Reigning Starr

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Reigning Starr Page 18

by Shan

  "Wait for you to do what, Quad?"

  "I gotta go get my money together and check on my sisters. Just give me a couple of days."

  "A'ight. I'm a be staying at the Holiday Inn just until Brian gets out the hospital. As soon as he gets out; we're leaving. If you not there Quad I'm leaving without you," I said.

  I went to get out of the car when Quad grabbed my arm. He leaned over and kissed me more passionately than he'd ever have. It instantly made my clit thump and got my juices to flowing.

  "I love you," Quad said.

  "Love you too," I said back. I kissed him on the lips, pushing my tongue into his mouth. I reached over and closed the door shut then climbed over the seat into Quad's lap. "Remember when we used to do this all time when I was sneaking behind my daddy’s back?"

  "Hell yea and we almost got busted that one time I forgot to roll up all the windows," Quad laughed.

  "I'm sorry Quad. I never meant for any of this to be like this," I said.

  I kissed all over Quad from his neck to his ear, then raised his shirt over his head, and tossed it onto the passenger seat. Quad pressed the button to push his seat backwards and then reclined the seat all the way back.

  I came out of all my clothing, not ashamed of my body at all. Even with my belly poking out and a few dark lines growing over it; I still felt sexy. I undid Quad's buckle and unzipped his pants as he kissed and sucked on my perky nipples. He was completely aroused by then, reaching down I pulled his little big man from his jeans.

  Easing down onto him, I clenched my muscles tightly around his length and bounced up and down. Pleasurable moans escaped with each stroke; each stroke felt like electric currents rubbing against my spot.

  "Ahhh, Mmgh!" I moaned and placed both my hands on Quads chest, slowly rotating my hips, and grinding my clit against his stomach.

  "Shit, make this dick cum baby!" Quad groaned. He gripped both hands over my ass and thrust deeper and deeper inside of me.

  "I'm about to cum! I'm cumming!" I screamed feeling a gush of my juices flow down Quad's shaft. He continued pushing me up and down on him until he exploded.

  "Damn, I needed that," Quad huffed.

  "You and me both," I giggled.

  I grabbed my clothing but Quad pulled me to him and asked that I lay with him a little longer. I turned to my side and laid my head against his chest. I wished that our relationship could always feel this good but somehow I knew it wouldn't. One day either he or I would find some way to fuck it up. It's always been that way.

  Neither Quad or I said anything for the next hour just lying naked in the car relishing in the moment. I sat there pretty much wondering if my second chance at living in Miami would go better than the first time. Although, I was skeptical about going, it was the only way I knew to keep my friendship with Brian. We'd been friends too long for it to just crumbling down like this. It's important that I show him I’m willing to do what I gotta do to stay out of trouble and show him how sorry I am for what happened to him.

  "I gotta get outta here. Need to get my shit together so I can leave with you," Quad said then yawned and stretched out his arms.

  "Okay, just call me Quad. I'm serious in a couple of days I'm out whether you show up or not," I said dressing myself.

  "I'm a be there," Quad kissed me on the neck a couple of times then cranked up his car. I slid my shoes on and jumped out of the vehicle. Soon as I got into my caddy, my phone began to vibrate and I answered without looking assuming that it was Quad.

  "Hey," I said.

  "Damn, you know how to work that ass. Maybe I just might sample that shit the next time we cross paths," a raspy voice said.

  I took the phone away from my face and looked at the screen; the number was unknown. Quickly I jumped out of the car and rushed down the driveway to where Quad was still sitting. He raised the windows down with a look of concern on his face.

  "Here, you handle it," I tossed my cell phone in the car.

  "Fuck is this?" Quad asked grabbing the phone.

  "It’s him again! I think he around here somewhere and I think he watched us having sex," with that being said Quad jumped out of the car putting the phone to his ear.

  "Who is this?" Quad asked. "Hello, hello."

  Quad ended the call after not getting an answer then began to look up and down the street for anything suspicious.

  "I thought you were gonna handle him Quad. Do something! He’s around here somewhere!” I screamed. “He making my nerves bad, too bad to the point where I'm a just start blasting on every funny looking muthafucka’ that comes my way!"

  "A'ight calm down. I don’t see anybody around here,” Quad looked around then walked halfway down the street before returning to me. “I'm a follow you to the hotel and make sure you get checked in okay. Get in the car and I will be right behind you," Quad suggested.

  I walked back to my car and got back in. I cranked it up and put the car in reverse, ready to pull away as soon as Quad moved out of my way. This looney toon muthafucka’ seemed to be everywhere I was at and that shit was really starting to irk me.

  As I backed out of the driveway I reached for my pistol underneath my seat and placed it onto my lap. Quad needed to take care of this mess now or else he won’t have two days before I leave. He always said that I needed to let him be the man and that's exactly what I'm going to do.

  We made it to the Hilton that was located a few miles from the hospital. Soon as Brian was able to checkout, we would be on our way to Miami to once again start a new life.

  Thankfully I'd already booked the room online and all I had to do was grab my key from the front desk and head up to my room; bypassing the long check-in process. Quad made sure I got into my room okay and told me to call him if anything came up.

  The first thing I did after getting into my room was take a hot, bubble bath to calm my nerves and relax my muscles. The steam from the water allowed me to unwind so good that I ended up drifting off to sleep in the tub. Old people will say that hot baths are bad for the baby, but I'm sorry this just felt too damn good to my aching bones.


  The funeral services for my cousin Tron was held on yesterday evening and it took everything in me to actually go. I knew I was responsible for putting him in the grave and wondered if anyone could see or feel the guilt I carried. To my surprise no one sensed a thing; my aunt Teresa needed me to comfort her and Neek; and I was there.

  They both were a mess and I felt bad as hell but they wouldn't understand that I had to kill Tron. He stood between me having a happy life with my daughter and I couldn't have that. Neek would never let Starr rest or even me for that matter if he knew what either of us had done. He wasn't a very violent person but I know for a fact that when it came to family; he's a no nonsense type of dude. For that reason alone, I wouldn't and couldn't take a chance with Nerk finding out the truth.

  Starr and I were supposed to leave for Miami a week ago but considering me not showing up at Tron's funeral would look too suspicious we stayed. Besides Brian had undergone several surgeries and doctors felt he needed to rest a little while longer before traveling. He and Starr were staying down at the Hilton and waiting for me to say when it was time to leave. I still had a few things left to take care of before we could make any moves.

  I just got word this morning that Bubba's body was found and also the FEDs pulled Bear into protective custody; only confirming that he in fact was the person snitching on Herman. Since I couldn’t get to Bear I had no choice but to pay Tamar his damn money since I only completed half of what he asked me to do. I wasn't tripping though; I’m just ready to put this shit behind me and get on with my life.

  "Here man," I tossed a manila envelope on the hood of Agent Tommy's car. It contained the other half of the money that I owed to him to get whatever convicting information he had on me.

  "I was starting to wonder if you were gonna come through or not. Do I need to count it?" he asked.

  "Do what you wanna do, just give me
my shit," I said looking around.

  "Alright," Agent Tommy reached in his jacket and handed me a stack of pictures and papers. "That's everything I have on you."

  "Preciate it," I started walking away towards my car when Agent Tommy stopped me.

  "If I knew where Bear was at I would tell you but that information is securely hidden from anyone that's not assigned to protect him! Just know that he wasn’t the one snitching on you. He’s just been real informative in giving facts on Herman Conners and Tamar Andrews."

  I turned on my heels and walked back to Agent Tommy, "Fuck you mean? You got in my damn car and told me that the information you would be giving me would prove who was snitching on me and Tamar."

  "Bear has given us info on Herman and Tamar; not on you. Someone else is after you buddy," Agent Tommy smirked.

  "Who? Who the fuck is it? Is it in here?" I asked holding up the items he’d just handed me.

  "Now that will cost you more money," he laughed. "You're not pushing enough weight for me to care about, but these murders you keep committing can possibly end up in the wrong hands."

  "What murders? What are you talking about?” I asked.

  “Bubba, those two guys in the middle of the street and then there is the guy named---”

  “How much?" I cut him off.

  "Another fifty thousand," he smiled.

  "Man fuck you playing games. Why is you even bringing up those fools I shot up in the street? That’s what I just paid you for. You fuckin’ with me because you just told me that you gave me everything on me," I said.

  “I did give you everything I had but I just recently got new information somebody is really trying to bring you down,” he smirked.

  “Fuck it, you not about to get another fifty grand from me. Greedy muthafucka’!” I said and this time walked to my car and never turned back.

  I wasn't about to give this dude another fifty grand to give me some half-ass information. I felt he should have gave me everything in the beginning and not try to play me for more money. I'm not about to go broke behind a muthafucka’ that felt the need to try and have me locked up. Either I was going to figure out who it was on my own or I wasn't. I no longer cared. In a matter of days I would be catching ghost and getting the fuck outta Atlanta.

  “You sure you don’t wanna know! It will definitely blow your mind when you find out!” Agent Tommy yelled. I jumped in my car and peeled out of the parking lot.

  An hour later I met up with Tamar to pay him the money that I'd owed to him since I didn't kill Bear. We were supposed to meet at the same Catfish place as last time. I ordered me three catfish filets, hushpuppies, fries, and a coke.

  It took them about twenty minutes to bring my food and at least another twenty minutes for me to finish eating it. Tamar was yet to show which made me wonder what the hell was going on. He’d been calling me on a daily basis seeing if I handled things, rushing me about handling the shit and all of a sudden he was a no show. I decided to call Tamar up after waiting for another fifteen minutes.

  “Aye, I’m up here waiting with your bread. Where you at?” I asked Tamar the moment he answered the phone.

  “Who this?” he asked.

  I wrinkled my face in confusion being I just talked to him and he gave me the day and time to meet up with him, “Damn, did you forget? You told me you would be in town this week and that you were gonna meet me today.”

  “Nah, I don’t remember that,” Tamar asked.

  “What? Look bruh, I can just bring it to you this weekend. I should be out there soon,” I sighed.

  “Yea gone and bring it out here so I can put two bullets in skull the minute I see you ol’ bitch ass nigga. Fuck off my line bitch!” Tamar yelled and then hung up the phone.

  I took the phone away from my ear and just stared at it bewildered at what just took place. Did this dude just threaten me? I wondered.

  I shook my head and had to call him back to make sure he understood who he was talking to. Shit, I was sitting her with sixty thousand dollars in a duffle bag; ready to be handed over to him and he acted as if he didn’t even know who the fuck I was.

  “Aye, Tamar this is Quad,” I said when he answered again.

  “Fuck is you calling again for? Hell off my line before I send some fire your way.”


  “What the hell?” I mumbled. I grabbed the duffle bag and got up from the table, taking the exit, and getting into my ride.

  Guess that mean he don’t want his money. I thought as I pulled away from the curb and into a gas station about a block away.

  "Quadir Mitchell?" I heard a voice ask as I started to walk into the store to pay for my gas. I looked over my shoulder and saw two suited police officers holding out their badges for me to see. I wasn't sure what they were here for but once I seen the other two squad cars pull in behind them I knew it wasn't good.

  "Yea," I said.

  "We have a warrant for your arrest on the murder of Andrew "Bubba" Saunders, we need you to place your hands behind your back,” the first detective said.

  "What? You got the wrong dude," I protested. They forcefully grabbed my hands and placed them behind my back, shoving my head against the truck of my car. Tightly they secured the cuffs around my wrist, read me my rights, and pushed me in the backseat of the squad car. That damn Agent Tommy; I knew it was him who'd done this since I'd refused to give him more money. He must've immediately gone down and gave me up and made them aware that I was planning to leave soon.

  Once I made it to the headquarters, I remained silent and didn't plan on saying a word until my attorney arrived. It didn't stop them from speaking or asking questions. I knew from what they were saying that they only speculated that I'd murdered Bubba because he'd made a call from his cell phone in the vicinity where I'd lived. They didn't have any hardcore evidence like I assumed. Agent Tommy hadn't turned me as I suspected and these muthafuckas were waiting on a confession that they would never get.

  "Don't you have anything to say in your defense Mr. Mitchell?" the white balding detective asked.

  "Yea, I just wanted to say that a cigarette and some water will be great right now," I smirked.

  Both detectives grew angry and frustrated that they'd had me here an hour, threw all types of accusations and questions my way and I didn't fall for any of it. Seething they left the room, slamming the door shut behind them.

  Alone I sat in the interrogation room hoping that I would be out of here before Starr got worried and decided to leave without me. I didn't want her to believe that I changed my mind about going with her.

  Minutes later the doors of the interrogation room swung back open and the detectives filed back in. This time they didn't seem as defeated as they had before. They wore devilish grins that said they'd found out something.

  “We have somebody here that wants to talk to you,” the black detective said. He held the door open and in walked Starr with a look of sadness mixed with anger across her face.

  “Starr, damn I’m glad you didn’t leave. You see these muthafuckas got me in here on these bogus charges,” I said to her reaching for her hands as she sat across the table from me.

  She held her head down for a second then looked up at me. Tears dripped from the crevices of her eyes and she quickly brought her hands up to wipe them away, “Bogus charges? How are they bogus, Quad?”

  I stared at her baffled by her response to me, and then I looked over at the detectives and noticed the bright smiles across their faces and knew something fucked up was going on.

  Hell is going on? I thought.

  “Can I get a cigarette please?” I asked.

  The older white detective left the room and returned seconds later with a couple of long Newports. He lit one for me and then handed it over. I wasn’t sure what to say or even more so what was going on right now. The longer I sat without answering Starr’s question, the angrier she became.

  “What is this? What’s going on here?” I asked taking a puff from the
cancer stick.

  “You tell me what the fuck is going on? I trusted you and this whole time you’ve been playing me Quad!” she bellowed.

  “I don’t what the hell you are talking about!”

  “Oh, you don’t?” Starr turned around and looked at the detectives. “Can we be left alone for a few minutes?”

  “20 minutes,” the black detective said and they both walked out.

  Soon as the door shut I leaned in closer across the table and talked in a low tone, “What the fuck Starr, you ratting me out over Bubba?”

  “Nah, you gonna rat yourself out. You gonna tell them what the fuck you did and you gonna plead guilty to it and take that time,” Starr huffed.

  “Man, you crazy. I aint do shit!” I yelled.

  “Quad, I’m on to you. I know everything. Everything!”

  I sat back in my seat and took a deep toke off the cigarette and wondered what she meant by everything. What did she mean by that?”

  “What do you mean everything? What are you talking about?” I asked seemingly curious.

  “The bricks that Tron and J-J were selling. Where did they get them from?” Starr asked.

  “You know where they got them from. What does that have to do with me?” I shrugged my shoulders.

  “I know Quad but I just want you to tell me that it’s not true. Tell me you wouldn’t steal from my daddy like that!”

  My mind went back some months ago.

  “Yo, you sure it’s only two people up in there?” Tron asked.

  “Yea, I’m sure. I’m up in there all the time. I know for a fact that they just got some birds in ‘cause I watched as Bear dropped them off,” I said checking my gun to make sure it was cocked and ready.

  “Why you ain’t just talk to Herm or Bear to see if they can front us some dope? This shit don’t---”

  “Tron either you gonna help me pull this shit off or not. We ain’t had no dope in three fucking weeks. After this shit we’ll be good until Carlo gets another shipment!” I said angrily.


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