Not A Good Reason (Alexandria Whitney Mystery)
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“Really, Cyn’s worried? I mean she’s known Alex a whole lot longer than I have. Just because you sleep with someone doesn’t mean you know everything about them. I know she’s been preoccupied since she received a gift from Megan Jennings. It was a picture of Megan and her mother. It really freaked Alex out seeing Sally again. I don’t think Alex ever really came to terms with what happened the day Sally tried to kill her. She’s never really talked to me or anyone about that day.” Sam knew they both needed to talk more about what was bothering them outside the relationship.
“Has Alex ever shown any signs of losing it to you before?” TJ wondered about how Alex reacted to the whole Richard Greenway incident.
“Well now that you mention it, and just between you and me, Alex had a major meltdown at the ranch. I think she just couldn’t handle anymore. She was prescribed a tranquilizer by a doctor that was one of the guests.” Sam wondered if Alex needed to carry them with her all the time.
“I don’t doubt it. She’d have to be a superwoman, considering all that she’s gone through these past few months. Has she ever thought of talking to someone? I don’t think Alex is crazy, but it may help for her to just be able to spill her guts to someone other than you. It’s just a thought.” TJ knew how she would feel having to tell her lover all her problems. It could prove problematic.
“I may suggest it to her this evening, if she’s still not her usual self. Any chance you and Cyn could stop by and let me know what you think? We can tell you the latest about Oliver. Cyn might like to hear a real Civil War story first hand.” Sam left out the deserter part as she was sure Oliver wasn’t a deserter. Just a scared kid that never should have been there in the first place.
“You bet. I’ll give Cyn a call and I would love to hear a good story myself.” TJ was excited and hoped Cyn wanted to go. She seemed to be preoccupied with something ever since the holiday break.
Chapter 14
As Alex drove up her driveway she was never so happy to have a school day end as this one. Having worked herself up about Megan seemed to take its toll on her energy level for the day. She knew stress could make you tired, but this was ridiculous. She needed to get her head around this whole picture thing and shape up. She was not going to let Sally Jennings affect her life again in any way.
Sam wasn’t home and it appeared neither was Oliver. Alex headed for her room to change into her sweats and lay down; until someone came home she could talk too. But as she pulled her sweatshirt on she heard the TV go on. Someone was home and her guess was, Oliver. Pulling her sneakers on she was ready to make an appearance and greet her new house guest.
“Good afternoon Oliver. How was your day?” Alex found him in the same spot he was in this morning when she almost walked over him.
“Good. How was your day?” Oliver was watching another Western and never took his eyes away from the screen.
“Good. I see you’ve found another Cowboy and Indian movie. Do you know what it’s called?” Alex couldn’t tell if she knew it until she could see who was in it.
“No. I just turned it on. I think I missed the beginning.” Oliver didn’t really care what it was called. He just liked to watch.
Alex sat on the couch and grabbed the TV listings to find out. Turning the page and checking to see what channel it was on she was able to find out.
“Okay, it says here that this movie is “She Wore A Yellow Ribbon.” A John Wayne classic.” She may just sit there and watch it with him.
“Who’s he?” Oliver wondered if Alex was going to talk through the whole movie.
“He was the lead in the movie we watched last night. He’s the big guy who rescued the Indian girl.” Alex wished they would show him so Oliver could see who she meant.
“How can he do that?” Oliver turned around and looked at Alex, now that a commercial had come on.
“He’s an actor. He made a lot of movies. Mostly Westerns, but some comedies and dramas. He’s one of this country’s most beloved leading men. He passed away in 1979. I really loved his Westerns, they were the best.” No one could ever be as good in Alex’s mind.
“He’s dead, like me?” Oliver was confused.
“Remember what we told you last night about movies. These were all made a long time ago and they are only retelling a story. This movie was made in 1949. That was over sixty years ago. Do you understand? Maybe I’m not explaining it right.” Alex was stumped and really thought that he understood last night how it all worked.
“Okay. You mean they are play acting. But you can watch them over and over like a play. But you watch them on this box and not at a theater.” Oliver understood now and hoped Alex didn’t think he was illiterate.
“Yes, exactly. You’re a smart boy. I couldn’t have explained it better myself.” Alex was relieved he understood and hoped he would ask Sam all future questions about every thing that has happened since he died.
Oliver beamed at Alex and then quickly spun around as the commercial had ended and the movie was back on. Both sat and watched in silence until Alex heard Sam’s truck come up the driveway. She stood and walked as far as she could while still being able to see and hear the TV. She could walk the rest of the way to ask Sam where she’d been when the next commercial came on. Alex kept looking over her shoulder expecting Sam to walk through the door at any minute. But when the next commercial finally came, Alex headed for the back door and opened it just as Sam reached for the knob. Her arms were full of grocery bags and she was trying to talk on her cell phone at the same time.
“Oh gosh, Sam. I’m sorry. I didn’t have any idea you were going to the store.” Alex reached for several bags as Sam looked like her neck was broken trying to keep the cell phone from hitting the floor.
“Thanks. I thought we’d barbeque some steaks and have TJ and Cyn over. I may not be all that available once I start my training.” Sam thought it sounded like a good reason as she grabbed the phone and flipped it shut.
“Right. So was that them on the phone?” Alex wondered if she’d be able to finish the movie before they arrived.
“Yes ma’am. TJ was just checking to see if they could bring anything. How was your day?” Sam could hear the TV and wondered if Oliver was in his spot.
“Good and lousy. I couldn’t help but obsess over that picture. I need to delete that file from my memory. Then I’d be great.” Alex knew if Cyn was coming over she’d want to talk about the funky mood she was in today.
“Well maybe an evening of good friends and wine will help you forget.” Sam pulled out a bottle of plum wine and placed it in Alex’s hand.
“Oh my gosh. Did you get this from Ping?” Alex hoped one bottle would be enough for everybody, but then remembered TJ didn’t drink and Cyn wasn’t all that crazy about it.
“Yes, he gave it to me. With a request that I not tell anyone but you where I got it. All I did was ask him where I could buy a bottle of plum wine and he made me take it. I guess he doesn’t want you drinking anything inferior.” Sam thought it was so cute how Ping made such an issue about it.
“What a sweetheart. My lips are sealed.” Alex looked at the bottle and knew this wasn’t any plum wine you could get at the market. It had to be special order since she couldn’t even read what the label said.
“So what are you and Oliver watching? It sounds like a Western.” Sam could hear gun fire and a lot of hollering.
“Yes, another John Wayne classic. I think Oliver likes Westerns. He seems to have settled in quite well.” Alex was trying to watch in between helping Sam put things away.
“I guess I need to tell you something that I really hope you’re okay with. Oliver wants to be my guardian spirit. Just like Anna and Ramon are yours.” Sam was talking to Alex’s back and waited for her to realize what she just heard.
“How sweet is that?” Alex turned around trying to suppress a smile.
“Don’t laugh. I’m not all that thrilled about having him around 24/7.” Sam was whispering as she knew Oliver may hear her o
ver the TV.
Alex gave Sam a big hug and kissed her neck as she whispered in her ear. “You’re just so damn cool. I can see why he wants to be around you all the time. It’s what keeps me close.”
“So you’re okay with our new house guest?” Sam wished now she hadn’t invited company for dinner, Alex smelled so good and that soft kiss just sent goose bumps down her left side.
“Having another guardian spirit around that loves Westerns and has great manner works for me.” Alex winked at Sam as she let her go and put the last item from the shopping bag away.
“Alex, hurry you’re missing the movie. Hey, Sam.” Oliver had just realized Alex wasn’t sitting on the couch anymore.
“Okay!” Alex looked at Sam and smiled. “Your guardian spirit needs me to finish watching the movie with him. May I be excused?”
“Yes, you may. I’m going to get the barbeque started. You two can tell me how it ends later.” Sam gave Alex a pat on her rear as she turned her towards the couch to join Oliver.
A commercial had come on so Oliver brought Alex up to speed on what had happened so far. Sam pulled the grill out and placed it close to the side of the garage. It was a little breezy and not all that warm. They would definitely be eating inside tonight.
The sound of TJ’s truck let Alex know that she would have to have Oliver tell her how it ended, since she needed to greet her guests and get everything ready to cook. Cyn came inside while TJ stayed outside to talk with Sam.
“Can I help with anything?” Cyn saw a calmer Alex coming from the living room.
“Well, you can do the onion and I’ll get the steaks ready. How was the rest of your day?” Alex hadn’t lingered around school after her last class ended.
“Just like every other day. How are you feeling now? Anything you want to discuss?” She and Alex had briefly talked about the picture during lunch, but Alex changed the subject to ask what her plans were for Wednesday night.
“It’s all good. What’s new with you and TJ?” Alex wished Sam and TJ would walk through the door so Cyn could get on another topic.
“Not much, she doesn’t really talk that much about herself. I seem to carry the conversation. I guess she thinks her life is boring. But she really wants to meet your new house guest.” Cyn had felt their honeymoon period only lasted a few weeks. Now they just seemed to be friends.
“Oh, Oliver is quite the character. He’s mastered the TV and the remote. It’s a good thing I love old Westerns or we could be fighting over what to watch.” Alex smiled as she finished seasoning the steaks. “He’s watching an old John Wayne movie right now.”
“He’s here, now!” Cyn looked into the living room and expected so see him.
“Yep. But he sits on the floor. The couch is reserved for Sam and me. He’s very well mannered. Although now that I can see him, I have to move over so his head doesn’t block my view.” Alex had thought about moving the couch to the left so she and Sam could cuddle and still be able to see.
“Really. Why hasn’t he moved on? Doesn’t he want to go to Heaven?” Cyn thought everyone did.
“He thinks he’s cursed and has to spend eternity here on earth. I’m not so sure it’s any curse that’s keeping him here. I think he’s afraid to leave since he’s not so sure what’s waiting for him on the other side.” Alex wasn’t going to interfere this time. If he leaves, fine. If he decides to stay, that’s fine too. She was done with convincing ghosts to move on.
“Well he’s picked a great couple to live with.” Cyn really didn’t know what to say.
“He’s decided that he’s going to be Sam’s guardian spirit. I think that’s sweet and truthfully I’m happy. With this new job she can use all the extra help she can get.” Alex thought having two spirits, Oliver and Ramon, would keep Sam extra safe.
“Lucky Sam. When did this happen?” Cyn was trying to keep a straight face, but she seemed to be the only one in the group not totally convinced about the existence of guardian spirits. But then she really couldn’t argue about what almost happened to both Alex and Sam, if their spirits hadn’t been around.
“Today. Oliver told Sam that since I had guardian spirits, he would be hers.” Alex figured she’d better ask when the coals would be ready since neither Sam nor TJ had come in with an update.
Opening the back door Alex could tell that TJ and Sam where deep in conversation and wondered what exactly they were talking about.
“Hi, TJ. When are you two chefs going to be ready for us to bring out everything?” Alex could tell Sam was just playing with the coals.
“Oh, sorry. Now would be good.” Sam handed the grill scraper to TJ and headed for the kitchen.
“Is everything okay?” Alex could tell Sam was deep in thought.
“Oh yeah. Just talking about what to expect on my first day.” Sam and TJ had picked up their conversation from where they had left off this afternoon. With TJ confiding in Sam about the news that Alex had contacted Carol regarding seeing a therapist.
“Yeah, I’ve been wondering about that myself. Do you think you can fill me in later?” Alex knew Sam was concerned.
“You bet. These look great. I’m assuming we’re eating inside?” Sam hoped the movie would be over so they could talk during dinner.
“Good idea. I’ll put Oliver in the guest bedroom. Thank goodness we have another TV.” Alex looked at the clock and figured there was another thirty minutes before the movie ended.
Alex grabbed the listings and headed to the other room to get the TV warmed up and on the right channel. At the next commercial she would have Oliver move. Explaining to him that she wasn’t getting rid of him, only that they didn’t want to disturb him while he watched the end of the movie. He could join them when it was over and tell Alex all about it.
Chapter 15
Cyn watched from the kitchen as Alex explained to Oliver about the TV in the other room. And how it was all ready for him to finish the movie. She watched Alex’s eyes and could tell that she was looking at something, but nothing was there as far as Cyn was concerned. Turning around and looking out the window at TJ and Sam, Cyn felt left out. She had a secret and not even Alex had been confided in. Cyn had become distant and preoccupied. Everything changed after Alex was attacked. It seemed to Cyn that Alex herself was withdrawing into her own little world and she didn’t really know Sam all that well. She needed to have a heart to heart with Alex tomorrow night when they met for their quality time.
“All right let’s get this party started.” Alex gave Cyn a wink as she headed for the back door. “What’s our ETA on the steaks?”
“About two minutes.” Sam handed the tongs to TJ and headed for the kitchen.
“What can I do?” Sam was ready to help set the table.
“We’re good. We just need the food and you both and we’re done.” Alex patted Sam on the back as she gave her a little hug.
“I’ll go get the chef and be right back with the goods.” Sam smiled as she went to retrieve TJ.
“Cyn, are you okay? Did I do something? I mean I know I’ve been preoccupied which means you need to give me a punch to bring me around.” Alex knew how sensitive Cyn was and how she picked up on her every mood.
“Oh, is that the secret?” Cyn gave Alex a little punch in her good arm and smiled as the chefs arrived with dinner.
“Those smell great. Sit anywhere and make sure to eat some of the salad. Cyn worked very hard on it.” Alex smiled at TJ who seemed to be somewhere else.
“I love Cyn’s salad. So where’s your guest?” TJ picked up the bowl and smiled at Cyn who was seated across from her.
“Oliver is in the guest bedroom watching the end of a Western. He promised to tell me how it ends.” Alex reached for the salad from TJ.
“I assume he was okay with being moved?” Sam couldn’t imagine him being upset about it.
“Oh sure. He didn’t want to be in the way. So I pulled out the futon and he made himself at home. He likes Sam a lot.” Alex smiled as she handed the sala
d to Cyn.
“Have you talked to him about the Civil War?” TJ started cutting her steak. She wanted to hear all about it.
“No. It’s not anything you want to hear about while we’re eating. The dream I had was more horrifying than anyone should ever have to live through once. I don’t want to ask him to live through it again. But I can say that he is an extremely nice, well mannered young man. Sam’s lucky to have him as her guardian spirit.” Alex looked across at Sam and winked.
“Wow. You’re right Alex. I didn’t think about it that way.” TJ hadn’t thought of that.
“So tell me about what awaits you tomorrow at the training center?” Alex wanted to know what kind of condition her beloved was coming home in.
“Apparently, one sore, tired, and very dirty lover. Who will need lots of TLC to get me ready to go back and do it again the next day.” Sam took her fork and twirled it around. “Woohoo!”
“You poor baby. Mama will make it all better.” Alex winked at Sam feeling torn between telling Sam about her call to Carol or just keeping it to herself. But then she realized that Cyn knew about the call and therefore TJ may know about the call. She couldn’t risk not telling Sam and having her already know about it from TJ.
“I’m looking forward to it.” Sam smiled and winked back.
“I feel like we are all family here. I called Carol today about seeing a therapist. I didn’t want to burden you Sam with this latest glitch in my programming. I apologize for not discussing it with you before.” Alex wanted everyone who may now know to know for sure what was up.
Sam looked at Alex and the tears started to roll down her cheeks. Alex had just been completely honest with her about how she felt. But she just lied to her about what she and TJ had been talking about.