The Unnatural Nature of Science
Page 22
Most education in science avoids personalities. It also excludes insight into the process of science. Much biology is learned at school (and even at university) in the same way as one learns irregular verbs in a foreign language – by rote. Little would be lost if less science were taught but some insight were gained into the processes of science. Learning about creativity in science, with an emphasis on psychic courage and failure, may well be very much more valuable than some of the science itself.
Whether or not non-scientists like it, science is part of our culture. Most people’s views are in some way influenced by scientific ideas – that the earth goes round the sun, that genetic defects cause disease, that radioactivity can be dangerous – even if they have a very poor understanding of the validity or basis of the ideas. Understanding the processes of science and scientific ideas is hard. Ironically, some of the ideas that have been popularized, like chaos and the peculiar features of quantum mechanics, have been used in a magical way in novels such as Ian McEwan’s The Child in Time. We need to find ways in which to make science less alien, exciting, but not mystical. Somehow we must find a way to remove the humiliating wound to their intellectual self-esteem that non-scientists like Lionel Trilling (page xi) experience by not understanding science. This is a central problem to be faced at all levels in the education system.
Science is bound to play a central role in our lives. It is to science and technology that we shall have to look for help to get us out of some of the mess in which we now all find ourselves – a mess that involves both environmental pollution and overpopulation. Of course not all the solutions will be science-based, but science can make a crucial contribution. I cannot offer specific solutions, for the nature of discovery precludes that, but knowing how the world works may be an essential requirement for helping to save it.
Finally, we should always remember the origin of science in Greece. Even though we do not understand why it should have had its origins there, the Greek commitment to free and critical discussion was essential for science to flourish. And the same is true today. While at present science flourishes, we must be aware how easily it might wither: witness the disastrous effects Lysenko’s dogmas, supported by the state, had on Soviet genetics. Those who dislike the ideas of science and think they have had a malevolent effect on our spiritual life should realize that once one rejects understanding and chooses dogma and ignorance, not only science but democracy itself is threatened. Science is one of humankind’s greatest and most beautiful achievements and for its continuation, free and critical discussion, with no political interference, is as essential today as it was in Ionia.
Key references are marked with an asterisk.
1: Unnatural Thoughts
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3: Thales’s Leap: West and East
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5: Competition, Cooperation and Commitment
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6: Philosophical Doubts or Relativism Rampant
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7: Non-Science
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