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Sisters of Ruin (Lucent Book 1)

Page 15

by Darren Lewis

  I'll be okay. Gabby reassured Brooke silently. Just be in position and ready for me.

  * * *

  Brooke had returned to the relative safety of the station supported by McCaffrey and Jack's escort had retired from the pavilion, shutting the fabric doors as they left. With the fresh breeze from outside cut off the enclosed area seemed to become stifling almost immediately but Gabby attributed the feeling to the situation rather than the conditions. Jack clasped his hands behind his back once again and strolled the inner perimeter of the pavilion, his eyes however never left Gabby.

  “Now your friend is returned I will pay you the respect of asking for what I want.” Gabby didn't reply and simply waited. “Since that first day I encountered you I've searched whenever was possible. Sometimes the initial traces would be strong but decay quickly. Other occasions I would have sworn on my life you were close by; the trace was too old or weak to follow.” Jack halted and took a deep breath before continuing. “Finding your friend was nothing more than luck really and of course you both exhibit the same energy, so I hoped it would lead me to you. Your fellow humans decided to profit from her request for help by informing me of her presence at their village.” A look of disgust washed over Jack's face akin to finding clothing covered in animal faeces. “They've been dealt with. They were useful but I abhor that kind of behaviour. Stepping on another's back to escape the foul air, and while you profit from the clean air you're driving them deeper into the dirt.” Jack waved a hand brushing aside the issue. “So you know why I'm here, Gabby.” Gabby gave him a half smile, completely devoid of humour. “Brooke was good enough to tell me your real name. It is of no consequence though. I want to know about the energy you have at your disposal. How powerful is it? How do you use it? And most importantly, how can I use it?” Gabby nodded as she considered Jack's words, at least she wished to give that impression, and she hoped her acting skills were good enough.

  “It took me a long time to find out what the power was.” Gabby began to explain, sitting on the grass enclosed within the pavilion. She crossed her legs and looked distantly into a dark corner of the large tent. She noted the flash of interest in Jack's eyes. He came to her and sat as best he could in his armour in front of her.

  “Excellent. Well, now maybe we can proceed?” Gabby heard the change in Jack's voice. She turned and saw the red glow she remembered so well shine in his eyes. Gabby experienced a bout of vertigo and a cold tendril of this man's mind probing her thoughts.

  He's trying to access my memories. He'll see we know of The Grey! Gabby called out to her friends.

  Gabby if you're sure of this plan then let him in, it won't change anything, only buy us some time. Let him have them. Mary advised softly.

  Gabby clutched the grass and gripped it hard enough to turn her knuckles white as the first cold tendril was rapidly joined by others and Jack's mind invaded hers.

  The Core — Gabby's memories

  “Your mother was a frigging crack-whore, bitch!”

  “At least she had a reason to whore herself out instead of giving it for free to everyone!”

  “How dare you! At least my mother was there for me!”

  “Oh I agree. Every single goddamn day! Moaning and complaining to the teachers about all the nasty children daring to speak to her precious little pet!”

  McCaffrey stopped dead in his tracks as he reached the door to the girl's living quarters. According to one of his junior officers the shrieking had started ten minutes previous and was escalating as the seconds passed by. With a look that clearly demonstrated the weight of teenage years had descended upon him McCaffrey entered the room.

  Brooke, her face swollen and red with utter hatred ran straight into McCaffrey and before he could react she'd sidestepped him and ran out of the room. McCaffrey blocked the exit from the living quarters that housed the three girls and settled his eyes on Gabby. He crossed his arms and for probably the tenth time that month resolved to have the girls assigned separate quarters after Brooke and Gabby had nearly come to blows on the ten previous occasions. Gabby was standing in front of the former lieutenant, eyeing him with extreme irritation as he was denying her exit from the room and chasing Brooke down.

  “Who's side are you on anyway?” Gabby spat each word out viciously. McCaffrey frowned at Gabby.

  “Oh don't be such a bloody baby,” McCaffrey remonstrated with the younger girl “What the hell were you screaming at each other for this time?” Gabby rolled her eyes and shrugged with all the eloquence a teenage shrug can produce.

  “She stole my pillow alright! I came in and it was on her bed!” McCaffrey looked from one girl's bed to another, without moving his head. “She. Took. It. Without. Asking!” Each word was fired from Gabby's mouth, as she was exasperated that he would miss such an obvious point, regardless of the fact she hadn't told him. McCaffrey nodded as if considering the matter seriously.

  “And what was she doing with it?” He asked cautiously, expecting some awful horror story to emerge that he didn't really wish to hear about. As Gabby drew herself tall and straightened her shoulders to launch another scathing attack against her roommate she cried out in pain and anguish, pressing her hands hard against her ears.

  “Jesus! Make it stop!” She shrieked, dropping to her knees and rocking forwards, banging her forehead on the floor. McCaffrey rushed over and crouched quickly next to the suffering girl.

  “What is it? Make what stop?” But Gabby couldn't hear him. He grasped her shoulders and lifted her to face him. Tears streamed down her face and he could see her hands shaking with the force and effort she was placing on the sides of her head. It was her eyes that opened McCaffrey's mouth in shock. Blood was pooling in the corners of both eyes and McCaffrey watched in something close to fascination as just like a glass filled too much there came a point when the water bulged however briefly over the rim of the glass before pouring over the lip. An all too calm part of his brain supplied the fact it was surface tension. Gabby's eyes were demonstrating the effect. The mixture of blood and tears reached bursting point and then cascaded down her face. Gabby saw McCaffrey's reaction and she swiftly wiped her eyes and stared at her hand. Blood dripped from her fingers to the carpet, soaking into the thin fabric and expanding rapidly. McCaffrey watched this happen dumbfounded and then snatched at Gabby's wrist before the girl had a chance to clap her hand back against her head.

  “What is it, Gabby? Tell me!” He leaned in so his nose was almost touching hers.

  “The noise!” Gabby wailed. “it won't stop!” McCaffrey leaned backwards, confused and at a loss. The girls had been in his care for a few years now and he'd taken the role of a substitute father to heart. Watching the world turn into a massive shit-storm via television, satellite and every social media app had of course knocked everyone down but especially the three girls. The resilience they'd shown in the aftermath however inspired McCaffrey and several members of the crew of the station to take the girl's education and wellbeing seriously. It hadn't always been easy, especially for Brooke, but as far as McCaffrey was concerned these three girls were his stepdaughters. Watching Gabby whimper and cry out in pain at what seemed to be nothing, McCaffrey feared this argument with Brooke had caused something akin to a breakdown. He moved closer to Gabby and wrapped an arm over her shoulders, hugging her in tight to him.

  “It's okay, Gabby.” He tried to muster as much confidence into his tone as possible though he knew Gabby couldn't hear him. “I'm here, I'm here.” Gabby collapsed to the floor again and it was McCaffrey's turn to cry out. “No!” He whispered fiercely and he grabbed the girl underneath her shoulders and placed her over his own. He turned to the door just as one of the medical doctors was passing in the corridor. Having seen McCaffrey out of the corner of her eye they grabbed the doorframe to stop themselves.

  “Gabby too?” she asked breathlessly. Gabby whimpered on McCaffrey's shoulder and he started forward.

  “What the hell is going on?” He demanded.

; “Brooke and Mary were just brought in.” The doctor stepped forward, her training re asserting itself and allowing a calmness to enter her tone. She lifted Gabby's head slightly but could not get a response from the girl. “Come on.” She instructed. “Let's get her to medical.”

  * * *

  The white light is pure, uncontaminated by the world upon which it rests. It has always been here…no, not always. It was brought here many, many years ago, close to the beginning, before the green and blue took a hold.

  Its form is immense. It has grown unrestricted all this time in the depths, amidst the rock and stone, but also surrounded by water at times as the world changes her own form.

  It seems impervious but is vulnerable.

  It is powerful but is merely a tool.

  It is dangerous.

  It is wondrous.

  It is here.

  We are here.

  The noise?

  The noise has ceased. It called to us and now we hear.

  Hear what?


  Three of us are witness to this miracle. We see and accept but we do not understand.

  There is another here but it does not see, it does not accept. It wishes merely to conquer, to enforce its own will upon this beautiful form.

  It does not see us but it will, we know this. It makes us afraid for this one will tear the world asunder and destroy the fabric of all to know its own power.

  We see and accept but we do not wish to understand.

  One will come and the darkness will fall.

  One will join and the light will destroy.

  Salvation will come from destruction.

  We are afraid! No! No!

  * * *

  Gabby heard but did not process the cough and sound of shuffling feet close to her. Another noise constantly nagged at her awareness, attempting to bring her up from the depths of restful sleep. Voices sounded in the black surrounding her but they made no sense. Gabby tried to ignore them, she wanted to fall back into the dark and rest.


  “That's a theory at best.”

  The word hooked and pulled at Gabby's mind and she rose with the wave of wakefulness unable to pull herself back down to the realms of sleep. The word was repeated though not out loud.


  Gabby swallowed and winced at the roughness in her throat. She cleared her throat and coughed and opened her eyes.

  “She's awake!”

  Gabby saw a person standing next to her and a bed just behind them, not that she was able to identify them as yet. Noises drifted in and out, mangled together to create a confusing garble. A thin tube was pushed against Gabby's dry lips and she automatically opened them. Cold water entered her mouth and throat creating a strange sense of burning but also a sense of relief and satisfaction at the sensation.

  More words are aimed at her but Gabby groaned in protest and slipped back to sleep.

  * * *

  “Gabby?” A soft voice disturbed the night but not the constant beeping of the medical equipment in the room which swamped the gentle question. “Gabby!” The voice changed to a harsh, impatient whisper, followed by a half disgusted sigh. “Bloody hell.” The sound of two feet hitting the cold floor were masked by protesting bed springs.


  “What!” Gabby rolled onto her back and stared up at a ceiling she didn't recognise. She frowned and shivered uncontrollably as panic raced around her skin, chilling it and causing goosebumps.

  “It's me, Brooke. Are you okay?” Brooke padded over to Gabby's bed and Gabby relaxed as she recognised, not Brooke's face but her friend's long hair, swinging loosely in the dim light of the room. “They've taken off your restraints so you should be okay to move now.” Brooke sat at Gabby's side, dipping the bed slightly and rested her hand on Gabby's arm.

  “What?” Gabby shook her head in utter confusion. “What the hell is going on? Restraints?” Gabby raised up on her elbows and pedalled backwards to a sitting position. A quick look around the darkened room didn't reveal too much detail except for Brooke's empty bed and another in the far corner of the room. “Where's Mary?” Gabby leaned forward, lowering her voice and then pointing. “Is she over there?” Gabby saw Brooke's hair flick round as the girl stared into the dark corner.

  “She was earlier today but not now. She's been gone at least four hours.” Gabby gave a shake of her head again as she continued to examine the room. Next to her own bed was a stand holding an empty IV bag, she checked her arm and saw the red mark and slight swelling where a needle had punctured her skin. Gabby rubbed her finger on the mark.

  “What do you know, Brooke? That last thing I remember is arguing with you.” The outline of Brooke nodded in agreement.

  “Same here. I woke up yesterday with my arms in restraints. Doctor gave me a once over and released me but McCaffrey told me to stay and rest here while you and Mary were still here.” Gabby winced as the scab from the needle came off under her fingernail. In all the years she'd known McCaffrey and other residents of the station she had difficulty believing their reason for such strange behaviour was sinister. “Have they been doing weird shit to us all these years?” Brooke speaking the thought Gabby didn't wish to entertain. Gabby stared off into the darkness, glad that her friend couldn't see her expression of doubt.

  “No.” Gabby stated, trying her best to keep the firmness in her voice. “There's something else going on…there must be.”

  “Then let's find Mary and see what's what.” As Brooke finished her sentence Gabby's attention was drawn to the door. The door was wooden but contained a large glass window in the upper half. A faint light was visible in the room beyond the door which at first Gabby assumed was a desk lamp or a computer screen.

  “Gabby?” Brooke gave Gabby's shoulder a shake. She didn't know why but the light fascinated her. There seemed at first glance nothing special about it, it was a soft blue glow emanating from just below the window level of the door. Gabby frowned and while still staring at the glow, reached out to turn Brooke's head towards the light.

  “What? Why are you…oh.” Gabby nodded though Brooke wasn't looking at her.

  “Are you just as drawn to that as I am?” Gabby asked, her voice rising in pitch to match her confusion and embarrassment.

  “Yes and thank god you are, I thought I'd have to change my medication again.” Brooke half laughed at her own joke.

  “Good. Good.” As Gabby was thinking what else to say the light moved above the edge of the window and into view.

  The soft pulsating blue light continued to rise until it met Gabby's eye level as she had jumped up to stand next to Brooke when the light first moved. Both girls were drawing in rapid breaths and now held hands as they both stared at this strange phenomenon.

  “What the hell, Gabby?” Gabby squeezed her friend's hands knowing the girl would be seriously frightened for the effect on her mental health. In truth her friend's distress brought Gabby's confidence to bear as she would not allow Brooke to suffer so.

  “It's okay. I see it too, alright?” Gabby pulled Brooke in close to her and placed a hand on Brooke's cheek, she felt the coldness there brought on by fear. “Come on.”

  “What!” Brooke shook her head violently sending her hair swinging into Gabby's face. “You're bloody kidding!”

  “Just take a moment, Brooke. I don't sense anything to be afraid of, do you?” Brooke took a step backwards and stared at the blue light for a short time. She then inhaled for what Gabby thought was a minute before releasing the breath explosively.

  “No. I don't know why but I know it's not dangerous.” Brooke admitted. “Doesn't mean I'm not frightened.”

  “I know. But we need to find Mary and what on earth is going on and the only way out.” Gabby pointed straight ahead to the door, “is that way.”

  Brooke stayed silent but gripped Gabby's hand and gave it a squeeze. As the girls moved across the room the light moved further away, illuminating another
door. As they reached and opened the first door the blue light dissolved into the woodwork of the outer door and the room became dark.

  “I bet I kick something in here, I'm not wearing shoes.” Brooke whispered and Gabby smiled at her friend's brave attempt to keep herself moving forward. The girls crossed the small room without incident and Gabby laid a hand on the door handle, as she did so multiple, horrid images flashed into her mind of what they might find on the other side. Corpses, grotesque creatures, zombies, a demon invasion from Mars, a band of penguins running loose with chainsaws. Gabby paused as her imagination tried to convince her to turn back and go to bed.

  “You okay?” Brooke's voice was just enough to break the spell and Gabby rolled her eyes at her own form of personal torture she had always endured, an overactive imagination. Gabby didn't reply and pushed down on the handle and opened the door. The station's corridor was empty with the exception of the blue light; it was also the only illumination present. The main fluorescent strips and the emergency lights were dark.

  “God it's quiet. Why is it quiet?” Brooke curled a hand around Gabby's upper arm and held on tight. Both girls stood in silence and with the exception of their own breathing no sound could be heard. The soft glow began to move again and this time Gabby and Brooke followed without question. As they walked, Gabby tried to glean an idea of where they were and where they could possibly be heading. The first time she and Mary had walked these halls and corridors they'd noted the many painted lines indicating which colour to follow to find a specific facility, now however in the blue glow the colours merely looked light blue, blue and dark blue. These supposedly familiar corridors that had been home to the two girls for so long now looked alien, altered subtly to make them feel uncomfortable without knowing why. It was Brooke who actually figured out where they were heading when she picked out a sign in the gloom.

  “There!” She said pointing excitedly. “Oh, why are we going there?” Gabby shook her head as she looked from the blue light to the sign and back again, apparently they were heading to the secondary nuclear core housed here in the underground bunker.


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