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The Forgotten Empire: War for the Empire

Page 4

by Raymond L. Weil

  “I just received a reply from Golan Four,” spoke the communications officer. “No available units are in our area.”

  Captain Gregory leaned back in his chair. “Well, that’s not good.” Gregory spent a few moments thinking. He was in a no-win situation, where he could lose all his ships. “Contact the governor and recommend that he surrender to the Druins. If they follow their normal pattern, they won’t cause any damage and will just leave a few ships in orbit. Have him shut down the defense grid, so no Druin ships will be targeted.”

  “Message sent and confirmed,” replied the communications officer.

  Gregory hated giving this next order, but, if he stayed, his ships would be destroyed, and he would accomplish nothing. “Move us out of the defensive grid and stand by to enter hyperspace. We can do nothing here.”

  The six Resistance ships rapidly moved through the small defensive grid and made the transition into hyperspace. They would survive to fight another day.


  Druin Admiral Falorr nodded in satisfaction, as the moon’s governor contacted the flagship and surrendered. Falorr had already noted the departure of the six defending Resistance ships. “Inform the governor we accept his surrender and will be placing a squadron of warships over his moon to ensure their obedience to the Confederation. We will also be destroying their defensive grid to ensure it can never be used against us.”

  A few moments passed, and then the communications officer replied. “They governor has agreed, and they will not resist.”

  “Have the fleet destroy all the orbiting defensive satellites and missile platforms.”


  Moments later above the moon, bright flashes of light indicated the destruction of the weak defensive grid. It had never been designed to actually defend the moon but to act as a deterrent against small groups of Confederation ships. Now it was gone and so was the small Resistance task group assigned to defend the moon. Once more the thirty million inhabitants were back under control of the Confederation. For a few months they had hoped the new Empire would protect them; obviously now that hope had been greatly exaggerated.


  The Great Council of the Confederation was once more in session. They waited to see what this new announcement from High Princess Layla Starguard would be about. Over the last two days, several hyperlight messages had indicated her broadcast would contain information that would shake the Confederation and would change it forever.

  “What can this High Princess say that would affect the Confederation?” asked Druin Councilor Clun. “She must be bluffing.”

  “Perhaps,” replied Ardon Reull, the current head of the Great Council and a Lormallian. “It is unfortunate that we have no known way to jam such hyperlight broadcasts.”

  Morag Councilor Damora sat, listening. He had not involved himself in the conversation. He could think of only one thing that would seriously shake up the Confederation—if the Humans had found out about the Morag’s telepathic ability. He knew that hundreds of dead Morag had been left behind in the Earth System. What if the Humans had dissected those bodies and had discovered the Morag’s secret?

  For the first time in many years Damora felt uneasy. He looked at the other councilors, wondering what their reaction would be if the announcement was what he feared. He wasn’t worried about his own safety; his telepathy would keep him safe. However, over sixty thousand worlds were in the Confederation. Even the Morag and their secret fleets could not keep control of all of them if they revolted. Damora wished now they would have sent a much larger fleet to attack Earth. They just hadn’t realized at the time how big a threat Earth was.

  “We’re picking up the broadcast,” reported a communications officer, sitting in front of the huge screen on the nearest wall. “I’m putting it up on the screen.”

  Instantly High Princess Layla Starguard’s face appeared. “Hello, I’m speaking to all the Human worlds in the Empire, as well as all the worlds of the Confederation, particularly the seven races. I’m here to report that, during the battle for Earth, an astonishing discovery was made. A discovery so frightening that it will shake the very foundation of the Confederation. Unfortunately, because of the nature of the discovery, I don’t believe the Confederation can do anything to remedy the situation. With me today is Rear Admiral Lira Carrie of Earth. Since her home planet made this discovery, it is only right that she reveal it to you and its possible ramifications.”

  A young Human woman in a rear admiral’s uniform appeared on the screen, a serious and solemn look on her face. “As all of you know, the Confederation recently attacked Earth with overwhelming force. The Confederation fleets were driven off after several very intense battles. Once the fighting was over, the dead from the various seven races involved were retrieved and studied. I can assure everyone listening that, once the research was done, the bodies were properly disposed of. During our research we found nothing unusual in six of the seven races.”

  Damora felt a shiver go up his spine. The Earthers knew! He prepared himself to use his telepathy to keep the council under control.

  “The Morag were different. They had an enhanced region in their brain, and, after considerable study, we determined that this enlarged region allowed the Morag to be telepathic. We believe the Morag have been using this ability for untold thousands of years to control the Great Council and, in turn, the entire Confederation. The attack against the Human Empire was instigated by the Morag when they discovered that Humans were immune to their telepathic manipulation.”

  Damora looked at the other councilors. They stared at him in shock and sudden fear. He quickly began using his telepathy to calm them down.

  “The Morag are responsible for much of the death and destruction in the Empire, as well as the countless worlds the Confederation has taken over. Over sixty thousand worlds are under Confederation control. On many of those worlds, the populations have been significantly reduced. The Morag want one thing and one thing only—total domination and control of the Confederation and eventually the entire galaxy.”

  The view of Rear Admiral Carrie was replaced by that of the High Princess. “I’m speaking now to the Morag. Because of you, billions of Humans have died. There is no room in this galaxy for a race like yours. I swear today that the Human Empire and Earth will not rest until your species has been destroyed. You want a war of genocide? We will give you a war of genocide!” The screen faded to the insignia of the Human Empire, a large starburst on a background of stars.

  Councilor Damora used his telepathy to control the growing rage in the other Confederation members. His abilities were strained as the different members fought against his control.

  “Is what the Humans said true?” demanded Lormallian Ardon Reull, as he fought against the control from Morag Damora, which Ardon now felt in his mind. He had felt this before but had not realized what it was.

  “What does it matter?” replied Damora stiffly. “We have control of over sixty thousand worlds. The seven members of this council control all the military.”

  “You did not answer my question. Even now I can feel you trying to influence my mind. I demand that you stop it instantly.”

  Damora stood, his huge form towering over the table. “This council is mine,” he said in a steady voice. “You will do as I desire or face the consequences.”

  “Our combined fleets will crush yours,” uttered Ralor Conn, the Zynth councilor. “Even with your telepathy you can’t control all of us.”

  “We don’t need to,” replied Damora. “We only need to control your leaders and the heads of your military. To resist us is futile and suicidal. With a mere thought, I could order any of you to leave this chamber and to take your life. I hold your lives in the palm of my hand. Is anyone here ready to die?”

  No reply came.

  “I thought not,” said Damora, satisfied. “Do not threaten me or any of the worlds of the Morag. You will not like the result.”

  The councilors looked at one another. Th
ey knew, for the moment, they were helpless.


  On many of the sixty thousand worlds controlled by the Confederation, the news that the Morag were telepathic and that the Morag were the secret rulers of the Confederation brought about widespread anger. On several thousand worlds riots broke out, even citizens of the seven races on those planets were attacked, and some were killed.

  The Morag knew they had no choice but to deploy their massive fleet to bring those worlds back under control. Thousands of Morag ships were sent to bring about stability and an end to the rioting. The use of obsessive force, including the destruction of cities, was authorized.


  On Morag Prime, the High Council was meeting.

  It’s unfortunate the Earth Humans discovered our secret, sent Lead Councilor Addonis. Growing unrest currently in the Confederation has been caused by the broadcast. I fear we must delay any major attack on the Human Empire, until we have our own planets back in order.

  Which is exactly what the Empire wants, pointed out Councilor Delann. While we deal with our internal problems, the Human Empire only becomes stronger.

  We have no choice, sent Councilor Brant. If we don’t bring this rioting under control, it could easily spread to other worlds.

  What about the other six races? asked Councilor Hiram. Should we send fleets to their worlds?

  It won’t be necessary, replied Addonis. We’ll send large fleets to put down the uprisings. When the worlds of the Great Council see our true military strength, they will fall back into line very quickly.

  I would suggest we order all our shipyards into full production, sent Councilor Brant. We may find in the near future that we’ll need the additional ships.

  Councilor Addonis nodded. I believe you are correct. The other six races may now be more resistant to attacking the Human Empire. We should stand ready to do it on our own, if necessary.


  Back on Golan Four, High Princess Layla listened as Chief Chancellor Stein reported on the results of the broadcast.

  “We have unconfirmed reports of rioting on a number of Confederation-controlled worlds. We have intercepted a lot of communications between the various Confederation races. I suspect we have bought us some time.”

  “How much time?” Layla hoped it was a lot. They still had much to do to get the Empire ready for all-out war.

  “I’m guessing at least four to six weeks, maybe more. Not only that but forty-seven former worlds of the Empire have contacted us since the broadcast, requesting to join.”

  Layla smiled. This was good news. “When do you leave to visit the other worlds we have chosen to come into the Empire?”

  “Early tomorrow,” replied Stein. “Two other members of the Imperial Council are going with me. In all we plan to visit forty various star systems.”

  “Let’s hope some of those agree to join us. I fear our time is rapidly running out.” Layla grew more concerned with every passing day that the fledging Human Empire would not be ready for what was ahead.


  Admiral Cleemorl was in the midst of making a hard decision. After the attack on the inhabited moon of Clovian, he had sent out battlecruisers to find the base where the Zynth fleet operated from. He considered taking the fight to them, rather than let them continue to attack the various worlds and inhabited moons of the Hagen Star Cluster whenever they felt like it. At some point one of those attacks would be successful.

  “In another week the first warships will come out of the shipyards above Tantula Five,” reported Captain Fulmar. “They’re already producing large numbers of attack interceptors.”

  “What about the other six major systems in the cluster?”

  “They’re about one week behind in their ship construction. It won’t be long, and they’ll put up a sizable fleet to handle the defense of the entire cluster.”

  Dylan nodded. “We have dozens of worlds now building warships and attack interceptors throughout the Empire.”

  Captain Fulmar nodded. He knew Dylan had been working hard to fortify the Hagen Star Cluster. If the Confederation launched a major attack, no doubt this cluster would be one of the early primary targets.

  “What do you want to do about the Zynth? Already today two more Zynth ships had jumped into the system to run their normal scans.”

  “We attack,” said Dylan. “We know where their base is, and the last thing they’ll be expecting is for us to launch a full-scale attack against them. We can take them by surprise and, with a little luck, get off the first shots. If we annihilate this fleet, the Confederation will no longer know what’s taking place in this cluster, and that’s what I want.”

  “So you spoke to Fleet Admiral Marloo about your plans?” Captain Fulmar knew the fleet admiral had to approve any such attack, as that which Admiral Cleemorl was planning.

  Dylan nodded. “Yes, I did. He just said to do everything in our power to keep our losses to a minimum. We can’t afford any major fleet losses at this time.”

  Captain Fulmar understood this very well. “So, how large a fleet are we taking?”

  “I’ve thought it over. We’ll take five hundred of our battlecruisers and all our dreadnoughts. That should give us an advantage in ships and firepower. If we can get in the first strike, we should hold our losses to a minimum.”

  “When do we leave?”

  “Tomorrow morning. We need to make arrangements to ensure our remaining ships can protect the cluster while we’re gone.”

  Captain Fulmar nodded. That would give him plenty of time to make the necessary arrangements.


  Back in the core worlds, Derrick was on board the new Destiny. They had just arrived at the system that the core worlds normally used for war games. The system had eight planets, dozens of moons, and two small asteroid fields that had long since been mined out.

  “System is empty,” confirmed Major Nower.

  Derrick nodded. All ships had been told to stay away from this system for the next twenty-four hours. “Pick out a couple large asteroids, and we’ll test our main weapons systems. We’ll hold off on the particle beam cannons, until we’re satisfied everything else is working as it should.”


  The Destiny approached a large asteroid, and its heavy fusion weapons rotated until they were aimed at the large space rock. Suddenly fusion energy beams leaped out to strike the surface, carving deep glowing gashes into the ground. For several minutes the Destiny assaulted the asteroid, as the ship turned to bring all its fusion weapons to bear. When the firing stopped, the large asteroid was crisscrossed with glowing canyons, where the beams had cut deeply into the asteroid’s surface.

  The ship backed away, and its missile ports slid open. From six of the ports, antimatter missiles flashed out to strike the surface of the asteroid. The explosions were massive, and bright fusion fireballs rose above the battered surface. When the fireballs died away, glowing craters appeared, kilometers deep. Some of the debris from the blasts had been hurled into space, some of it even impacting the energy screen of the Destiny.

  “All weapons systems check out,” reported Captain Banora. “Now we just need to test the particle beam cannons.”

  Derrick nodded. So far he was very pleased with the performance of his new flagship. “Pull us back to ten thousand kilometers and then hit the asteroid with both of the twin cannons for the particle beams.” Derrick was anxious to see how much more powerful the particle beams were compared to the fusion ones. “Make sure we’re recording everything.”


  The Destiny reoriented itself, until it faced the large asteroid, and then two light-violet beams shot out, striking the asteroid. A pair of tremendous explosions shook the asteroid and threatened to tear it apart. A massive cloud of dust and debris rose over the stricken area. Then the next two beams fired hit the same location. The asteroid shook violently and slowly split apart.


  Derrick gazed at the ship’s main viewscreen in shock. No
t only had the particle beams caused an unbelievable amount of damage to the asteroid but the second firing had actually split the asteroid in two.

  “Do you see that!” said Audrey excitedly, her mouth open in shock. “Can you imagine what these beams would do to a Confederation warship?”

  “Probably destroy it,” answered Derrick. “I want to hit both of those different pieces of the asteroid with the particle beams again. I want to see if we can duplicate what we just did or if we happened to hit a weak spot on the asteroid.”

  The Destiny targeted one of the asteroid pieces and fired again. In a massive explosion, the section of the asteroid targeted blew apart, sending debris flying across space. When the debris field cleared, the asteroid had been blown apart. The ship then fired on the other large asteroid piece with the same result.

  Audrey shook her head in amazement. “If we can equip all our dreadnoughts with these, it could change the war.”

  Derrick nodded in agreement. They had needed a superweapon, and now it looked as if they had one. “We’ll run a few more tests and then head back to Golan Four. I know a lot of fleet people who will be highly interested in what our tests revealed.” He also needed to promote Audrey to the rank of Rear Admiral. He planned on doing that once they were back in orbit around Golan Four.

  Chapter Four

  The Themis and the rest of First Fleet dropped from hyperspace in a small red dwarf star system. Only one small planet was in the system, and it was a frozen ball of ice. The Zynth fleet was in orbit around this planet. First Fleet dropped out of hyperspace within weapons range and immediately launched a full broadside of missiles from every ship toward the Zynth.


  Zynth Admiral Donlur was in his quarters, studying the reports from the latest scans of the Hagen Star Cluster. Evidently the entire cluster was preparing for all-out war. Suddenly alarms sounded, and red lights flashed. The comm light on his desk blinked. “Admiral Donlur.”

  “Admiral, a large Imperial fleet has just dropped from hyperspace in combat range. They’re already launching missiles.” At that moment his flagship shook violently, and the lights dimmed. Moments later they returned to normal.


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