Hamlet’s Ghost
Page 25
And finally, there is a unique ending to my journey with this book. No matter what I write in the future, this story will hold a precious place in my heart.
I did the final proof read of Hamlet’s Ghost at the bedside of my former acting teacher and dear friend, Zika Nester. It was definitely a unique place to finish any book, but to be surrounded by theatre folk helping a friend pass over while finishing a novel about exactly the same thing was extraordinary.
To the seven women I shared closing night with: Sharon, Jo, Jodie, Cath, Kate, Margaret and Rebecca—you are all magnificent. I have so much love for you all.
And beautiful Zika: I’m so glad you got to share Hamlet’s Ghost with me. As you always said, “Use it!” So I did. I dedicate this book to you.
About Jane Tara
Jane Tara is the author of The Happy Endings Book Club, as well as three novels in the Shakespeare Sisters series: Forecast, Trouble Brewing and Hamlet’s Ghost. She has over twenty children’s books published in Korea, and runs a children’s travel publishing company called Itchee Feet. She lives with her partner Dom and their four sons in Sydney. Jane can be contacted via her website: www.janetara.com.
Also by Jane Tara
Forecast: Shakespeare Sisters
Trouble Brewing: Shakespeare Sisters
The Happy Endings Book Club
First published by Momentum in 2014
This edition published in 2015 by Momentum
Pan Macmillan Australia Pty Ltd
1 Market Street, Sydney 2000
Copyright © Jane Tara 2014
The moral right of the author has been asserted.
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A CIP record for this book is available at the National Library of Australia
Hamlet’s Ghost: Shakespeare Sisters
EPUB format: 9781760081027
Mobi format: 9781760081034
Print on Demand: 9781760300517
Cover design by Carrie Kabak
Edited by Kylie Mason
Proofread by Laurie Ormond
Macmillan Digital Australia: www.macmillandigital.com.au
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