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Finding the Dragon (Dásreach Council Book 1)

Page 16

by Josette Reuel

  “What you don’t know, is that I believe that Alvena is my mate.” Kai said. Keeping his eyes on his hands, he continued, "I followed her from Ohio, because I was drawn to her from my first sight of her. I gave her my card for the tattoo shop, because I was hoping that she would come in and see my tattoo and feel the same connection that I felt. For a Dásreach mate is drawn to her mate’s tattoo. I felt our connection from the very first moment I saw her, but when she asked for my tattoo at the shop I knew she was mine."

  “What do you mean that Al’s your mate?” Rogue asked.

  “Hell with that, what does he mean that he followed her from Ohio?” Nat demanded.

  Kai continued to watch his hands. He was usually so confident, but at this moment he felt like a child, a child who had done wrong and been caught by his parents. He was terrified of what he would see in Alvena’s eyes now that she knew. Would she accept him? Would she give him a chance? For the first time, Kai felt a bone deep fear, he did not know if he was strong enough to live through her rejection.

  “Kai?” Alvena said quietly.

  He looked up into her eyes and saw, something… hope, maybe?

  “Alvena, there is so much to explain, I don’t even know where to start, but yes, I saw you in Delmar and I knew, I just knew. I overheard that you were coming to New Orleans, so I booked a seat on the same flight and luckily got a seat next to you."

  Alvena wore a look of shock. Almost like a deer in headlights. Kai was expecting her to start running any minute. He searched his mind, but it felt so empty. No light bulbs going off and letting him see where he needed to go or what he needed to say. So, he stood and dragged his chair around the table. He sat facing her and grabbed her hands. The electricity that he felt each time he touched her arched between them. He had to stay connected to her; the feeling of that electricity racing through his body was the best feeling he had ever had. Kai sat and began to rub circles on her palms while he continued to speak.

  “Alvena, before you run… I need you to understand… to know who I am and what you already mean to me.” Alvena nodded her head that she was willing to listen.

  “I told you about our people and how we are ruled by a council of thirteen warriors, well, I am the leader of the Thirteen to become the next Council of the Dásreach. Charlie is my Beta and Malkum is one of two Enforcers. We have been preparing to take over the council for 19 years and looking for our mates for the last nine. Without mates, our laws don't allow us to take over leadership. We have until two summer solstices from now to find our mates. I guess you could say we’re getting a bit desperate and I… uh… “

  “He threw a dart.” Charlie said with a laugh. Kai gave him a hard look, before returning his eyes to Alvena.

  “Go on.” She said.

  “Well, yeah, I threw a dart. I asked the Great Spirit to show me where to look for you. It took me to Delmar. The plan was to open a tattoo shop. I was walking the downtown area when I entered the bookstore to get a cup of coffee. That’s where I first saw you. You were talking to your friend Maureen about coming to New Orleans. As I said, I did some checking and got on the same flight. I then watched for you to arrive at the airport. Luckily I was there to help keep you from falling.” He grinned at her and she gave him a shy smile back.

  “I wanted you to get to know me, so I sat with you on the plane. When you mentioned wanting a tattoo, it gave me the perfect opening to get you to the tattoo shop. Across the world the Dásreach have communities where we live and work to balance the damage being done to the earth. In the large cities, some of us run tattoo shops, so we can show women the Dásreach tattoos hoping to help some of our men to find their mates.” Kai looked deep into Alvena’s eyes before he asked the question that had been burning in his heart since she saw his tattoo. “Alvena, how did you feel when you saw my tattoo in the book, when you looked at it on my arm?”

  “I… I… well, I think all of us felt something after we saw all of your tattoos.” Alvena stuttered.

  “Damn it, Al.” Nat swore as she stood and stormed out of the kitchen. Kai turned and watched her walk up the stairs. Charlie looked at Kai and then stood and went after her. Kai turned to see Rogue look between each person before she stood to leave as well.

  “Al, I’m goin’ to go sit on the front porch, I need some air.” As she walked out Malkum started to follow, but Al stopped him.

  “You might want to let her have her time. She has to process what you have told us.” Alvena suggested. Malkum nodded to her and then went to the front sitting room. Kai figured Malkum watched his mate through the front window.

  Now alone with Alvena, Kai wasn’t sure where to go from here.

  “Kai, this is a lot to take in.” Alvena said as she shifted in her seat. She appeared as unsure of things as Kai felt.

  “Alvena, would you like to take a walk outside? Maybe we could also use some air and you can ask me anything you want while we walk.”

  “Sure. That… would be nice.” She replied. Kai stood and held out his hand to help her up. Once Alvena was on her feet he gripped her hand a bit tighter and led her out the back door to walk down by the water.

  Chapter 15

  They continued to walk in silence, neither of them seeming to know where to start. Alvena stopped at the dock where a small motor boat was anchored. She stared off into the bayou. A small shed stood a few feet away and blocked them from sight of the house. Kai looked at Alvena’s profile. She was a classic beauty. Her nose, not too small or large, high cheek bones, and a pointy chin. He could see her chewing on her full lips as her mind worked on what he had told her.

  “Kai, why did those men attack us? You never did tell us that.” She finally asked.

  Kai was busy watching her mouth and thinking about all of the things he could do to it, when her question sunk into his lust swamped brain. He sighed. This was one part of the conversation that he didn’t really want to tell her. To tell her that she was in danger, because of him.

  “Yes. Well. As I said, we don’t have all of the answers yet. From what we’ve been able to gather, those men are working for someone who is targeting Dásreach mates. Well, at least those that might be Dásreach mates. The men have been staking out the Dásreach tattoo shops and going after women who show interest in the Dásreach tattoos.” Alvena sucked in a sharp breath. She stayed quiet for a minute and then asked.

  “But, you said that they were responsible for the tire. And, then, the first attack in the cemetery was before we even went to the tattoo shop. How would they know to come after us? Nat, Rogue, and I had never seen you or your friends’ tattoos until that day in the shop.”

  “That is one question that I can’t answer. The man we questioned just said that they were told to take you at all costs.” Kai sighed. "Alvena, I’m sorry. I wish I could go back and never have found you. But… then I’m not."

  Kai turned to Alvena and pulled her to him, he held her face between his large hands.

  “I look at you and I see my world, Alvena.”

  “You don’t even know me Kai.” Alvena breathed.

  “All I want is to get to know you, to protect you, to hold you, to kiss you.” He stroked his fingers along her jaw. His gaze was glued to her mouth as she nibbled her lip. “Can I kiss you Alvena?” His voice was full of need.

  “Yes.” She whispered.

  Kai moved his hand to the nape of Alvena’s neck, stroking his thumb back and forth where her hair ended. He felt like an uncontrollable storm was rushing through him. He did not want to overwhelm her, but he wasn’t sure how long he could fight his need to take her. Possess her.

  Kai used all of his restraint and lightly brushed his lips against hers. Her lips were just as he remembered them from the night before. He moved his hand to hold her head in place.

  “Open for me Alvena.” He growled as he swiped his tongue across her lips. On her gasp he plunged deep inside her mouth. Her taste drove him on. When he felt Alvena’s tongue against his own, tentatively sliding
along his, Kai’s control snapped. The fire raged. Kai needed this woman more than air, which was probably for the best, since he didn’t plan to come up for any for a very long time. He felt Alvena’s arms come up around his shoulders. Her fingers twisted into his hair. He finally pulled back from her, gasping for breath, he looked down into her eyes as he cradled her head in his palm. He glanced around and saw the shed. He slowly walked her backwards until her back hit the wall on the side facing away from the house.

  As he came back in for another kiss, one hand held her head in place as he slowly began to stroke his free hand up and down her side. Just feeling her curves. So full. So luscious. He would eat her alive if she would only let him.

  Need. Her. Right. Now. He reluctantly pulled his lips from hers. Alvena made a noise of disappointment. But, he had to ask, he had to know.

  “Alvena, can you accept me, lass? Can you accept that you’re my mate and live your life with me?” Kai asked.


  Al looked into his eyes, she wanted to say yes, but this had to be crazy. Spirit guides, shapeshifters, and destined mates. As quick as it was, as little time as they’d had, she already felt something for Kai. But it’s got to be lust, right? The only time she’d really gotten to talk to him, to get to know him, was on the plane. If what he was saying was true, then he had hidden so much of himself. Who is the real Kai? What is the reality? My god, this is so much like one of my books. Al broke her gaze away from his eyes, then reached over and pinched herself.

  “What are you doing lass?” Kai chuckled.

  “This can’t be real Kai. I’m 35 years old. I’m average. And I’m so single that becoming a nun is a possibility. There is no way that a gorgeous man could be a paranormal creature from a romance novel and want me.”

  “Oh, love, you are way more than average and I’m way more than a romance hero.”

  His lips crashed down on hers for a quick kiss, before continuing, “Just give us a chance Alvena. Let my friends and I figure out who is after our mates and I will give you as much time as I can to get to know that this is real. I want you with a strength that I’ve never felt. Even growing up Dásreach, I never knew it could be like this… promise that you’ll give me time to show you.” Kai pleaded before kissing her again.

  Al tugged at Kai’s hair to get him to pull back. Her lungs were desperate for air. Even as her body demanded that she let him continue. As she struggled to take in deep breaths of air, she looked into his eyes. It wasn’t rational, but she wanted to promise him anything. Her body was fighting her brain. It was lust versus logic. Because, Al couldn’t believe that it was her heart struggling to be heard. It couldn’t be love.

  “Kai, I…”

  Before she could answer, a loud boom shook the earth. Shouts and gunshots sounded from the front of the house. Kai immediately looked around and grabbed Al’s hand. He pulled her towards the back door. Kai was going so fast that Al couldn’t quite keep her balance; she tripped over the growth of grass and weeds on the ground. Without his tight grip pulling her along behind him, she surely would have face planted several times.

  When they finally reached the back porch a man dressed all in black came around the corner. He aimed the biggest gun Al had ever seen at her and Kai.

  What happened next occurred so fast that Al wasn’t sure that she was seeing what she was seeing. It felt like it all happened in a split second. One minute Kai was holding her hand, the next he pushed her against the side of the house, stepped away from her and shifted. Al watched as the man she was just wrapped in a passionate embrace with became the dragon he said he could become. But, dragons were fictional characters. How could he be a dragon? How could he…

  A gorgeous dragon stood in front of her. His green and blue scales glinted in the sunlight of the early morning. The sight was mesmerizing and Al watched the large head move to look at the man with the gun, who was stopped cold, disbelief on his face. A wing came down around her, pulling her in close to the dragon’s body, shielding her. Oh. My. God! It’s true. She was either in a coma living a dream or she had a dragon shifter who wanted to be her mate.

  In the cocoon of his wing Al couldn’t see anything. She realized that most women would fight. Trying to get free and declaring that they could protect themselves. She knew that Nat and Rogue would, but not her. Al knew her limitations. She was a technical writer and a book worm. There was no way that she could survive against a man with a gun. She curled into the dragon’s, Kai’s, side and held on to the scales as best she could. Keeping her balance as his big body moved. She heard a scream and could only assume that the man with the gun was no longer a problem. Al felt a wave of fear tremble through her mind. But, it wasn’t her fear. It was Kai’s for her. She wasn’t sure how she knew that, but she felt the feeling emanating from the dragon to which she clung. As she struggled for logic, to determine what she should be doing, she heard Kai’s deep voice with that beautiful Scottish brogue sweep into her mind.

  “Lass, we are going to have to get out of here and now. I’m going to help you get on my back by my neck.” Kai lifted his wing and Al stepped out away from him where she could see his large dragon face. He’s so huge and I thought he was big as a man.

  “Wait. Oh, my god. You can read my mind?” Al said as her face turned bright red.

  “No, but with how red your face is, I wish I could.” His deep chuckle echoed through her head. “The magic that allows us to shift allows us to speak straight to your mind, since as our animal guides we do not have the proper vocal cords. However, you must speak aloud to me.”

  “Thank god.” Al sighed, grateful that her thoughts were her own.

  “Now, climb up my leg and get on my back by my neck. I’ll help as much as I can.” Kai said as he used his nose to push her toward his leg.

  “Wait. Wait. No. I’m not getting on your back. No way. Not gonna happen.” Al waved her hands in a negative gesture.

  “Lass, we need to leave. There are more of them. It is no longer safe here.”

  “But… but… two minutes ago I thought you were crazy. Now you just want me to accept this and jump on?” She stared at Kai.

  “Aye. I wish we had time to talk this out Alvena, but we have to go. Now.”

  Al heard noises coming from the front of the house. She looked from one dangerous unknown to another. Kai had never done wrong by her. She knew he would keep her safe and wouldn’t do something to hurt her. His actions of the last several days had helped her to see that, not to mention the feelings that she could feel coming from him. Like his fear for her.


  Kai quickly nudged her to his leg and helped her to climb onto his back. “Hold on tight. I’m going to fly us out of here.”

  Al’s mind was racing from one thought to another. She knew they had to get away, but what about her friends?

  “Wait! What about Nat and Rogue? I can’t just leave them.” Al said as she started to get back down.

  She felt horrible for not thinking of her friends and their safety. Granted they were better able to defend themselves than Al, but she should have thought of them sooner. How could she forget them? What sort of friend was she to forget her friends so quickly? A few kisses from a gorgeous man and some men with guns and she had dropped her friends. No wonder Nat didn’t depend on people.

  “Don’t worry, Charlie and Malkum will protect them.” Kai thought to her and nudged her back into position with his snout. She felt his muscles move as he moved his head on his long neck to look at her. “Malkum already has Rogue on the water and I heard the truck a bit ago, I’m positive that was Charlie with Nat.”

  Al clung to Kai’s neck. She watched as he slowly moved around. He was cautious, watching to see if any other dangers existed. He once again turned his head in her direction.

  “Can you trust me to take care of you Alvena?” She looked up into the very blue eyes of the dragon. Yes. Her gut was saying yes, and what does everyone always say, go with your gut. Her heart constrict
ed in her chest. She could feel something for this man. She knew that. What did she have to lose, by allowing him to keep her safe and giving him the time he asked for, the time to get to know each other? Nothing. Except him and possibly her life if she didn’t grab on and go with him.

  “Yes, Kai. I know you will keep me safe. I’m not sure why, but I do.”

  “Well, lass, hang on we’re taking to the sky.” Kai said.

  “Wait? Sky? What do you mean the sky?” Al started to back up again on Kai’s back. He nudged her back into place just as more men came around the corner.

  Al recognized that she had no choice, but to allow Kai to fly her out of this situation. She tightened her legs and arms around his neck.

  “Shit!” She yelled. “Kai, I hope this won’t take long. I just remembered… I’m afraid of heights.” Kai’s deep chuckle sounded in her mind.

  He swiped his tail out at the men who had stopped much as the first man had. The huge scaly tail knocked them over just like bowling pins. Then, his wings began to move up and down. She felt the muscles of his entire body flex and shift and with a great heave Kai lifted into the air. Al briefly saw the top of the house, before she slammed her eyes shut.

  “Don’t worry Alvena, just hang on and I will get us to somewhere safe quickly so you can have both feet back on the ground.” Kai let out a huge roar, a roar like the one from Al’s dream, and sped out across the bayou and into the night.

  Chapter 16

  Kai utilized his special ability and created cloud cover and fog to hide his large dragon body from anyone he may come across on his flight from the house. His ability allowed him to create a buffer around his body so that his skin wouldn’t become slick due to the moisture in the air. With wet scales Alvena could lose her grip and fall from his back, so he created a layer of warm, dry air which would keep his skin dry and Alvena warm as he flew through the stormy weather he created.

  Alvena clung tightly to his neck and he was very aware of the fear radiating from her body. There were several reasons why he didn’t want to fly far with Alvena on his back, but especially her fear of heights concerned him. He frantically searched his mind for a location where he could land and keep his mate safe. He was flying west over bayou. Trees and waterways as far as the eye could see. If he headed a bit more northwest, he would be heading towards Baton Rouge.


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