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Page 8

by A M Raulerson

  I have a tendency to pull at my restraints, to press my head against whatever is in front of me. That master has padded everything so well shows me his love. Master will never let anything scar or damage his One in a permanent way.

  Suddenly, there is a slap on my left cheek, the swift inhale and tightening of my whole body is the only reaction to the noise. Master hasn’t slapped hard at all, he just wants to make sure I’m paying attention. As his fingers start their way down my body again, I’m almost standing on my toes. It may not have been a hard slap, but Master knew I was drifting off and not paying attention to him. Master’s fingers slowly make their way down my left leg, all the way to my ankle. Master pays attention to the tension in my legs, running his fingers over the soles of my feet, making me flex harder.

  “Settle.” Master slowly massages my calf and thigh, running his hands up and down to help me relax. I need to calm down and focus on Master. Once I relax my calf and thigh, Master attaches the cuff to my left ankle, and begins his slow tickling trek to my right leg.

  Master is conscious of the fact that I’m now fully engaged in the scene, had fully become his One. And while I have to become One, David is always Master David. My ability to switch, to submit to David, my trust in my Master, makes it easier for me to slide into the role of One, almost like an alter ego. It’s a mental state that allows me to be the one with no control.

  Master slows his fingers, wanting to drag it out. I was tensing again so he slaps my right cheek, t air directly on my balls from underneath, and slaps my left cheek. He won’t fix the left ankle cuff until I relax again. I’m trying.

  Master David has been my Dom long enough that speaking isn’ t really necessary. Having a routine to start a scene, I knew what was expected of me, knew what was coming up until I was fixed to the cross. Then, well things changed after that. Master chuckled again as he attached the left cuff. Now I wouldn’t have any idea what was coming, but I trusted Master to protect me, as well as hurt me, in order to make me feel good.

  ************* Master Walking to my rows and rows of toys, I have to decide exactly what I’m in the mood for. Picking up a thick collar with satin padding I decide a little breath play is needed. I never went too far with breath play, it’s just too dangerous. Making it a bit more difficult to breathe with a thick collar is just fine, but making my sub pass out is not what I’m after.

  I place the collar on One’s neck, pulling until One’s breathing is audibly more difficult and I check to make sure it doesn’t block his breathing. I caress the skin around the collar to make sure it isn’t to tight, I can almost feel the moan in One's throat. He doesn’t make a sound, but the muscles in his throat flex and I know One is paying attention, following my order not to make a sound.

  Walking back to my wall of fun, I ask, “Did you follow my instructions from yesterday, One?” “Yes, Master.” One whispers, beginning to float on his endorphin high again.

  “I hope so One, let’s see. If not this might be a little uncomfortable for you,” I chuckle softly again. Picking up a bottle of lube and the new electric shock butt plug, I hum. It might be a little uncomfortable, for One anyway. This one isn’t hooked up to tons of wires and all that. It has two wires, one attached to the plug, and one to a small voltage trigger and battery pack. It has a cock ring to keep it in place, with a glans stimulator at the other end. It won’t really hurt him, I would never do that. It’ll send a small shock directly to his prostate when I push the trigger, and vibrate against his glans. It has settings to go in several different rhythm patterns, or I can push the trigger only when I want it to. We’ll see how he likes this, I think to myself as I chuckle softly, but evilly. One hears it and a soft breath leaves him.

  Putting my toys on a conveniently placed rolling stand, I slap One’s left cheek. One’s skin is milky white, setting off the bright red hand print perfectly.

  I begin to gently rub One’s back and shoulders, needing One to relax. I know One followed my orders to the letter. He’d never ignore my instructions. He knows he’d pay for it if he did.

  Taking my right hand and gently running my fingers down to the crack of One’s ass, One relaxes as much as he can, knowing what’s expected of him. I smile. I love working with new toys, and One doesn’t know about this one yet. Slapping his left cheek with my left hand I push my middle finger gently between One's ass cheeks. Feeling the base of the butt plug, I hum my approval.

  “This must have been so much fun at work today. Were you thinking of me?” One nods, completely unable to speak as I pull at the base of the plug, he tenses ever so slightly.

  “Settle.” I say in One’s ear as I pull a bit on the collar, and wait until he relaxes. Tugging at the base of the plug firmly, I pull it all the way out. One slowly lets go, sighing softly as his hole tries to squeeze back up, winking at me as it tries to return to it’s normal size. Grabbing the lube I gently shove two fingers in One’s hole, sending One onto his tiptoes again.

  “Wouldn’t want it to close back up after all the work you’ve done to loosen it, now would we?” I love tormenting One and chuckle softly as I push the fingers in and out of the stretched hole. Sliding a third and then a fourth finger in, I watch One’s face, painful pleasure written all over it.

  Lubing One’s hole up one more time, I pick up the new plug. It’s larger than the plug One was wearing at work, but with plenty of lube in his hole and on the plug, he should be able to take this no problem. I rub the plug over One’s hole, pushing gently but not breaching it, and watching the knowledge of how big this plug is run across One’s face. I rub it harder and just hold it right over his hole, One knows what is coming. Taking a deep breath and pushing back firmly on the plug, he relaxes as much as he can. One knows it doesn’t matter if he thinks it’s too big, or if it hurts at first, Master will never push him past pleasure and into any real pain. He will push One past his comfort zone, push him to pleasure he can never imagine his body can hold. But he will never push too far.

  I pull the plug away from One’s hole and watch the look of surp rise cross his face. Then, as I grab One’s cock and balls firmly, I slide the glans stimulator and cock ring into place, shoving the plug up and around between One’s legs and pressing it into his ass in one quick motion. One cries out in surprise, but not in pain. Slowly but firmly I push the biggest part of the large, nine-inch plug all the way in, watching his hole gobble it up quickly. One is breathing hard once it’s all the way in and I rub his back and shoulders, humming my pleasure that One has taken it with no problem. It’s big, but that isn’t all. The best is yet to come.

  Once One is able to calm down, getting used to the stretch of the plug’s base, I step back and pick up the trigger. Blowing softly on One’s shoulders, I run my fingertips gently across his lower back, I’m trying to comfort and sensitize One’s body all at once. Stepping back only slightly I give his ass a hard slap with my left hand as I push the trigger with my right. One’s entire body bows, and he can’t help crying out.

  “What happened, One? Aren’t you going to be silent for Master? Oh well, maybe you can’t handle Master’s new toy. Is that it One? You can’t take it?” I ask, in a darkly quiet voice.

  “Master. Master, please I can take it. I’ll be good and take it, I promise. I’m sorry, Master. I’m sorry.” One is panting, barely knowing what he’s saying, but knowing he has to answer. Not answering Master isn’t tolerated.

  “All right, One. I’ll accept that this is a new toy for you, but you still disobeyed Master. What did I say I didn’t want you to have to wear, One?” Sliding right up to One’s ear, I barely breathe a whisper.

  “I’m sorry, Master! Please, Master!”

  “One…” I grab the back of the collar and pull slightly. “What is it, One? What did Master say?”

  “A gag, Master. You don’t want me to have to wear a gag, Master.” One whispers, hoarsely. “Yes, One. Now I have to punish you. I don’t want to, but you clearly can’t obey.” I go to the wall and grab a
leather, bit style, gag, also deciding a leather slapper and ruler will do just fine. Placing the slapper and ruler on the stand with the trigger, I slowly walk closer to One.

  “Now, I want you to know, this gag is not your punishment. It will only help you to not need any more punishment. Hopefully. This is to help you, One. Also, you may not cum until I say so. That is important, One. Don’t disappoint me again.” One shakes his head almost violently, not wanting to disappoint.

  “Open.” I slowly push the leather bit between his teeth. It’s thick, opening his mouth up wider. The bit pulls his cheeks back as I wrap it around his head and secure it.

  “Now for your punishment. Are you ready, One?”

  One grunts his answer, nodding his head fast. He wants his Master to know he’s ready. Walking to the stand I grab the slapper. It makes a lot of noise, but will only warm his skin. It’ll hurt if I want it to, but I only want to prepare his flesh for the ruler.

  I swing and hit One’s right cheek.

  Slap!!! Bringing my hand back quickly, I hit his left cheek. Slap!!! Slap!!! Slap!!! I continue on the right cheek, then the left cheek, never hitting the same spot, slowly reddening his lower cheeks and upper thighs. When his skin is glowing and warm, I stop, running my hand up and down his thighs and ass, tickling the heated flesh.

  “Your punishment will begin now, One. Do you want to say something?” “Mhmfary mafur.” It’s almost cute that he’s trying to apologize through the bit. He’s already drooling a little. One will be making a total mess soon. I walk back to the stand, retrieving the ruler and trigger.

  “Now, One, remember to be quiet. That’s all the warning I’ll give you.” I tell him, my voice a low rumble, just loud enough to make sure One can hear me.

  I swing the ruler back, and right before it strikes his left cheek I push the trigger, watching One’s body bow. Then comes the crack of the ruler…he makes no noise.

  I know from personal experience how hard it is to be quiet with that much sensation. There’s a beautiful stripe across One's left cheek. He needs a matching one on the other cheek.

  Swinging back, I repeat the sequence. Just before the ruler strikes on his right cheek, I push the trigger, One’s body is arching as close to the cross as he can get. The matching stripe is a bright cherry red. Rubbing One's back and buttocks to calm him, I grab the collar enough to pull him away from the cross. He’s trying to escape the pain, but he needs to be open to it.

  “You okay, One? Do you need to stop?” One shakes his head fiercely. He isn’t in subspace yet. The crack of the ruler has sobered him a little, but it won’t take too long.

  “Master wants to punish you more, One. You deserve it right? Do you want me to continue?” I ask watching him nod and drool. Before becoming a Dom, I’d never known drool was such a turn on.

  The endorphins in my body are piling up, but that is for later. I have to pay attention to what I’m doing, pay attention to my sub. If I don’t I could go too far, and that’s the last thing I ever want to do.

  “All right. Good boy, One.” One can tell from the gentle way I speak to him that I’m pleased. Running my hand over his head and neck, I feel the small vibrations of the moan he wants to express, but he hasn’t been given permission to make any noise yet.

  Stepping back, I switch the ruler to my left hand, trigger in the right. Seeing One’s shoulders clench, I wait. One will settle down, know it’s expected, and his punishment won’t start again until he does.

  Waiting, I admire the glowing pink skin and bright stripes. It’ll be difficult for him to sit for a while. I chuckle softly, watching the tension leave One’s shoulders. Swinging the ruler again I make sure to hit right on the bottom edge of his left cheek, pressing the trigger again before it hits. I know the spot right above his thighs is extra sensitive. This time One’s flinch is just his cheeks, his shoulders tightening slightly, but he has gotten control of his body. Striking his right cheek, I press the trigger before every connection to One’s burning flesh.

  Slap!!! Slap!!! Slap!!! never hitting in the same spot twice. Walki ng softly up to One, I look in his eyes. He’s here, but not here. He won’t be able to answer me if I ask. “Okay one, your punishment will continue, I won't check again.” Picking up a small, red, silk scarf, I place it in One’s right hand.

  “Now, I know you know what to do with this, right?” One nods his head a little drunkenly. His flight is beginning, but I always have a safety measure. He’s gagged so he can’t really say red, but this red silk scarf will tell me if he needs to stop.

  “Only drop this if yo u really want to stop. Wave it if you need to slow down, right?” He nods once more, resting his face on the padding.

  Stepping back, I switch hands again. Getting into a rhythm.

  Swing... press...jerk... slap. Over and over. I watch the red, caused by the ruler, cover all that pink flesh. Knowing every slap came with a small electric prostate pulse, I watch his hole squeeze tight right before the slap of the ruler. Stopping, I watch as his tears and drool combine and drop to the floor. One will have a big mess to clean up later. Trails of precum cover the cross and floor. But One has listened, having held back both his cum and the noises he’s so desperate to make.

  “Such a good boy you are. You're doing so well.” I rub the welts on One’s ass and up and down his back to settle him again. Running the ruler over the crack of his ass, I strike without warning. The jolt from inside comes just as I strike directly down his crack, hitting his balls. Not a direct hit, just a grazing, mostly blocked by his cheeks. One jerks in his bindings, clenching his hands, going on tippy toes, but not making a sound.

  “Now, I’m going to take you down. I want you over the Bench.” Firming up my voice, I know he’s paying more attention. First, I unlock his legs, rubbing and soothing his calves and thighs. When I think he can stand, I slowly rub over his ass, gently rubbing around the welts and up to his shoulders on the right, holding him up and whispering positive and comforting noises.

  After I have released One’s left hand, an d am comfortable enough letting go, I lead him to the bench. Leaning him over it, I attach his hands to the bench. These cuffs are different. More like gloves so One has more to grab onto. He’ll need it too. He has to be back in that spot again. Subspace, where he gives all control to me and just lets go. Attaching One’s legs to the bench, again these are different, like shin guards, he’ll be unable to move his legs at all, but can still wiggle his feet and ankles. One likes to wiggle, pull and flex against his bindings. On this bench, in this position, and with these newer bindings he can’t move. I don’t want him to hurt himself, or move when I want him to stay still. After I attach the thick leather and satin belt across his waist, I don’t have to worry.

  Stepping back to the wall of toys, I look for just the right thing. I grab the feather and paddle and walk back to One. He’s tense again, showing just how far he’s come back. When in subspace, you don’t think, you only pay attention to the painful pleasure. He doesn’t wonder what's coming, he knows his Master will take care of him. It won't take long for him to fly again. He’s come down a little, but this will send him even farther.

  “Ok. Now, because you’ve been such a good boy, how about we let you make any noise you want, huh? I’m not taking out the bit, though. That isn’t part of your punishment, but I’ll give you permission to make some noise. You are such a good boy for your Master, aren’t you?” The groan that comes out of One is loud and long. He’s been saving this one up, and when it finally stops, he’s breathing very hard. Rubbing my hand over One’s hair and cheeks, telling him what a good boy he is, One is panting between his keening and whimpering, the release of pressure he feels at being able to make a noise, sends him even farther. The pleasure is evident in the noises he’s making. I chuckle darkly as I walk behind him.

  Gently taking the feather and brushing it across his thighs, One tenses for a moment, gasping out loud. When I stop all attempts at movement he relaxes quickly, remembering he s
till isn’t allowed to be tense. Brushing the feather up and down his bright red cheeks and thighs, I’m slowly re-sensitizing his body, reminding him through touch and soft noises that I have control, and One has none.

  When I look in his eyes, One has started that journey again. Keening softly in between panting, his pupils are blown, soft looking, all he’s feeling is pleasure. I know just how far to push One. One wants whatever his Master wants to give him. I have to make sure I never push too far, walking the line between pleasure and pain.

  Switching the paddle to my right hand, I pick up the trigger again, smiling as I swing. The first slap shoves the plug in, making One grunt and groan, but I don’t press the trigger just yet. I want One to float just a moment before I bring that back into play.

  I rest the paddle on One’s back, pushing the trigger. I lean down between One’s slightly spread thighs grabbing hold of One’s dick and balls, stroking them gently before pulling them back firmly. Getting a wonderful groan and a whimper from One, I release them. One is panting again, pulling and flexing in his bindings without thought. He’s far enough into subspace that I won’t chastise him for small unconscious movements. He really can't help them, they’re like extensions of his moaning.

  Standing back up and collecting my toys, I ready myself to add the final element to this scene. Standing slightly to One’s left side, I swing again, pushing the trigger right before contact. The slap of the paddle is nothing compared to the ecstatic shout. I watch One pant for a moment before leaning in to his left ear.

  “Now, wasn’t that good? Just think how much that hurts so good. But remember One, you may not cum.” One whimpers loudly, pulling at his bindings. He begs without actually speaking. That’s beyond him now, but I understand.

  “No!” I whisper in One’s ear. He immediately stops, knowing I’m serious by the soft tone of my voice. “Good boy.” I step back, returning to One’s left side. Just at the right angle to see his cock and balls, I raise the paddle to begin the sequence of swing… push… jerk… slap again. Only this time One will be noisy. He always is when allowed to vocalize any way he wants.


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