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Page 40

by Zig Ziglar

  In my mind, there is absolutely no doubt that America is still the land of the free. Still the home of the brave. Still the land where anyone can get anything he really wants—provided he is willing to take the necessary steps. Yes, I’m completely willing to take the necessary steps. Yes, I’m completely convinced that though our land is not perfect, it is far ahead of any other land on the face of the earth. It is truly America the Beautiful, and it is time that every loyal American started standing up and speaking up for the land which is truly the last hope for freedom in the world today.


  As we complete our trip, we are forced to conclude that, as Americans, we have a tremendous country with unlimited opportunities accompanied by equally awesome responsibilities. Today we’re the lone super power in the world, and we need to accept and fulfill that responsibility. That will be possible only with a strong, morally sound populace that is committed to honesty, compassion, and fairness.

  In order to fulfill our role, we need to hearken to the words of one of our founding fathers, John Adams, who on June 21, 1776, wrote,

  Statesmen, My Dear Sir, may plan and speculate for liberty, but it is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free Constitution is pure virtue, and if this cannot be inspired into our people to a greater measure than they have it now, they may change their rulers and the forms of government, but they will not obtain a lasting liberty.

  Later, on June 2, 1778, John Adams made this journal entry while in Paris:

  In vain are schools, academias and universities instituted if loose principles and licentious habits are impressed upon children in their earliest years. The vices and examples of the parents cannot be concealed from the children. How is it possible that children can have any just sense of the sacred obligations of morality or religion if, from their earliest infancy, they learn their mothers live in habitual infidelity to their fathers and their fathers in as constant infidelity to their mothers?

  Message: Only a virtuous people can maintain a strong America.

  As we enter this millenium, we are faced with unparalleled opportunities for communicating the message of faith, morality, character, and freedom. Communication methods today are truly exciting. In a matter of seconds we can communicate with people all over the globe. We can be brought up to date on what’s going on in business, government, industry, the churches, and in every other area of our lives. We can exchange information in all areas of life that can benefit many, many people.

  The down side is that the Internet is already plagued with countless pornographic sites that are easily accessible and difficult to get out of if you are not computer literate. This poses a serious threat. Meeting strangers on the Internet is one of the most frightening aspects of cyberspace taking place today. Sexual predators are taking advantage of it to spread child pornography and establish relationships with children with disastrous results.

  This is why as parents and as citizens we need to be constantly vigilant. We believe in freedom of speech, but not freedom of licentiousness. As Margaret Thatcher said, “Freedom of speech does not include freedom from responsibility.”

  Only 49% of all eligible U.S. citizens voted in the 1996 presidential election. What that means is that less than half of the people determined the fate and future of millions of Americans. Those who do not vote lose their right to gripe and complain about anything the government does. We need to study the issues. We need to query those who are running for office. Find out what they believe, and what their values are. Then we should support those whose values are similar to ours and who have a track record of keeping their word. Many people make many promises and promptly forget them when they are in office. We need to hold our elected officials’ feet to the fire. A person who has established a record of lying to us and promising more than he or she can deliver should not be rewarded with a return trip to office.

  The good news is that many people are now aware that we have a large number of people who are morally bankrupt, starting in the Oval Office. Fortunately, most people now agree that values count, that some things are right and some things are wrong. Everything is not “relative.” No one would hire a bookkeeper who was “relatively honest.” Nor could a stable, happy marriage be built if the participants were “relatively faithful.”

  There are organizations and churches that are doing a lot of good. Promise Keepers, as I mentioned earlier, has reached several million men with the message that racism is an ugly blot on our society. It also places great emphasis on the fact that men need to assume their responsibilities when they father a child, that they have an awesome responsibility to do the “manly thing” and take care of the children they father.

  The sexual abstinence movement is rapidly gaining ground. It was started by the Southern Baptists, but has now been joined by countless other denominations. Young people are signing pledges stating that “True Love Waits,” that they will go into their marriages as virgins. Unions of sexually inexperienced brides and grooms historically have proven to be the most successful and happiest marriages. Interestingly enough, even the sexual side of life is consistently described as “much better” if both partners wait for marriage before they become sexually active.

  Another organization doing a tremendous amount of good is “Women of Faith.” Well over a million have attended their seminars, and their movement is exploding. These women are encouraged, informed, and given direction. As a result, they are becoming more committed to their faith and families and to making a difference in their communities.

  The tragedies of school shootings, random murders, explosions at the Olympic Games, and a host of other violent acts have made us realize that we need to initiate actions that will solve those problems. We need to hold people accountable. We need to have character taught in our homes and reinforced in our schools. As mentioned earlier, our own company has school programs that are partially funded by the Living to Change Lives Foundation to teach honesty, character, integrity, hard work, responsibility, commitment, direction, the right attitude, and numerous other foundational character qualities. Results have been outstanding.

  Many businesses and individuals today are making contributions to the Living to Change Lives Foundation that will enable us to get these values taught in more and more of our schools. The business world is happily embracing the concept of being able to hire more and more employees with character.

  Yes, there are many good things going on in America today, but every citizen needs to be concerned about the direction in which we are headed, to put the right people in office and the right courses in schools while encouraging the media through their advertisers to become responsible in their programming. We should protest the filth and violence often shown on television: the sadistic murders, the incidents of gratuitous sex, the physical violence that are part of too many programs.

  Tragically, the new series introduced in the fall of 1999, despite all protests, were the worst ever. One thing parents can do that is effective is to write to the advertisers when they see gratuitous sex and violence on TV, and let them know they will cease to buy their products if they continue to sponsor shows of that nature. This is not censorship. It is a determination on the part of the public not to finance the spread of filth and violence on television.

  The question is, does it work? Answer—yes. Two articles from The American Family Association Journal publicized the fact that the Duncan Toy Company, the largest maker and distributor of yo-yos in the U.S., was running an ad that featured the well-known vulgar hand gesture seventeen times in a 30-second spot. The message included the line, “Give us the finger, we’ll give you the power.” The Duncan people were incensed by the critical articles criticizing the ads and declared, “We will never cave in to those self-righteous prudes.”

  However, a number of national retail store chains agreed with the American Family Association’s position, includin
g all 1,700 of the Toys R Us outlets and refused to sell the yo-yos. Guess what? The Duncan yo-yo people decided it was not a good idea to run that ad any more.

  Yes, an aroused citizenry can have a positive impact. Many people laughed, for example, when the boycott of Disney was first initiated. The people who organized the boycott, including The American Family Association Journal and the Southern Baptist Convention, said it would be a long fight. The bottom line is that in the fourth year of the boycott, Disney’s fiscal fourth quarter was the worst in its history, as net income plummeted 71%. There is still much to be done, but every step we take is an important one.

  Despite these difficulties, my optimism and faith, as well as my confidence, are that the American people will take the necessary action to protect their values. Many are beginning to see that there is something that each one of us can do—and are getting involved in bringing America back to the values that our forefathers portrayed when we won our freedom.


  Chances are you and I will someday cross paths, because I speak to a large number of people as I crisscross our land many times each year. If we do, I hope you’ll say “Hello,” and tell me that you’ve read this book. What you then say will tell me a great deal about its effectiveness. If you tell me you enjoyed the book, I’ll smile. But truthfully, I’ll be hoping that you’ll say more. If you tell me you got a lot out of the book, I’ll smile even more broadly, but I’ll still be hoping you’ll say more. If you tell me what you’ve done and are doing to build a richer and more rewarding life since you started the book, then I’ll truly be thrilled.

  I say this because this book was not written to entertain you, although I’ve tried to make it enjoyable so you will read and reread it. It isn’t written to inform you, though I believe the message includes a considerable amount of information. It was written to motivate you into action. Anything less than that is unacceptable to me—and should

  be for you, because you are the only person in existence who can use your potential. It is an awesome responsibility.

  Since Webster defines “opportunity” as a “fit time,” you are fortunate because now is truly a “fit time”—for you. The information in this book, properly used, will enable you to use that potential and go where you want to go, do what you want to do, have what you want to have, and be what you want to be.

  I can say this without boasting because I serve as a reporter bringing you the wisdom of some of the greatest minds this country has ever produced, as well as some of the infinite wisdom of Almighty God. I also bring the practical experience acquired over many years of being in the people-building business. With these thoughts in mind, I can say with humility—and yet with confidence—that you now hold in your hands information and inspiration that will unlock the treasures you seek in the tomorrows of your life.

  I would also like to assure you that had I been on trial for my life— charged with telling you how to live a richer, fuller, more rewarding life—and you were my judge and jury, I would have written the book exactly as I did. If I were looking into your face as you read these final words, I hope I would see a broad smile as well as a twinkle in your eye. That’s what I should see because the symbolic you, on the following page, is standing in the banquet hall of life with all the good things this world has to offer spread in front of you. They are all available, and yours, if you really want them - and if you build your life on the foundation stones of honesty, character, faith, love, integrity, and loyalty.

  Now that I have shared these thoughts on how to reap richer rewards from this life, let me urge you to follow the admonition expressed in Matthew 6:33, “But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.” Ten chapters later, St. Matthew tells us why this is good advice in Matthew 16:26, “For what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?”

  * * *

  Sentence completions from page 355

  Winston tastes good like (a cigarette should).

  Pepsi Cola hits the (spot).

  Twelve full ounces, that’s a (lot).

  Drink Coca Cola, the pause that (refreshes).

  Duz does (everything).


  Confusing? It shouldn’t be. Oh, I know you just made your first trip through See You at the Top, and I know most people would be thinking in terms of “the end.” But you’re not most people. You are you, and you now know there never has been and there never will be another you. You know that you’re created in God’s own image, only “slightly less than the angels.” Knowing this about you, and others too, you never look down—nor up—to any man. You understand that no one can make you feel inferior without your permission, which you now refuse to give to anyone. You obviously know that you can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want. You also understand that ability can take you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there. That while there is plenty of room at the top, there is not enough to sit down.

  So you see, this is the beginning of that new way of life which clearly demonstrates that happiness isn’t pleasure—it’s victory. Perhaps the most important thing is that you know and accept the fact that the beginning must always remain the beginning, because success and happiness are not destinations. They are exciting, never-ending journeys. Your beginning puts you in the enviable position of being both a “go-getter,” which you are, and a “go-giver,” which you’re beginning to be.

  So, as I say “Welcome” to the beginning and “Good-bye” to the old you, and the old way of life, I shall close the book “differently.” In today’s world we have many people who end a visit or a phone call by saying, “Have a good day.” That’s nice and pleasant, but I believe life has considerably more to offer than just a “good day.” I believe that if you believe in yourself, your fellow man, your country, in what you are doing, and in Almighty God, that your “good days” will extend into a good forever, and I truly will SEE YOU AT THE TOP.


  Since See You at the Top was published more than a quarter of a century ago, the concepts from the book have been taught in schools, prisons, businesses, the military, churches, penal institutions, homeless shelters, drug rehab centers, and a host of other places. Results have been remarkable. In Dallas in a recent three-year period, an average of 100 homeless people per year were taken off the streets and put into full-time jobs after being taught this philosophy. The rate of recidivism in the Sand Hills facility in North Carolina was reduced from 40% to 6%. When the philosophy was taught in schools, drug usage was reduced, violence and vandalism came down, grades improved, and parents, teachers, and students formed a better working relationship.

  As I mentioned earlier, several football teams in Texas, including Converse-Judson in San Antonio and Marshall High in Marshall, made dramatic turn-arounds in their programs using the “I Can/See You at the Top” philosophy. Coach D. W. Rutledge at Converse-Judson took a struggling program and since 1988 has won four state championships and has had three second-place finishes. His overall record is an astonishing 184-23-5. Coach Dennis Parker took the Marshall, Texas, team, which had not won a playoff game since 1949, to the playoffs his fourth year and won the state championship in 1990. In his last four years, the team had an incredible 45-3 record and 14-1 in the playoffs. The philosophy basically says that you build people, then people build teams, businesses, schools, churches, organizations, etc.

  Over 4,000,000 students have been taught the See You at the Top philosophy through the “I Can” course. Virtually everywhere I go young adults from every walk of life describe in glowing terms the impact our “I Can” course has had on their lives. They speak about their healthier self-images, improved attitudes, their goals in life, and their better relationships with friends, families, and associates.

  We now have an additional program authored by Coaches Rutledge and Parker titled
“Coaching to Change Lives,” aimed at the athlete, regardless of the sport. Coach Parker says he’s never had a player come back to him and thank him for teaching him how to throw a football or make a tackle, but he’s had many return to thank him for teaching them how to have a balanced success in life.

  Do you want these results?

  Students who leave when the party gets out of control.

  Students who are not afraid to demonstrate common sense and maturity.

  Students who can walk away from an aggressive student or potentially violent situation.

  Students who have internalized positive role models and self-esteem.

  Students who value studying and academic achievement.

  Students who do not give up easily and try harder to achieve.

  Students who have the strength to stand up against negative peer pressure.

  Kids empowering kids to make better choices.

  Less acting out.

  For information concerning this program, which is now available through Living to Change Lives, a nonprofit 501(c)3 corporation, write Living To Change Lives Foundation, Post Office Box 742047, Dallas, Texas 75374, or call 972/231-2831.

  Zig Ziglar’s


  In his exciting book Confessions of a Happy Christian, Zig Ziglar puts to rest the absurd notion that Christians should have long faces and short pocketbooks. He shares the excitement and benefits of serving Jesus Christ NOW, including what has happened to him in all areas of his life since July 4, 1972, when he was born again and declared his complete dependence on Jesus Christ.

  His primary purpose, however, in writing Confessions of a Happy Christian was to win his oldest daughter (who had rejected Christ) to Him. God honored the effort, and Suzan Ziglar Witmeyer was brought into the Kingdom. Her faith grew until it eventually was the strongest of any member of the family.


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