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Shifting Positions

Page 17

by Jennifer Dellerman

  The man was too…too…dangerous. His thick hair, nearly midnight black, was held back in a low ponytail, throwing his lean face into taut relief. His full lips would have seemed feminine if not for the chiseled jaw and sharp cheekbones. She was nearly the same height which probably put the alpha at around six feet. But it wasn't the lean physique that gave her pause, it was his eyes. They were a shockingly clear emerald green that somehow both mesmerized and seemed to pierce into her very soul as if searching out every deep, dark secret. Predatory energy radiated from his body, raising her hackles as if she sensed danger.

  This man was a hunter, a stalker, a killer.

  Even though he stood before her calmly, one eyebrow arched in question to her obvious perusal, this was one man she would not want to meet in a dark alley. Or in a crowded park in the middle of the day surrounded by soldiers with machine guns. There was no way in hell she'd allow Kaylie within ten feet of this man.

  Caleb's hand came up to rest on her shoulder. “Tess, this is our alpha, Dean Kinigos. Dean, my mate, Tess Gentry.”

  Dean bowed his head politely, keeping his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Gentry.”

  His voice was a low rasp that tingled rather than grated while a hint of the Deep South flowed over her like thick honey. The odd mix soothed even as it warned. She blew out a tense breath. “Likewise.”

  Caleb chuckled over her head. “Don't let his looks fool you. He's only dangerous when he needs to be. Otherwise he's a pussycat.”

  The faintest of smiles touched the alpha's mouth. “Please don't let that get around. It's hard enough trying to control over a hundred mongrels as it is.”

  “I'm sure,” she murmured, captivated by those wicked eyes.

  “Dean's buying the lumber company.”

  “Oh, well, congratulations.”

  “Thank you. I am, however, in need of some assistance. Though I know the industry, I don't have a lot of time to go through the books and conduct a thorough examination of past practices versus what changes might need to take place.” He tilted his head. “I don't suppose you know of someone who is organized, level-headed, trust-worthy, and in need of a job?”

  “Not off-hand, no. Sorry.” Dean raised a brow at Caleb who then pinched her ass. “Oh! Are you asking if I'm interested?”

  “Well,” Caleb shrugged, “Ruth is champing at the bit to return to work on Monday. Granted, it'll be part-time until she's fully recovered, but I know you've been wondering what to do when that happens. I thought if you were interested, maybe you could help Dean out.”

  “I..I..” Baffled, she glanced from one man to the other.

  Dean grinned self-consciously and she went shock-still. Holy hell. Now she understood her sister's interest. His smile altered his whole face, changing his appearance from borderline threatening to hot and handsome. Those intense eyes turned warm and seemed to glow with an inner light and she felt an instant desire to reciprocate with a smile of her own.

  “I apologize, Tess. We shouldn't have tag-teamed you like this, but I didn't think it appropriate to come to you alone as you don't know me.”

  She tilted her head as if to consider the request. Her inner wolf gave her a thumb's up, or was that a paw up? Caleb obviously liked and trusted his alpha or he never would have agreed to this impromptu meeting. Her eyes narrowed. Besides, if she stayed close, she could keep an eye on him and keep her sister away until she made a final decision about Woodcliff's alpha. “I won't be able to start for another two weeks.”

  Caleb kissed the back of her head as if in approval or appreciation. Either one worked for her.

  “Excellent,” Dean flashed another killer grin. “Here's my number. Give me a call when you're ready to start.” He looked pointedly at Caleb. “We need to go. Thank you, Tess,” he added before heading off to a large black truck.

  Tess stuffed the little white card in her pocket and turned to Caleb. “Go?”

  Caleb frowned, not quite meeting her eyes. “I'll tell you later.”

  “Caleb?” she implored.

  He blew out a breath. “The pack leaders held a meeting on Monday to discuss Frank Kolter's actions and decide his fate.”

  At her murmured, “Oh,” he suddenly snagged her to him and slanted his mouth over hers. The kiss was hot, wild and very brief. “When can I have you again?”

  She grinned, feeling very wanted. “How about tonight?”

  He growled low and thick. “Thank God.” His hands ran repeatedly over her hips and back as if he couldn't drag himself away. “Eat well. We have a lot of time to make up for.” Then he kissed her one last time.

  Tess watched him drive away realizing he'd never told her Frank's fate. But as the daughter of a former pack alpha, she knew. Justice in the packs was harsh and swift and in the case of an insane or dangerous shifter, resulted in death.

  Caleb would probably be upset afterward. Not that he'd disagree with the sentencing, but because a life would be taken. So maybe she would tell him tonight. Tell him what was in her heart, with her words and her body.

  She got in her truck and tried it out. “I love you, Caleb.” God, it was so easy. The words just melted from her lips. And she knew it was right because she suddenly felt light and free, as if a huge weight had been lifted off her chest.

  Intent on telling her mom her feelings for Caleb, Tess rushed through the house, automatically locking the door behind her, and raced up the stairs. Later she would berate herself for her distraction. Otherwise, what she saw when she walked into Ruth's room wouldn't have come as a shock. But then again, when a man you dated in high school held a gun to your mother's temple, no amount of preparation would be enough.

  “You're late,” Matt said.

  Tess instantly flicked her eyes to her mom, noting that while, yes, she was scared, she was otherwise unharmed. Then she swung her gaze to Matt. By his ragged appearance he'd obviously been in hiding for several days. His jaw and cheeks were unshaven, his eyes were jittery and bloodshot, his complexion pale, and the hand holding the gun wavered slightly. The smell of stale male sweat and body odor crawled up her nose, making her want to gag. He probably hadn't eaten or slept much since Saturday. All in all, Matt West was a man flirting with the edge of sanity.

  She relaxed her jaw, fixing her expression into a nonchalant coolness she did not feel. “What are you doing, Matt?”

  He gestured with the gun. “What the hell does it look like I'm doing?”

  Tess raised a brow. “Obviously you have a gun pointed at my mother's head. Is there a reason for your actions?”

  He sneered. “Don't you dare get all uppity on me.”

  “I'm not getting uppity, Matt. I'm trying to remain calm. I would like to understand why you came here and took my mother hostage.”

  Matt's throat moved. “I need protection.”

  Tess glanced at her mom, who gave her a little shrug, then back to Matt. Even with a shifter's strength and speed, she'd never make it across the room before Matt fired. The gun was too close to her mom to even try it. But maybe if she could get that weapon pointed in a different direction…

  She took a careful step in the room and saw in her peripheral her mom's face change to dawning horror. “Tess…”

  Tess kept her eyes firmly on Matt. “Who do you need protection from?”

  Matt wiped his mouth with the sleeved of his free arm. “That fucking wolf.”

  “Which wolf, Matt?”

  His gun arm jerked and Tess froze. “That fucking Kolter wolf. Kyle.”

  “Why would Kyle want to hurt you?” she asked with pretend interest.

  Matt's eyes darted to the side and too quickly came back to Tess. “I called him. About Collins.”

  Damn, Tess hated it when she was right. “And because Kyle killed Dave you think he might want to kill you as well?”

  “I know he does! He tore my house apart. What sane person does that?”

  What sane person holds a gun to an infirm woman's hea
d? She wanted to shout back, and though anger and terror ripped through her, she kept her expression serene. “Do you know why Dave was in the woods at that time?”

  For several heart-pounding moments, he didn't answer. Then he shrugged. “I convinced him my ‘uncle’ who owned Stellinghouse Lumber was screwed over by the Kolter's and it nearly destroyed his business. He was looking for a little payback. All Dave had to do was place a marker separating state owned land from Kolter's land and he'd get ten thousand.”

  Tess gaped. “And he believed you?”

  “Amazing what naivety and beer does to a boy, especially after I threw in Gina.”

  Tess worked her jaw. “What do you mean?”

  Matt's lip curled in superiority. “Kid viewed me as a stud so I told him I'd help him get Gina back. Since he had no idea I was fucking her, he jumped all over the chance to learn from the pro.”

  Oh, how she wanted to say, “pro asshole,” but she restrained herself. Once that gun was away from her mother's now angry face, Tess would rip him a new one. “Did Gina know what you were doing?”

  Matt looked disgusted. “Please. That bitch is only good for one thing. Well, two maybe.”

  That settled it. Matt was going down, and by the black rage in her mom's eyes, the two women might have to fight each other to be the first to put him there. First, though, Tess needed to know what Matt wanted from her. “What do you expect me to do?”

  He sneered and told her in explicit detail what he wanted her to do, which, thank God, was nothing sexual.

  She dialed a number on her cell and lifted it to her ear, very aware that Matt watched her every move with weary intensity. The man just might pass out from lack of sleep before this was over. If he didn't accidentally shoot someone with that shaking hand first. “It's Tess.”

  “Tess,” Caleb hissed. “This isn't a good time. I'm in a meeting.”

  Nice way to put it. “Yes, I know. I'm terribly sorry to bother you,” she said, keeping her voice cool and steady.

  His instantly changed. “What's wrong?” “Matt West is currently holding a gun to my mom's head.” She covered Caleb's exuberant oath by adding, “And he's seeking police protection from Kyle Kolter.”

  “And this is how the stupid son of a bitch does it?”

  She wanted to wince as he roared in her ear. “Yes. Please come by the house and work out a deal with him.”

  “I'll rip his beating heart out of his yellow bellied chest is what I'll bloody well do.”

  Tess breathed deep and prepared to lie as Matt had instructed. “Caleb, please listen. You cannot come in through either door as he wired both with separate booms. Also, please do not try to break any windows to gain entry into the house as Matt will hear and in retaliation of your poor faith, he will shoot my mom.


  Tess cleared her throat and added her own special directive. One she hoped Caleb followed. “Caleb, as I'm only allowed one phone call, please contact Kaylie and tell her what is going on and to stay away.” Matt's eyes narrowed in suspicion. “And hurry.”

  Tess snapped the phone shut.

  “What was that with about your sister?”

  Tess had no qualms about lying to Matt. “She finished classes yesterday and planned on coming home this afternoon.”

  Matt grunted and waved Tess over to sit on the far side of the bed. Then he walked backwards until he stood just inside the doorway and grinned. “The better to hear any breaking glass.”

  Tess clenched her jaw. If Caleb got through to Kaylie, her sister would tell him about the secret entrance into the house. The one that led from the back of Tess's closet, down through the exterior wall, under the ground, and out to a hollowed tree. She just needed to make sure Matt held his position so he wouldn't see death coming. “Let the waiting begin,” she muttered under her breath.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  After an eternity, though the bedside clock lied and showed less than fifteen minutes had past, Tess heard sirens. One minute later the sound was abruptly shut off and Caleb bellowed Matt's name.

  Her heart sank in her chest. If Caleb was outside than he must not have reached Kaylie. He didn't know about the secret entrance and thus couldn't sneak in the house. Not good. Now this debacle would play out like any other hostage situation, and everyone knew how well those worked out.

  “Took him long enough,” Matt gestured with the gun. “Go over and open it. You'll be our mediator.”

  Cautiously, Tess rose and walked to the front window. Awkwardly, refusing to give Matt her back, she parted the heavy curtains and slid the glass open.

  Two? She warranted only two cops? Furtively, she glanced around the surrounding area, noting the absolute stillness. Dread seeped into her pores.

  “Caleb,” she called out, transferring her gaze from the single, unknown deputy who stood at his side to Caleb's.

  The anguished relief that crossed his face was palpable. Too bad this mate thing didn't come with telepathic abilities. At the moment, it would make life so much easier.

  Though his hands were clenched in tight fists and his expression watchful, his tone was soothing. “. How're you holding up?”

  Despite the situation, she nearly smiled. Caleb's body language was at odds with his words and tone of voice and Tess knew he was up to something. She would just follow his lead until he made his move. Hopefully she would know what that move was.

  She stared out into the trees where she saw something glitter in the sunlight. “Okay.”

  “And Ruth?”

  “You know mom. She's just lounging around in bed.”

  “Knock it off,” Matt snarled. “Tell him what I want.”

  “Matt wants me to tell you he wants police protection.” She faced the opening more fully and mouthed the words “no boom.”. Caleb might not have a chance in hell seeing her lips through the screen and shadows cast by the eave, but whoever was perched in the tree at the far end of the clearing just might. If they were peering at her through a rifle scope or pair of binoculars, that is.

  “We'll give him police protection,” Caleb growled. Suddenly, and oddly, he lifted one hand to his ear.

  “Great.” She glanced back at Matt. “There you go, just as you requested.”

  But Matt was shaking his head, his eyes no more than slits, the gun now aimed and wavering at the ceiling. “No, no. It's not that easy. He wants a hostage first.”

  Great. Obviously the man nuts. But then again, what sane man who wanted police protection demanded it by taking two hostages?. “Matt, you must be exhausted and when was the last time you ate? You may not be thinking clearly…”

  “Don't tell me what I'm thinking!” Matt bellowed, sweat dotting his forehead. “Just tell the sheriff what I said.”

  Tess blew out a breath, inching around until she stood sideways. She could see in her peripheral that Caleb once again raised his hand to his ear. A mini walkie-talkie, a bluetooth? What was he planning?

  Then she heard it. A very slight padding, like a cat walking.

  Holy hell. Caleb got through to Kaylie, but if he was outside, who was coming down the hall?

  Desperately trying not to let anything show on her face, she purposely argued with Matt, keeping his attention on her. “Tell him what, Matt? To pick a hostage? It's not like he's got a lot of experience in this type of situation. Just how many hostage situations do you think occur…”

  A blur of black fur came out of nowhere, landing squarely on Matt's shoulders, taking him down. The gun went off and Tess instinctively hit the floor, squeezing her eyes shut. Her mom screamed, Matt cried out, a mighty roar came from outside and the wolf howled. Then silence.

  A heartbeat later, Tess sprinted to her mom's side, just as a loud crash came from below.

  “Are you okay?” Tess ran shaking hands over her mom.

  “Oh,” Ruth blinked rapidly, one hand over her heart. “The gunshot just startled me, but I'm okay. I'm fine, honey. Stop. Are you okay?”

nbsp; Tess nearly slumped with relief. “Yeah. I'm good.”

  “Tess!” Caleb's bellow had her turning her head to see him barreling through the door. He didn't stop at the speed bump made up of human and fur but leapt right over it. He pulled her into his arms and held on tight. “Oh, Christ. When that gun went off.” He shuddered and rocked her in his arms.

  “I'm okay, Caleb. We're both okay.” Extremely relieved, she clung to him, soaking in his scent, his warmth, his love. After a few moments she peered over his shoulder. “I see that you got a hold of my sister, but who is that?”

  “Dean.” Caleb punctuated his words with kisses that he rained over her face. “We decided I couldn't go through the back way or Matt would become suspicious. You are my mate, after all.”

  She smiled. “Yes, I am your mate after all.”

  Things happened quickly after that. Dean had tagged Matt in the shoulder of his gun arm, not only doing serious damage to the flesh and tendons, but dislocating it as well. Brandon had been the one perched in the tree with a pair of binoculars and had caught Tess's silent words, giving the go ahead to Caleb before the gun even went off.

  Phil, the deputy Tess hadn't met before but later found out had aided in the full moon attack, and Brandon hauled an unconscious Matt up, handcuffed him and dragged him outside.

  From the bedroom Tess heard her sister's voice. “Mom? Tess?”

  Surprised, Tess jumped up from the bed where she'd sat and turned to look out into the hallway.

  Kaylie came to an abrupt stop at the top stair. “What the hell are you doing?” she demanded, taking in great gulps of air as she rummaged around in the big black bag she had over her shoulder. A large roll of gauze hit Brandon in the chest.

  “Kaylie, we'll get the doc to patch him up…”

  “Shut up, you moron. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get blood out of wood floors? And you,” Kaylie pointed a finger at Dean who had just appeared from Tess's room, now in human form and dressed in black slacks and a button-up black suede shirt. “Don't you ever do that again.”

  Dean lifted a sardonic brow. “Excuse me?”

  But Kaylie only held up one belligerent hand to cut him off, slipped past the three men blocking the hallway and hustled to Tess.


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