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Ten Year Reunion: A Hotwife Novel

Page 12

by Lexi Archer

  Finally the noise came to an end and I turned towards her bathroom. I licked my lips in anticipation as the light turned off and she stepped out. My eyes widened and my mouth dropped.


  Abby did a quick twirl in her outfit. She wore a pair of short sparkly shorts that had no doubt been sitting in her dresser for a decade waiting for her to return. Up above she had on the shirt. The same shirt I recognized from that picture I pulled out in the attic a few weeks ago. Sure it looked different now because it was mostly buttoned up instead of buttoned down revealing most of her body, but I would recognize that shirt anywhere. I didn’t even realize she still had the thing!

  “You like?” she asked with a giggle.

  “I definitely like!”

  “I wasn’t even sure I’d fit into them after all these years,” she said.

  She ran her hands up and down her body which made me think of how I’d love running my hands up and down her body while she was wearing that outfit. It also made me think about how much David would probably love to run his hands up and down her body, especially after the little performance they had last night.

  “Are you kidding honey?” I asked, incredulity clearly making its way into my voice. “You’re in better shape now than you were ten years ago!”

  Abby walked over and plopped down on the bed. I was painfully aware of just how close she was. Just how nice it felt having her warmth next to me. Sure I’d had a little fun with her the night before, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t interested in maybe having a little more fun right here. Right now.

  Only it seemed like she was reading my mind. She scooted away just as I leaned towards her. At that very moment I wanted nothing more than to fuck my wife in those old clothes on her old bed while I was imagining that I was him.

  “You know the rules,” she said.

  I blinked. “The rules?”

  “Yeah, I just thought of one,” she said. “If you’re going to have me go out to try and seduce a guy then there’s going to be no hanky-panky for you until we do it.”

  I groaned but I guess she had a point. I was so turned on right now. I was so fucking hot. If I went ahead and fucked her now then there was a very real danger I’d lose interest, or at the very least the feelings wouldn’t be quite as intense. No, I needed to save myself. I needed to hold myself in reserve. I needed to make sure I squeezed every bit of enjoyment out of this forbidden fantasy we were preparing to indulge.

  Abby stood and walked halfway across the room and did a little turn. I was pretty sure she was deliberately putting some extra sway into her movements. Her ass was definitely looking very nice in those impossibly tight shorts. She stopped and did another quick twirl showing off the full ensemble.

  Sandals covering her feet. Her gorgeous tanned legs running all the way up to those shorts where I thought I could make out just the barest hint of her ass cheeks and maybe a pair of bright pink panties peeking out from underneath. That button down shirt up above with a couple of buttons undone down below revealing her flat toned stomach and her belly button but still not revealing nearly as much as she had in that picture. Up above I could see a hint of her cleavage and what looked like a matching pink bra. And finally there was her beautiful face smiling at me. She’d done herself up to the nines with glittering eye shadow, but not overdone. Her hair fell down past her shoulders and she looked wonderful.

  She was irresistible. The only thing that was keeping me from jumping her was that I knew she’d just pull away if I lunged for her. Something told me this wasn’t the best time to play our little game of keep away in the bedroom. Something told me I needed to just wait, let things happen.

  “So you think David will like it?”

  “Like it? I think he’s going to love it!”

  Abby moved back across the room. She leaned down so her face was inches from mine. She leaned forward and brushed her lips against mine, the taste of her lip gloss coming off on my own lips. I instinctively started rubbing my lips together to spread it around in a weird little thing I did whenever she kissed me. I loved the taste of her, and I loved the taste of the lip glosses she chose, though this was one I hadn’t enjoyed for maybe a decade. It tasted like something from back when we first started dating.

  She grinned. “I grabbed one of my old ones. It turns out that stuff never expires.”

  “Talk about bringing back memories,” I said.

  Her grin grew even wider and her hand moved down to my cock. “That’s the idea, right?”

  I couldn’t help it. She was too tempting. She looked too amazing. The taste of that old lip gloss brought back memories and I had to have her. Had to take her right now. I didn’t care about the consequences. I reached out and wrapped my hand around her slim waist, moved it up under her shirt. Her eyes widened and she smiled. She also made no move to stop me.

  I was in the process of pulling her towards me when I heard a faint rumbling. A faint rumbling that was growing louder and louder. Abby turned towards the stairs leading from her room down to the main level of the house and a huge grin split her face. She turned back to me and winked before pulling back. As the rumbling came to a stop somewhere in front of the house Abby’s phone buzzed. She pulled it out of her back pocket and her eyes ran across the screen. She looked up at me.

  “Moment of truth,” she said. “He’s out there.”

  “Moment of truth? I thought we already had that.”

  “Yeah, but you still have time to back out. I can still tell him I changed my mind. But if I go down there…”

  The implication was clear enough. If she went down there then this was happening. This was my last chance to pull the emergency brake. This was my last chance to put a stop to this before it potentially blew up in our faces.

  “Were playing with fire baby,” I said.

  Abby leaned down and kissed me, a lingering kiss. Her mouth opened and my tongue slipped between her lips. Only just as it was getting good, just as my cock started really throbbing, she pulled away from me and patted my cheek.

  “We’re not playing with fire. You’re my one and only, even if I do go through with this.”

  I smiled. “That’s all I need to hear. Go. Have fun. And hopefully I’ll see you soon.”

  She looked over her shoulder one last time as she sashayed out of the room. “We’ll see…”

  15: Waiting Game

  I flopped back on Abby’s bed and let out a large sigh I didn’t even realize I was holding in as of that rumbling outside grew louder and then started to fade. That had to be the sound of David and his massive truck going away with my wife in the passenger seat. With my wife sitting her delicious ass on the bench seat that I’d fucked her on just the night before. On the bench seat he’d probably dreamed about fucking her on so many times in the past, but never got the chance to if she was telling the truth about their experience.

  I turned my attention back to the television but there was no distraction to be found there. No, I was too preoccupied with the thought of my wife in his truck. With the thought of what they might be talking about. What they might be doing. Chances are they were just going somewhere in town, but I had no way of knowing and the anticipation, the lack of knowing, was killing me. It was driving me absolutely insane.

  I thought about what must be running through his head as he had her in his truck for the first time in years. As they reenacted some of the experiences they’d shared back when they were barely adults. As he looked over and saw her in that outfit she’d hadn’t worn in over a decade, an outfit that was a reminder of the one night when she’d been the closest to giving herself over to him completely. I suppose it was sort of fitting and symbolic that she decided to wear that today of all days.

  I also wondered what must be going through her head. I imagined it was a lot more complicated than what was going through his. He probably just had one overriding concern, getting into my wife’s pants after that performance last night had shown she was more than willing to
let him. Or at least she might be more than willing to let him.

  But Abby, Abby was more complicated. She was probably thinking about what she’d done with David the night before. Old memories were probably flooding back to her as she rode in his truck. She’d be taking in the feel, the smell, the look of him sitting right there just like he had over a decade ago as though no time had gone by. She’d be listening to the familiar sound of the truck’s engine rumbling. And I hoped she’d maybe spare a thought for me. Spare a thought for how torturous this was for me as I was sitting waiting for any indication that something was going to happen.

  I imagined it was still a little bit of an awkward situation for her. I know I still felt a little weird about this. What kind of guy gives his wife permission to step out on him, after all? Only it was something I was compelled to do. It was an obsession that I had to indulge. It was an itch that I had to scratch. And it seemed like she was more than happy to go along with it, but I imagined that didn’t stop the doubts she was no doubt feeling. It certainly wasn’t stopping the doubts that were still tickling at the back of my mind even if arousal was winning the day.

  For now.

  My phone buzzed. I picked it up and swiped at the screen. A message. From Abby.

  Abby: we made it to the diner. He insisted on ordering for me like old times.

  Well that was interesting, but it wasn’t exactly what I was hoping for. I was hoping for some sort of update on the fantasy situation, but I guess this was as good as anything. I guess him ordering for her was sort of like he was taking command. That was a step in the right direction, right?

  I was kidding myself. I was grasping at straws. I was trying to come up with anything that would keep me from going crazy as I imagined them sitting together at some diner, probably the same diner they’d sat at back when they were dating, catching up on old times. I wondered if she was going to chicken out. If she wasn’t going to tell him what she was really there for. I had no way of knowing until she texted me.

  I decided not to text anything back to her. I flipped through a few channels before my phone buzzed again. I looked down at the timestamp and was surprised to realize I’d been flipping through channels for a good fifteen minutes without actually seeing anything. Was I really that preoccupied?

  Abby: I’m really nervous, I just told him I had a lot of fun last night. He’s asking about you.

  I wondered if this was the point where I should step in. Where I should try to reassure her. She was out there because of my fantasy, after all, and the problem was I had no idea how she should proceed. It’s not like there was a manual for this sort of thing. Or if there was a manual for this sort of thing we certainly hadn’t bothered to consult it before throwing her to the wolves. To her ex-boyfriend. Whatever.

  Another text. My phone lit up. I read it voraciously.

  Abby: he just asked me if I wanted to do a lot more than what we did last night. What should I tell him? ;)

  I licked my lips and started tapping at my phone. She asked me for a response. She’d asked me what to do.

  Me: invite him back to your place

  Abby: but my husband is waiting back at my place, how would he react!

  Me: are you wondering how I would react or how David would react?

  Abby: both of you, silly!

  Me: well you know how I’d react. The question is how does he feel about it?

  Abby: only one way to find out ;)

  I fell back against Abby’s bed again and waited for my phone to buzz. I wasn’t even going to try to do something else. All of my thoughts were on them sitting at that diner. On the conversation they must be having right about now. How would he react to her saying she wanted to take him back to her old room and fuck his brains out? How would he react to hearing that her husband was also waiting back here and oh, by the way, he would also very much like to watch the festivities?

  How would I react if I found myself in that situation? If I had a beautiful girl in front of me, someone I’d been fantasizing about for the past decade, and suddenly she said I had a chance with her but I had to let her boyfriend watch at the same time?

  Would I go for it? Would I chicken out? Would I be disgusted? It was hard to say.

  I knew if it was a chance to get with Abby again then I definitely would go for it. She just had that effect on me, but then again I also would never be one to let her get away in the first place and find myself in this situation.

  I was letting my mind wander again. I was starting to lose track of time again. Then again, that was probably a good thing. If I was losing track of time then I wasn’t sitting here going crazy thinking about what they were up to. What they were talking about.

  My phone buzzed and I pulled it up so fast that it very nearly slipped out of my grip, very nearly went clattering to the floor. I managed to grab it at the last minute before it went flying off the edge of the bed and I sat there in the glow of my phone.

  Abby: we’re on our way

  I felt as though a bolt of lightning had descended from the heavens and went straight to my heart. Straight to my cock. They were heading back here. She was on her way with him. In a short amount of time, because it never took that long to get anywhere in this town, I’d hear the rumble of his truck and they’d be coming upstairs. My cock was throbbing. It was happening. It was finally happening.

  I was lightheaded to the point that I worried I might actually pass out. Now that would be ironic. I finally get to the point where we were going to make this fantasy a reality after a month of me dreaming about it, and right on the verge of having said fantasy fulfilled I was also on the verge of completely losing consciousness. I’d get an ambulance ride to the hospital instead of getting to see my wife and her ex-boyfriend going at it.

  Only somehow I managed to keep it together. Somehow I managed to maintain consciousness. I stood and looked around the room once more, making sure everything was in place. Though I’m not sure what I was doing exactly. How could everything be in place? She had the bed right there. There was even a chair against the wall that I could sit in and watch.

  I was going to sit in that chair and watch my wife fucking another man. I was going to watch my wife fucking her ex-boyfriend. I couldn’t believe it. I just couldn’t believe it!

  My thoughts were rambling. I was thinking rapid fire. I couldn’t stop though. It was as though my mind was on fire. It was as though the synapses in my brain were firing on overdrive. I definitely felt like my cock was working in overdrive.

  Then I heard it. That rumbling sound that was familiar now even though I’d only heard it once before. They were here. I stopped and listened as it grew closer, as it pulled into her driveway, as the rumbling came to an end and I heard two doors slamming, as I heard the front door to Abby’s house open.

  I licked my lips in anticipation, sitting on the edge of the bed, watching the top of the stairs with a stupid grin on my face. I heard people moving around downstairs, whispering, a giggle. And… Holy shit. Was that the sound of kissing? Were they making out down there?

  I almost went to investigate, but then I heard the sound of feet moving up the stairs. Then Abby appeared with a wide smile on her face. With her chest heaving as though she’d been breathing heavily. With a flush on her face and her clothes slightly disheveled as though somebody had been pawing at her.

  And right behind her was the probable source of the blush. The probable source of those disheveled clothes. David appeared at the top of the steps and grinned at me. Both of them stood there smiling uncertainly.

  I felt numb. I felt lightheaded. It was actually going to happen.

  16: Forbidden Fantasy Fulfilled

  David stepped into the room and looked to Abby and then back to me, suddenly unsure of himself. It was actually refreshing to see him looking unsure of himself like that. I was starting to wonder if that cockiness ever left him or if it was just a show.

  “Abby said you’d be here, but I didn’t quite believe it,” he said.

  “Well believe it,” I said. “Because I sure as hell don’t.”

  He looked between Abby and me one more time. “You sure about this?”

  I looked at Abby and she smiled at me. It was a hesitant and uncertain smile that wasn’t very different from what I imagined was plastered across my own face at the moment, but at least it was a smile.

  It was a good question. Was I sure I wanted this? Well I knew what my cock was telling me, but there was also my rational mind that was screaming at me. That was telling me this was insane. That I shouldn’t be letting any other guy fuck my wife, let alone or some other guy I’d been jealous of for so many years!

  “Yeah, I’m sure,” I said.

  I guess I knew which part of my mind was calling the shots. The brain down below was definitely winning the day.

  David looked to the bed, particularly at the spot I was currently occupying on the bed. Then he looked back to Abby. “So how exactly are we going to do this?”

  And suddenly I realized what he meant. How exactly were they going to do anything if I was on the bed? I quickly hopped up from my spot at the foot of the bed, from my spot where I was inadvertently cock blocking him, and moved over to the chair. As I walked over there I thought about how ridiculous it was that I was worried about cock blocking another guy with my wife. This fantasy had definitely brought me to some very weird places. I took a seat and leaned back to enjoy the show.

  They stared at one another. Abby looked down and blushed. She still seemed slightly unsure of herself. I imagined it was difficult for her to overcome a decade of instinct. The last time she’d been with David she was trying her best to preserve herself for marriage, and now she was a married woman. She was spoken for in the most certain of terms. She had a wedding ring on her finger, and yet that didn’t stop her from taking a step forward. From looking up at him as he wrapped his arms around her. As he pulled her against him.


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