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The Forgotten Empire: War for the Empire

Page 16

by Raymond L. Weil

  “In three hours, everyone will be inside the bunkers, and we can close them up,” reported Major Muskin, who was Jenkins’s second in command. “No sign yet of any enemy warships.”

  Jenkins nodded. “Let’s hope it stays that way, until the bunkers are closed and sealed.” Sitting down in his command chair, he wondered what the moon of Hastings would look like this time tomorrow. He was afraid he wouldn’t like it.


  Druin Admiral Falorr was in his Command Center as his fleet of 2,600 warships dropped from hyperspace, followed by the Zynth fleet of 2,300 warships. It had been decided by Morag Fleet Admiral Torrant to attack all targets with overwhelming force to ensure victory. Perhaps if the Humans saw that resistance was futile, they would agree to surrender to prevent a massive loss of life.

  “Detecting a powerful defensive grid, four ODPs, ten Imperial dreadnoughts, and seventy Imperial battlecruisers,” reported the sensor officer.

  “A very powerful defensive force for such a small moon,” commented First Officer Dagor, looking at the admiral.

  Falorr did not like what he saw, but he dared not postpone the attack. Fleet Admiral Torrant would not like that. “We will not use our attack drones against this moon. We will hold them back for a more worthy target.” He had twenty carriers full of the small AI attack drones.

  Admiral Falorr studied the tactical display for several moments, as he considered how best to proceed. “Contact Admiral Donlur. He’s to hit the far side of the moon, and I’ll hit the side facing us. This battle should be short and decisive. We attack in ten minutes.”

  Falorr leaned back in his command chair, his short neck balanced on his massive torso. He studied the tactical display, making sure he wasn’t missing anything. Satisfied, he was ready for his first major victory over the Humans.


  Rear Admiral Krest watched tensely, as the two Confederation fleets headed toward Hastings.

  “I think we’re outnumbered,” commented Major Every.

  Krest nodded. “It’s nearly always that way against the Confederation. Our goal here is not to win but to bloody their nose. Inform all ships to stand by to enter hyperspace on my command. We’ll exchange blows with the enemy, until such a time as we have no choice but to pull out.” Krest wouldn’t sacrifice all her ships in a no-win scenario. She would stay as long as she could, but her orders were clear. When her position became untenable, pull out and drop back toward the next fortified Human world.

  On the viewscreen, the enemy fleets drew nearer. Krest noted that the Zynth were going around the moon to attack the defenses on the other side, and the Druins were coming straight in.

  On the side her fleet was defending, she had the four ODPs and the three PDCs. The other side of the moon was protected only by the defensive grid.

  “Colonel Jenkins has taken the defensive grid to Condition One,” reported Karla. “Same for the ODPs and the PDCs.”

  Rear Admiral Krest nodded. “Take the fleet to Condition One as well and prepare for immediate combat.”

  Everyone in the Command Center was focused on the tactical display, which showed the Druin fleet nearly in combat range.

  “Stand by to fire,” ordered Krest. She wanted to get in the first strike, if possible.

  She felt the growing tension in the Command Center. Her hands clenched the armrests on her command chair. Krest’s gaze now focused intently on the viewscreens, which showed the Druin ships bearing down on Hastings and her fleet.

  “Engagement range!” called out the tactical officer.

  “Fire!” ordered Hasting, leaning forward in her command chair.

  The defense grid and the ODPs opened up at the same time. Hundreds of energy beams and nearly one thousand missiles were hurled toward the incoming Druin fleet.

  “Druins are firing,” warned the sensor officer.

  On the viewscreen, the front of the Druin fleet lit up with multiple explosions, as fusion and antimatter missiles slammed into energy screens. Rear Admiral Krest felt her flagship shudder, as a missile struck its energy screen.

  “Screen is holding at 92 percent,” reported tactical.


  In space, several Druin battlecruisers came apart, as the missile and energy beam bombardment overloaded energy screens. In a massive explosion of light, a Druin battleship blew up, splitting in two and scattering debris from the broken halves. Several more missiles arrived, turning the two halves into glowing suns.

  Druin missiles and energy beams hit the defending ships as well as took out parts of the defense grid. Missile platforms launched as quickly as possible, trying to empty their magazines before being destroyed. In bright flashes of light, energy beam satellites and occasional missile platforms were annihilated. The debris fell toward the moon, where it would burn up in the atmosphere.

  Around Hastings, the defensive grid, the ODPs, and the defending warships were under heavy attack. The sky above Hastings was full of bright flashes of light, where fusion and antimatter weapons were going off. With every passing moment more weapons fire was focused on the ODPs and the defending fleet.


  In the underground Defense Command Center, Colonel Jenkins watched the display of lights on the viewscreens. “Status of the evacuation?”

  “Nearly complete,” reported Major Muskin. “An estimated 92 percent of the population is safely inside their assigned bunkers.”

  Colonel Jenkins took a deep breath. “We’ll leave the bunkers open for another thirty minutes or until the first missile strike. As soon as either one happens, we seal them all shut, even if we have to leave some people outside. I won’t endanger those already inside because a few are taking their time getting to their assigned bunkers.”

  On one of the viewscreens, a sudden bright flash drew his attention. “What was that?”

  “Rear Admiral Krest just lost one of her dreadnoughts, and ODP Baker is taking heavy damage,” replied the sensor officer, monitoring the battle in orbit. “It won’t last much longer.”

  Jenkins nodded. “Have the ground PDCs ready to fire. The Druin fleet is still heading closer.”

  “They will be in range of the PDCs in seven minutes,” reported the sensor officer.

  Jenkins exchanged looks with Major Muskin. “We’ll fire as soon as the Druins are in range. Maybe we can take some of the pressure off the ODPs and the fleet.” Jenkins knew that, no matter what, this was a battle they could not win. However, winning the battle was not the goal. They wanted to inflict as much damage on the incoming Confederation fleets so Admiral Cleemorl could destroy them when they reached the Hagen Star Cluster. Jenkins also knew that whatever the Confederation destroyed on Hastings could always be built back later and better than before.


  Druin Admiral Falorr was not pleased. The resistance from Hastings was far greater than he had expected. “We must finish off the defensive grid,” he said, a hint of frustration in his voice. “Once the grid is gone, we can concentrate on the warships and the ODPs.”

  First Officer Dagor nodded. “I’ll change the fleet’s targeting immediately.”


  Around the planet, the defensive grid was now under heavy fire from both the Druin and the Zynth fleets. Energy beam satellites were dying like countless moths in a flame. Missile platforms were now blown apart rapidly, as multiple antimatter missiles slammed into their shields, rapidly overloading them. In less than four minutes, the defensive grid was annihilated. With the defensive grid gone, the Zynth began bombarding the moon itself, while the Druin ships focused on the ODPs and the Human warships.


  “Inbound missiles on the far side of Hastings!” called out the sensor officer. “Defensive grid is 98 percent destroyed. Only the ODPs and a few missile platforms still survive.”

  Colonel Jenkins’s gaze met Major Muskin’s. “Seal all bunkers and activate planetary defensive network.” This was a series of missile interceptors scattered over the surface.

s sealing up,” reported Major Muskin. “Estimate about four thousand civilians did not make it to their assigned bunkers.”

  Jenkins shook his head. “Nothing more we can do. They had their chance to get to safety and didn’t make it. We can’t risk tens of thousands of others by waiting for them any longer.”

  Across the planet, beneath mountains, huge metal doors slid shut. Most of the bunkers were protected by a series of such doors, as well as a contingent of Imperial Marines. In just a matter of a few minutes, all the bunkers were sealed tight and on internal air and power.


  On the far side of Hastings, interceptor missiles rose in the air. For several long minutes they managed to intercept every incoming missile, and then the supply of interceptor missiles was exhausted. In a sudden flash of light, the first fusion warhead exploded above one of the smaller cities on that side of the moon. In moments a deadly mushroom cloud rose, as the city beneath it died. For the next several minutes, missile after missile detonated above cities, damns, valuable infrastructure, and even farmland.


  In the Hastings Defense Command Center, Colonel Jenkins winced, as he watched the horrible destruction Hastings was suffering. He knew it would take years to recover.

  Taking a deep breath, he returned his attention to the tactical display and the viewscreens. The battle was about to get more intense, as the PDCs on the ground were about to begin firing.


  Rear Admiral Krest grew more concerned with every passing minute. Already she had lost three dreadnoughts and seventeen battlecruisers. The Druins had lost double that, but they were still inbound.

  “Ground PDCs are firing,” reported the sensor officer.

  In only a matter of a few moments, the number of explosions detonating in the Druin fleet intensified. Two battlecruisers and a battleship vanished under a massive onslaught of missiles. All three looked like a supernova had gone off. When the light bursts and the fire died down, only a small amount of twisted glowing wreckage remaining.

  “ODP Baker is evacuating,” reported Major Every. “They’re reporting 80 percent of their weapons are off-line, and their energy shield is down to 40 percent and dropping.”

  Krest winced. She hated losing the firepower of an ODP, but it couldn’t be helped. “Tell them good luck.”

  Moments later on the main viewscreen, several large shuttles left the ODP and headed toward the surface. They headed toward the PDCs, hoping they could find a safe refuge there.

  One minute later a massive blast of light filled several of the viewscreens, as the ODP’s energy screen finally collapsed, and several Druin antimatter missiles destroyed the heavily damaged ODP.

  Krest felt her flagship shake violently, and one of the consoles exploded in a shower of sparks. The officer in front of the console screamed, as he was burned.

  “Medic to the Command Center,” ordered Major Every, as several crew personnel rushed over to help the injured officer. “Get that fire put out.”

  The Command Center filled with smoke, as the emergency air filter system was activated to pull it out. The fire was quickly put out, as a technician examined the console to see if it could be repaired.

  The ship shook again, keeling over to one side.

  “Antimatter missile explosion,” reported Major Every. “Part of the force of the explosion made it through the energy shield.”

  “Shield is holding at 62 percent,” reported tactical. “We’re taking a lot of hits to the energy screen.”

  Suddenly the ship shook violently, as if being pounded by a giant hammer. The entire hull seemed to ring, and Krest heard the sounds of tearing metal.

  “ODP Cora has been destroyed,” reported the sensor officer. “Part of its wreckage hit us.”

  “Damage report?” Rear Admiral Krest saw numerous red and amber lights on the damage control console.

  “It’s bad,” answered the executive officer. “We’ve lost 32 percent of our weapons, and our shield is down to 22 percent. One of our fusion power plants has been damaged and is only operating at 17 percent capacity. At that rate, our shield will fail in less than ten minutes.”

  “What’s the status of the other two ODPs?”

  “Both are damaged,” reported Major Every. “They won’t last more than another ten or fifteen minutes. They’re being hit with so many missiles that their screens are covered in light from all the released energy.”

  Rear Admiral Krest knew she had to make a decision. “Inform the rest of the fleet we jump out in five minutes. Order the two surviving ODPs to evacuate at that time. Contact Colonel Jenkins, and tell him we’re pulling out. Wish him good luck.” Glenda knew she could do nothing more here. They had bled the enemy and would continue to do so until the ground PDCs were destroyed. That part of the battle her ships would not witness, as they would be long gone.


  Druin Admiral Falorr grew more agitated with every passing minute. He was losing too many ships in this battle.

  “Admiral, the Imperial ships are charging their hyperdrives,” reported First Officer Dagor. “I believe they’re preparing to jump out.”

  “The last two ODPs are being evacuated,” reported the sensor officer. “Shuttles have left both and are headed toward the surface.”

  “Then concentrate on those ODPs and finish destroying them,” ordered Falorr. Finally things seemed to go his way.

  On the main viewscreen, the number of explosions going off around the ODPs intensified. At the same time what was left of the Human fleet vanished, as they made the transition into hyperspace.

  It didn’t take long, and the energy screen on one of the ODPs failed. Almost instantly dozens of antimatter missiles detonated, blowing the ODP into a million glowing pieces. The other remaining ODP soon followed, leaving the Druins and the Zynth in total control of the orbital space around Hastings.


  In the Hastings Defense Command Center, Colonel Jenkins shook his head. “Did the shuttles make it down?”

  Major Muskin shook his head. Only two out of four made it. The other two were destroyed before they could land.”

  Colonel Jenkins leaned back in his command chair. “Now it’s up to the PDCs, and I fear they won’t last long.”


  The three PDCs were firing energy beams and missiles nonstop, attempting to destroy as many Druin warships as possible. Interceptor missiles were constantly launching and intercepting incoming missiles. The sky was full of bright explosions where interceptions occurred.

  Suddenly a massive blast slammed into one of the energy screens protecting the largest PDC. The screen held, and the PDC continued to attack the orbiting Druin ships.


  Druin Admiral Falorr grew angrier as his losses continued to mount. He had ordered some of his battlecruisers to hit the areas of the moon not protected by the three PDCs. Mushroom clouds rose, and soon the atmosphere turned dark.

  “We could leave those PDCs,” suggested First Officer Dagor. “We have destroyed all the cities on the planet, including the one in the center of those bases. The radiation level is climbing, and soon all light will be cut off from the ash and pollutants in the atmosphere. Those bases no longer pose a threat. They’ll be cut off, with no way to escape.”

  Falorr knew that Dagor was correct. No point risking more ships to accomplish something no longer necessary. The defensive grid had been smashed; all four ODPs had been destroyed. The defending fleet had suffered major losses and had been forced to flee; all the cities and infrastructure on the moon had been annihilated. There was no point in continuing this battle. “Notify all ships to withdraw from the moon. For all intents and purposes, we have won this battle. The moon of Hastings is no longer a threat to the Confederation.”

  Moments later the two fleets pulled away from the moon and soon entered hyperspace. The battle for Hastings was over.


  Colonel Jenkins breathed a sigh of relief, when he saw the two Confederation fleets e
xit the system. All four PDCs were still intact, as well as the majority of the underground bunkers. They were getting a count, but early estimates put the survival rate within the bunkers at over 90 percent.

  “What now?” asked Major Muskin.

  “We do nothing,” answered Jenkins. “The bunkers are supplied sufficiently to get by for two years. Hopefully by then, this war will be over, the radiation will have dissipated, and we’ll be in the process of rebuilding.”

  Looking at the viewscreens revealing the devastation, Major Muskin shook his head. “We’ll have a lot of rebuilding to do.”

  “We’ll have the Empire to help,” replied Jenkins. “That should make a huge difference.”

  “Assuming they win this war,” said Muskin, some doubt in his voice.

  Jenkins didn’t reply. As much as he hated to admit it, there was a chance the Empire could lose.


  Rear Admiral Krest watched as her fleet emerged from hyperspace. They were in the system of Ranier Two, where Glenda hoped to spend some time repairing her ships. “What did we lose?”

  Major Every turned toward the admiral. “We lost four dreadnoughts and twenty-seven battlecruisers. We have a number of ships that need some major repairs and a few that should really be sent to a repair bay.”

  Krest looked at the main viewscreen showing Ranier Two. The Druins had destroyed its two largest cities and had only recently vacated the system. While there was no threat here, there was also no help. “We will stay for six hours and then continue to Xnea Two. They have a shipyard we can use for repairs and a very strong defensive grid.”

  Major Every looked doubtful. “We have a few ships that might not make it that far.”

  Krest had been afraid of that. “If necessary, we’ll take the crews off and scuttle them. Our mission out here is done. Now we need to get our ships repaired.”


  Druin Admiral Falorr had stopped in an uninhabited system to conduct repairs on his fleet. He had lost 157 of his warships in the battle over Hastings. He had already contacted Morag Fleet Admiral Torrant and reported on the results of his attack. It had been an interesting conversation.



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