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Ten Year Reunion: A Hotwife Novel

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by Lexi Archer

  Ten Year Reunion

  Lexi Archer

  Copyright 2015 Lexi Archer


  Individuals pictured on the cover are models and used for illustrative purposes only.

  First digital edition electronically published by Lexi Archer, February 2015

  Let your fantasies come true with Lexi Archer…

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  Table of Contents

  1: The Invite

  2: A New Fantasy

  3: Old Memories

  4: Modeling

  5: Homecoming

  6: The Reunion

  7: Old Flame

  8: Forbidden Dance

  9: Ground Rules

  10: New Memories

  11: Into the Woods

  12: Jealous Desire

  13: Rationalizations

  14: Lunch Date

  15: Waiting Game

  16: Forbidden Fantasy Fulfilled

  Epilogue: Again?

  More from Lexi Archer

  1: The Invite

  Abby slammed the dishes down into the sink. “Son of a bitch!”

  I looked up from where I was finishing up my dinner. “Something wrong honey?”

  “Nothing,” she said. She held up her hand revealing a small scratch. “I just cut myself on this.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Seems like a bit of an overreaction for a little cut?”

  Abby looked over at me, sighed, and rolled her eyes. That caused my own eyebrows to rise. What was going on here? Usually when she was upset like this I could figure out what the reason was. Usually when she was upset like this I’d done something stupid, not that it happened that often.

  Only I had absolutely no idea what was going on now.

  I shrugged and went back to finishing my dinner. I’d long ago decided that our marriage would be a lot easier if I just let her have her space when she was angry like this. Trying to figure out what the problem was, trying to solve the problem, usually made it worse.

  I did pause for a moment to enjoy the sight of my beautiful wife leaning over the kitchen sink in her pajamas. Skimpy pajamas that were little more than short shorts and a tank top that molded to her petite frame. Having an insanely hot chick walking around the house wearing practically nothing, or sometimes wearing nothing at all, was still one of those weird things I hadn’t gotten used to even after three years of marriage.

  Her shiny brown hair with highlights fell down to about her shoulders. Her tank top molded itself to her tight body, every bit as tight as when I’d been stupid enough to ask her out on a date at some house party despite the fact that no guy at said party would go near her because they were intimidated by the hot cheerleader breezing in and taking over the place. I’d also been lucky enough that she’d said yes and the rest, as they say, is history. I could see the swell of her tits, and I could also barely make out her nipples poking out towards me. God I loved it when she wore pajamas like that.

  I made sure to keep her in a steady supply of the stuff, going over to the Victoria’s Secret every time she had a birthday, we had an anniversary, or Christmas rolled around. I think she knew what I was up to from the way she grinned at me when she opened her gifts, but she also never complained. Those gifts were fun for both of us.

  Her shorts showed off the delicious curve of her ass, and I could just make out the tantalizing bottom swell of her ass cheeks. I felt my cock stirring as I wondered if she was wearing any underwear tonight.

  But now wasn’t the time to scratch that particular itch. No, now was the time to steer clear of her. I might go to the guest bedroom and read or something. Stay out of her way.

  You gave an angry cat with its hackles up plenty of space. You didn’t go poking it with a stick, however much I might want to comfort my wife when she got like this. Best to let her work through it on her own.

  I shook my head and went back to my dinner. Whatever was bothering her, she’d get around to telling me eventually. Maybe.

  Later that night Abby was still slamming things around as she got ready for bed. I looked over to her while I was brushing my teeth and raised an eyebrow. I figured for sure that giving her some space for the evening would be enough to let her blow some steam off, but it looked like I was wrong in this case. Now I was curious. What could’ve happened that pissed her off so much? Obviously something at work, but she usually told me about that as soon as she walked through the door. Was her boss being an asshole again? Did someone try to take credit for one of her projects again?

  I cleared my throat and she looked over to me. It was a sharp look that told me I’d be better off leaving well enough alone, but my curiosity was quickly overcoming my desire to maintain peace in the household. If I didn’t get to enjoy an evening with her, well I suppose that was worth the price of figuring out exactly what the hell was going on.

  “So…” I paused for a moment, thinking about how to proceed. Best to just rip off the bandage. “Is something bothering you?”

  Abby rolled her eyes. “It’s nothing. You wouldn’t understand.”

  “Maybe not,” I said. “But I’d be happy to listen.”

  I went back to brushing my teeth. This was all part of the process. All part of the game. Like I said before, Abby didn’t get like this very often, but when she did it was a pain in the ass. I’d learned a couple of tricks for defusing the situation, even if I was reluctant to do any sort of bomb defusing since that always meant there was a risk of the bomb going off in my face.

  Stupid curiosity.

  If I was going to stick my nose in her business then this was the best way. Walk up carefully, snip a wire, step back. Let her know I was here for her, that I could listen, and then wait for her to decide whether or not she wanted to include me.

  “I got a message today.”

  I turned, paused in my teeth brushing. She got a message? What could someone IM her that would make her this upset?

  Only I didn’t say anything. Best to draw it out of her naturally. Best to let her say what she wanted to say. So I nodded and turned back to brushing my teeth.

  “It was from a guy I knew in high school.”

  Immediately my attention was back on Abby. I was focused in on everything she said with a laser precision. I was far more interested now than thirty seconds ago. Some guy from her high school was messaging her? There was only one person I could think of who would possibly be messaging her, only one person who could send her a message and have her this upset.

  My eyes narrowed, but she didn’t see it. Which was probably a good thing. My blood was pumping, and I even felt a stirring down in my cock oddly enough. I’d never had that reaction to being angry before. And yet as I looked her up and down, as I imagined the message she got, I felt jealousy roaring inside me like a raging wildfire.

  It was a miracle I managed to keep brushing my teeth. That I managed to keep a neutral expression on my face. That I managed to glance over at her with casual disinterest and not say anything. Let her work it out. Let her tell me what she was going to tell me.

  At least she told me she got a message from this “guy she went to high school with.” At least she wasn’t hiding it.
I could be thankful for that at least.

  “It was our old class president. My ten year reunion is coming up and we’re invited,” Abby said.

  It’s amazing how quickly fight or flight can kick in and how much faster it can flee your body leaving you exhausted. All of the tension, all of the anger, all of the fear I’d felt just a moment ago immediately drained and I almost collapsed against the sink. I carefully pulled my toothbrush out, rinsed it off, and put it back in its little cup. The last thing I needed was to pass out with that thing in my mouth.

  The message was from her class president. It wasn’t from him. It wasn’t what I thought at all.

  “What’s the big deal about going to a reunion?” I asked.

  Abby leaned back against the wall and sighed. I could see all the anger draining out of her. I smiled. This was the next stage of defusing the bomb. She was letting it out. She was going to tell me exactly what was bothering her in a minute.

  Which was fine with me. As long as what was bothering her wasn’t a message from him we were great as far as I was concerned.

  “I’m not supposed to be having a ten year reunion!”

  I leaned against the sink counter and raised an eyebrow as I looked at my gorgeous wife. “Are you sure about that? Because they pretty much happen to everybody right around a decade after you graduated from high school.”

  She looked at me and grinned. “Smartass. You know what I mean.”

  I shrugged. “Not really. I have a ten year reunion next year and it’s not bothering me all that much.”

  “We’ll see how you feel about that next year,” she said.

  “Well either way, it’s coming whether I like it or not. Might as well go with the flow,” I said.

  She took a step towards me, a smile on her face. A grimace on her face. “But I’m not ready for a ten year reunion!”

  “What do you mean? You have a great job. You have a great husband if I do say so myself.”

  Abby took another step towards me until she was almost pressing against me and I was painfully aware of how hot her body felt. How she was just inches from brushing those delicious eraser point nipples against my chest. I loved it when she did that, even through her tank top. God was my wife gorgeous. I never got tired of looking at her.

  And right now she was looking up at me with the hottest “fuck me” eyes I’d seen in a good long while. My cock twitched and started to rise. If it went much further out then it was going to brush against her. In fact, she smiled as she felt the tip pressing against her stomach. She glanced down and grinned.

  “Aren’t we excited?”

  “Just going with the flow babe,” I said.

  Abby looked up at me and some of the worry was back in her face. “But I haven’t done so many things! I was going to be this big successful person and none of that has happened yet.”

  “You have a good job and you’re on your way,” I said. “Not everybody can be a multimillionaire by the time they’re getting out of their twenties.”

  Abby looked down, suddenly quiet. “So many of the girls I graduated with have kids too.”

  I grinned and reached down, placed a finger under her chin and lifted her face up until she was looking at me. Her eyes moved back and forth between my own and I grinned.

  “Hey babe,” I said. “I know you wanted to wait, but if having kids is what you’re interested in we can head over to the bed and get to practicing right now!”

  A wide grin broke across her face. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

  I returned the grin as she slipped around me, as her nipples brushed against me, as her hand reached down and ever so slightly stroked my cock as she walked past. I closed my eyes and leaned against the sink to maintain my balance. Three years of marriage and she could still throw me off like that. She could still drive me wild with just a touch.

  What can I say? I was madly in love and still got drunk on the intoxicating experience that was my lovely wife.

  I looked over my shoulder. “You know you don’t have to go to this reunion. It’s not like there’s some law stating that attendance at these things is mandatory or anything.”

  Abby sighed, her shoulders slumping. “I know. I just feel like that’s taking the easy way out.”

  “How’s that the easy way out? How many of those people have you talked to in the last ten years?”

  Abby plopped down on the bed which bounced under her. Which caused her own tits to bounce in a hypnotic way up above. She put a hand to her chin and thought about that for a moment.

  “I guess not many of them now that you mention it,” she said.

  “Exactly! So who are you going to be disappointing if you don’t show up?”

  A dark cloud passed across her face and I immediately wished I hadn’t said that. Who would she be disappointing if she didn’t show up at her reunion? I had a very good idea as to exactly who she’d be disappointing, though she’d never say it. Out loud. Not to me. She knew how I felt.

  Only that cloud was gone in an instant. Her face was smiling again.

  “I suppose you’re right,” she said. “I suppose it would be a better idea to just stay home.”

  “Or maybe take a little mini vacation that weekend!” I said.

  “Yeah!” she said. “That sounds like fun.”

  “You can think about it, at least,” I said.

  “Thanks,” she said.

  “For what?”

  “For giving me my space,” she said. “For listening when I needed it. You’re the best husband.”

  I pulled myself away from the sink and took a step towards her. I struck one of my manliest poses and she threw her head back and giggled. “Oh really? Well if I’m the best husband ever then why don’t you prove it to me?”

  “Oh yeah? What did you have in mind?”

  “How about some of that practice we were talking about?”

  “Abby put a finger to her lips and hummed for a moment as though she was thinking about it and I fixed her with my best hurt expression. It was all part of the dance. It was all part of our little game.

  “I guess I could show you how much I appreciate you babe,” she said with a smile.

  2: A New Fantasy

  I didn’t waste any time. When your wife tells you she’s in the mood you got on that.

  So I ran and dove into the bed. Abby shrieked and giggled as I dove towards her and rolled to the side at the last moment allowing me to belly flop on the mattress beside her. I immediately scrambled to my feet and lunged for her. She shrieked once again, and I barely missed as she jumped out of the way.

  “Playing hard to get are we?” I said.


  “I’ll show you!”

  I lunged again and again Abby giggled and jumped out of the way. We had a king-size bed and Abby was petite and fast. That was a deadly combination when you were trying to pin someone down on a bed.

  “Oh dear! What would my husband think?”

  I paused for a moment and felt my cock twitch. So we were playing that game tonight? Abby was a fan of introducing little fantasies like this into our bedroom repertoire, and this had been one of the newer themes. I have to admit I found it intriguing.

  Even if it did make me think of him from time to time.

  “I don’t care what your husband thinks,” I growled. “You’re mine!”

  Abby jumped out of the way as I lunged for her a third time. This time she shrieked in mock horror. “Oh no! This is wrong! I’m a married woman!”

  “And I don’t give a damn! You’re married and I’m going to make you mine!”

  Abby paused in the center of the bed, sitting with her knees splayed out slightly so I could see the outline of her pussy where her shorts were pulled up against her body. There was a dampness between her legs that showed just how turned on she was. I wondered if she was turned on because we were about to have sex, because of the dirty talk, or because of some combination of all of the above.

hatever. As long as my wife was turned on and ready to go I’d take it.

  She wagged a finger at me causing her tits to bounce slightly. “Naughty boy!”

  “Damn straight!” I said.

  I dove for her one last time, only this time she didn’t try to get away from me. This time she smiled and held her arms out, allowed me to wrap my own arms around her as I slowed at the last minute and pressed her down onto the mattress.

  I raised an eyebrow as I looked down at her, her hair splayed out across our bed. “What about all that stuff about your husband getting angry?”

  Abby bit her lip as my cock pressed against that delicious wet spot between her legs. As the head of my cock poked out from between my boxers and I felt the warm inviting wetness where her arousal had soaked through her pajama shorts.

  “Fuck my husband,” she said.

  “That’s the idea!” I roared.

  Now that I had her in my arms I planned on taking full advantage. I wrapped an arm around her and pulled her up. She was so petite, so light, that it was ridiculously easy for me to lift her. Then she was on her knees once again, only she was pressed against me. Her tits were pressed against my chest and it felt incredible.

  My arms wrapped around her, one going up to behind her head to gather up some of her hair as I pulled her in for a kiss. The other moving down and she gasped as I gave her tight ass a squeeze. I loved the feel of my wife. I loved her tight body. Six years out of college and she still had the tight cheerleader’s physique that I’d so enjoyed back when we first got together.

  I pressed my lips against hers and she immediately opened her mouth to me. Our tongues shot out and danced with one another. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of my wife against me. I felt like I was the luckiest man in the world every time she pressed her tight body against me. Every time I got a chance to taste her, whether that taste was her delicious kisses or the equally delicious tastes on offer between her legs.

  Abby sighed and moaned into my mouth as I pressed my cock against her. As I positioned myself so it was moving back and forth against her pussy lips down where our bodies made contact. I was rock hard, and to be honest I realized that I was even more turned on than usual. My wife was more than enough to get me going on any day, but there were days when you were into it and there were days when you were just going with the flow because hey, hot chick right in front of you willing to have sex.


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