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The Fragrance of Her Name

Page 28

by Marcia Lynn McClure

  But he was leaving. His baggage had been loaded onto the train, and Lauryn could see her mother helping Aunt Felicity and Uncle John settle comfortably in their seats.

  Please don't leave me, her mind screamed at him. But she kept her mouth tightly closed. She watched him smiling at Nana and talking quietly with her as he held the elderly woman's hand affectionately in his own.

  Lauryn heard the train engine begin to rumble a bit louder. With it, her breaking heart pounded harder. There were only mere moments remaining before he would be gone from her. Frantically, her mind began to conjure. How could she induce him to stay? Perhaps, if she really did throw her arms about him and beg, surely then he would not leave her. She would faint. That was it! Faint, fall to the ground, and propriety and good manners alone would not allow him to leave an ill friend collapsed on the train station grounds.

  "You come back as soon as you can, angel. You hear me?" Nana ordered Brant, gathering him into an affectionate embrace.

  "Yes, Ma'am," he chuckled as she reached up and pinched his cheek as though he were no more than a boy. Then turning to Patrick, Brant tousled his hair and patted his head. “You take care, Patrick. Stay out of too much trouble.”

  “Yes, sir,” Patrick agreed, barely able to withhold his sweet tears of regret.

  Then Brant turned to Lauryn. She could feel the color was gone from her cheeks. All at once, she feared that she really might faint and cause some dramatic episode. He took her hand in one of his, the thrill of his touch and the pain of losing him pounded throughout her whole body.

  Reassuringly, he placed his other hand on top of her hand and pressed it firmly. “Lauryn…" he began. But he seemed uncertain as to what he should say. Lauryn lowered her eyes for a moment. Then she looked up at him once again trying to be strong.

  If he loves me at all, for me, he'd kiss me, she thought. If he cared, he wouldn't mind that his aunt and uncle or Nana or the whole world might be watching. He'd kiss me goodbye if he loves me.

  And then, as if Brant read her mind, he let her hand drop. He took her face rather roughly between his powerful hands and kissed her hard on the mouth. Lauryn's heart both soared and broke, in that moment. He was kissing her, insensible to whatever or whoever was around them! And, he wasn’t just giving her a tender ‘goodbye-at-the-train-station’ type. It was passionate, unbridled!

  Instead of breaking from Lauryn immediately, Brant wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her off her feet as he further ravished her before the public eye. His kiss deepened, in spite of the onlookers present and Lauryn wrapped her arms around his neck and returned his kiss without restraint.

  Patrick’s astonished exclamation of, “Oh, my hell!” was what finally brought them both to their senses.

  “Patrick Kensington!” Nana scolded. “Wherever did you pick up such a thing?” Brant released Lauryn, and smiling, winked at her guiltily.

  Now this, Lauryn thought, was the perfect ‘goodbye-at-the-train-station’ kiss. Shockingly dramatic enough to raise the eyebrows of every female onlooker and brutally masculine enough to cause every male onlooker to grin approvingly. Most important was the reassurance that it spoke to Lauryn. It was a confirmation of Brant’s promise to return! And, oh, how she would miss the nectar of his kiss until he did! Would she starve to death from the lack of its nourishment, she wondered.

  Brant stood straight and tall before Lauryn, still silent, as Nana continued scolding Patrick in hushed tones. Searching Lauryn’s eyes, he frowned down at her.

  Then, very unexpectedly, he took her hand and growled, “That's it.” He fairly dragging her toward the train car, boosted her, quite indecorously, onto its boarding stairs. “Porter!” he shouted, retrieving his money clip from his coat pocket. “Porter!” he repeated, and a young man who stood nearby obediently trotted over.

  “Mrs. Kensington,” Brant addressed Nana as he began to count out a portion of money. “There is, indeed, someone your granddaughter must meet. My Aunt Felicity and Uncle John will be our chaperones so you need not fret for propriety's sake. I realize Lauryn is without any belongings…I will remedy that as we go. Aunt Felicity can purchase whatever she may need.”

  Turning to a young porter he said, "I need one more fare to match mine for the young lady. Now!” As Brant handed him a fist full of money, the porter understandingly smiled, nodded and again trotted into the station.

  Would not Nana argue against this highly peculiar situation, Lauryn wondered? And why didn’t she question it herself ?

  Georgia stepped past Lauryn and to the ground. “They’re both settled in and…”

  Turning, Brant looked up, fairly glared at Lauryn and commanded, “Take a seat near Aunt Felicity. I'll wait for your ticket.”

  Without a word, without a personal belonging and even without proper traveling clothes, Lauryn turned and entered the car. Instantly upon entering, she could hear Auntie Felicity’s delighted giggle.

  “How romantic, my sweet! Kidnapped! And with such masculine determination,” the elderly woman squealed gleefully.

  It was then that Lauryn's own elation struck. As she sat down in a seat across from Aunt Felicity and gazed out the window watching Brant explaining to her mother what he had ordered, it was only then she fully realized what had actually transpired in the past few seconds. Brant had, once again, proven himself the man of Lauryn’s dreams. He had kissed her—in front of anyone and everyone! Kissed her unashamedly. Shamefully unashamedly! It had been a fulfillment of one of her many dreams. She would never have dared imagine more. And yet, there she sat…ready to accompany him to his home. Without a personal belonging other than the clothes on her back, she was going home with him! To be with him, near him! Dared she hope to be in his arms on occasion there as she had been in Franklin? The thought sent goose bumps erupting over her entire body.

  And, she would meet his family! And, could it be that she would perhaps be able to glimpse Lauralynn the way Brant had been able to see the Captain?

  Lauryn and Aunt Felicity both turned to look out the window as they heard a resounding, “All aboard!” The train lurched forward and Lauryn gasped, seeing Brant still standing on the ground talking with her mother. The porter quickly trotted up to Brant and handed him something. Brant bent and quickly kissed Georgia on the cheek. Lauryn sighed with relief as he took hold of the stair bar and nimbly leaped aboard the moving train.

  Lauryn smiled and waved to her mother, Nana and Patrick who all stood with expressions of shock as they waved back. Nana placed a kiss in her handkerchief, and waved it at them as the train pulled away and Brant settled into his seat next to Lauryn.

  “Being impulsive can get a man killed,” he mumbled, straightening his collar.

  “Being impulsive can win a man anything he wants,” Auntie Felicity corrected. She then turned her attention to her husband who was already asleep, though a frown puckered his brow. Felicity tenderly patted one of his hands and lay her head on his shoulder.

  “Do you mind?” Brant asked Lauryn. “Coming home with us for a visit? It…it might help us…in our adventure,” he explained winking at her.

  “Whatever is there to mind?” Lauryn responded.

  “You don’t even have a stitch of clothing other than what you’ve got on this minute,” he reminded her.

  Lauryn shrugged. “So?” She couldn’t help reaching out and delightedly clinging to his powerful arm. He smiled seeming not only relieved to find her happy, but also amused at her excitement.

  He raised an uncertain eyebrow and warned, “It’s colder in Vermont.”

  “If you can take the warmth in Franklin…I can take the cool nights in Castledale,” she assured him.

  “Oh, I’m certain Brant will keep you toasty warm if he needs to, Lauryn,” Aunt Felicity giggled.

  Sighing heavily and looking out the window as the green of the south began to roll past, Brant thought, I've lost my mind! I put her on a train bound for a houseful of strangers without an item of clothing or anything t
o her name…and why? Because I have a ghost haunting me, and she may be able to help me release it. Then looking down to the beautiful young woman sitting next to him, the young woman who quickly turned her head when he caught her studying him at that same moment, he admitted the truth. No, he thought. Because I've developed an obsession with her and could not leave her.

  He looked away from Lauryn and out the window lest his sudden desire for her again send him pulling her into his arms and ravishing her mouth with heated passion there before his aunt, uncle and the world! He closed his eyes for a moment trying to vanquish the desire to kiss her. But his mind only flashed visions of having her in his arms in a more private compartment of the train; of tasting her kiss, of losing his hands in the soft satin of her hair, unpinned by his own hand. Suddenly, he stood excusing himself with the pretext of having to find the conductor and give him Lauryn's ticket.

  What has she done to me, he wondered almost angrily as he made his way down the isle. This sweet southern pixie? She'd bewitched him into thinking words like, “love, marriage, babies!” All his life he'd had his own ghost…a women lost and in pain without her lover. All his life he'd wanted nothing to do with a love that did such damage to people that it left them wandering for decades after they were dead in search of it. And now, he thought, after he'd delivered the ticket and explanation to the conductor and returned to his seat. Now, here I am on the brink of it. The brink? No, he inwardly admitted. I've already melted with it.

  “April or Rose will have something you can wear when we arrive, sweetheart,” Aunt Felicity was assuring Lauryn as Brant maneuvered his way back into his seat by the window. “But Brant will have to hop into a station somewhere along the way and pick you up some necessities. Tooth powder and brush, in the least.” Aunt Felicity smiled a she-devil’s smile. “Of course, with that kiss back there…I suppose you two could share a tooth brush and it wouldn’t unsettle you in the least!” Lauryn blushed a deep vermilion as Aunt Felicity giggled.

  “That’s enough, Auntie,” Brant grumbled. “The poor girl is about to detonate with embarrassment as it is.”

  “Oh, she’s sturdier than you think, my boy,” Aunt Felicity added.

  “I know it,” Brant admitted. And, it was true. He knew Lauryn was up to the adventure. She wasn’t worried. It was obvious by the expression on her face that she had complete faith in his ability to protect and provide for her. But he was worried about himself! Would he have the self-control necessary to keep his hands off of her long enough to focus on their shared responsibility to their spirit counterparts?

  “I won’t be much trouble or expense, Brant,” Lauryn assured him. He seemed so unsettled, suddenly. Lauryn wondered if he trusted her not to be a whining, needful traveler and guest in his father’s home. “Truly.”

  He looked at her frowning. “I never assumed that you would be, baby.”

  Lauryn’s mouth dropped open, her heart fluttering at his calling her, ‘baby.’ She wanted to throw her arms around his neck and kiss him again. It was all too wonderful! Whether or not his intentions were merely to help further the search for Laura by taking her home to search the Captain’s trunk with him or not, it was fantastic. The whole dream scenery of it all…the passionate kiss at the station, his forcing her onto the train and purchasing a ticket! All of it!

  “Wake me for luncheon, darlings. Would you?” Aunt Felicity asked as she closed her eyes and let her head fall back against her seat.

  “Yes, Ma’am,” Brant assured her.

  “You can put me off this train and onto another returning at the next stop, Brant,” Lauryn offered. She knew he would do no such thing, but she had to let him know she was willing.

  “Sshh,” he whispered. “Let’s let them sleep awhile.” Then raising her hand to his lips, he encouragingly kissed the back of it. Then he smiled and added, “Do you think I bucked your mama for nothing?”

  Lauryn smiled. “Was she upset?”

  Brant smiled, too. “She tried to act like she was.”

  “Why did you bring me, Brant?” Lauryn whispered.

  His eyes narrowed and he paused, searching her face a moment before answering. “If we’re going to get this thing solved, we need to keep at it…together.”

  Lauryn felt the disappointment sneak into her eyes, although she tried to veil it. He must’ve seen it however, for he added, “And besides…you tasted so good back at the station…I figured I’d bring you along…in case I need a snack later.” He winked at her and then turned his attention to the passing scenery.

  Lauryn thrilled at his teasing and tried to stay relaxed. It was a long trip to Vermont, and she’d have all that time to sit next to Brant, right up next to him, her arm touching his. So, she might as well settle down and enjoy it.

  Lunch was refreshingly simple, and Uncle Johnny drifted right back to sleep afterward. There were several station stops and dinner before Uncle Johnny and Aunt Felicity were settled in, Uncle Johnny snoring quietly.

  Brant had spent a good deal of the trip gazing out the window. And Lauryn had let him keep to himself. He was very pensive, having much to consider. She guessed that he would talk when he was ready. As night fell, and there was only darkness visible from the window, he did seem to seek out conversation.

  “I really don’t remember much of what was in the trunk…I was always a little uncomfortable about having gone through it anyway,” Brant told Lauryn. “But even though I don’t remember seeing any letters, I may just not remember. And if there are letters from Laura…maybe…maybe…”

  “Maybe there’ll be somethin’ in them,” Lauryn finished for him.

  “Yeah,” he said smiling at her.

  “What do you remember bein’ in there?” she asked.

  Brant shrugged. “I don’t know. Clothes, a large knife, some photographs, a leather book with stuff written in it.”

  “A diary?” Lauryn was very interested in the possibility of such an item existing.

  “A diary?” Brant sneered. “Men don’t keep diaries.”

  Lauryn shook her head and giggled. “All right. A journal then?”

  “Maybe,” Brant mumbled. Then looking back at her with a deep frown and shaking his head he grumbled, “A diary?”

  Lauryn shrugged at her insignificant ignorance and asked, “What else?”

  “That’s just it. I don’t remember.”

  “Well, I guess we’ll find out, won’t we?” she sighed.

  “Yeah.” Brant was quiet for a moment, then began, “Dad will be happy to meet you. I mean, after all those love letters you two exchanged when I was blind. Who knows what the two of you really wrote.”

  “He seems a very rare man,” she admitted with a smile. “Like someone else I know.”

  “You’re not going to transfer your affections to my Dad, are you?” Brant teased. “He’s available, too, you know.”

  Lauryn rolled her eyes at his ridiculous teasing. “You have to admit…he was kind to help you write to me…uh…us.”

  “He’s a good man,” Brant confirmed with an assuring wink. “April and Rose ought to dote on you like you were a new kitten, too.” He frowned playfully. “I think they always wanted a little sister instead of me.”

  “Why do you say that?” Lauryn asked. Her eyelids were beginning to feel heavy. In such a relaxed atmosphere, the low hum of the train rolling on the tracks, it would have been hard not to feel tired.

  “They used to dress me up in their old dresses when I was a baby and call me Brandy,” Brant admitted. “I didn’t care much until I was about four. Then it made me mad.”

  “I think that’s sweet,” Lauryn whispered, letting her head rest back against the seat. “I used to dress Patrick up the same way. Until he got mad one day and kicked me hard in the shins.” Brant’s low chuckle was the last thing Lauryn remembered before sleep trapped her into unconsciousness.

  Sleep while traveling is often uncomfortable and fitful and Lauryn roused sometime later to find Brant’s head resting aga
inst the window as he slept, and hers on his shoulder. She sensed in those moments of half waking, that the train car lanterns had been dimmed in order to allow the passengers to rest, and she felt chilled. Wrapping her arms tightly about Brant’s strong one against which she rested, she tried to make herself a more comfortable temperature for dozing.

  In his light sleep, he seemed to sense her need. Slipping his arm from her grasp and shifting his body slightly, he turned and pulled her against his chest enfolding her in his warm embrace. Lauryn felt herself smile, lost in a dreamlike bliss as she drifted to a light sleep again.

  Sometime later, and there was no way she could truly know how long she’d been sleeping, Lauryn began to wake slowly when she felt the familiar sensation of her hair rebelling against her hairpin and falling down about her face and shoulders. She could feel Brant’s warm breath at the top of her head, hear the rhythmic beat of his heart in his chest as her face rested against him. And, she felt her hand in his, felt it being raised to his face, felt his lips lightly caressing the backs of her fingers.

  Tipping her head upward and opening her weary eyes, Lauryn looked up to find him studying her as he kissed her fingers lightly.

  “Go back to sleep,” he whispered.

  She opened her hand and placed it against his face while letting her thumb travel caressingly over his lips.

  “Why?” she asked him. She gazed up at, awed by his power over her senses, his incredibly handsome features.

  “Because it’s nighttime and the wolf in me is too close to prowling,” he said. His voice was deep, his words insinuative.


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