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This Is Why I'm Hot

Page 5

by J. D. Light

  Wagoner scoffed, reaching up to jerk Cashin's hand off of his mouth. "I wasn't going to say anything insulting." He paused, blinking and then he cringed. "Okay, if you chose to, you could probably, maybe get offended by what I was going to say. But I wasn't meaning you were a hooker. You definitely don't look like a hooker."

  I growled, glaring at my brother while Cashin sighed, shaking his head.

  Hinton raised an eyebrow. "So, you think hookers have a certain look? Like they all probably wear tight-fitting clothes and smell like jizz and cigarette smoke and look strung out on drugs?"

  Wagoner watched him for a moment before turning to look at Cashin for guidance, getting absolutely no help there. He looked back at Hinton swallowing hard. "Uh… no?"

  "He didn't ask me out," Hinton said, grabbing my hand and walking toward the front door. "I asked him."

  "Oh," they said at the same time, turning to watch us walk by just as the front door was flung open and Da appeared on the porch, throwing his arms wide.

  "Hinton!" he yelled dramatically, making the omega dragging me along giggle and walk right into my Da's arms for a hug. "I'm so glad you made it."

  "So am I," Dad said, waiting for his omega to release mine before pulling Hinton in for a hug as well. "Besides the weddings, you coming to meet the family is the only thing he's been talking about since he met you."

  "Oh," Hinton said, blushing sweetly and smiling at Da as Dad released him. "That's so sweet."

  "It is?" I asked, clearing my throat when Da narrowed his eyes on me.

  "Dad, this is Hinton," I said quickly, immediately wanting to smack myself in the forehead when I realized I was introducing him to the man he'd already hugged. "My boyfriend." I blushed hard, making Hinton giggle.

  "You're really cute when you say that," Hinton said quietly, making me blush and my parents both smile softly.

  As usual when he looked at me like that, all soft and sweet, I got that swoopy feeling in my stomach. My parents were buying it too, I could tell, and that was the goal, but a small part of me felt guilty. They were going to fall in love with him just like I had, and someday this whole pretense was going to have to end.

  I didn't want to think about that right then. I just wanted to enjoy being Hinton's for as long as I could. I'd worry about the end when the time came.

  Dad had made my favorite, baked spaghetti, and Da had made chocolate pie. For some reason, I got the impression my parents were trying to make me feel special. They did that from time to time with all of us, and they were unbelievably perceptive to when each of us needed them.

  I wouldn't say that I was desperately in need of anything like that, but I'd been pretty stressed about bringing Hinton, and I was really starting to struggle with all the stuff with Hinton and our new friendship. It was getting harder and harder to remind myself that he wasn't my omega.

  When we moved to the living room, everyone went directly to their normal spots, and I hesitated at the entrance as I realized I probably shouldn't plop down in the chair in the corner by myself to sit back and watch like I normally did.

  I looked over at Hinton in question, not sure if he'd want to join the group in the middle for rowdy games where someone always ended up fighting, or on one of the couches for some subtitled television, since trying to hear anything over the bickering was pointless and frustrating.

  "I usually just sit over here," I said, gesturing toward the chair in the corner. "But we can sit on the couch. There's plenty of room."

  Smiling sweetly, he pulled me over to the chair in the corner, pushing me down into it before crawling up into my lap. "I'll just sit here, if that's okay."

  I smiled, slightly stunned for a moment before wrapping my arms around him and pulling him into my chest. It wasn't much different than the way we usually ended up on the nights that he came to my house, but this felt somehow more intimate.

  "Definitely," I whispered, swallowing hard. "That's definitely okay."

  I pulled him in closer, careful to keep his ass cheek at my hip since the feel of his perfect ass against me in anyway at all had me hard as hell, and I'd pushed our new friendship pretty far already. He definitely didn't need to feel what he was doing to me right then.

  He'd been generous enough to lend me his time to come and pretend to be my boyfriend, so I didn't have to expose what a jackass I was to my parents, and he'd been ridiculously understanding about it.

  He dropped his head to my shoulder, pressing his forehead to my neck and sighing softly. His breath tickled the hair peaking just above the V of my T-shirt.

  "Hookers don't kiss on the mouth, right?" Wagoner inquired, putting his face a little too close to mine and Hinton's.

  He didn't even bother to pull his head up from my neck. Just hummed softly. "I'm sure some do."

  Wagoner nodded, wandering off, and I groaned. "I'm so sorry my brother thinks you're a hooker."

  Hinton shrugged, fiving a little giggle. "It's kinda funny, actually."

  "If Da overhears him, he's not going to think it's all that funny."

  Hinton raised his head, giving me a sexy smirk. His eyes were bright with mischievous humor, and he winked before turning to look at my brother, raising his voice to be heard over the argument that had already started over who was going to red Sorry pieces. "Wagoner, what is it about me that makes you think I’m a hooker?"

  There was a slight pause where the entire room went silent, and then Da's voice floated over to us, sounding just like he used to when someone had pushed his patience a little too far when we were young, slow and quiet, the syllables drawn out and his lips tight, barely allowing the word out at all. "What?"

  Wagoner's head snapped around to Hinton, blinking in surprise before a slow smile slid on to his face. "Oh. Respect."

  "Did you accuse my future son in-law of being a hooker?" Da asked, his voice growing in volume with each word.

  I groaned, letting my head fall back, so I could look at the ceiling, hoping for some kind of guidance and finding none written on the textured surface. "Da, please don't start planning a wedding for us. We aren't at that point yet."

  Unsurprisingly, Da ignored me completely.

  "Unless you are a hooker, Hinton. If that's the case, I want you to know that we don't judge people for doing what they have to. I'd honestly prefer you not work such a dangerous profession, but I'm sure if you take Boyd with you to watch, and use protection, there are probably perfectly healthy relationships that can work that way.

  "Oh, my God," I said, my head nearly colliding with Hinton's as I jerked it back up to look at my wide-eyed family.

  Hinton was trying not to laugh when he looked at me, but something about my face must have made him crack because a giggle burst free.

  "Don't be embarrassed, son," Da said, tilting his head to the side in a way that suggested he was being understanding. "Voyeurism is also perfectly acceptable if all parties know the score."

  That made Hinton laugh even harder.

  "This!" Riley said, reaching out to smack Cole, who flinched grabbing his abused flesh and glaring at his omega. "This is why people need to be warned before they come here."

  "I said I was sorry," the alpha said, pouting.

  "What?" Da demanded leaning around Cole to look at Riley.

  Riley gave him a dry look, cocking an eyebrow. "You know he works at the sandwich shop. That's where you met him, remember? He's not a hooker, and Boyd is not his voyeuristic security."

  Da shrugged, pursing his lips and flinging himself backward against the couch. "Maybe he doesn't do it for money. Maybe it's just their thing. I don't know what my boys are into sexually, and for good reason."

  "He's not a hooker, guys," I said finally when I couldn't take anymore of Da's strange understanding of my non-existent sex life, and my brother asking ridiculous questions about hookers. It was only a matter of time before he started asking about rates and positions allowed.

  I wrapped my arms more tightly around Hinton and stood, easing Hinto
n to his feet directly in front of me where he simply stared up into my face. I really needed to run to the restroom, but I wasn't completely sure I wanted to leave Hinton alone with my family.

  As I seemed to do a lot when I came to visit, I eyeballed the door, tempted to grab Hinton and run out of there as quickly as could, but wagoner popped up in our way, frowning at Hinton like the omega had truly let him down.

  "You really just work at a sandwich shop?" When Hinton simply giggled and then nodded, Wagoner sighed dramatically. "Well, that's disappointing."

  He walked off and Hinton turned his head slowly in my direction, frowning and pursing his lips. "Hmm, I'm kinda sad to see my career as a fella of the night pass me by so quickly. I bet I was really good at it. Do you think I aged out?"

  I grunted. "It's probably for the best that you're too old for hooking. I'm not sure I'd be okay with watching you have sex with other men anyway." I nearly gasped at my own words, but he simply giggled, reaching up to grab the sides of my face.

  "This is just in case there is any doubt," he whispered, searching my eyes for a short moment before leaning forward and up to his toes, pressing his lips to mine.

  I gasped. Even having watched his face the whole time and somehow knowing what was coming, I still couldn't believe his mouth was on mine. It was simply a lingering peck that my shock almost caused me to miss altogether, but my fingers flexed compulsively where they were wrapped around his hips, making Hinton groan.

  I truly wasn't into voyeurism, nor was I and exhibitionist, but that sound coming out of Hinton's throat in a way that very much sounded sexual, was like a starting gun, and everyone in the room absolutely vanished for me.

  One hand slid up the center of his back to grip the back of his neck while the other slid around his waist, pulling him closer as I tilted my head and swept my tongue between his slightly parted lips and inside his mouth.

  I was kissing Hinton. I was fucking kissing Hinton. How the hell I'd gotten to this point, I still wasn't sure, but all hesitancy having to do with crossing a line in our friendship was suddenly gone, as I pressed myself as close to him as I could.

  He melted against me, his hands sliding around my neck, and I stumbled backward slightly when he pulled himself up on my body, wrapping his legs around my waist and hooking his ankles at the small of my back. My hands automatically fell to his ass, squeezing hard as I pressed my dick to his, my body heating further when I found him just as hard as me.

  "Damn, Bro," Wagoner said, sounding amused… and entirely too close to me while I had two handfuls of Hinton's ass, and I was so fucking turned on, I was seconds away from marching Hinton and I down the hall to my old bedroom and fucking him senseless right there on the desk that had been moved in when I moved out so Da could have an office at home.

  I pulled out of the kiss, groaning as Hinton tried to follow adorably. I pressed my forehead to his, arching my neck to take sips at his delicate lips, not wanting to be done with that kiss, but knowing my brother wouldn't leave…

  Fuck! What was I thinking? I was standing in the middle of my parents' living room with my entire family, mauling a man I'd accidentally conned into pretending to be my boyfriend, so my Da would leave me alone about finding someone.

  I cleared my throat, swiveling my head to look around the room and see who all was watching. Thankfully, Dad seemed to have been dragged in by whatever was on TV, and Da and Riley were having some kind of slap fight while Cole tried to catch both of their hands in the air but failed miserably and somehow managing to get an uppercut to the chin. In fact, the only one that seemed to be paying attention to Hinton and me at all was Wagoner.

  "You and your little omega there should come put on a show at Slick," my brother said excitedly, and I cringed away, turning Hinton slightly, so I was between him and Wagoner, glaring at the idiot who was still standing too close to me.

  Wagoner opened his mouth to say something else, but his phone started ringing, and he frowned, pulling it from his back pocket and glaring at the screen before sighing and answering. "Lizzy, I'm seriously going to be there in less than two hours. Is this really something that couldn't wait two hours?" He paused, listening for a moment and then shook his head, closing his eyes. "We just got a shipment in yesterday." Another pause. "Just let me talk to Jennings." His eyes opened and he smiled slowly as he looked across the room at something I couldn’t see, looking very, very pleased with himself after a moment. "Hey Jen-Jen." He gave a faux gasp winking at Hinton and I when all we did was watch him. "What? I thought you loved that nickname." He fucking hates it when I call him that. He mouthed at us before blinking stupidly. "I know, sweetheart, but Lizzy doesn't seem to know where the box of dick straws is, and you know everything. Could you show her?" His eyes widened for a moment and then he chuckled. "Only if you stretch me first, Jen-Jen."

  I wasn't sure what Jen-Jen said to him in reply, but Wagoner threw his head back laughing, sighing happily before talking back into the phone. "I know, my sweet, sweet Liz-bug. That's why I count on you to watch my back when he's working the floor. I might act like an idiot most of the time, but I have excellent survival skills. God, he can be such an asshole."

  "Smiling like a lunatic while you say that, proves just how depraved you actually are," Cashin said, drawing my attention and making me realize that everyone in the room had apparently turned to see what was going on, and now had an eyeful of me and Hinton… as we continued to stand there, him wrapped around me like an apron, and me looking every bit like I wanted to use him to clean that desk I was pretty sure Da didn't even actually use anymore.

  "You'd know why if you saw him when he's pissed," Wagoner said, a salacious smile slipping back onto his face. "Hot as hell… But I ain't putting my dick anywhere near him." He cupped himself, looking traumatized. "I don't know this for sure, but I'm confident his bite is worse than his bark."

  Wagoner walked off, looking far too happy with himself while Cashin looked directly at me, taking Hinton and I… and our position in with a raised eyebrow, his lips quivering as he tried not to smile before he too walked away.

  I cleared my throat looking back into Hinton's beautiful face and blushing hard when he giggled, burying his face against my neck and unwinding his legs from around my waist. I lowered him to the floor, waiting until both of his feet were on the ground before reluctantly releasing his ass cheeks.

  He kept his arms wound around my neck, only loosening them because he wasn't quite tall enough to hold on as tightly as he had been before, and I once again let my hands rest on his hips.

  "What's Slick?" he asked quietly, his eyes watching my mouth. "I mean besides the obvious."

  "It's Wagoner's club." I cringed, not sure if I should tell him about it. Not everyone thought very highly of strip clubs, and regardless of the fact that Wagoner could be a major pain in the ass, I didn't want Hinton to think badly of anyone in my family, because in their core, every single person in the room was amazing. "It's a strip club. Alphas and omegas perform there, and sometimes together."

  "Oh. That's really cool, actually. But he said we should come down there."

  "Oh, yeah." I cleared my throat, looking away for a moment. "There are these rooms. It's a new installment that went in about two months ago. Basically, a group can pay extra to go in and watch a couple engage in foreplay." I blinked, shaking my head. "That sounds like porn, but it really isn't. They don't strip past their underwear, just like the ones on stage, and they don't actually… You know."

  Hinton giggled again. "We looked that good together, huh?" he asked smirking and wagging his eyebrows, making me chuckle.

  "Must have," I whispered.

  Chapter Five


  I could feel the anxiety wafting off of Boyd in pulsing waves as we neared his house, and I sighed, reaching out to take his hand as we pulled into his driveway, drawing his attention as he slowed to a stop and used his left hand to put the car in park.

  I was pretty sure I knew what this wa
s about, and though I myself was not completely calm after that explosive kiss earlier, I now knew the kind of chemistry I had with him extended beyond how it felt to be held in his arms. All that doubt and that should I or should I not up and down I had been going through all week while falling asleep in his arms and waking up wrapped around him was no longer making me want to pull my hair out.

  I was absolutely positive now that I could have something more with Boyd, and I wanted to try. Even if that meant I would probably have to take the initiative.

  "You okay?" I asked, squeezing his hand lightly.

  "I went too far, didn't I?" he blurted, surprising me into not being able to answer, since I honestly hadn't expected him to answer so soon.

  "What?" I asked stupidly. "What do you mean?"

  He swallowed hard, and even in the dim lighting from the gauges on the dash, I could tell he was blushing. "Th… the kiss. I pushed too hard, didn't I? I can completely understand if you aren't comfortable anymore."

  I gave a small laugh shaking my head. "No. I was the one who initiated it, remember?" He blinked, not looking so sure, so again, on impulse, I pressed a lingering kiss to his lips, smiling softly when he sighed against my mouth, letting his eyes slide closed. "Let's go cuddle."

  He jerked, his eyes opening quickly and landing on mine. "Are you sure? You don't have to." He looked so damn vulnerable right then, and I smiled, shaking my head before leaning in and giving him another soft kiss.

  "Do you really think I'd have come here every single night, making myself look incredibly needy if I didn't want to?" I swallowed, feeling vulnerable myself. "But you have to tell me if I'm around too much. I've come over every single night this week, and unless you tell me different, or to get lost, I'll probably just keep coming over, because I really like hanging out with you."

  He shook his head hard. "You won't be. I really like having you here," he said in a rush.

  "Seriously. I don't want to drive you crazy."

  "Trust me. You won't."

  I pursed my lips, watching his face and noting the sweetly open look on his face, clearly a man who had nothing to hide and nodded, climbing out of the car and waiting for him to climb out too before grabbing his hand again and leading him inside.


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