The Mark

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The Mark Page 6

by Heather Burnside

  Once they had the body under cover of the bushes Gilly straightened up and got his breath back. Crystal stood facing him and he could tell she was waiting for further instructions. He began pacing again till he stopped at the fallen branch of a tree. He picked it up and dashed back over to where the body lay.

  ‘People will still be able to see him from the road,’ he said, plonking the tree branch on top of the man then searching for something else he could use.

  He pulled at some shrubbery till it broke loose, then covered the body with that too. ‘Come on, fuckin’ help me,’ he ordered. ‘We need to make sure no one can see him.’

  With Crystal helping him, they soon had the body camouflaged. Then Gilly picked up another tree branch, rushed out to the lane and used the leafy end of it to brush over the blood on the dusty ground till it was covered with dirt. He walked back to where the body lay and slung the branch on top of the others. Then he turned to Crystal, who had remained near to the body.

  ‘Not a fuckin’ word to anyone about this,’ he warned. ‘Don’t forget, I did it for you!’

  Crystal just stared back at him, her eyes still misty. But she didn’t speak.

  ‘We’ll have to come back tonight and bury him properly,’ said Gilly. ‘We can’t risk anyone finding him. And we need to take the knife as well so I can get rid of it. It’ll be covered in fingerprints.’

  Crystal nodded and they made their way back to the man’s car, Gilly jumping in the driving seat. ‘We’ll dump the car before we get back to town,’ he said. ‘We’ll go the rest of the way by taxi. Then we can pick my car up and come back here.’

  He was just about to start the engine when a thought occurred to him. ‘Have you got a handkerchief or anything with you?’ he asked.

  ‘No. Why?’

  ‘We’ll have to mark the spot so we can find it when we come back. It all looks the fuckin’ same otherwise.’

  Crystal rummaged through her handbag but the only thing she could find was a sweet wrapper. She stepped out of the car and hooked it onto a small branch sticking out of a tree trunk.

  ‘It’ll have to do,’ said Gilly. ‘But take a good look around before we set off. We need to make sure we can find it.’

  Gilly didn’t wait for her reply. Instead he started the engine and turned the car round before setting off back down the country lane.


  They remained quiet for most of the journey back to Manchester until Crystal said, ‘Gilly, why are we doing this? Couldn’t we just report it to the police?’

  ‘Are you fuckin’ stupid?’ he snapped. ‘How will we explain what we were doing bringing him here? Not to mention the fact that I was carrying a fuckin’ hunting knife. Besides, who’s gonna believe us? We’ve both got a fuckin’ criminal record, haven’t we?’

  ‘Sorry,’ said Crystal. ‘I didn’t think.’

  ‘You don’t say!’ he snapped sarcastically. ‘This is the only way so let’s just get it done with.’

  It was dark by the time they returned to the country lane with two spades and other gardening tools in the boot of Gilly’s car. Gilly had borrowed them from a friend who knew not to ask questions. At first they passed the place where Gilly had killed the man but when they’d doubled back more slowly Crystal recognised the spot. It wasn’t the sweet wrapper that gave it away but the brush strokes in the dusty lane picked up by the car’s headlights.

  ‘Right, you can do a better job of covering that blood up while I start digging a hole,’ said Gilly.


  Gilly handed her a rake from his car. ‘Rake it over more evenly then stamp it down,’ he said. He looked at her plastic, high-heeled shoes with distaste. ‘You’ll have to use a spade to flatten it down. And make sure no fuckin’ blood shows through.’

  He left Crystal working on the lane while he went in search of the body secreted under the bushes. When he’d found the gap and saw the shape of the body, covered over with tree branches and shrubbery, he began digging close by.

  He felt a tug of repulsion at what he’d done but fought to control it, immersing himself in the arduous task of digging a hole long and deep enough to bury the man. While he dug he tried to take his mind off what had happened, but he couldn’t hide from his thoughts.

  With every thrust of the spade he was reliving what he had done. That earth-shattering act of plunging the knife deep into the man’s neck. The look on his victim’s face. And that sickening moment when he realised he’d killed him.

  In the past few years Gilly had done a lot of bad things. Most of them he wasn’t proud of. But he’d never killed a man before. Not until tonight. He would always have the man’s death on his conscience. So would Crystal. Even though Gilly knew he hadn’t done it intentionally, he still felt an overwhelming sense of guilt. And Crystal would always act as a reminder of that guilt.


  By the time Gilly and Crystal reached The Rose and Crown Gilly was mentally and physically exhausted. The landlord had already called last orders but Gilly was a regular and he and his girls brought a lot of custom his way. An unspoken acknowledgement passed between Gilly and the landlord as he ordered his drinks, confident the landlord would serve him for as long as he wanted.

  He and Crystal had nipped home on the way there to clean themselves up. They didn’t want to arouse suspicion but Gilly still didn’t feel clean. He probably never would again.

  As he stood at the bar Gilly noticed a familiar face and nodded at him. After plonking the drinks on the table where Crystal was sitting, he went through to the gents knowing that the man would be there waiting for him.

  It was his supplier. Tall and slim, he was similar in appearance to Gilly but much more smartly dressed and well groomed.

  ‘You all right, Gilly?’ he asked.

  ‘Yeah, sure. Just a bit knackered, that’s all.’

  ‘Do you want the usual?’

  ‘Yeah, but double up on it.’

  ‘You sure?’

  ‘Yeah, course.’

  They made the exchange and returned to the bar. It didn’t pay to hang around and risk getting caught out. Even pubs like The Rose and Crown didn’t condone the dealing or use of class A drugs.

  Gilly didn’t stay in the pub long. He was keen to get back home and administer something stronger to himself than alcohol. Tonight he needed hard drugs. It was the only way he could think of to block out what had happened that evening.

  ‘You not coming back to mine, Gilly?’ Crystal asked.

  ‘No, not tonight,’ said Gilly. ‘I need to be on my own.’

  Although Crystal just shrugged in response, it was obvious she knew what he meant. Gilly had warned Crystal that they had to pretend the killing had never happened. It was the best way. But although Gilly tried to brush it aside, after that night things would never be the same again.


  Maddy gazed at the grand red-brick baroque-style building. Above her, ornate gold lettering spelt out the words, Midland Hotel, which were back-lit, making the gold shimmer in the darkness of late evening. She climbed the granite steps, passing under one of the huge, impressive archways before going through the revolving doors and into the splendour of the hotel’s interior.

  She’d always liked the look of the Midland hotel but until tonight she had never stepped inside it. Although Maddy had occasionally visited luxury hotels on business with her ex-husband, the Midland still couldn’t fail to impress. It was a prime example of early twentieth century grandeur.

  Maddy tried to remain nonchalant as she took in the wonderful marble-tiled lobby with its magnificent pillars, subtle lighting and sumptuous fixtures. Upstairs, the bedroom didn’t fail to impress either. Everything about it spelt quality from the artistic arrangement and plush furnishings to the tasteful colour scheme, but Maddy didn’t spend too long scrutinising the bedroom. She had other things on her mind.

  She looked at the man who had entered the room with her: another thing of beauty. Aaron, the six-foot, slim, han
dsome demigod who had swept her off her feet ever since she had met him. And her eyes were filled with desire.

  After hanging the Do Not Disturb sign outside the door and turning the inside lock, Aaron crossed the room. ‘Welcome to my temporary home,’ he said, smiling warmly as he stepped up to the table where there were a bottle of champagne on ice and two champagne flutes, which he’d had sent up to the room.

  He filled both the champagne flutes and handed one to Maddy. ‘To us,’ he said, clinking his glass against Maddy’s then raising it to his lips and taking a long sip.

  Aaron quickly downed his full glass and then waited for Maddy to finish too. Once she had emptied her glass and placed it on the table Aaron took her into his arms. They embraced passionately, their kiss deep and lingering, and Maddy could feel herself melting into him, the rest of the champagne suddenly forgotten.

  Aaron broke away from their kiss, his hands gently resting on her waist as he spoke to her. ‘Should we get our clothes off?’ he asked.

  His touch felt like electricity zipping through her body and firing her up till her nerve endings tingled. Maddy responded by undoing the buttons on her blouse then unzipping her jeans and dropping them to the floor. Within no time they had both undressed. Aaron held her at arm’s length while he gazed longingly at her naked body.

  ‘You’re just as beautiful as I imagined,’ he said, his voice cracking with emotion.

  Maddy felt a delicate shiver as his eyes travelled up and down her body. Then he took her in his arms again and they kissed once more. She felt herself being led gently to the bed, her body responding in a dreamlike state. They lay down, their bodies folding naturally into each other, as though they were meant to fit.

  Her heightened senses responded to his loving touch, and they kissed till she felt giddy. When his hands brushed her erect nipples Maddy felt an irresistible thrill. It shot through her body, tickling inside her stomach till it reached her genitals. She almost cried out for more till his fingers found her clitoris and Maddy thought she would explode with pure joy.

  She climaxed even before he entered her, the intense pleasure sending huge spasms of delight right through her body, down to her toes and up to the top of her head. Then he skilfully guided his penis inside her and she let out an ecstatic squeal. But he was a skilled lover who kept her hovering on the brink of her second orgasm till she thought she could wait no more.

  They carried on making love until they eventually fell asleep. After a few hours Maddy woke up to go to the bathroom and she was surprised to see Aaron sitting up in bed.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ she asked, gently stroking his arm.

  His body seemed to tense under her touch, and she gazed at him quizzically.

  ‘Nothing,’ he snapped, but then he seemed to correct himself as he put on a smile and said, ‘I just couldn’t sleep, that’s all.’

  ‘Aw, you seem really tense,’ said Maddy.

  ‘No, I’m fine. Honestly. I suppose I’ve just got a lot on with the business and house-hunting and what have you.’

  ‘I can help you with your house-hunting if you like,’ she said. ‘I could—’

  ‘No, no. It’s OK,’ he replied, quickly. ‘I need to concentrate on the business first. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. It’ll all work out.’

  He smiled again but the smile seemed forced. Maddy was concerned but she didn’t know what else to say that would be of help, so she left him while she went to the bathroom.

  When she came back Aaron was lying on the bed. Maddy snuggled into him and started to nod off. She was almost asleep when she felt him move and then heard his feet touch down onto the floor and his footsteps pattering across the room. The last thing she heard was the bathroom door swinging open before she went back to sleep.

  When Maddy awoke Aaron seemed much more relaxed. He had already showered and switched on the kettle in the room.

  ‘Would you like a coffee?’ he asked, walking across to the dresser wearing only his boxer shorts.

  ‘There’s something else I’d like first,’ said Maddy, patting the bed beside her as she eyed him appreciatively.

  Aaron didn’t disappoint her and for over an hour they carried on making love.

  Once Maddy was showered and dressed they sat contentedly drinking coffee and eating biscuits from the tea tray.

  ‘I suppose we’d best get you home,’ he said.

  ‘Yes, I’ve got work to do, I’m afraid,’ said Maddy.

  ‘What, on a Sunday?’ he asked.

  ‘Yes, I’m afraid so. I have to make the most of the time when Becky’s at her dad’s. And I suppose you’ll have a busy day ahead too, what with the business and the house-hunting.’

  ‘You’re right there,’ he said. ‘Erm… Maddy, I forgot to tell you last night, we were so busy talking about other things. I’m afraid my car is in the garage at the moment so I won’t be able to drive you back. Do you mind getting a taxi? I’ll give you the money for it.’

  ‘No, you won’t,’ she said. ‘You already paid for a meal and drinks last night. Don’t worry, I’ll get the taxi. It’s a shame though. I was looking forward to seeing your Porsche.’

  ‘Ah, well. Never mind. Maybe next time,’ he said.

  ‘Nothing major, I hope.’

  ‘What?’ he asked.

  ‘Your car. I hope there’s nothing major wrong with it.’

  ‘No. Well, I’m not sure yet. It depends what the guy at the garage has to say when I ring him later.’

  ‘OK, well, good luck with it,’ she said.


  ‘Aaron, before I go, I wondered if you’d like to come back to mine next time. We’ll probably arrange it for when Becky’s at her dad’s the first time, but you’ll soon get to meet her.’

  Aaron smiled. ‘I’d love to,’ he said. ‘Now, come on, let’s get you that taxi otherwise neither of us will get anything done today.’

  He walked her down to the hotel lobby, then waited with her until her taxi arrived.

  ‘Bye, see you soon,’ she said, giving Aaron a last kiss before she got inside the cab.

  All the way home Maddy was on a high. She’d just spent the most wonderful night with the man of her dreams and for the first time in ages she felt deliriously happy.


  Aaron stood and watched as the taxi pulled away. He waved until it disappeared from view, then he doubled back to the hotel and strode up to the reception desk.

  ‘I’d like to check out, please,’ he said to the receptionist.

  ‘Was everything all right with your room, sir?’ the over-eager receptionist asked.

  ‘Yes, it was fine. In fact, will I be able to book the same room for the weekend after next?’

  ‘I’ll just check, sir,’ said the receptionist, looking at her computer screen and clicking the mouse in front of her. ‘Yes, it’s still available at the moment,’ she said. ‘What nights would you like to book?’

  ‘I’m not sure yet.’

  ‘OK. Well, I’d better warn you that our rooms get booked up very quickly so if you would like to stay in the same room it would be best to book as soon as possible.’

  ‘Thanks for the heads up. I’m not sure what my arrangements are yet but I’ll ring and book as soon as I know.’


  It was two days later when Maddy met Clare in The Bank, a city-centre gastro pub, which had been converted from a nineteenth century bank building. She was running late and by the time she arrived Clare’s wine glass was already half empty.

  ‘So sorry, Clare. Today has been a mad rush,’ said Maddy. ‘Would you like another drink?’

  ‘Don’t worry about it. I’ve been admiring the view,’ she said, smiling at two men on a nearby table. ‘But yes, I’d love another glass of wine.’

  Maddy glanced over to the table. ‘Not my type,’ she said. ‘Anyway, I’m a bit busy at the moment.’

  Clare laughed. ‘Yes, I noticed lover boy’s been keeping you busy. I thought you’d never find room in
your schedule for me.’

  ‘Aw, I’m so sorry, Clare,’ said Maddy, her face full of concern.

  ‘I’m only winding you up, you daft mare. I’m pleased for you.’

  Maddy smiled. ‘I can’t wait to tell you all about him,’ she said. ‘Let me get the drinks first. I’ll be back in a tick.’

  Maddy was soon back from the bar carrying two glasses of red and she began telling Clare all about Aaron even before she’d sat down.

  ‘Aw, Clare. He’s so lovely. I can’t believe my luck. He treats me so nicely. And as for the sex…’

  ‘Yes, you have mentioned that once or twice on the phone,’ said Clare, laughing. ‘I take it that it’s good, then.’

  ‘The best. I’ve never known anything like it! He’s so-o-o-o-o good.’

  ‘You lucky bugger,’ said Clare, her eyes drifting over to the men on the nearby table. Maddy followed her friend’s gaze and noticed that the men were getting up to leave.

  ‘Damn! Just my luck,’ said Clare.

  ‘Never mind,’ Maddy said. ‘There’ll be others.’ Then, switching her attention away from the men, she continued talking about Aaron. ‘We had a lovely time at the Midland but I’m taking him to mine next time I see him. I’m arranging it for when Becky isn’t there. I’m not quite ready for her to meet him yet.’

  ‘What’s the Midland like? I’ve never been inside.’

  ‘Absolutely stunning! I can’t believe I’ve never been before. We should go there for lunch some time. Or even afternoon tea.’

  ‘Sounds great. We’ll have to arrange it. Anyway, tell me more about your new man. Have you been out in his Porsche yet?’

  ‘No. Well, we’ve usually had a drink so we’ve caught taxis.’

  ‘What about when you stayed at the Midland? Did he not drive you back home?’

  ‘No, his car was in the garage. In fact, you’ve just reminded me, I meant to ask him if he’d managed to get it fixed.’

  ‘Maybe you’ll get to ride in it next time you see him,’ said Clare.

  ‘Oh, I hope so,’ said Maddy. As she spoke she noticed Clare’s eyes wandering around the pub. She laughed. ‘Will you behave?’ she said, knowing that Clare was on the lookout for men.


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