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Awakening: A Timeless Series Novel, Book Four

Page 35

by Lisa Wiedmeier

  My fingers twitched and I stared at the boulder for a moment. I had strength, the power of the earth itself running through me! I bent, and loosened the rock from its resting place, holding it above my shoulders just long enough to hurl it towards its intended victim.

  The ground shook as it landed beside Marcus, his eyes wide. He hadn’t expected it.

  The pink and red morning light started to fill the skies and I drew on it, drew on the moisture in the air, creating an atmosphere I could control like Marcus had.

  Marcus threw down his arms, his lips growing straight and hard, as his head lowered and he too drew on this power.

  Pink and purple clouds began to meld with black and gray. Lightning flashed between them, as they grew closer. I threw my hands up, twisting them above my head, and the clouds swirled together, bolts flashing, thunder rolling as the earth shook beneath our feet.

  It was a fight to control the lightning storm as Marcus jerked it to the left, aiming for my family and the army in the distance. He was again trying to cause me harm, hurt me where it did the most damage, but he wasn’t going to win this time.

  I moved closer, closing the distance between us.

  It was time to finish this.

  I dropped the winds, the crimson-eyed beast roared to life, and I lunged towards Marcus, knocking him to the ground. His hands quickly landed on my forearms and he flipped me onto my back, pinning me in place. A wicked smile rose on my lips.

  “You want my powers, husband,” I said, my lips curling, as Koda’s words came to mind, “then let’s consummate our vows!”

  Light, bright and brilliant white, flowed from my limbs as my back arched. Rays of golden light grew beneath his jacket and it burst open, revealing the tattoos across his torso. The shimmering light trailed the outline of the black etches, the golden dragon growing again.

  It slithered across his torso, rising up his neck and grasping his jaw like it was struggling to break free. Raw energy poured from me, and the once scornful smile Marcus had was fading. His tanned complexion turned ashen, his lower lip quivered, his once blue eyes darkened, and his raven hair turned snow white.

  His arms began shaking, and his cheeks became sunken. He opened his mouth to speak, and the golden light poured out from it.

  “S—Save m—me,” he muttered as the dragon clawed at his mouth.

  Suddenly he was thrown from me, and I scrambled back. A low cry rose, hissing and screaming, growing stronger as each moment passed. The sound reverberated in my ears, and I hunched over, trying to stop it. Streams of light were shooting from his body, darkened by a black mist, when it finally burst into thousands of tiny fragments.

  I blinked, watching the ashes fall to the ground, and saw the body of a frail man lying helplessly in the snow. He blinked and looked towards me, my heart breaking though it shouldn’t have.

  Could I have saved him? Lingering memories of Matt flooded me. Long walks, gentle talks…what could’ve been. He blinked, a single tear streaming down his cheek before his eyes closed. A white light emerged from his body, flickering and glistening in the new dawn light, until it finally dissipated.

  I stared for a long time, taking in the destruction before me, wishing the silence could give me comfort. Where I should’ve felt victory, I felt sorrow. Where I should have been rejoicing, I had pain. Where I should have felt a weight lifted off my shoulders…I didn’t.

  Why? The enemy was destroyed, the Timeless were freed. My father’s words whispered in my ear, If there’s no enemy within, the outside can do us no harm. It was an old African proverb. I’d destroyed Marcus’s inner enemy, so there was nothing more to fear, yet I did.

  I’d overloaded him with power, destroyed him with the energy surge. The clan’s powers were off kilter. He was dead…and we’d bonded using the Braid del Amour. His powers, the powers he’d temporarily gained, would return to their rightful owner—me. All the powers from the clans I’d taken couldn’t be returned the same way, there wouldn’t be time…

  I swallowed, finally understanding my parent’s goal. I could never defeat Marcus on my own. It was always meant to happen this way. I was never to be a weapon myself; I was merely the means to unite the clans as one to end Marcus’s life. I wasn’t meant to survive this…

  But I didn’t want it to end like this! I was supposed to live, to be with my family! I couldn’t catch my breath; my hands trembled as the realization sunk in. I tried to take a step, but my legs shook.

  “Cheyenne,” Colt’s normally strong voice faltered.

  I turned; my family stood not more than twenty feet away, a Timeless nation behind them. I opened my mouth to speak, to fight through the fear they didn’t need to see. I wanted to hold back the tears, but I couldn’t as they poured down my cheeks. This would be the last time I’d see them. They needed to remember me differently.

  “It’s over.” My voice shook. “It’s finally over.”

  Callon moved beside Colt, breathing heavily.

  “Cheyenne,” Callon moaned. “What did you do?”

  He knew. He’d figured out what I’d done, probably before I even realized it. What I’d done and couldn’t take back. The two of them stood there, together, the two men that I loved more than life itself were here for me in my final moments. And my family that had brought me in, loved me, and accepted me with all my faults, would realize the true sacrifice I’d made.

  I couldn’t, shouldn’t, have wished for anything better. But I wanted to live, to love and learn…

  Daniel started to run to me, but Koda held him back, his cries ringing through the valley.

  Daniel, my brother forever and always…

  “I love you,” I whispered. “I love you always.”

  I jerked from the impact, my breath suddenly gone. My arms spread out wide as I was lifted from the ground. Bright white light streamed through my limbs, power surging through my veins. A cry resonated from deep within my belly, the bellowing of my crimson-eyed beast. My skin tightened as if the powers were searching for a way out, and then the pressure suddenly stopped.

  I fell to the ground, my body crumpling from the impact, and my head rolled to the side. I inhaled, the oxygen fleeting. A blue light began to illuminate my chest, spreading out and up. It hovered above me and, as if by instinct, I knew what needed to be done. I pulsed the power, shooting it out towards my family. Their powers needed to be restored.

  Callon, Colt, and Daniel ran for me, but they were thrown to the ground, the snowy light surrounding them. The blue light turned golden, and wormed its way inside them. Colt grabbed his arms, grimacing, and Daniel clawed at the ground; his legs had given way. Callon held his head in his hands. Their powers had returned.

  Brogan, Koda, and Dex cried out as each was consumed by the light, but each aura was unique. Dex glowed from a silvery light steaming into his chest, while Brogan shone a burnt orange, and Koda illuminated a pale yellow like a morning sunrise.

  Maes leapt towards me as a Tresez, but then he collapsed, shifting into his human form. At first, brilliant snow-white streams snapped away from him, then glistening particles of red shimmered above him. He curled into a ball, groaning, as if his very body was trying to transform again.

  Darkness grew at the edges of my vision. This was it. Maes looked up at me, his eyes a brilliant jade, no longer rimmed around the edges, but full of life and color. The Quaysaar curse had been broken, and the Timeless clan powers restored.

  I’d fulfilled my destiny. I’d destroyed Marcus and brought peace and powers back to their rightful heirs.

  My body jerked again, and I began shaking uncontrollably. I opened my mouth to scream, but instead a white light burst from me. The brilliant light hovered above me again, the intensity of it changing as it became the deepest blue of a tropical ocean. The aura of the Kvech. It would die alongside me.

  My limbs grew cold, and one last breath left my lips. The turquoise aura shattered, and the world turned to darkness.

  Chapter 27

sp; Blackness deeper than the dark of night surrounded me, and I shivered. I reached out, hoping to find something, when I touched an icy surface. I traced it, crawling to find where it led, only to come to another bitterly cold dead end. I hit it with my fist, desperate for some light, but I only found the sting of ice.

  I followed the wall again, but every time I chose a new direction, I got stuck. It didn’t take me long to realize there was no way out. It was like being in a black box with no windows or doors. I curled myself into a ball. My body shook. I was trapped.

  I exhaled. I could breathe, I could see, not that there was anything to see but this empty void. Where was heaven? Shouldn’t I have seen bright lights, heard angelic music, and floated up to the stars?

  Or was this hell? Had I not done what I was supposed to do? Was this where Timeless went when they died? I knew I had died, I had felt myself leave my body…was this how I was going to spend the rest of eternity?

  No, this wasn’t right. My hands traced the icy surface again, but this time I didn’t come to another wall or corner. I knew I’d traced a wall earlier, or what felt like one…I was in a box, but now? My pace quickened, desperate to find the black hole I’d once been in. My breaths grew heavier. My pulse thudded in my veins. It was as if I was moving deeper and deeper into this dark void, deeper and deeper with no way to return!

  “No!” I cried.

  I turned back, ran back from where I’d come, and again I didn’t find an end. It was an endless void, and I had no means of escape.

  I pounded my fist on the icy walls till my arms ached, till I drew blood, but it turned to ice on my skin. My legs gave way and I collapsed, curling myself into a ball. Holding tight till the tears subsided.

  I rocked back and forth, the quiet closing in on me. Only my thoughts kept me company. No laughter, no smiles. No warm embraces, only this hollow space. Alone, as always…

  I sat there for a long time, or at least what I thought was long, since time had no meaning here. There was no clock, no sunrise or sunset. No stars, no moon, no dawn or dusk. No sunshine…

  Sunshine…it was as if that word meant something more to me. I pressed my hands to my head, fighting for a memory, but none came. I fought harder, trying to bring up anything, but only blurry images flashed by. Blurred images of who?

  “Cheyenne,” a voice whispered around me.

  I stilled.

  “Cheyenne,” it whispered again.

  It was familiar, but why?

  “Cheyenne.” It grew stronger, and I lifted my head.

  Where was it coming from?

  “Reach out, Cheyenne,” it said again. “Reach out, I’m here.”

  My heart began to race as I reached out, searching for something, anything to take hold of, but nothing was there. I stood, taking steps forward, my fingers flexing, fighting for something to grasp. My lower lips began to quiver, and I couldn’t catch my breath.

  “D—Don’t leave me!” I cried. “Don’t leave me!”

  Strong fingers locked across my wrist, and I fought to pull myself closer.

  “I have you. Don’t let go,” said a man’s deep voice.

  We began moving. It was pulling me, no dragging me, into the black void, when all of a sudden a dim light began to illuminate a night sky. Stars were shining above us. Something brushed my cheek. Trees, we were in a forest of trees, and we were running.

  I tripped, but a strong arm caught me, standing me upright. I looked up, but only a blurred, shadowy image appeared.

  A bellowing roar vibrated the trees around us. And we stilled. It sounded again, like a thousand trumpets blasting the wrong key. A shiver raced down my back. We weren’t alone!

  “We have to run, Cheyenne, now!”

  Our legs took over, and we ran through a dark forest. Pockets of air suddenly gusted around us, knocking us to the ground. The sound of a rug being beaten on a clothesline echoed above us. Another cry vibrated the trees and ground, and a golden light streamed across the stars.

  A dragon?

  “Run!” the voice screamed.

  My chest heaved, and my legs fought to keep up, and the dragon’s cries faded in the distance. We came to a sudden stop, at the edge of a large black crevice.

  “We have to jump,” he said. “We have to run and jump!”

  The screech of the dragon came again, closer. It was coming back! The man’s grip tightened as we took a few steps back and then dashed for the crevice. We leapt. The thud of his legs making contact told me he landed, but I hit the crevice wall.

  I screamed, my free hand trying to grasp his arm. My fingers began to slip from his grasp as the dragon’s wings beat overhead. Golden flames shot across the black chasm and I felt myself falling.

  “NO!” a bellowing cry left the man’s lips. “Don’t let go!” he cried. “Cheyenne! Hold on!”

  I opened my mouth to scream, but nothing came out. My grip was failing, and I began to fall back into the black hole. I stretched out, grasping for him, when his hand seized my wrist. He pulled me up and crushed me into his arms.

  I couldn’t help myself as I began to sob. My fingers wound tight into his shirt. I buried my face in his neck. Whoever he was, he was my lifeline. I couldn’t lose him.

  The dragon’s roar began to fade. A speck of light shone through the black veil surrounding us. I stilled, my breath heavy. Streams of white flickered and then grew stronger, the rays blinding me.

  I lifted my hand and shaded my eyes, and we began walking towards the light. My pulse quickened the closer I got. My heart thudded inside my chest. The light grew more brilliant as we ran for it.

  I pinched my eyes shut as I passed through the light, and I fell to the ground. I covered my eyes. The brightness hurt them. My frigid skin flooded with warmth, and peace covered me like a silken blanket. Exhaustion overwhelmed me, and I lay down.

  “Cheyenne,” a soft voice whispered. “Cheyenne.”

  Warm fingers brushed my cheek, and a soft moan escaped me.


  Heated breath tickled my ear.

  “Cheyenne,” it said again, and my lashes fluttered.

  Rough hands lifted my fingers, and a kiss was placed on the back of my hand.


  I opened my heavy lids, and hazel eyes met my gaze. I blinked, trying to clear my vision. Soft fingers brushed my hair behind my ears…Callon’s fingers.

  “Callon?” I whispered.

  “I’m here for you, love, just take hold of my hand.”

  I lifted my hand, and he took hold.

  “Don’t let go.”

  He pulled me to my feet, helping me stand. Slowly, he tugged on my hand, forcing me to walk. I struggled to move my legs. It was as if they were filled with rocks. I stumbled, falling into his side as he pulled me along.

  I was panting, as if I couldn’t take in enough oxygen, and my chest began to burn.

  “Don’t let go,” his voice faded. “Don’t let go.”

  He began to blur, but I felt him hold on tighter.

  “Don’t leave me!” I screamed and pressed my eyes shut.

  I couldn’t lose him. I couldn’t go back to that dark place…I needed to get back to my light.

  “I have you, Cheyenne,” he murmured near my ear. “I have you and I won’t let go.”

  His hand rubbed my back, soothing my fears and calming my racing heart.

  “Shh,” he hushed me. “You’re safe now. Rest.”

  I glanced around; I was back in the snowy field, lying on the ground. Blurry figures shuffled back and forth…my family? How, why, was I here? I was in a cold, dark room, a forest, the golden dragon, and now…

  A heavy weight pressed against me, I fought back, but I was too weak as it pushed me down. My eyes closed and I drifted off.


  Soft fingers touched my forehead, and then slipped down my cheek. A hand closed over mine, holding it to someone’s chest.

  My lashes fluttered, and I looked up into icy blue eyes.<
br />
  “Colt?” my voice cracked.

  “It’s me, sweetheart. I’m here for you.”

  I blinked and looked around the room. I was in a bedroom, but whose?

  “Do you remember?” he asked.

  I looked around again, bits and pieces of a memory flashing in my mind. A light blue and white-coffered ceiling, cream-colored walls with white box trim. This was Colt’s home.

  “Selavon,” he said.

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  My fingers grasped the shimmering light blue satin comforter and I looked down towards my feet. A fire was crackling in a fireplace. Sunlight streamed through the patio door.

  I looked up again. A deep crease spread over his forehead, his stare unsure. Both his hands held my palm to his chest, his fingers caressing them.

  “I died,” I breathed, remembering the blue light shattering.

  “You did,” he replied.

  “So then how…” I trailed off.

  Tears beaded near the surface of his eyes, and he looked down.


  “He came to me,” I said in realization. “He saved me.”


  He lifted my hand and kissed it.

  My lower lip trembled, as I looked around again. I took a hitched breath. Where was he?

  A shadow moved beside me that I hadn’t seen earlier.

  “Cheyenne,” Callon said with a tenderness I’d never heard before.

  I blinked away the tears and struggled to sit up. Callon helped as I latched onto him.

  “You saved me,” I whispered. “How?”

  His hand rubbed my back.

  “I saved you, because you saved us.”

  “But how?” I drew back, my hand cupping his cheek.

  “He gave you his powers, Cheyenne,” Colt said.

  I shook my head, not understanding.


  “When Marcus died,” Callon said, “his powers dispersed, throwing the clan’s powers off kilter. You were his surviving heir, his wife, so they came to you. You were already holding the entire Timeless clan powers. They would’ve torn you apart…”


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