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Sparks Like Ours

Page 15

by Melissa Brayden

  Elle turned to her innocently. “Bedtime clothes, swimsuits, regular clothes, nicer evening wear. These things need their own space.”

  “To do what?” Gia asked, her voice louder than before.

  “I don’t know. Be who they want to be.”

  “That’s some separatist clothes bullshit right there. Let them mingle.”

  “No way. Not on my watch.” Elle’s eyes went wide. “Let me guess. You just toss your clothes in all together in a jumble and head for the airport?”

  “Yep, literally an hour before I leave.”

  “Were you raised by wolves?” Elle asked in outrage, unable to imagine such a fly-by-night existence. Elle moved to her dresser, pulled out the remaining clothes she’d need for the Swatch Pro, and began rolling them into neat little bundles for optimum space. “How do you live like that?”

  “It’s easy. I get up and pull out what I need for the day.”

  “That makes no sense to me. Do you even unpack once you’re there?”

  “What’s the point?”

  Elle stared at her, her heart rate escalating. “You’re killing me.”

  Gia pointed at the suitcase in exasperation. “Same.”

  That did it. Without thinking any further, Elle grabbed the fabric of the damn hoodie and pulled Gia’s lips to hers, where she kissed her with the pent-up tension brought on by their ferociously defended packing philosophies. Good Lord. How could one person be so frustrating and so sexy at the same time? And the kiss. Don’t get her started on the kiss that was more—way more—intense than the first. Warm and shimmy-shake worthy. That kiss eased its way into Elle’s system, up her spine, carrying heat through her limbs with startling intensity. She’d never responded to any other partner the way she responded to Gia in just a matter of seconds. She was hot and bothered and without the control she was so used to maintaining. Yep, those were her hands abandoning the hoodie and sliding into Gia’s hair without her permission, and the traitorous tiptoes she was up on for better access to Gia’s mouth, evening out the slight height difference nicely.

  Had it been Gia or Elle who’d guided them onto the bed alongside her suitcase? Regardless, they’d landed there with a bounce before finding each other again in a flurry of breathless gasps. Who really cared who’d taken them there, because lying alongside Gia as they kissed opened up all kinds of access Elle was eager to put to use. She slid her hands inside the hoodie (which was just as soft as it looked) and slipped them up the back of Gia’s white T-shirt to the warm skin of her back, which was, oh God, so soft. Too soft to be believed. She heard herself groan and push her body firmly against Gia’s as their mouths danced, their tongues tasted, and the room went up in flames around them.

  Gia pulled her mouth from Elle’s and met her gaze. A check-in of sorts in the midst of the search for air. “Is this okay? Should we—”

  “Don’t stop,” Elle managed, silencing Gia with another kiss, her tongue pushing its way into Gia’s mouth, and pulling the most delicious sound from Gia. She could really get used to contented sounds like that. The thought was silenced when Gia rolled on top of Elle, the weight of her body the most welcome sensation Elle could remember experiencing. She took the briefest moment to steady herself, to revel in the full-on body-to-body connection. This was exactly what she’d been missing her whole life. She instinctually parted her legs, allowing room for Gia’s thigh between them. “Sweet heaven,” she murmured, as her desire quadrupled.

  Gia laughed and looked down at her. “Sweet heaven?”

  Elle nodded. “Sweet heaven.”

  “I’ve never met anyone like you,” Gia said, and stole a quick kiss. “You pack weird and have catchphrases like that one.”

  “Yeah, well. You brood and steal waves, so we’re even on that count.”

  “Whatever you say.” Gia slowly made her way to Elle’s mouth, once again sending an urgent shot of arousal straight to Elle’s center. She moved her hips against Gia’s thigh because it gave her relief. Not enough, but some. She felt the pressure between her legs climb with each roll of her hips. Her hands were still underneath the back of Gia’s shirt, which was in her way. Elle pushed it up, feeling the back of Gia’s bra. The thought of taking it off entirely made her mind shift into overdrive, almost unable to handle the idea of Gia’s breasts tumbling into her waiting hands. She’d likely explode.

  Gia sucked in a ragged breath and fell to the side.

  Elle blinked, summoning her brain but not finding it available. Every part of her body ached for more. Craved it. But the contact was gone. “What’s wrong?” she asked through her haze.

  Gia touched her cheek softly. “Maybe we shouldn’t just yet.”

  Elle nodded, understanding. It was too soon. She hated that she agreed. Hated. It. But Gia was right. This was all very new and happening very fast, and she should probably proceed at a slower pace. She wasn’t sure she’d have been able to stop them just two minutes ago but felt grateful to Gia for making the call. “How are we supposed to go back to business as usual now?” she asked quietly, facing Gia on the bed.

  “I’m not sure we could.”

  Elle shook her head, tugging at the hem of Gia’s shirt absently. “I wouldn’t want to. When I’m around you I feel different, unlike myself, and I suppose I haven’t figured out how to navigate that quite yet.”

  “Different how?”

  She studied Gia’s dark eyebrows, how perfectly formed they were. She’d be willing to bet a million dollars they were naturally shaped that way. “You have the ability to make me feel everything in…exponentials.”

  Gia furrowed her brow and wrapped her arm around Elle’s waist. “Exponentials, huh?”

  “Exponentially happy, or exponentially annoyed.” She paused and smiled sheepishly up at the ceiling. “Exponentially turned on.”

  Gia chuckled. “Now that’s a title I can live with. But I get it. You do the same to me. It’s turning into an addiction.”

  “Come here,” Elle said, not able to resist another kiss or those dreamy brown eyes. She sank into the wonder of Gia’s lips and wasn’t sure she ever wanted to leave. She kissed her slowly, savoring each second. Now that they’d set out on this new physical aspect of their relationship, it was like there was no stopping them from touching. Elle could imagine this getting in the way of, well…everything, which in this particular moment didn’t sound so bad. “You sure we should stop?” she mumbled against Gia’s lips. “Because I could keep doing this for a long time.” She eased her tongue lightly into Gia’s mouth and out again.

  Gia caught Elle’s wrists as her hands slipped beneath her shirt once again. “Nope. Not at all sure, which is why I should go. In about two point five seconds, it’s not going to be within my power.”

  Elle sighed and watched as Gia pushed herself into a seated position.

  “When do you travel?” Gia asked.

  “In the morning. I’ve got some promo shoots set up with Rip Curl before the tournament kicks off.”

  “Of course you do,” Gia said, with a knowing smirk. “You have more sponsors than God.”

  “At least he gets to duck the photo shoots.”

  “Like you’d give them up, even if you could.”

  Elle took a moment. “Honestly, all the extra commitments have become exhausting. Plus, there are other ways I’d like to spend my time.” She met Gia’s eyes briefly before pulling her gaze away. The confession made her feel vulnerable in a way she wasn’t used to. She didn’t do vulnerable when it came to other people. Never had. “What about you? When do you leave?” she asked, moving them away from it, nervous about how it made her feel.

  “Day after tomorrow.” Gia stood and readjusted her hoodie. “No Rip Curl photo shoots on my schedule.”

  “That’s because GoPro is the sticker on the nose of your board.”

  Gia laughed. “Yes, it’s possible I have a few GoPro responsibilities once I’m in San Clemente.”

  “Will I see you there?”

��Accepting the trophy?” Gia said with a grin. “Yes, most definitely.”

  Elle chuckled. “Cocky for number two. Don’t you think?”

  “You forget I have nothing to lose.” Gia’s eyes flashed playfully, but there was a nugget of truth in what she said.

  Elle’s smile dimmed, because for her, there was everything to lose. There was nowhere to go but down from her top spot, and she had no intention of doing anything but finishing off the year as world champion. It was great fun to get lost with Gia and explore her newfound freedom, but she couldn’t lose sight of who she was and what she’d set out to accomplish. The stakes were too high.

  “Then I guess we’ll sort it out in San Clemente.”

  Gia winked. “See you on the beach.”

  They stole another kiss just beyond Elle’s front door.

  Everything would be different the next time she saw Gia. They’d each have their game faces on and would focus everything they had on the tournament. For Elle, it wasn’t just money on the line, it was her legacy.

  She would be good to remember that.

  Chapter Eleven

  The sting of the saltwater spray in her eyes welcomed Gia home, to the place she loved most. Competition. She’d shredded her way easily through round one of the Swatch Pro, pulling in a solid 8.67 on her best wave and taking the heat from the two other competitors.

  The late spring conditions couldn’t have been more exciting and definitely helped her pull out the win. Excellent wave height, swells that let her work her magic, and large crowds that fueled the always present adrenaline. She’d advanced easily against a wildcard surfer out of Hawaii and would move forward to round two with the heat’s third competitor, Heather Macaulay, number seven on the tour leaderboard. But it was the kid, the wildcard, who had snagged her attention and showed herself to be more of a badass out there than Gia was expecting. She had gutsy moves and great flow. Both pulled Gia’s respect.

  Gia knocked Heather on the shoulder as they came in, but Heather didn’t seem to be in the mood for niceties, not that Gia blamed her. She’d taken second in the heat and probably wasn’t thrilled about it, regardless of the fact that she was still moving forward in the tournament.

  “Very cool to be out there with you,” the wildcard told Gia, once their heat concluded. “I’ve been a big fan of yours for a while.” She must have been nineteen at most. Gia shook the hand she offered as they toweled off on the beach.

  “Now I’m a fan of yours,” Gia said. “Malia, right?”

  “Yeah. Malia Moore.”

  “Killer surfing out there. Not just blowing smoke.”

  Malia grinned but shrugged it off. “Just trying to pull in points. Maybe score a sponsor, you know?”

  “Been there. Keep surfing like that, and you’ll find what you’re looking for.”

  They approached the roped-off pathway for competitors that was always lined with autograph seekers who went nuts when they saw Gia approach, thrusting programs, notepads, and photos her way. “I’ll let you get to work,” she told Gia, and gestured with her chin to the fans.

  “You guys meet Malia yet?” Gia asked the enthusiastic group. They nodded eagerly at Gia and several thrust their tournament programs Malia’s way. She lit up at the attention and got to signing. Gia remembered all too well what it was like to be an up-and-comer, and she did what she could to make it easier for those coming up behind her. With a final nod to Malia and the fans, Gia headed inside where she’d change, clean up, and return to the beach to watch the remaining heats. It wasn’t a normal practice for her, but Elle would be surfing later that day and she couldn’t stop herself from being there to watch. Though it felt strange to say “root her on,” it was a little of that, too.

  She was becoming entirely too soft for her own liking.

  Two hours later, sitting in the reserved competitors’ section, Gia waited for Elle’s heat to begin. She was up against Martina Conway, number twelve on the leaderboard, and Gidget So, number five, in what would be heat six that day. While Elle would pull out the win, Conway and So would give her a run for her money. Gidget So, especially, was tenacious and didn’t shy away from the big barrel rides. The heat began with Elle drawing first priority. She paddled out aggressively and got to work as the crowd went wild for their number one, easily identifiable in the leader’s yellow jersey, always worn by number one. Gia dreamed of wearing that jersey one day in the not-too-distant future. For now, she couldn’t seem to stop herself from feeling proud of Elle in it, stupid as that might be.

  And Elle was off.

  Gia watched with interest.

  Nice cut back into the power source. Good. Elle came around with a beautiful turn and looked for the barrel, found it easily. Beautiful position in the eye of the wave. Gia’s breath caught and she waited to see if Elle would emerge upright, as that exit looked tricky. To no one’s surprise, she nailed it, coasted out of the bottom, and hopped off the board for a nice start to the heat. Gia clapped conservatively, a small but proud smile on her lips while the larger crowd cheered and screamed. “That’s how you do it,” she said quietly.

  The rest of the heat was full of ups and downs. Elle faltered on waves three and four but pulled in big enough numbers on her other waves to turn in two decent numbers for a combined score of 15.37. Elle was headed into round two right alongside Gia.

  “You two getting along better these days?” a voice asked. She turned to see Jordan and her all-access pass standing just outside the roped-off competitors’ section. She looked beachy and happy with her dark hair pulled into a ponytail, a compact video camera hanging at her side.

  “We do okay,” Gia said hesitantly. Jordan was a friend, but Gia had to remember that she was also making a documentary and would certainly devour the new turn Gia’s relationship had taken with Elle. Since she didn’t have a full understanding of what was going on herself, there was no way she could attempt to explain it to Jordan, on camera or off. Nor would it be wise.

  Jordan studied her knowingly. “Just don’t remember you watching early heats in the past.”

  “Scoping out the competition is not a bad idea, right?”

  Jordan stepped in and dropped her voice. “I’m not busting your balls or anything, but maybe that’s not all you’re scoping. Off the record, of course.”

  “Don’t know what you’re talking about,” Gia said.

  “Really? Because I’ve gotten to know you pretty well, and I’ve never seen that expression on your face before where Elle Britton is concerned.”

  “Listen, I don’t know what you think you’re picking up on, but she’s on her way to being world champion and it’s my mission in life to take her down. That’s about all there is here.”

  Right then, Elle passed their section, a towel en route to her hair. She paused when she saw Gia, smiled, and met her gaze briefly before continuing on her way. The exchange had been quick but meaningful. It was clear when Gia turned back to Jordan that she wasn’t the only one who had noticed.

  “Really? You have nothing to say on the subject?” Jordan asked, enjoying this way too much. “That look you two just shared was…wow.”

  “Was it?” Gia asked, feigning confusion.

  “Please.” Jordan shook her head. “Catch you later, Gia. We’ll be covering round two tomorrow, so don’t, you know, screw it up.”

  Gia laughed. “Best advice of the day. Thanks, Jordan.”

  “Don’t have too much fun tonight. Or do. Your call.”

  Gia shook her head and headed back to the resort to roll out her muscles and rest up for the next day. Her hotel room was spacious and bright with a balcony facing the beach. She could see the day’s competition happening in the distance. If she sat outside, she could hear the crowd.

  As the afternoon shifted into evening, she headed out in search of food, finding several friends from the tour at the restaurant and joining the group. She had trouble focusing on the trajectory of the conversation, mainly about the happenings of round one, who
was struggling to hold on to their spot and who was vying to move up the leaderboard. Shop talk didn’t interest her tonight. Nope. She couldn’t seem to stop thinking about Elle. What she was up to, how her day had been. Their brief encounter on the beach had been their only contact in San Clemente, which was probably a good thing, as Gia needed her head in the game, not in a lust-filled cloud. It was apparent, however, that even without face-to-face time with Elle, she had a way of…distracting Gia.

  Ready to relax for the rest of the evening and get a good night’s rest before round two, Gia headed back up to her room for some decompression time. Katrina would be joining her the next day, which came with a certain comfort. Katrina always kept her on track, and this tournament would be no different.

  “Whoa,” she said, as she exited the elevator and rounded the corner to her hallway, nearly smacking into a woman coming the other way. She gave her head a shake. “Sorry about that.”

  “Trying to put me out of commission before tomorrow?”

  It was Elle. She was wearing leggings that came to mid-calf and a red warm-up sweatshirt that said Boss across the front. Gia laughed at the near collision, and realized in a burst just how happy she was to see her. “I didn’t even realize it was you. I’m so sorry.” They took a moment to stare at each other, both smiling. Gia glanced around. “So, you’re on twelve, too? Which room is yours?”

  Elle hesitated. “No, not exactly. I was just…”


  She sighed, changing trajectory. “Stopping by to say hi to you. That’s the truth of it.”

  Another long stare.

  “How did you know my room number?” Gia asked.

  “I have my ways.” She shrugged it off. “People tend to bend rules for me when I’m really nice to them.”

  “I don’t know,” Gia said, taking Elle’s hand and dragging her down the hallway toward her room. “Sounds shady.”

  Elle held up a finger. “I am most certainly not shady. In fact, the opposite.” The insinuation had ruffled Elle enough for her to rush to correct the misconception, which just encouraged Gia’s playful side further.


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