,” she joked.

  To her astonishment, he nodded. “When my parents travel we take our family physician along. After my father’s heart episode, we decided to have Dr. Irving come with us.”

  “Wow,” was all she could say. He lived in a different world altogether, she mused.

  Several minutes later, as she finished off the last piece of pancake, the plane took off. Studying the view outside the window, she spotted some of London’s main attractions, appearing even more beautiful from the air. “Look, it’s Big Ben and the London Eye.” She knew she sounded like a tourist but didn’t care. “London indeed is, at least in my opinion, the best city in the world.”

  “Agreed,” Leo replied softly as he leaned towards her to catch the same view. “Samuel Johnson once said, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford.”

  She slowly turned towards the sound of his voice, their eyes meeting a few inches apart. Chuckling, she replied, “And you, Mr. Warwick, can afford anything. I do hope for your sake you’re enjoying all of it.”

  He held her gaze for several moments before uttering, “Now that you’re here, I am definitely enjoying myself.”

  She quickly averted her eyes. Leo was stirring feelings inside her that she didn’t want to admit, feelings that took her off guard. She pretended to study the furnishings of the lavish jet some more. “So, uh, the ladies you bring here are usually the model type? Salads and fruits?” She decided to lighten the mood in an effort to cover her discomfort.

  He studied her with intriguing eyes. “Are you curious if I invited you because I wanted to be alone with you and seduce you?”

  She laughed louder than she intended, her hands felt clammy in an instant. “How is that even possible? You have a love affair with your job. No, you’re married to your job. The moment I stepped into your car this morning you were making a hundred phone calls. I’m merely asking since Agatha mentioned most of your guests eat salad and fruits. Come to think of it, maybe I do need to go on a diet.” Her words tumbled out rapidly as her heart raced.

  He grinned boyishly. “No, I like you just the way you are, right now, right here.”

  “Leo, it’s going to be a long flight. Don’t start.” She instinctively bit her lower lip.

  He sipped some coffee while his eyes didn’t leave her face. “You know, I still can’t understand why Cromwell let you go. What a fool.” The expression on her face must have told a story. He immediately added, “I’m sorry. That was rude.”

  She shrugged and turned to stare at the window, pretending the view of what was now a blanket of white clouds amused her. “No, don’t be. I’m fine. Well, one day I will be.” Memories of a trip she once took with Nathan filled her mind. She remembered with wonder how he was quite comfortable flying economy.“

  “I know my mother and sister prefer private or first class,” Nathan had told her as he placed an arm around her and pulled her close. “But flying is flying to me. The pleasure I get out of travelling isn’t how it’s done, but who I’m seeing the world with. Plus flying coach allows me to get close to you and lets you lean your head on my shoulder.”

  “Darcey?” Leo’s voice interrupted her quick walk down that particularly painful memory lane.

  “Huh? I’m sorry, I must still be half-asleep. I didn’t get much sleep last night, my nose was in a book.”
br />   Without warning, Leo picked up a linen napkin from the table and dabbed her chin gently. “The pancakes must be that good, your face definitely agrees.”

  “Oh! Thanks. I got it,” she giggled nervously, taking the napkin from her hand, embarrassed at her clumsy eating habits.

  He smiled at her while his eyes bored deep into her own, a look of amusement etched on his face. “And, to answer your question about the girls--” he began.

  “Oh, Leo, you don’t need to explain. I was just--”

  “No, but let me say something before you get the wrong impression. I haven’t dated anyone seriously. I mean, I tried. You were right about me and work, plus my father got sick. My brother Matthew is in charge of our department store business. He was always the most fashionable one. Marcus manages our real estate ventures and some of our foreign investments.” He leaned back on his chair, a distant expression formed in his eyes. “Women find it hard to date me. You can call me ambitious, it wouldn’t be far from the truth. Showering smart and impressive women with jewels and handbags seems to work but for a very short amount of time.” More than a tinge of sadness had crept into his tone.

  “Leo, what time is it?”

  “Japan or in London?” He sounded taken aback by her question.

  “No, what time is it in Leo’s time? What would you be doing if you weren’t flying with me?”

  He frowned. “Well, I’d say right now I’d probably be in a business meeting, or reading financial reports.”

  She shook her head slowly. “No. That’s the wrong answer. Right now it’s time to relax. It’s time to enjoy all the hard work you’ve been doing. You have this jet to save time, right? Then why spend it working when you can look at the window and enjoy the things money can’t buy? Sunrises. Breathtaking sunsets that would never come again. Not in forever. The sky is filled with unnamed wonders. Think about it, we’re up in the sky, where the clouds surround us like heaven.”

  “Darcey, do you know you are something else?”

  “No, but I try,” she teased. She sipped her coffee, happy to note she was feeling quite comfortable around the great Leo Warwick.

  “You are a special.” He raised a hand to motion to her that something was on her lip.

  She laughed and wiped her caffeine moustache away with a napkin. The charming smile never left his face as he shook his head, obviously amused by her. “This is going to be a long trip.”

  “I thought you said it would be quicker? Shorter route and no immigration and customs queues?”

  “No.” A serious shadow replaced the smile on his face. He leaned towards her. “That is not what I meant.”

  She inhaled sharply, caught unaware as his face inched closer to her own. “I’m sorry?”

  “Darcey, if I were to be completely honest, I have the urge to kiss you right now but I know I can’t. This is going to be a really long flight for me.”

  Warm tingles crept up the nape of her neck. She didn’t want to admit she wanted him to kiss her. No. Nathan. It was too soon. Leo was too much. Too appealing. Was she playing with fire?

  “Perhaps we can play a game? Poker?” she finally managed to reply.

  “Only if you promise to go all in?” His lips were a mere few inches away.

  “Mr. Warwick, I have no poker face. But whatever I do, I always go all in.”

  Chapter 22

  “Mr. Warwick, here is the blanket you requested,” Darcey heard the smooth voice of the flight attendant. Feeling the warmth of the blanket around her, she tightened her hold as fatigue pressed down on her whole body. She had been up late the night before their flight, packing and reading all the necessary documents she needed for Tokyo.

  Darcey was too tired to open her eyes but she knew the flight attendant hadn’t left yet. Agatha continued to speak to Leo. “Might I say this, Mr. Warwick, I really like her. I’ve never seen you pay so much attention to any of your guests before.” There was a teasing tone in her voice.

  “Well,” Leo replied, “she isn’t like the rest, Agatha. Thank you. That would be all.”

  Darcey didn’t know what to make of her companions’ comments. Her curiosity, however, gave way to her tired bones and she quickly fell back asleep. What felt like a couple of hours later, she opened her eyes, feeling much better rested. She lifted her head and scanned the room.

  Leo was fast asleep in his cot with a thick stack of paper in his hand. His thick hair was tousled. There was no doubt the eldest Warwick was classically handsome, like a prince from a fairy tale. She sat up, careful not to make a sound so she could study him in silence. It was difficult not to admire his smooth skin, his well-defined jaws and perfect profile. Expressive eyebrows showed his confident spirit.

  As he breathed deeply in what appeared to be blissful slumber, Darcey stepped over quietly to his side. Ever so slowly, she extracted the documents from his hand as they threatened to fall on the ground. To her surprise, as she pried the papers away, he immediately opened his eyes and looked up at her.

  “Isabelle,” he whispered.

  The next thing he did shocked her senses. His arms reached for her and pulled her in for a kiss. His mouth searched hers. She was too stunned to move or push him away. It was a gentle kiss.

  In a few seconds she came to her senses and pulled away.

  “Leo, I—“

  He sat up with a jolt.

  “Leo, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  Realizing he had his hand on her back, he quickly removed it. “I’m sorry, I dozed off. Did I do something?”

  Her face heated up immensely as she returned to her seat, knees shaking. “No, uh--nothing like that. I was just--” she began.

  She couldn’t bear to look at him so she pretended to browse her phone.


  Was he looking at her? Was he as embarrassed as her, or did he feel nothing at all? She didn’t have to guts to look up from her phone and face him.

  His voice finally broke through the still air. “You were admiring me as I was sleeping?”

  The audacity in his statement made her turn his way.

  “What?!” she cried.

  His sexy lips wore a teasing smile. He was obviously enjoying her torment.

  She threw a pillow his way. “Actually, there isn’t any compliment I can tell you that you haven’t heard before, so allow me to spare you the praises. You’re definitely an arrogant Warwick!”

  “Come on, Darcey. It’s different if you say it.” He laughed heartily.

  Her face felt hot. She wanted to throw more than a soft pillow his way. With clenched fists and tone she replied, “You know you look good so quit embarrassing me. But, if you must know, you were probably dreaming a sweet dream. You mentioned someone’s name.”

  “Oh, Did I call you out in my dreams?” He was grinning like an obnoxious cat.

  “No, not quite. You said the name Isabelle.” She folded her arms and leaned towards his direction, wanting to ask about the mystery woman.

  Something cold and distant swept over his face. “Would you like to have lunch now?” he asked in a cool tone as he picked up the documents he held earlier, turning his focus on them. “I think the chef is preparing steak and lobsters.”

  “I’m not hungry. The pancakes were so filling. Maybe later?” She wanted to press him but the vibe he was sending off told her it wasn’t the right time.

  He continued to read his papers.

  She picked up a bottled water and took a sip, carefully selecting what she was to say next. “Leo, forgive my impertinence. But am I allowed to ask who Isabelle is?”

  He didn’t reply, scanning his documents as if she hadn’t uttered a word.

  “I’m sorry for intruding on your privacy,” she hurriedly added.

  “No.” His voice was calm. “It’s completely alright. I’m simply surprised I called out her name while I was dreaming of something else.” He turned towards her, his expression very difficult to decipher. “Isabelle was my first girlfri
end. In fact, the only girl my parents approved of. We met at a skiing trip in Switzerland. But she lived in Italy and I was attending Cambridge for university. She eventually moved to America to study and you could say we had an abrupt break up.” He studied Darcey for a few moments before adding, “I broke up with her because I didn’t want a long distance relationship. That and I thought all we had was a childish affair.”

  “But it was more than that, wasn’t it?”

  His beautiful light grey eyes darkened into the shade of a gloomy sky, giving him a somber and almost melancholic look. She immediately felt guilty for pressing him. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  A wistful smile played on his lips. “She was my first girlfriend, Darcey. My first serious girlfriend. I flew to Italy at almost every opportunity I had to see her. I even secretly studied Italian to please her. She was special, I’ll admit. But calling it my first love might be wishful thinking. I doubt she loved me.” As soon as he said the words, his face once more took on the cool and aloof mask that was expected of Leo Warwick, the great businessman.

  Can anyone be more difficult to read? she mused.

  As if reading her thoughts, he added, “Once in a while I do wonder what would’ve happened if I had asked her to study in Cambridge instead. But over the years I haven’t given it much thought. The last time I spoke to her was years ago. She told me she got into Harvard. She mentioned Cambridge accepted her but she chose to relocate to the States instead.” He turned his face back towards the papers in his hand. “It was a short-lived romance. But I guess we really don’t forget everyone we once cared for, no matter how young and clueless we were at that time.”

  She sighed, grateful to see him share a part of himself. She wanted to reach out and touch his hand but kept herself glued to her seat. “We don’t. The people in our past are special and different. They all leave us with a memory. The memories may not always be happy and perfect, but the most important thing is how much we loved, how much we laughed, and how much we gave of ourselves.”


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