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Hostile Home Front [Black Ops Brotherhood 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 4

by Bella Juarez

  “Would you like for me to ask Irene?” Gavin offered.

  Gavin, recalling he had an ally in Irene, turned and scanned the crowd for her. Another hand was dealt. Irene came up from behind.

  “How are you two doing? Are you getting acquainted?” Irene asked Gavin.

  “I offered to take Amy home,” Gavin said bluntly.

  “Are you tired, mi hija?” Irene asked, stroking Amy’s arm.

  “Actually, I’m hungry. I didn’t eat because I was so nervous. I have some leftovers at home,” Amy said.

  “Well, I can’t think of anyone she’d be safer with. Will you stop on the way so she can get something?” Irene asked Gavin.

  “No, Tía, it’s okay, I can…” Amy shook her head.

  “Sure, be glad to,” Gavin said.

  “Good! I’ll call you when we get home, Amy. Thank you, Gavin. I have to stay all night since this is my gala,” Irene said.

  Gavin took both sets of chips and handed them to the guy in the next seat, wishing him good luck as he and Amy got up to leave. She picked up her small evening bag and stood as he escorted her out of the banquet hall and to his truck. He glanced at her and saw her nervous agitation as she toyed with her evening bag.

  “I’m still kind of new around here. What’s good?” Gavin asked.

  “Really you don’t have to take me anywhere. I know you’re being nice, but it isn’t necessary.”

  “I’m under orders from the boss’s boss. Sorry, ma’am, I’m taking you somewhere to eat.”

  Amy shook her head and smiled.

  “If you take a left at the light, there’s a Subway just past Lowe’s on the left side. We can pick it up and both go home,” Amy said.

  “Is that where you want to go? Quite frankly, I’m starving,” Gavin said as they stopped at the intersection.

  “It really doesn’t matter, Lieutenant,” Amy said quietly.

  “I thought I saw some kind of steakhouse on the way in. I don’t live very far from here.”

  “Greek Brothers is right here, and then there’s Montana Mike’s,” Amy suggested.

  “Then again I saw a Red Lobster and an Olive Garden. Which one do you like? Which one is quieter?” Gavin asked.

  Amy hesitated as she looked at him.

  “Greek Brothers isn’t quiet. I really don’t care,” Amy said.

  “Pick one.”

  “You want steak?” Amy asked as the light turned green.

  “Are you a vegetarian?”

  Amy giggled and Gavin felt his cock twitch. Damn it! Stop that! I won’t be held responsible for my actions!

  “Do I look like a vegetarian? Lieutenant, the light is green. Shouldn’t we go?” Amy asked as the driver behind them honked.

  “Not until you tell me where you want to go and call me by my first name, Amy. Otherwise, I’m about to really irritate these people behind me.” Gavin put the vehicle in park.

  “Lieut—” Amy started.

  “Yes, Dr. Livingston?” Gavin asked stiffly.

  “Gavin! You really should go!” Amy exclaimed as the driver honked again.

  “What do you think they’ll do? Call the cops?” Gavin asked sarcastically.

  The light was turning yellow and then red. Gavin was tortured with that giggle again.

  “Montana Mike’s is fine. Please let’s just go,” Amy pleaded.

  Gavin put the vehicle in drive and went through the light as soon as it was green.

  They spent two hours at the restaurant, just talking. For the first time in his adult life, he lost track of time and place. The restaurant started to close before either of them realized what hour was approaching. It was almost eleven o’clock. He finally got Amy home, and without thinking, drove straight to her house. She looked down at her hands as they pulled into the driveway.

  “Gavin, how did you find my house if you’ve never been here?” Amy asked, directly looking at him.

  Gavin cleared his throat and smiled. Amy had managed to disarm him again and he had done something without thinking about it.

  “I’m a police officer. I have…good…deductive reasoning skills,” Gavin faltered.

  “Really?” Amy asked with a smile.

  Gavin’s cell phone rang before he could answer Amy. He had barely answered the call when all hell broke loose at the other end of the call.

  “Where the fuck are you and where’s my niece?” David Ortiz roared at the other end.

  “We just got to the house, boss. I’m walking her inside,” Gavin said with a smile.

  “Where the hell have you been? We’ve been calling her house for an hour! Don’t answer that, let me talk to Amy,” David demanded.

  “It’s David. He wants to talk to you,” Gavin said, handing Amy his phone.

  “Yes, David. No, I’m fine…We went to Montana Mike’s. I guess we just lost track of time…No, we didn’t go anywhere else. We just got here…No, I’m sorry, I put my cell phone on silent for the gala. I must’ve forgotten to change it back…Okay, here he is.” Amy handed the phone back to him.

  “Yes, sir,” Gavin answered, bracing himself.

  “Listen, badass, you walk her to the door, and no further. And you keep your fucking dick beaters to yourself. You read me?” David demanded.

  “Crystal clear, sir,” Gavin said, looking at Amy.

  “You call me when you drive out of her driveway, badass. I want to know what time you leave,” Ortiz demanded.

  “Yes, sir, Chief Ortiz, sir,” Gavin said as Ortiz ended the call.

  “How old are you again?” Gavin asked.

  “They worry. It’s been a rough couple of years.” Amy laughed.

  Gavin walked Amy to the door. She opened it, turning to him.

  “Thank you, Gavin. I had fun. I hope I didn’t get you into any trouble,” Amy said as her eyes twinkled.

  “Nah, nothing he won’t forgive me for later,” Gavin said with a smile.

  Gavin looked away, considering his next words.

  “I’d really like to do this again,” Gavin said.

  “Are you talking to me?” Amy asked, surprised.

  “Did we have someone else along tonight?”

  Amy giggled. Gavin had been sweetly tortured with that giggle all evening and every time she did it, he felt his cock stiffen. I’ll wind up with cock burn over this little hottie.

  “Yes, with you. When can you go?” Gavin asked.

  “I don’t know, Gavin.” Amy hesitated.

  “How about Friday at seven thirty? We can do a movie, too. If not Friday, when?” Gavin pushed.

  “Are you always so direct?”

  “Pretty much. What you see is what you get with me.”

  Amy was hesitating and she looked very uncomfortable.

  “So? When?” Gavin asked once more.

  “I close the library on Friday night. I guess that would be okay.”

  “Okay, I’ll be here at seven thirty. Good night, Amy.”

  “Good night, Gavin, and again, thank you.”

  Gavin watched as the door closed behind Amy. He walked to the truck, got in, and called Chief Ortiz to report in before driving the couple of blocks to his duplex. Gavin let himself in and headed to the fridge for a beer before changing his mind and simply going to bed. He fell asleep thinking about Amy.

  * * * *

  David Ortiz hung up the phone and looked at his wife. He was a little angry with her for sending Amy off with Gavin Walsh.

  “He just left her house,” David stated.

  “I like him. Where did you say he was from?” Irene asked.

  David was in a bad mood and he didn’t want to argue with Irene about how he was too overprotective of Amy.

  “According to his personnel record, he was born in Bangor, Maine. He moved here from Fairfax, Virginia,” David replied.

  “Ta chulo. I’m thinking about inviting him over for Thanksgiving, unless he goes back to Maine,” Irene said.

  David gave Irene a dark look. “I doubt he ever goes back
to Maine. I don’t think he has a real home and probably hasn’t for some time. Irene, this guy isn’t cute and fluffy. He’s more like a pit bull. This is the kind of guy you keep locked in a cage and once a week feed him raw meat, just to keep him hungry and pissed off. We only let him out when talking doesn’t work anymore. Gavin Walsh is a retired Navy SEAL, which means for most of his adult life he killed people on a regular basis. He’s a dangerous man. He’s not what Amy needs.”

  “David, I saw Tim two days ago, near my mom’s house. He was at the Speedy Stop, getting gas,” Irene said conversationally.

  “I told that son of a bitch not show his face in my town,” David said in a low growl.

  Irene turned and looked directly at her husband. “I think a man like Gavin Walsh is exactly what Amy needs right now. He’ll keep her safe. I think it’s time we quit talking to Tim. Maybe a pit bull biting him in the ass is exactly what he needs.”

  Irene considered Tim, Amy’s ex-husband, for a moment. She shivered when she thought about the evil little man and the abuse Amy had suffered at his hands. She sensed that if things got serious between Amy and Gavin, Tim would get the justice he deserved if he ever tried to make good on the threat of taking Amy back. Irene smiled inwardly, because Gavin Walsh would be one hell of an obstacle for Tim. She watched Gavin soften when he looked at Amy. Yes sir, Gavin is the perfect pit bull.

  Chapter 3

  FCC Beaumont

  Cell Block F, Cell F3546

  Near Beaumont, Texas

  November 14, 2007/0129 Zulu

  Jorge Rivera leaned his head against the concrete wall of his prison cell. Four more days and he would be out of this shit hole. He was being as patient as he could. Everything was ready, the bank accounts set up, and the network would come together as soon as he could get home. He smiled to himself. Soon he would be a major player in something a lot bigger. His hometown of Victoria, Texas, would be the perfect hiding spot. There was only one glitch. There was a new threat in his town. News had reached Jorge that the FBI had planted a task force in Victoria. He had been assured the problem had been taken care of by his new associates. The agent would be watched and the right people paid off to do just that.

  “Jorge?” Abdul called.

  Jorge got up and walked to the iron cell door. Soon it would be lights-out.

  “Wassup, homes?” Jorge asked as he leaned against the bars.

  “We’ve heard from Marco. He’ll meet you as planned. My friend will be flying in from Pakistan in two weeks. Do you have a man yet?” Abdul asked.

  “Of course. My guy on the outside will make sure that we do what he needs. I got the perfect guy. He’s legit and owes me big. He won’t say no,” Jorge said.

  “What about our friends that need to come into the country?” Abdul questioned.

  “No sweat, homes. They’ll get in,” Jorge said dismissively.

  “I cannot stress to you how important this is.”

  “Get some sleep. I’ll get to work the day I leave this shit hole.” Jorge turned to leave.

  * * * *

  Abdul turned away. He needed to talk to Mummar in the morning in the yard when they were allowed to exercise. He wondered when they would transfer them to Guantánamo Bay. The money was gone. At least it had been placed where the Americans couldn’t touch it. These plans had been made ever since America declared war on Afghanistan. Everyone knew it was a matter of time before the Americans tried to take over Pakistan, and their puppet, General Musharraf, would let them right in. So far the traditional believers had kept Musharraf in check.

  Abdul briefly wondered if Rivera could be trusted. He was surprised that he was being released so quickly. Perhaps Rivera was better connected than they had first thought. He had paid off the right people. Abdul had tried to get him to surrender and accept Islam. It was useless and he found out that Rivera was only loyal to one thing. Money. They had money, and when the time came, that small-time punk would be of no use and must be slaughtered like the rest of the infidels. The next few weeks would prove to be extremely long, but Nayyaf would ensure that the groundwork they had laid was not interrupted. He smiled because M-22 had proven to be most useful.

  Abdul knelt facing east. He was late with his evening prayer, but he prayed just the same. He prayed for the total destruction of the West as well as all of their allies. At one point he actually believed he could start over here and make a new life in America. He had never been so wrong about anything in his life. He prayed for his own martyrdom and prayed that they would send him to Cuba soon. He knew it would be a matter of time before they sent him back to Pakistan to rejoin his brothers in their struggle against the great Satan.

  * * * *

  Amy walked into the house and quickly changed. She pulled back the covers on her bed and slipped in. She could hear the rumblings of a fall storm start to blow in and thought about Gavin Walsh as she listened. He was very much like that storm. Lynn had called him all wrong. Lieutenant Gavin Walsh was tall, dark, and dangerous. Her mind traced over the evening. She smiled at the way he had initially denied he had been the one that had come to the house on Friday night. There had been no mistake when he had driven her home.

  Amy felt the butterflies in her belly again when she recalled the way he laughed. It was a deep, sensual laugh. She closed her eyes and shook her head. She was attracted to him, but she needed to be very cautious. Tim had nearly destroyed her and she wasn’t about to make the same mistake again. He had been the first guy to really pursue her. Amy was never one to take guys seriously until she had met Tim, who had been the first guy she had dated and later married.

  Amy had been twenty-seven when she married Tim and he had been her first sexual experience. The marriage quickly descended into an abusive nightmare for her. He convinced her early in their marriage that she was unable to get aroused. He made her believe that she was a freak and even suggested that maybe she was a lesbian. The jerk offered to find her a girlfriend but only if he got to watch them having sex. She had been sickened.

  Amy pushed Tim out of her thoughts and turned back to Gavin. She remembered the couple of times that he had touched her during the evening. It had made her quiver. Her eyes finally closed as the rain started falling.

  Amy felt the warm water run over her body. The water caressed her, surrounded her. She felt someone step into the shower with her. That is strange, she thought. She felt hands on her back caressing her much like the water had done. The hands moved over her shoulders and over her body. She closed her eyes at the gentle massaging. She felt light kisses being placed on her shoulder. She opened her eyes as the hands washed her.

  “Relax, Amy,” a familiar deep voice said.

  Amy sighed. The hands became bolder, washing her breasts, playing with her body as they caressed her slowly and methodically. Amy moaned. She could feel her core begin to ache. Not in a bad way like before, but in anticipation.

  “That’s right, Amy,” the voice said as she leaned against the hard body behind her.

  One of his hands moved lower and touched her down there.

  “Amy…” he called.

  “Mmmm,” Amy managed to groan.

  He took her hand and guided it to her pussy, showing her how to stroke herself as he continued his caresses and kisses.

  “Touch yourself, Amy. You know what to do,” he said, encouraging her.

  Amy understood the rhythm. She found her sensitive bud and stroked. She moaned as she played with herself, and the hands continued playing with her breasts.

  “Doesn’t that feel good?” he asked as he kissed her neck and shoulders.

  “Oh, yes,” Amy whispered.

  Amy felt her body spasm. She cried out as the spasms gripped her muscles and snapped her nerve endings. It was a sensuous pleasure she had never known until now. She moaned as it occurred to her who the voice belonged to.

  “That’s right, Amy. Come for me,” Gavin said.

  Amy woke up screaming. She was in the middle of her first orgasm
. She was breathless as she moved her hand from between her legs.

  “Oh my God,” Amy panted. Her heart was racing at the shock of pleasure that ran through her body. “What is this guy doing to me?”

  Chapter 4

  Building 1534, East Runway Hanger

  Randolph Air Force Base, Texas

  Near San Antonio, Texas

  November 15, 2007/1327 Zulu

  Gavin arrived at Randolph Air Force Base as promised. He had dropped Jimmy off at Lackland to find a dog that was available for adoption. Jimmy told him the process would take a while and he was welcome to wait. Gavin begged out, making excuses. Officers in the department did not need to know what he was up to all the time.

  As he walked into the building, he held the door open for a short brunette wearing glasses, who apparently worked in the same building. He wistfully thought of Amy and his date with her tomorrow night. He noticed the brunette walked down the hallway and took a right turn.

  Gavin easily found the Office of the Commander of Naval Special Warfare Group Five. He recalled this group had barely been in the planning stages when he left the Navy. He walked up to the yeoman sitting at the desk.

  “I’m here to see Rock—I mean Captain O’Malley,” Gavin said. Rock’s new title sounded funny to him.

  “Yes, Chief Walsh, the captain is expecting you. Go in,” the young man said.

  Gavin thanked the young petty officer who had crutches propped against his desk and walked into the massive office. Rock was sitting turned away from the door, staring at his computer.

  “What are you doing, Rock?” Gavin asked, smiling.

  “Reading my e-mail, badass,” Rock replied, not quite turning away.

  Rock O’Malley always had his nose buried in something. He studied everything he could lay his hands on. Whatever the Rock was reading would soon turn into military tactical genius. It was interesting that Captain Jack “Rock” O’Malley had started out as a Bronx thug that had been given a choice between prison and the military. That Bronx reject had now become one of the top SEALs in the Navy, second only to the admiral who ran Navy Special Operations Command. Being a master tactician was also why Rock was so successful with women. He had more pussy than he knew what to do with.


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