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Page 14

by A M Raulerson

  “If you're sure, but you say Stop, we stop.” I abandon Charlie’s pants and rip mine down, watching Charlie as he does the same, then pouncing the moment he’s free, Charlie meets me halfway.

  ************* Charlie For a minute, all we are is tongues and lips, fast and rough. Justin getting exactly what he needs to forget those thoughts that popped up. Slowly, I press Justin back into the pillows, never putting too much pressure on him, not wanting to make him feel trapped, just guiding him. I slowly press kisses to Justin’s neck, nibbling on his collarbones, licking a trail down to his nipples. Using just the tip of my tongue, I make little circles around one, then blow softly. More goose bumps make Justin groan and shiver.

  After treating the other nipple to the same wet circle and cool breath, I follow Justin’s breastbone down his torso. Softly nipping and licking his stomach, running my tongue inside his belly button, when I nip sharply on Justin’s right hip bone, Justin gasps as his hips buck. I know it doesn’t hurt exactly but the slight pinch will go straight to his cock. My eyes train straight back to Justin’s, looking for a sign from him that everything is good, closing his eyes as he feels me nibble across his abdomen to the other hip, treating it to the same nibbles, and nips, causing the same gasp.

  Taking a firm grip on Justin’s cock, I kiss just the tip of it, running my tongue around the head and pulling back on his foreskin which makes Justin’s eyes pop open. I chuckle, licking the slit at the tip, pushing his foreskin up his cock and running my tongue around the inside. Justin is uncut, and his foreskin is slightly pulled back by my hand pulling up and down his shaft. Licking the slit again, I smile and pull back more of his foreskin totally covering the head with my mouth.

  Pulling up and down, twisting and rubbing my hand over the engorged head, I try every trick I know. Watching the pleasure run over Justin’s face, I have to press my own cock into the bed. This is about Justin. My cock doesn’t want to listen, it’s throbbing and with my hips dry humping the mattress, I’m trying to focus on Justin.

  “Oh shit...Shit... Oh God that’s good...” Justin cries, loud enough to bring a smile to my face. Justin is just as wrapped up in this as I’m hoping. Ju st teasing, I pull back, only holding Justin’s cock against my lips. Justin whimpers and tries to push his dick back into my mouth. Laughing softly, I blow against Justin’s glans and watch him shiver in pleasure. Justin is totally into this. Going on my instincts, and praying I’m right, I bring out my softer Dom voice.

  “Two, look at me.” Surprise crosses Justin’s face as he does as he’s told. I don’t see any fear in his eyes, so I continue. “Remember Two, you say yes or no. Do you hear me? If you're good, you say green when I ask. If anything gets to be too much, but you only need to slow down, you say yellow. Now, this is very important, Two. Are you listening?” Justin’s eyes never leave mine as he nods.

  “If you want everything to stop, if you're scared or something hurts and you don’t like it? You say red. Everything will stop. No one will be mad if you say stop. But we will be mad if you don’t say stop when you need to. Do you understand? If you let something go on because you think that’s what we want? We will not be happy, we will be disappointed that you didn’t trust us enough to stop. We want you to feel good, no matter what. All of us want your trust first and foremost. You say stop if you need or want to. Okay? Do you understand me, Two? What did I say?”

  “Green is go, yellow means slow down, red means stop.”

  “Yes, Two. That is more important than everything else right now. You are in control always.” Watching Justin’s eyes for even the slightest fear or apprehension, and finding none, I smile, firmly stroking his cock again, I lick down Justin’s shaft. Gently sucking one of his balls into my mouth. Justin gasps, hips flying off the bed, almost knocking me over.

  ************* Sir “Two. You will not move.” I watch Two struggle to hold still while I continue to pump his cock and lick at his balls, raising Two’s knees I settle between them.

  “I can’t. I don’t know, I...God that feels so good. I…”

  “Two you will listen to me. You will call me Sir, and you say when you want to stop.” “Yes Sir” The whisper show s just how far gone Two really is. Smiling, I run my tongue over Two’s taint, expecting Two’s pump of his hips this time. He’s new, he’ll learn. Slapping Two’s ass, I hear the small whimper. It’s now or never, in my mind. I don’t slap him hard, just a little tap to make him listen.

  “What did I say, Two?” My voice soft, but firm. I don’t want to scare Two, but I need to see his reaction.

  “Sir… You said not to move Sir. I’m sorry... It just felt so good. I can’t help it.” Slapping Two’s cheek again I raise myself up and look Two in the eye.

  “Yes, you can, Two. You will remain still unless I tell you differently. I control your body right now. You’re letting me give you pleasure, and you will do as I say. Do you hear me, Two?” .

  Two nods almost drunkenly. I can see he feels good, and just wants to continue. He will do whatever I say, at least he’ll try and I’ll make sure he does what he’s told.

  “Yes, Sir…Oh God, Sir...I’ll try. Please…Please.” I watch the slight flexing of Two’s hips. Involuntary movements but they make me smile, Two doesn’t even realize he’s doing it. He’s trying, I won’t punish him…yet. This is his first time, so I let it slide for now.

  Resuming my pumping of Two’s cock, I run my tongue down his taint to his small pink hole, licking softly around his hole, then gently pushing in with the tip of my tongue. Two gasps and flexes again, I chuckle darkly, smacking his ass. Licking from his hole across his taint and all the way up his dick, quickly pushing Two’s cock as far down my throat as I can at this angle, bobbing up and down a few times, loving the choking and moaning coming from Two, I suck on just the head before reversing the trail back to his hole.

  “Settle, Two. Hold still.” Running the tip of my tongue firmly around his rim, dipping a little farther with every circle. Hearing a soft knock at the door, I look at Two, feeling a shiver go through him. Master is coming.

  “Do you want Master to come in?” Two is beyond speech, just nodding his answer. “Come in.” It’s all I can say, knowing Master will help him. As he hears the door open, I freeze, looking over my shoulder wanting to see my Master’s face when he finds out what we’re up to.

  ************* David Not expecting the scene in front of me, I stop for a minute. Justin is lying buck naked on the bed, Charlie between his legs, also naked, looking over his shoulder and giving me a look. Charlie loves to rim his boys, edging them until they are a mess, begging for him to fuck them, and Justin looks to be heading there. Smiling, I want to play too.

  “What do we have here? One, are you playing without me?” Two looks scared for a moment, but One rubs his hand along his stomach, shushing and comforting him. I walk slowly toward the bed, stripping off my shirt.

  “It looks like you naughty boys need so me supervision. One, go deeper.” One turns back, rimming him and pushing in with his tongue. Following orders and loving every minute, I watch Two’s face, looking at the pleasure coursing through him.

  “Two, do you like what One is doing to you? Can you fe el his tongue pushing into you? Feel him pushing you closer to the edge?” Two is nodding, but I need to hear it.

  “Speak, Two. Tell me how it feels.” “I don’t know...I can’t…I don’t…Please!” Listening to his incoherent speech it hits me suddenly. Has Two ever even had an orgasm? As I strip I wonder.

  “Have you ever had an orgasm?” I watch Two shake his head negative, but nod at the same time. I’m speechless, while One raises his head, looking over his shoulder at me again.

  “Did I tell you to stop, One? No, I did not.” Walking to the bed unbuttoning my jeans and dropping them to the floor I get on the bed behind One, slapping One’s cheek, then squeezing hard. “You don’t stop until I say, One. You know that. Push deep, let him feel it. Pull on that lovely cock of his.” I reach over One and squeezin
g his cock harder and pulling at a faster pace, Two crying out, trying hard to not move but can’t stop.

  “What do you mean, Two? You have to tell me now.” I’m a little confused by his reaction to his question. “My body…it reacted against my will. I didn’t... It hurt. I didn’t want it.” I understand now. The body is a strange thing sometimes. It reacts to stimulation, not the mind. He was hurt and didn’t like what had happened.

  “Does this feel good? Do you like wha t One is doing to you or do you want it to stop? This is up to you, Two. You say stop, we stop. Always.” The look in Two’s eyes is almost enough to convince me that he does like it, but I need to hear it.

  “You have to say it, Two. You have to tell us yes or no.” Two was nodding his head like crazy, he really didn’t want One to stop.

  “It feels good. Please, don’t stop. Please.” “Now that you're hands and mouth are busy, it’s time for your punishments, One. You’ve been very naughty while Master was gone, you promised to try and keep the necessary papers for the restaurant organized.” Slapping down on One’s cheek as I speak, the sound loud enough to make Two flinch, I’m worried, maybe this is too much. But, we’ve already started this scene. Maybe showing him One’s punishment will help calm Two. He’ll need to see what One goes through before deciding whether or not he wants this.

  “Did you do that, One? Did you fulfill your promise? Or did you do it to get punished? Tell me the truth, One. But don’t stop your hand.” Growling the words, I see Two’s eyes dilate slowly. Chuckling, I decide I made the right choice. Two may not be ready to join in yet, but he’s definitely turned on. His hips still flexing as One pumps him.

  “No, Master, I didn’t do it on purpose. I tried…well for a little while. But there was so much. I have to run the kitchen, and I know that's not an excuse.” He says quickly, begging me to understand.

  “I just forgot, Master. I wasn’t trying to be a Brat. I promise.” Thinking this is a good a time to mention some of the rules, I look into Two’s eyes.

  “What is a brat, One? Tell Two why it’s a bad thing, why that is not acceptable behavior.” “A Brat is someone who does bad things on purpose to get punishments. A brat is a sub who tries to control Master by misbehaving. Tries to manipulate him. Master is in charge always. He will decide when to punish, when to pleasure. We give him our all, everything we are, knowing he will help us fly. He will help us feel safe and loved. He will take care of us.”

  “Good, One. Now, back to work. Let him feel that talented tongue of yours. Keep pumping his dick.”

  Watching Two as he is pleasured, watching fear battle with the pleasure, I know I have to show him how good a spanking can feel.

  Smack!!! The sound is harsher than the actual slap, but it makes both of them jump. One groans loudly with pleasure as he runs his tongue up Two’s cock, swallowing him whole.

  “Do you like that cock in your mouth, One?” His groan of pleasure almost making Two’s eyes roll back. He’s fighting to keep his eyes open, but with One sucking his dick it’s difficult. His eyes slumberous, but cautious.

  “Two, I want you to watch this punishment. I want you to look at One’s face, see how much he loves this. It may be a punishment, meant to remind him to follow orders, but I won’t hurt him. Even though his ass will burn for the next day or so.”

  Watching Two’s eyes, I slap One’s cheek again. One groans while deep throating Two, hips thrusting, a shocked look on his face. I chuckle darkly to myself. Two will definitely be open to this. We’ll take it slow, but the passion and need in his eyes show me, he wants this.


  Two’s swift inhale is loud in the room. One has shown his pleasure by sucking harder on Two’s cock.

  Smack!!! Smack!!! Smack!!!

  ************* Two Watching Master’s hand fall, watching it hit One’s ass, I don’t know how to feel. One seems to be in a trance almost, eyes glazing over as he keeps sucking and pumping my cock, licking my balls and even my asshole. I didn’t know it could feel this good. I had never even masturbated. Figuring it hadn’t felt good before so I didn’t want to go there. I’d cum before. A forced bodily reaction I hadn’t enjoyed, but was unable to stop. There had been too much pain to be able to stand it at the time, my mind tried to protect me by wandering away from it. Feeling fingers on my face I look up.

  “Stay here, Two. Whatever you were thinking? Stop it right, now. You watch One, like Master told you.” Master’s voice is strong in a way that sends a shiver through my body. A good shiver.

  Following Master’s order, I look back at One. The feelings I’m getting as One licks and strokes me are incredible. My breath hitches every time One licks a spot right below the head of my cock. So close to something, the edge of something I want desperately. I know I’m going to cum. I’m not ignorant. But this doesn’t feel like before. I want this, I want to cum, now. “Oh no you don’t! You cum when I tell you that you can. Not before.” Master informs me.

  Feeling One pull up my foreskin, pinching it softly helps me back away from my orgasm. I don’t know if I like that or not, but Master said No. I would do exactly as Master says, I want what’s happening so badly. I feel so good watching One receive his punishment. It confuses me as to why it feels good to watch. Why every spank makes One feel so good, which makes me feel good. All I know is that this is where I want to be.

  Smack!!! Smack!!! Smack!!! The sound is so loud in the room, but One’s moaning is starting to compete with it. Watching him slide forward with the hit only to push back again, asking for more, humping against the bed between my legs, desperate for any kind of friction on his cock. Precum is dripping all over the bed and my leg is covered with spit as he runs his tongue and fingers over my taint and hole, pushing gently but not forcing his way in.

  “That’s such a good job, One. You took your punishment like a good boy. Master is so proud of One. So proud One will show his obedience so Two can see how good this feels. Master loves One, so much.”

  As Master runs his hands gently over One’s red bottom and thighs, the reassurance that he’s done a good job makes One groan much louder than before. I can even feel the warmth of love flowing between the two of them.

  “Good boy, Two. You did such a good job opening up. Trusting us. I can’t tell you how much that means to Master. I’m so very proud of you, Two. Master loves you.”

  A feeling I’ve never felt before pours over my body. Tears I didn’t know were there, flowing down my face. It’s love, and I don’t know how to keep it in my body. I want that feeling to last forever. I want that love so badly it hurts. I sob a little, and Master crawls over One to reach my side, One is right behind him.

  I ruined it, and I just can’t take it. I want to stay here. I want what they have. Reaching for Master’s cock, my only thought is I have to make him happy. I don’t want to be sent away. The panic only makes the sobbing worse. I fumble around trying to get Master’s cock in my hand, but I can’t see well enough to reach it, tears flooding my eyes.

  “Two, Settle!.” Master’s firm hand comes down on my neck and my mind clears instantly. My body collapses against Master, trying to breath through the panic still clinging to me. Master holds me tight, with One presses in on the other side. Slowly, the sobbing and panic fade. My breathing slows and my eyes clear of tears. Master pulls back so he can look in my eyes making me whimper. One presses himself tighter to me. The anxious look on Master’s face makes me feel ashamed. I’ve ruined it.

  “Two, what are you thinking? Where did you go, baby? I want to help you, but you need to tell me what happened.” “I ruined it. I was trying to make you happy again and I can’t,” I sob. One presses in hard, upset that he can’t make me feel better. Rubbing my arms and chest, I feel what I think are tears sliding down my back. Is One crying for me? The shock of the idea makes me stop crying. Looking over my shoulder I’m surprised to see tears in One’s eyes. No one has ever cried for me before.

  “You didn’t ruin anything, baby. Is tha
t why you tried to grab my cock? Do you think you’ll be punished? Two, you need to tell us what’s going on. We can’t help you unless you tell us. You’ll never be punished for something like this, something you cannot control. You need to listen to what Master says, okay?”

  The shock of One crying for me, and Master telling me I haven’t done anything wrong wracks me with shudders. I can’t put into words what’s happened, but Master and One hold me tight until I can figure out how to explain.

  “I went back. I felt the hurt, the panic that if I didn’t do a good job, I didn’t know what you would do to me. I can’t explain it. I feel the love and I try to keep it inside me. But my mind tells me it isn’t real, that if I don’t make you happy you’ll make me leave. You’ll beat me.” Barely able to speak I want so badly to go back to that feeling. Tears still falling down my face, I feel Master’s hands on my face. Opening my eyes, I look at Master.

  “You will never be asked to leave. Two, I know you don’t believe it, but Master wants you to try really hard. This is your home. From now on, we are your family. Your real family, and you will never be abused or forced to do anything you don’t want.”

  “Even if all you want is ‘Vanilla’,” One’s voice has shows disdain like before. Looking over my shoulder, I can see the disgusted look on his face and chuckle.

  “I don’t think that will be a problem,” Master chuckles, running his fingernails up and down my body, causing another shudder and moan from me.

  “I think we need to finish what we started. You’ll both feel better, then we can discuss this.”

  Standing back up again, I immediately felt the loss, but One pulls me over onto my back, leaning on my chest to comfort me. “One, Master wants you to kiss Two. I want you to rub against him and touch him anywhere that feels good. Master will watch, so it’s up to you to make it good. But you do not cum. Both of you will wait until Master says.”

  One pulls me into a kiss while Master watches from the chair nearest the bed. His erection in his hand, slowly rubbing up and down. I meet his eyes as One nibbles my ear, trying to get me back in the mood. Trying to let Master know what I need, what I want. The smile that crosses Master’s face lets me know I’m understood, and the nod gives me permission.


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