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Air Force Hero

Page 13

by Weston Parker

  His dominance only stoked the fire brighter. I let out a sharp moan as he drove inside me and paused. He slapped my ass, and I yelped and then giggled in surprise when I found that I liked it. My pussy pulsed around his shaft as he forced me to hold onto my orgasm.

  When he started up again, my toes curled. My breathing became quick, breathless sighs, and it was all I could do not to let go and give in.

  “Zach,” I pleaded.

  “Not yet,” he grated, his grip on my hips tightening.

  I buried my face in the sheets. If he didn’t let me go soon, I wouldn’t be able to stop it. The tightness forming below my belly needed to be released. I felt tighter, and every thrust had my knees feeling weaker and weaker. My hips ached as he pushed my legs farther apart.

  I moaned deeply as his rhythm quickened. “Oh, God.”

  “You ready, baby?”

  “Fuck yes,” I breathed.

  He slapped my ass. “Come on, then.”

  The climax was paralyzing. Every muscle in my body tightened as it crashed over me in a wave. Zach’s hands on my hips held me up as I succumbed to the pleasure. His hips slapped against my ass, and I heard him groan behind me as he came too. The moment was suspended as he finished and slowed, squeezed my ass one more time for good measure, and then pulled out of me.

  I collapsed on the bed, breathless and still vibrating with pleasure. Zach crawled up beside me and laid on his side. He propped his head up in his hand with his elbow on the bed and grinned sheepishly at me. “That was well worth the wait,” he said.

  I giggled and hid my face in the sheets. I was bright red, and I was sure my hair was a disaster. “It sure was.”

  He ran a hand down my shoulder and along the base of my neck before tucking my hair behind my ear. He didn’t say anything, but I could tell there were dozens of thoughts running around behind those hazel eyes of his.

  I pursed my lips.

  I should tell him. There would never be a perfect time to come clean, but the longer I waited, the worse it would get. He deserved to know. If he was going to be upset, there was nothing I could do about it.

  “I have to tell you something,” I said.

  His eyes flicked back and forth between mine. He was still a little out of breath, and oh so fucking sexy lying in my bed beside me. He nodded once. “All right.”

  I gnawed the inside of my cheek as my nerves began stirring. “I should have told you a long time ago.”

  He nodded again.

  I closed my eyes. Just fucking say it, Jo. I swallowed, blew out a steady breath, and opened my eyes to stare right into his. “Sam is your son, Zach. I’ve always known. I should have called you as soon as I knew but I just—” I broke off, guilt and terror rolling over me. A burning knot formed in my throat, and I looked away from him. “I’m sorry.”



  I’m a father.

  Jo’s words hit me like a freight train going three hundred miles per hour. I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, couldn’t do anything. I simply lay there, mouth hanging open like an idiot, staring at the beautiful naked woman in front of me.

  The mother of my son.

  “I’m sorry,” Jo said again, reaching out to touch my shoulder. She pulled her hand back when she realized what she was doing like she thought it was inappropriate. After our vigorous romp in the sheets, it was anything but. “I never should have kept this from you. Are you okay? Do you need me to give you some time? I won’t be mad if you want to leave.”

  I shook my head and frowned. “No. I don’t want to go. I just…” I trailed off, unsure of what I should say.

  “Zach?” she whispered, eyebrows drawn together in turmoil.

  “I’m a dad?” I asked. The word felt so strange on my tongue.

  Jo nodded. “You are.”

  I pressed a hand to my forehead and then ran it through my hair, which was damp with sweat. Back at the pub, the thought had crossed my mind that Sam might be mine. But all the chaos with Brett had chased it from my mind. Now that it was out in the open and real, everything had changed.

  “Are you mad?” Jo asked. Her eyes were glassy.

  “No.” I shook my head. “No. I’m not mad. How could I be mad?”

  “Because I never told you,” she said, and her voice cracked. “You should be angry. I would be. I deserve it. You can yell at me if you want. I understand.”

  “Jo, stop,” I said firmly, cupping her cheek. “I’m not mad. I promise.”

  A tear slipped down her cheek and rolled along my thumb. “How can you not be?”

  I shrugged and wiped the tear away. “I don’t know. But I’m not. I’m just… sad that I missed out on five years, I guess. Just like that.”

  Jo’s eyes widened.

  “And sorry that I wasn’t there for him.”

  She started sobbing. It wasn’t quiet, gentle, sad sobbing either. This was hard, violent, out of control crying that had me panicked. I grabbed her shoulders and drew her into me, where her tears wet my chest. She clung to my shoulders and brought her knees up. I held her tightly and kissed the top of her head. “Don’t cry,” I said. “Please don’t cry. There’s nothing to be sad about. Everything is okay.”

  “I didn’t think you’d want him,” Jo whispered.

  “What? Why?”

  “Because,” she said, her voice almost hysterical. “Having a child would be so hard on you while you’re in the Air Force. And I knew what it meant to you. It meant the same thing that the Coast Guard did to me. I didn’t want you to be forced to give that up. If you had to walk away from that life, I wanted it to be on your terms.”

  “I would have chosen you over the sky any day,” I said.

  She cried harder. Why was I so incapable of saying the right things?

  “Jo,” I said, forcing her to look up at me. “Enough of this. You didn’t do anything wrong. Listen. I’m here now. And so are you. We have a chance to make things right.”

  “Make things right?”

  “Yeah. When can I meet him?”

  Jo froze. Her lips were slightly parted, and she sucked in a sharp breath. “You want to meet him?”

  “Of course I want to meet him! He’s my boy. I want to know everything about him. I want to teach him shit. What doesn’t he know yet?”

  Jo laughed and wiped at her eyes. “A lot of things. He’s only five. Well, almost five.”

  “Can he ride a bike?”

  “With training wheels.”

  “Fuck yeah,” I said. “So I’ll be there to go down to two wheels. Can he throw a baseball? Catch one? What does he do for fun?”

  “Um,” Jo said, half laughing and half crying. “He’s not really into sports. He’s more of a science kid. He likes chemistry and making things with his hands. He’s fascinated by electricity and random stuff like that.”

  “So he’s a little genius?”

  “I’m biased.” Jo nodded. “But I think so. Yeah. He’s got some issues, like all kids, but he’s really smart and always eager to learn new things.”

  “Issues like asthma?” I asked.

  Jo cocked her head to the side. “How did you know that?”

  “Ryan told me before I headed over here,” I said, tucking the strand of strawberry blonde hair that always managed to fall free from behind her ear. “And he told me about the panic attacks.”

  Jo nodded slowly and looked down, where she began playing with a loose thread in the seam of the bed sheets. “Yeah. They started when he was really little. Only two. Then the asthma started last year, and each episode leads to a panic attack because not being able to breathe scares him.”

  “Rightfully so.”

  She shrugged a shoulder. “Yeah. It’s a vicious cycle. He’s better than he used to be, though. Progress is progress. I’m a bit worried about putting him in school next year, though. When he freaks out, he needs me. No one else, besides Ryan on a rare occasion, is able to calm him down.”

  “A momma’s boy,” I said

  Jo smiled and nodded.

  “Like his dad,” I said. Jo giggled. “That feels really strange to say.”

  “I bet,” Jo acknowledged.

  “So come on. When do I get to meet him?”

  Jo pushed herself up so that she was sitting cross-legged. I followed her up and sat in front of her, our knees pressed together. Had my mind not been consumed by the new information that I was a father, I would have ravaged her naked body again—and then maybe one more time for good measure. She looked around at the mess of a room and sighed. “I think we should give it a couple of weeks before you meet Sam. Maybe let the dust settle after this madness with Brett. He was in Sam’s life for a while. Kids like Sam need consistency, and this will be a big enough adjustment on its own.”

  “All right,” I said, even though two weeks sounded like an eternity. “Makes sense. I don’t want to overwhelm him.”

  Jo gave me a soft smile. Her cheeks were pink, and her lips were swollen. She was so damn beautiful, it hurt to look at her. “Thank you, Zach.”

  “For what?”

  She shrugged and looked down. “For being the kind of guy I wanted as a father for Sam.”

  “Are you trying to sweet talk me?”

  Jo glanced up and laughed. The sound was vibrant and carefree. She rocked back and nodded. “Maybe a little bit. Think you can handle two weeks?”

  In all honesty, I wasn’t sure. My stomach was already swirling with nerves. Meeting my son would not be a walk in the park. There was a lot of pressure, and I could already feel it building after only minutes of finding out. But I nodded anyway. “I think so. There would be something that could make the wait easier, though.”

  “Oh?” Jo arched an eyebrow.

  “You and me,” I said. “Let’s give this thing a shot.”

  “This thing?” Jo asked playfully, cocking her head to one side. Her smile was flirty and shy and too sexy for her own good.

  “Yeah. What do you say? Let me take you out a few times.”

  “Like, on dates?”

  “Of course on dates.” I chuckled. “What did you think I meant?”

  She shrugged and bit her bottom lip. “Maybe I just wanted to hear you say it.”

  I took her hands in mine. “You want to give us a shot, pretty girl, or what?”

  Jo answered me with a kiss. It was soft and gentle and easily the most intimate kiss I’d ever shared with a woman before. Her tongue traced mine, and her hands held my face, her palms whispering against my almost fully grown-in beard.

  “Is that a yes?” I asked.

  “Hell yeah.” She nodded. Then she glanced at the clock on the nightstand. “Not to be rude, but you need to leave.”


  She nodded and rolled off the bed. As she padded over to her closet, she glanced back at me. “Rosie will be back with Sam shortly, I bet, and I think it would be best if you weren’t here. I’ll explain everything to him about Brett and spend some time with him to see how he’s doing.”

  I got off the bed too and went to her bathroom, where I pulled the condom off my cock. I was already hard again. “I don’t want to leave you with this mess to clean up.”

  “It’s fine. I’ll see if Rosie can stay and help. It won’t take long.” Jo slipped into a loose white sweater and a pair of black leggings that made her ass look unreal. I came out of the bathroom and gave it a slap before I went out into the hall and gathered my clothes. She watched me as I got dressed and looked disappointed when I pulled my shirt on. “Sorry to kick you out.”

  “Don’t be,” I said, going to her and giving her a kiss. “It makes sense. Sam needs stability, right?” I went into the living room to grab my gloves.

  She smiled. “Exactly.”

  We walked to the front door, and I stepped over the threshold, pausing to look back at the beautiful woman I was leaving behind. “I’ll see you soon?”

  “Not as soon as I’d like, but yes. Soon.”

  I nodded and put my back to her to cross the lawn. I stooped to grab my helmet from where it lay on the grass and pulled it on. After tightening the chin strap, I tugged my gloves on and got on my bike. Jo was still standing in the open door, and she waved as I pulled away from the curb. I waved back and took to the road, knowing there was one place I had to go before I did anything else.

  I had to tell my mother that she was a grandma.

  The news would be the best thing for her right now. Not only did I know it would help her immensely, but I needed someone to share it with. Excitement and fear had taken up residence in my chest, and I needed to talk to someone about the massive changes on the horizon.

  How was I going to become a father overnight? What would Jo expect of me? Would Sam even like me?

  As I rode down winding back roads, I started to realize how unprepared I was for something as big as fatherhood.

  I’d have to learn on the fly like I did with most things. At least I had Jo. She would be there to help me through the learning curve. And my mother always gave great advice. Ryan would be a good shoulder to lean on, too.

  Or he’d be pissed that I was the one who knocked up his sister. I hadn’t thought of that. I thought over how that conversation was likely to go. Hopefully, he wouldn’t think less of me, and he’d be happy to have me around more to help raise his nephew.

  I was the father of Ryan’s nephew. Crazy.

  I continued riding, an unease growing inside me as I contemplated just how much my life was about to change. There would be no going back after I met Sam. I wouldn’t be the kind of guy who committed and then got cold feet. Hell no.

  The boy needed a father. And I needed Jo.

  And I needed to know my son.



  It had been a hell of a long day. The skin on my neck from where Brett had held his forearm was bright red, and I’d had to tie a scarf around my throat to hide it from Sam, who had shown up with Rosie only an hour after Zach left. I’d had just enough time to clean up the bulk of the mess: the broken vases and the bloodstains on the carpet from Brett’s face.

  There was still some straightening up to do, and Rosie was presently working at it as I walked Sam from the bathroom to his bedroom. He was in his pajamas and had just brushed his teeth. His teddy bear was clutched in one hand, and he padded to his bed and climbed in. I pulled the blanket over him as he settled down on his pillow and looked up at me.

  “Did you have fun at mommy’s work today with Uncle Ryan and Auntie Rosie?” I asked as I brushed his hair off his forehead.

  Sam could barely keep his eyes open. Each blink cost him energy as he forced himself to stay awake. “Yeah. Uncle Ryan let me eat those candy cherries.”

  “Maraschino cherries?” I grinned.

  Sam nodded. “Yep.”

  “You get some sleep, kiddo. When you wake up, the house will be clean, and it’s just going to be you and me living here. Everything is going to be better now.”

  “You won’t be sad anymore?” Sam asked.

  I stared down at my son. He was looking back at me, eyes droopy and innocent, with his bear tucked under his little chin. I had let things with Brett go way too far. Sam never should have picked up on my sadness. I believed I was hiding it from him so well. I had been a fool. “No, sweetheart,” I said softly. “I won’t be sad anymore.”

  Sam smiled and closed his eyes. “Good. Goodnight, Mommy.”

  “Goodnight, kiddo,” I said, and I kissed his forehead and tucked the blankets in tight around him. Like me, he loved being tightly wrapped in his blankets. “Sleep tight.” I got up and walked to the door, where I flicked off his light. His nightlight was on in the corner, casting blue stars up on the ceiling. “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” Sam said.

  He was asleep before I closed the door behind me and stepped into the hall.

  I met Rosie in the living room. She was straightening out the books in my bookshelf that had toppled over and looked
up at me when I came in. She pointed her chin to the coffee table, where a bottle of red wine and two glasses sat. “I brought that over. Wasn’t sure what kind of night this was going to be. Sad drinking or happy drinking. I figured red wine works for both occasions.”

  I chuckled and pressed my hands into my lower back. I stretched, cracked my spine and neck, and then rolled my shoulders. “It does suit both occasions. And, for the record, it will be happy drinking.”

  Rosie went to the bottle and poured us each a glass. She raised hers in a toast. “Fuck Brett?”

  I nodded. “Fuck Brett.”

  We spent the next two hours cleaning up. I didn’t vacuum because I didn’t want to wake Sam, but we did everything else. The place looked good as new, minus my now missing vases and a few broken picture frames, when we both sat down in opposite corners of my sofa with our glasses of wine.

  “So,” Rosie said slowly. She glanced at me, the corner of her mouth curling upward. “Zach came to your rescue, huh?”

  She had no idea. He’d rescued me from more than just Brett’s wrath today. He’d spared me a loneliness I hadn’t been able to escape for five years. He’d made me feel safe and loved for the first time since our night back in San Antonio. “He did,” I said, tracing my finger around the base of my wine glass.

  “And he beat the shit out of Brett?”

  I nodded as I pictured the brawl that had torn apart my living room that afternoon. Brett was unhinged and mad with jealousy, while Zach managed to stay calm and collected. Up until the end, that is. He’d lost it a bit too, and I wasn’t sure what would have happened had I not stepped in and made him stop. Brett would probably have been a puddle of broken bones at his feet if I’d let him keep pummeling him. “He did. Brett got a few swings in, too. But he doesn’t have the power Zach has. That comes from years of training.”

  “I would have paid to see it,” Rosie said.

  I chuckled. Chances were, if Rosie had seen it, she’d be having a hard time forgetting it now. Violence was all good and fun when it happened in the movies or when you heard stories about it. It was a whole different ball game when it happened right in front of you and you cared about the person who was also taking hits while trying to defend you. I appreciated Zach coming for me, but I wished he hadn’t had to. I wished I’d sorted it out on my own before things got so fucked up.


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