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Page 12

by Alaska Angelini

  Slowly, I eased down, letting his thick length stretch me. A tug on my hair had me lowering and I met his lips, yelling into his mouth as he surged forward.

  “Fuck, you feel so good. I knew you would.”

  I squirmed, trying to rise so I could look at his eyes again. Tighter, he held, plunging into me deeper.


  “If that’s what you wish.”

  My arms shot down, trying to wedge between his so I could unlock his hold and wrestle myself free. I was flipped to my back so fast that I didn’t think to brace my leg to try to prevent it. Aetas was suddenly before me, pinning me down with more than just his weight. The air seemed to move in, enveloping me with an invisible blanket and I screamed at the top of my lungs. Faster, he thrust, covering my mouth with one of his palms.

  “Shh, don’t fight it.”

  Marko was suddenly over me, again. A confused expression covered his face and I wasn’t weighed down anymore. He was fucking me, slowly, passionately. For the briefest moment I questioned if I’d invented the entire thing in my head. Had Aetas been before me at all?

  “I love you,” he said, lowering to cover his body to mine. Marko went to kiss me and I quickly turned away, pressing into his chest to get him off.

  “You have to stop. I…”

  There was no fight on his end as I separated us and moved to the other side of the bed.

  “What’s wrong? Did I do something?” Pain flashed and I felt my heart break. Somehow I knew I was looking at the real Marko, but I wasn’t sure what the hell was happening.

  “I’m sorry. I…” Confusion had me sliding off the mattress to grab my nightgown. I quickly put it on, wiping the tear that slid down my cheek. I hated not being in control of my mind.

  Marko stood, walking around to pull me in his arms. “Talk to me. Why are you so upset? Did I hurt you?” His palm came to fit over my heart and I shook my head, furiously. Anger was starting to sink in, but not at him.

  “I … heard … saw, Aetas. I thought he was you for a moment. I got confused.”

  Marko’s jaw tightened and he wrapped his arms around me tightly, kissing the top of my head. “We’ll be out of here soon. I’m going to stay a few days and hopefully in that time he’ll release you.”

  “If he doesn’t?”

  Marko broke away, grabbing his pants and sliding them on. I could see the battle on his face. He’d betray Aetas if it came to me and I couldn’t allow that. Not if I wanted to prevent an all-out war between our kind. I had seen the way the members reacted when they thought I had hurt our leader. They were ready to kill me or lock me away. They’d be faithful to him even after his death. We’d never win. Even if me or Marko rose enough to beat him, there was no guarantee we’d be able to lead.

  My fingers came up to press against Marko’s lips as he separated them to say something. I shook my head, cutting him off.

  “I leave when I can. However long it takes. You will wait for me and I will wait for you.”

  The rage within him only seemed to increase.

  “Don’t think it,” I whispered. “It’s a suicide mission. Let it go.”

  “I don’t work like that, ma minette. I can’t just let something go, concerning you. You’re mine. Not his to toy with.”

  “You’ve lost me once. Do you want to lose me, again? That’s what will happen if you do not stop this. I gave my word. You and I will deal. After this, we will never come back and we’ll be happy. Together. Alive.”

  A small growl left him as he pulled me back into his arms. “I hate this. I hate you being here.”

  I hated it more, but I couldn’t say that. I’d do my time, no matter what that entailed, and then I’d be free. Once that happened, I could focus back on what was important. On revenge.

  My body stiffened as images flooded in. Ones I wasn’t sure were memories or delusions of my bond.

  Hunter. Yes...

  Chapter 16


  My cock was aching, my head spinning, and I had never wanted to destroy Aetas as much as I did in this moment. What he had done to Tessa over the time she’d been here pushed the boundaries of my mated vampire. I wanted to kill him. Annihilate him so there was nothing left when I finished. Whether or not he was fucking with her now, I wasn’t sure, but I was already past the point of dealing with his shit.

  Rigidness straightened her frame and I pulled my head back, looking down. “You okay? What’s wrong?” I tried to keep my tone smooth, but it was anything but.

  “I…” She stepped back, out of my embrace, and begin to pace. “I think I may have gone to Hunter last night.”

  My eyes widened in disbelief. “What do you mean, you went to him?” Jealousy and anger flickered, but I pushed it away.

  “He’s … killing vampires…I think.”

  “Not killing, just beating them,” I stated. “Unless something happened while I was gone. I think Bufar would have warned me if something had gone down.”

  Tessa blinked rapidly and I could tell she was far away, not even seeing the room.

  “He wasn’t there. He was in another town. An … Army base. He was surrounded by soldiers and they were raiding the underground there.”

  Heaviness pulled at my insides and I let her words process. “I guess it’s possible. Fort Hood isn’t too far away. The vampires we reject go further away from the city. I’m sure there are some in Killeen. They’re probably all over the outskirts of Austin.” I walked closer. “What else happened?”

  A coldness came to Tessa’s face as she peered at me. “He believes me to be a ghost. That, or he thinks he’s going crazy. I … taunted him. Told him he was going to pay. I tried to convince him to blow his brains out, again.”

  I couldn’t stop the shock from showing. My lips parted and words disappeared. I wasn’t sure what to say. Tessa had loved Hunter. Apparently that was over now. Her vampire would want vengeance for the betrayal, and to her, that’s exactly what Hunter had done by physically hurting her. Trying to kill her.

  The old Tessa was gone.

  “How did he respond to you?”

  “As one would expect a human to respond. He got emotional. Scared.”

  “I don’t blame him,” I said, quietly, still keeping her stare. “You can be very terrifying, ma minette. And cruel when you choose to be. I can only imagine how he felt when faced with the woman he loved … and killed.”

  Tessa’s mouth tightened. “You don’t kill someone you love. Hunter doesn’t know what love is. I killed for him. Did he appreciate it? No.”

  “Am I detecting bitterness on your part?”

  “Of course I’m bitter,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest. “It wasn’t easy killing the priest. He could have been the end to me if he had gotten closer with any of those relics he had on him. After all I did, for Hunter to end my life, it makes me angry. I was dead,” she growled. “He killed me and now he’s going to pay.”

  My head nodded, slowly. “I agree that he has to die for what he’s done. I’ve already been looking for him and almost had him once. He’s not the same person you knew though, Tessa. He carries Sayer’s blood. He’s stronger and faster. He won’t be easy to catch.”

  “Wrong,” she said, glancing at the door as a knock sounded. “I found him once. I’ll do it again.”

  “Do what?” Aetas said, walking in.

  “You have to ask?” Tessa snapped. “You’re already in my head. You know very well what I was talking about. You see everything, or am I wrong?”

  Aetas’ eyebrows rose and he glanced at me indifferently before coming closer. “I happen to have a lot on my mind. I can’t be stalking your thoughts every moment of the day.”

  “That’s not what you said before,” Tessa mumbled, under her breath.

  “As it is,” Aetas continued, “I did happen to catch Hunter’s name when I walked in so I’m not entirely unaware of the conversation.”

  Tessa threw me a look as if to say she didn’t believe him.

  “Did you have fun, last night, Princess?”

  “Fun? When? With Hunter?”

  He nodded.

  “I guess. I don’t really remember it all too clearly. It was more like a hazy dream when I think back on it. Was it real? Did I really find him?”

  “You did.”

  “Wait,” I said, glancing between them. “How do you know this? Is it because you saw it through her, or another reason?”

  Cockiness shone through the smile that came to his face. “I know because I was there following her. It’s the reason I’m here. She has something that belongs to me and I’m ready to collect.”

  Tessa took a step back. “You stay away from me. I don’t have anything you need.”

  “He’s does,” I said, quietly. “You took something last night that doesn’t belong to you. For your best interest, I believe you should let him have it.”

  What the hell was I saying? Tessa stood a better chance against Aetas if she ever had to protect herself. I shouldn’t be letting her lose Margo’s gift. If I wasn’t concerned about her mental stability, I would have fought to allow her to keep it, but I did fear. It was too much with how strong she was already becoming.

  Tessa looked at me, hurt, as if I’d handed her to the wolves, and I couldn’t stand it. I walked over, trying to assure her with my eyes that everything was going to be okay.

  “You entered Margo’s body last night, ma minette. You stole her knowledge without her consent. You can’t do that. Now Aetas has to strip your mind of what doesn’t belong of you.”

  Her head shook furiously. “I didn’t do that.”

  “You did,” Aetas said, getting closer. “Now come to me. I’ll make this quick.”

  “I…” Dark hair swayed at her denial. “No, you’ll take everything from me. I’m sorry, I can’t allow you to do that. I have to find Hunter. I can’t do that without your knowledge.”

  “It wasn’t yours to take,” Aetas exploded. “Now step forward. You don’t want me to come after you.”

  “You want it,” Tessa growled, surging forward. “Take it, then. If you can.”

  Aetas’ fingers locked on her face as he towered over her. I lunged forward, hitting a mental wall. The need to go crazy, wild, to break it down with my powers burned my stomach. Not yet. I carefully watched as he locked eyes with my mate.

  “You do realize what you’re doing is against our laws, don’t you? Do you know what I could do to you?” He kept his voice low. Almost seductive. It had my breaths coming out heavier as I watched him press his body into hers.

  “I need those powers.”

  “Is revenge so important to you that you’d risk banishment? Imprisonment?”

  My blood turned cold as I listened. He wouldn’t dare…

  “I won those powers fair and square. I got into your mind when I shouldn’t have. That deserves a reward.”

  “A reward?” Still Aetas stared. Still, I knew he was trying to break into her mind. “You want a reward? You knew better. You went against what I told you. Instead of bringing me into your mind, you pushed your way into mine. Tell me why I shouldn’t kill you for doing something so bold.”

  Tessa grew quiet as she gazed up. For the briefest moment, I quit breathing.

  “You can’t kill your future second. We both know that’s what I am. Who will rule in your passing and stand any chance of preserving what we are if it’s not me? You need me and I need these gifts. Face it, we need each other. If you want Margo’s gift as your own, go take it from her yourself.”

  Rumbling shook the floor as Aetas’ eyes began to glow. One minute he was there … the next, gone. Just like Tessa. Boiling heat shot through me and I threw everything I could into the wall that kept me separated from them. The wall warped, shining bright colors within the translucence. For a moment I thought it would give way. The blow-back sent me slamming back against the back wall. The room wavered before me and I tried to blink the lightheadedness away, but I could barely see straight. Tessa was stiff. Almost beginning to bow as I continuously tried to make her come in clearly.

  I pushed to my feet, side-stepping as I fought for balance. It wasn’t until I got closer to the wall that shielded them that I realized she was levitating a good inch off the ground. My feet stumbled, not able to believe what I was seeing. This wasn’t right. Wasn’t natural within our kind. Tessa and Aetas were on a completely different level. So similar, yet so different. One thing was clear. Tessa would surpass me by far and while I shouldn’t have been surprised, I was. She was already close to my strength in ways, in others, past me … and she was only just beginning to live her life as a vampire. In enough time, she could very well pass Aetas, himself.

  A scream pierced the room, making the hair on my neck stand on end. Tessa’s body jerked and fell back, dangling, limp.

  “Aetas!” I hit the shield, feeding my powers again. Getting ready to try impossibly harder. “Aetas!”

  A form appeared, barely visible to my heightened sight. Within seconds it grew into a solid body. Aetas brought his arms out, catching Tessa as she fell at his silent command.

  “Still so much to learn,” he said, soothingly. “But you’re already so open. There’s such potential in you.”


  I hit the wall again and watched as he ignored me, heading to the bed to lay her down. As if captivated, he crawled over her body, moving in beside her. His head dropped to his raised fist and he continued to stare down.

  “Aetas! God dammit, let me out of here!”

  Nothing. It was though he actually didn’t hear me. There was emptiness in his stare while he gazed down. I didn’t understand it anymore that I understood what had just happened. What I did know was that I didn’t like it. He’d already overstepped his bounds more than once. What would happen after I left Tessa here? The thought was sickening. Deep down, I knew. The question was, what did I do about it?

  “I haven’t had to use my real powers in a very long time. I forgot what all I was capable of. You push me. Test me. You’re not afraid,” he said, even quieter. “How about we start the morning over? You be you, I’ll be me, and we’ll continue where we left off. Just me and you.”

  My brow furrowed as I pushed my palm against the invisible wall, walking down as far as it would allow me. The color and features began to transition in his face and I had to blink past what I was seeing. Half awe, half horror had me shaking my head. When faced with myself, in person, I was too stunned to move.

  “It’s time to wake,” he said, pulling her closer to his bare chest. My chest…

  I pushed the tips of my finger into the wall. The calm evil that began to creep in had me watching. Seething. Barely even moving as I waited to see how far he would take this. To be so bold in front of me … something didn’t seem right. I didn’t know Aetas personally, but from what I recalled, he was closed off. Hard to everyone. No caring. No emotion. Now he had feelings. He had mine.

  French words began to fill the room as he wooed her awake. Sweet endearments that I wouldn’t have thought to say. Not because I wouldn’t have meant them, but because I was always so impatient to have her that I didn’t slow down and take the time to consider what she might have needed to hear.

  “You’re so beautiful when you sleep. I never thought I’d get to wake up to having you by my side, again. Open your eyes, ma minette, I want you to look at me. See only me as I see only you.”

  Tessa made a groaning sound and tried to roll to her back, but he held her firmly, putting even more of his body on top of hers.

  “Marko?” Her voice was pained. It had me pushing into the wall even more. What the fuck had he done to her?

  “I’m right here, love. I’m going to make you feel better. You want me to make you well, yes?” His grip moved to her hip, sliding to her ribs as he hovered over her still somewhat unconscious body.

  “No,” she said, pushing her hands into my chest. “I want you to get off of me.”

  I tensed, ju
st as Aetas did.

  “You want me off of you?”

  Tessa’s eyes cracked open and she reared back, slapping him. Slapping … me. Panic had me looking between them. Why would she react that way to me? It didn’t make sense.

  “Ma minette…?”

  “Don’t you dare go there. Get off before I make you.”

  Aetas slowly rose to his knees. He was just as perplexed as I was. Tessa grabbed the blankets, pulling them over her as she turned her back to him. Sobs began to shake her small frame and I hit against the wall, still unable to speak through the confusion. I knew she wouldn’t hear me. Aetas might, but he didn’t care.

  “What’s the matter?” he coaxed. “Let me help you. Let—”

  The covers were thrown back and she sprang to sit up. Disheveled hair haloed out around her and her red rimmed eyes glared. “Help me? You want to help? Leave me. You’ve done enough.”

  Aetas … me, looked torn between hurt and annoyed.

  “On your way out, be sure to become your true self so your members don’t get confused on who you truly are, Aetas.”

  Our leader’s jaw tensed.

  “I feel you now,” she hissed. “It like acid in my brain. You’re there so deep that I see right through these masks you wear. Your game is over. You will not get what you need from me that way. Not ever again.” Tessa rose to her knees, clearly wanting a fight. One she’d lose if she continued to provoke him. “Change,” she yelled. “Turn to yourself, you do not deserve to be him.”

  Aetas’ lids lowered threateningly. “I might caution against that, Princess. As myself, you will not be saved from the love I feel for you right now. To that form, you’re becoming quite the threat. Do you really want to see how I handle those? Do you want to see the real me?”


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