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Finding the Dragon (Dásreach Council Book 1)

Page 18

by Josette Reuel

  “Have you sent any one in as backup?” Kai asked.

  “No, until we hear from them we have no idea where they are and no one knows this area of the bayou better than Malkum.” Dar responded. “I would be more worried about the men following him in, than I am about Malkum and his mate.”

  “True. There is a reason that you and Malkum are enforcers. I trust your decisions and his abilities.” Kai responded.

  “Where are you, Kai?”

  “At a cabin that I found a while ago. It’s outside Baton Rouge. It’s secluded and only has two ways to reach it unless you can fly. So, I feel protected. Just don’t know what we have in supplies, so I think we’ll have to head out sooner than later.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t suggest coming back here. We have a lot of the men from the local Dásreach Dásig out on the streets and they are reporting a lot of activity. I think they have sent in a lot more men to search for the women. I’m not sure why your women are so important to them, and we still don’t have all of the details on how many possible mates they’ve taken out already.” Dar said.

  “This troubles me Dar, I don’t know what to do about the information we’ve found. Right now all I can think about is protecting my mate and getting her to accept me. I need you to stay on top of this. Alvena and I are near Grosse Tete, I think we will head that way and find some transportation. Then I’m going to head towards Tiranam Dásig. She will be safest there and hopefully by the time we arrive she’ll agree to be my mate and the Shaman can perform the ceremony.” Kai said with both hope and sadness in his voice.

  “I agree. I think that is a good plan. However, I suggest heading for the closet airport and catching a flight to Colorado.” Dar responded.

  “I think we can get a flight out of Lafayette. We’ll head there tomorrow.” Kai wasn’t sure if he wanted to arrive in Colorado sooner or later. More time on the road meant more time persuading Alvena. He didn’t want to lose her because he took her in front of the Shaman too soon, but her safety had to come first and he knew that Tiranam Dásig would be the safest place for her until they could find answers to what was going on with these mercenaries. They needed to find out who was pulling their strings.

  “I will contact the council and update them on what has happened and your plans.” Dar said over the radio. “I will pray to the Great Spirit for a safe journey and for a happy outcome.”

  “Thank you Dar.” The line went quiet and Kai switched off the radio. He stood to go find his mate. He had to let her know that he wasn’t sure of her friends’ safety. He also had to talk to her about his plans for them to go to Tiranam Dásig. He only hoped that Alvena would agree with his plan as easily as Dar had.

  Chapter 17

  Kai walked into the open area of the cabin to find Alvena sitting on the sofa staring at the cold fireplace. She had a far off look in her eyes and didn’t seem to realize that he was in the room. So, he stopped and leaned against the wall at the end of the hallway and just watched her. So far she had handled everything thrown at her, but would she continue to do so when he had no information on her friends and informed her that they were going to head to Colorado?

  Alvena sighed and looked towards the door.

  What could she be thinking? Was she wanting to leave him, did she already decide that she did not want to be his mate?

  “Alvena?” Kai whispered. Still unsure about talking to her about everything Dar had told him. She jumped off the sofa and stood looking at him.

  “Kai. You startled me; I didn’t hear you come in to the room.” She said.

  “Part of being Dásreach I guess. We walk quietly.” He replied. “I was able to reach Dar on the radio.”

  “Oh.” She exhaled. “Did he have information on Nat and Rogue?”

  “Nothing yet, but they’ve been watching and he is sure they are still safe.” Kai replied as he approached the fireplace. “Would you like a fire?”

  “It’s not all that cold, so we probably don’t need one.” She replied.

  Kai bent down and began clearing out the fireplace and setting it up to start a fire. It gave him something to do as a distraction from the beautiful woman behind him. He wanted to grab her in his arms and kiss her senseless, but knew that this wasn’t the time.

  “Kai, do you think we need a fire? It’s not all that cold.” Alvena insisted.

  “Lass, as the sun sets you might get chilled and the fire will take the chill off. Besides, it’s kind of relaxing.” Kai answered as he stacked the wood in the fireplace. “I can wait awhile before lighting it, if you want, but I’ll just get it ready now.”

  “I see what you mean and I think it would be best to wait. But, why don’t you sit and tell me what you found out from your friend?” Alvena patted the sofa seat next to her.

  Kai stood up from the fireplace. He took a deep breath and went to sit at the far end of the sofa. There was no way he would be able to keep his hands to himself if he sat any closer to Alvena. Her scent was already everywhere in the cabin. As he passed her to take his seat, the flowers and spicy cinnamon scent of her reached out and tried to tug him down beside her. It took everything in him to resist. His hands felt out of place. He didn’t know where to place them, so he moved them from one place to another while attempting to get comfortable. He placed his arms along the back of the sofa and could almost touch her shoulder, so he moved them down at his sides, but that felt odd. He eventually turned sideways and leaned his left arm along the back and he clasped his right hand on his leg to keep it in place.

  “Kai, just tell me what they said. You don’t have to soften it for me. Just tell me what is happening. Please?” Alvena said with a soft sigh. She thought he had bad news, when in reality he was trying to keep himself from covering her much smaller body with his own.

  “Aye, lass.” Kai took one last breath. “Well, as I said, Malkum and Charlie have not checked in yet. Dar said that some of the men that had attacked us at the house had followed them, so he’s just waiting for the guys to contact him so he can send in some help.”

  Alvena sucked in a breath, fear written on her face.

  “Don’t worry, lass.” Kai sat forward and grabbed Alvena’s hand. “I promised that my friends would protect yours and I stand by that promise.”

  “I believe you Kai. It’s just so hard not knowing what is happening to them. You said these men were targeting women that looked at your tattoos. I feel like it’s my fault that they are involved.” Alvena pulled her hand from his and placed it in her lap. She stared at her lap where she had both hands clenched together.

  “Alvena, this is not your fault. If it is anyone’s it would be mine and I don’t believe that. The Great Spirit brought me to you. I know that we were meant to find each other. The person at fault is the traitor targeting women.” Kai practically growled the last part. There was so much he did not know and it was tearing him up that so many women had already died. He only hoped that none of the dead women were actual Dásreach mates. It didn’t make it better, but those men would live their lives searching for something they’d never find if the women were.

  “I don’t know, Kai.” She replied.

  “I do. These men attacked you before you even came to the tattoo parlor. Obviously, they were following me and saw me talk to you. It’s the only possibility.” Kai continued to mull over the possible scenarios in his mind as he watched Alvena. He had found Alvena in Ohio, followed her to Tennessee. Sure he had told his brothers and the Council about her, but otherwise, no one had known a thing about him finding his mate. The only possibility is that the traitor targeted him and they followed Alvena once he made the connection.

  “I think it’s easy to play the blame game, Kai, so why don’t we just leave that go. I assume these men are going to be after me, if I return to New Orleans, right?” Alvena changed the subject, and Kai wasn’t sure he wanted to go where she was leading.

  “Aye. Dar has several Dásreach from the Bayou Dásig out on the streets. They are seeing a lot
of activity. It appears that more men have been sent in to find you and your friends. We’re not sure why they seem so set on getting to you. It would make more sense for them to back off now that we know about them.” Kai sighed and repositioned himself in his seat.

  “Do you think it would be safe to go back home?” Alvena asked.

  “I’m sorry, Alvena, I really am, but I think they would follow you anywhere you go.” Kai said.

  “Oh. So, will I ever be able to go back home? What will happen to me?” Alvena said sadly as she looked into Kai’s eyes.

  “Alvena, I know everything has happened really fast and you have a lot to digest, but for me, the truth is that you are my mate. I want you with me. I need to protect you.” Alvena began to protest Kai’s words, but he placed his finger on her lips. “Just wait. Let me tell you a bit more about being mates. Alright?”

  “Okay. Sure.” Alvena said reluctantly.

  “As I already told you, Dásreach are born all male, meaning that if you and I mated all of our children would be lads. So, with no women born into our society we must search for them among the human population. When we reach the age of 30, we begin traveling and searching for the one person that is for us – our mate. We are taught from the beginning about the original thirteen warriors and how they found mates. We are told that there is one woman out there that will balance us and that we will recognize her. As an additional test, I guess you can call it, the woman will have a reaction to the Dásreach tattoo. She will be drawn to the tattoo of her mate.” Kai paused and took Alvena’s hand. “Alvena, I knew you the moment I saw you in your friend’s bookstore. When you asked for my tattoo at the shop, it just cemented what I already knew. I am drawn to you, Alvena. You are my mate.”

  “Kai…” Alvena stopped. She took a few deep breaths before continuing. “With as many romance novels as I read, you would think that I would believe in this type of thing. Love at first sight and destined mates. But, Kai, I don’t. I won’t deny that I’m attracted to you. I am. Who wouldn’t be. But, I don’t feel… worthy to be your mate.” Kai started to interrupt; he didn’t like her putting herself down. “No, wait, I listened to you, please do the same for me.” Kai shook his head for her to go on and clenched his fists against the anger that built at what she was saying. Alvena took a deep breath and continued. “From what I understand, you will be the leader of your people, right?”

  “Aye.” Kai answered.

  “So, you will need to have someone strong and brave, someone that can stand at your side and lead with you. I’m not that person, Kai. I’m shy. I usually don’t talk to anyone unless I get to know them through someone else first. It’s exceptionally hard for me and I push myself outside of my box all of the time. Coming on this trip was a big step for me. I’m terrified to travel on my own and the only reason I was able to do it, was because I knew that Nat and Rogue would be with me most of the way.” Alvena stopped, but he could tell she wasn’t finished. “Meeting the women in the Book Worms was an amazing stroke of luck for me. I mentioned to you earlier that other than them, my only friend is Maureen.”

  She stood and walked to the fireplace. Her eyes focused on the wood that he had stacked in the grate.

  “I would be honored to be your mate, but I know I can’t be.”

  “Alvena.” Kai said as he stood to go to her.

  “No, Kai.” She turned to him. “I am willing to spend time with you. I am willing to accept your protection, because I have no idea how to protect myself. I understand that I can’t go to the police. I would have no way to explain to them why these men are after me. Besides, could they really protect me from such a large group of trained men?”

  Kai looked into her eyes. He saw fear and confusion. Now wasn’t the time to discuss with her about being his mate or about going to Tiranam Dásig.

  “Alvena, I don’t know what to say. I know what I feel, but I respect you and I know you have to make up your own mind. As for protection, I will protect you with my life; however, I seem to remember promising you some lessons in self-defense.” Kai said with a smile.

  Alvena looked at him briefly before looking around the room.

  “Yes you did. When do you want to teach me?”

  “Now, lass.”

  “Now?” She squeaked.

  “Aye, now. We’ll move things out of the way and practice right here or we can go outside for a few hours if you would prefer. We could practice and then get something to eat.”

  “Oh. About that, there is nothing but a few old cans of soup in the kitchen.” Alvena replied.

  “Alvena, how about I run to the nearest town? With my dragon I can do it on my own quickly and be back before you know it. I think you’ll be safe here. No one knows where you are and we’ll head somewhere else tomorrow.” Kai asked. Alvena appeared unsure. “We can’t go all day with nothing to drink or eat, I’m sure the water here isn’t worth drinking and I wouldn’t want to take the chance of you getting sick.”

  “How about you show me some self-defense first? That way if someone does show up, I at least have some way to defend myself.” Alvena looked at him with determination.

  “That’s a good idea. Let’s move the furniture out of the way and practice inside. It will be cooler out of the sun and we won’t take the chance of being seen.” Kai approved of how Alvena thought on her feet. They worked together quickly and soon had an open area in front of the fireplace. He was glad that they had waited to start the fire; it would have gotten hot quickly with them moving around.

  “Alvena, come and take a fighting stance here in the middle of the room, lass.” Kai commanded.

  Kai watched as she followed his instructions. She stood timidly in the middle of the room with her hands sort of clenched and held close to her body. He walked around her, looking her over. Alvena wasn’t overly muscled; she was actually a bit soft. As he had noticed on numerous occasions, she wasn’t what he would consider overweight, but he was sure she thought she was. Skinny legged jeans and a slightly over-sized t-shirt clung to her body, every curve defined by the fabric. Her curves were just right for him. She was so damn sexy he just wanted to run his hands up and down that curvy body. Kai stopped and took in several breaths to calm himself, but with the air he also brought in flowers and cinnamon. He would forever love this combination for the rest of his life.

  “Kai? What next?” Alvena asked from in front of him.

  Kai opened his eyes. He needed to pull it together. This was important to Alvena. She wanted to learn how to protect herself and Kai was always practical. He knew that he wouldn’t always be there when she was in trouble.

  “Alright, lass. First off widen your stance, not too much, you don’t want to be off balance. You want to have a wide stance so that you can brace yourself better against the weight of your attacker.” She did as he asked. “That’s good.”

  Kai walked around and pulled her balled up hand into his. He pried her hand open to find her thumb inside. Why does everyone always do that when they aren’t trained?

  “Lass, if you were to hit someone like this, you’d break your own thumb.” Kai said as he curled her fingers in and placed her thumb appropriately. “Now do your other hand as well.”

  He walked around his mate one more time and then stood facing her.

  “Alvena, size doesn’t always mean that someone will win. If you are smart, you can take the largest attacker to his knees.” Alvena nodded her head that she was listening. “So, first thing to remember is that anything and everything can be a weapon. When being attacked, don’t be afraid to hurt the person attacking you. If you can pick up something and hit them, then do so. Got it?” She nodded again.

  “Alright. So next, I want you to remember an attacker’s weaknesses. Eyes.” Kai pointed to each part as he said them. “Nose. Neck. Knee. Groin. Got that?”

  “Yes. Widen my stance, keep my thumb out of my fist, size doesn’t matter, and know a person’s weaknesses: eyes, nose, neck, knee, and groin.” She covered ever
ything he had told her.

  “Right. Now, let’s talk about what you can do to take advantage of each weakness.”

  “Okay.” Alvena watched every move Kai made.

  “So, what do you think you could do to my eyes?” Kai asked her.

  “Um, I can scratch at them.” She hesitantly responded.

  “Yes, you use those slender fingers of yours and you scratch, claw, and gouge at their eyes. What do you think the benefit of this would be?”

  “I guess it would hurt and blind them a bit if I inflicted enough damage.” She replied with more confidence.

  “Exactly. You may not blind them completely, but you could affect them enough that you can get away. Now, the nose. Think about how easily noses are broke in the movies. This is true. A broken nose hurts like a bitch. So, they will definitely be slowed down if you can do it.” Kai moved to Alvena’s side. “Now, follow me, if you are facing your attacker, what you can do is use the heel of your palm. You hold your hand like this and push upwards against the bottom of their nose.” Kai showed her the movement and then adjusted her hands and moved her arm through the motion. Once she seemed comfortable, he moved on.

  “Now from behind,” Kai moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her upper body, “you can use your elbow or your head. Keep in mind if you use your head, you might hurt yourself as well, so if you can get your arm free, then you are better off to use your elbow. Like this.” Kai moved her arm back towards him, showing her how she would want to hit an attacker. “Just make sure to use your own weight to give the hit more power.”

  Kai maneuvered Alvena so that she could feel the correct motions for each self-defense tactic he showed her. Being so close to her was torture, but he kept instructing her and reminding himself of the importance of what he was teaching.

  “The neck is exposed due to the major blood vessels in it. Just know that if you can pick up something sharp and jab at their neck, this can also slow them down. However, I think the other areas are better for you. Such as, the knee and groin. They are both good targets for a kick. However, you are less likely to have someone grab your foot and stop you if you kick at their knee versus the groin. Most women immediately try for the groin, because they know how painful that area is for a man, but men are extremely protective of that area and are more likely to be prepared to block you. So, I would suggest kicking the knee which is an easy target from any angle and a good kick can cause a lot of pain and possibly damage. However, an attacker is less likely to lose their balance if you kick from the front, so you should try to kick from the side. When your attacker goes down, you have a chance to run. Your ultimate goal in defending yourself is to get away. You need to either run for help or keep yourself safe until help arrives.”


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