Reigning Starr

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Reigning Starr Page 19

by Shan

  “Man, I don’t know,” Tron shook his head.

  “Ain’t nobody gonna find out. Just tell J-J and Neek that we got the shit from some out of towners if they ask. If they don’t ask then don’t tell them. Your ass just got out and I know you trying to eat,” I said grabbing the handle of the door and getting out the car. Tron slowly but surely got out of the car too.

  “It’s not true Starr. You know I love Herm like a dad, he always have shown me love,” I said leaning in towards Starr again and reaching for her hands but she pulled them away.

  Starr shook her head, “Why are you lying to my face like this? I know the truth, just like I know that you set Bubba up to make him look like a snitch just so you can kill him. You were that jealous of my relationship with him? You know damn well I wasn’t fucking him Quad. You killed him for no damn reason at all. I know that you followed him around, taking pictures of him committing murders just so you can give it to that agent. You had that agent tell you what time and where he would be meeting Bubba just so you can catch him getting out the car and make it look like he was talking to the police! He didn’t do shit to you! And you killed him for nothing!” Starr screamed.

  I shrugged my shoulders,“ I told you I aint like you hanging with that fool. Spent more time with him than you did me!”

  “Quad he was my brother! You killed him, making me believe that he was dirty and he wasn’t. He tried to tell me about you that day too and you killed because you knew he was gonna expose your ass. Funny thing is I’ve been knowing for quite some time that you wasn’t shit. Unfortunately I didn’t know what you were doing to Bubba until it was too late. It’s cool because you’re gonna tell them what you did.”

  “You got me fucked up! I aint do shit!” I bellowed grabbing the other cigarette that was left and fired it up. “What about our baby? We got a daughter on the way and you trying to send me to jail!”

  “Who said this was your baby?” Starr smirked.

  I jumped up from the table and charged at Starr ready to murk her ass. Soon as I got my hands wrapped good around her neck, officers came filing into the room, and pulled me off of her.

  “That’s not my baby Starr? You telling me that’s not my baby?” I asked trying to get away from the officers’ grip.

  “I killed your baby two days after I found out I was pregnant with the bastard. This baby right here,” she pointed down to her stomach. “Belongs to a real man and I’m telling you once you find out who it is; you’re not gonna believe it. You were too busy trying to keep me from fucking Bubba that you never realized there was always a possibility that there was someone else.”

  “Bitch, I’m a kill you and that nigga!” I roared. “Let me go! Come here bitch!”

  I couldn’t believe this shit was happening to me right now. My head was spinning in circles and my heart was beating a mile a minute. Starr, is pregnant by another man. The only reason I killed my cousin Tron was so that I could be there for her and my daughter with no problems and now she telling me that it’s another man’s child.

  “Starr, I killed my cousin Tron for you! I murked that nigga in his hospital bed so I can take care of my child and you telling me you pregnant by another man! Who is it? Who is he?” I asked. “I thought you loved me man! What the fuck?”

  “I loved your ass up until I found out who you really were. I’ve been faking it and shaking it all this time and I promise you it’s the hardest thing I ever have to do,” Starr turned to leave. She stopped at the door and reached down in her purse. “Oh, I forgot to leave this.”

  Starr walked back over to the table we were sitting at and placed a pile of pictures down on it; then left out of the interrogation room. I wanted to try and leap at her again but said fuck it. She was right. I was the one that stole that dope and money from Herm and allowed my cousin Tron and patna J-J to take the blame for it. I did set Bubba up to make it look like he was snitching but only because I knew he was shady. It was something about him I did not like and I couldn’t stand the fact that Starr always called him when she needed something.

  My feelings for Starr were true and genuine no matter what I did. Stealing from her pops happened before I got with her and everything after that I did because I loved her. With my head held high, I walked over to the table and sat down, sliding the pictures that Starr left over to me.

  There was a duplicate picture of me killing the passenger of that Cadillac that chased Starr and I down after they did a drive-by that ultimately killed Mills and Fat Rat. The next picture I came across was a picture of me and Jonathan wrestling on the ground the night he tried to rob me. The fucked up thing about this picture is that Starr was nowhere to be found although she was the one that pulled the trigger. The next few photos were ones of me pulling Bubba’s body out of the trunk of my car and dragging him through the grass; just before I entered the wooded area. The last photos were ones that damn near made me pass the hell out; it was photo of me standing over Tron’s body, then another one of me pushing the pillow over his head.

  Damn, do Neek and my aunt Teresa know what I did? Do they know about these pictures? I wondered.

  I can’t believe this shit was even happening right now, Starr had played me all this time and I never suspected anything. Somebody was helping her and I marveled on just who that person is; could that be the muthafucka that Starr is pregnant by?

  Was it Agent Tommy? Damn, was she screwing that crooked ass cop? That’s the only person that could’ve given her these damn photos. Fuck that I ain’t admitting to shit. They would have to prove I did any of this. Fuck these pictures.

  “I want my lawyer,” I said pushing the pictures away.


  “Brian, come on we gotta go!” I yelled as soon as I came back into the hotel room.

  “My stuff is already packed. What happened? How did it go?” Brian slowly sat up on the bed.

  “I can’t believe I did it Brian. I did it,” I said on the verge of tears. Snitching on Quad was not what I wanted to do but it seemed as if I didn’t have a choice. I could’ve easily killed him or had someone else to do it but I wanted him to sit back and suffer. Think about the day that he fucked Herm over and definitely the day he fucked me over.

  Quad should’ve have known that I wasn’t just some ordinary chick that became so dick dizzy that I couldn’t see what was going on around me. You ask me why did I not just leave him and tell him what I knew? That would’ve been too damn easy when I could just set him up to look like one of the most brutal killers in Atlanta. I had to make sure I hurt him far worse than he’d ever hurt me.

  I ran into the hallway of the hotel and grabbed the luggage carrier; pushing it into the room, “Brian no, let me get it.”

  “Look we gotta get outta here. You don’t need to be lifting anything just like I don’t. Don’t worry about me,” Brian said grabbing suitcases and piling them onto the carrier.

  I surveyed the room checking to be sure we didn’t leave anything behind. We both knew that we couldn’t take all of our belongings with us and only packed what we wanted the most. Once we got settled into Miami we would make up for whatever we had to leave behind.

  “Okay, let’s go,” I opened the door to the hotel and Brian pushed the carrier out. We rushed to the elevator, jumping on as soon as it dinged and the doors came open. “Brian, go check out and I’ll go and bring the car around front.”

  Brian took the room key over to the hotel desk and I left outside going around to the back of the hotel where I’d parked the car when I came from the police station. I reached into my purse as I walked; frantically searching for my keys. When I made it to my car I sat my purse on the trunk so that I can better look for them.

  “Calm down Starr. That fool is not about to get out. All that shit you gave them police on him. He’s gone for good. Calm down,” I told myself.

  I placed everything back in my purse trying to remember what the hell I’d done with my damn keys. I hoped that I didn’t drop them in the hotel room an
d didn’t realize it. Brian would be so mad at me if I came back around to the front of the hotel and told him that I’d had to go back upstairs.

  Snatching my purse off the trunk, I turned to go back to the hotel, “Shit you scared the hell out of me.”

  “Where you going?” Neek asked.

  “Why?” I questioned crossing my arms over my chest.

  “Just wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten about what you did and I'm a take pleasure in watching you suffer,” Neek seethed.

  “Oh, so you’re the one that’s been following me and threatening me huh muthafucka’!” I yelled.

  “Yep, I know what you did and I’m a make your ass pay for it,” Neek shook his head and burst into laughter.

  “Yea, you a horrible ass actor.’ Damn, you know how to work that ass. Maybe I just might sample that shit the next time we cross paths’,” I laughed imitating Neek’s raspy voice.

  “I’m guessing everything worked out,” Neek came closer to me and placed his hand on my stomach.

  “Well, he’s sitting in jail right now but I don’t know for how long. I turned over all the pictures you took and got his ass so mad that he actually admitted to killing Tron,” I said looking into Neek’s eyes.

  “I can’t believe this shit. My own fucking cousin killed my damn brother. I wish I would’ve handled Quad when Tron first told me what happened but I never thought he would do no shit like this,” Neek sighed. “How is my daughter doing?”

  “She’s happy that, that lying conniving muthafucka’ will never get a chance to touch her or her mama again,” I smiled then got on my tippy toes to kiss Neek on his lips. He wrapped his arms around me and slid his tongue into my mouth; passionately kissing me.

  Yep, I am the evil bitch that you’re thinking I am right now. You have to understand that it was never my intention to sleep with Neek, get pregnant, and make Quad believe that I was pregnant with his child. See this all started the night I’d gone to Quad’s house after I first visited my daddy.

  I thought back to that very day

  “Okay, okay you got a few skills but I let you beat me that last time!” Neek said tossing the Playstation controller to the side.

  “Whatever, you ain’t let me do shit! I won flat out and you know it!” I laughed. I looked down at my cell phone hoping that I had a missed call from Quad but there was nothing. Neek and I had been playing Madden for at least three hours and the fool hasn’t come home or called.

  “Why you putting up with that shit? You know it’s plenty dudes out there that will treat you the way you supposed to be treated and will love to have you on their team,” Neek said as he rolled a blunt.

  “What makes you think that I got a problem with the way I’m being treated?” I retorted.

  “Any real man can see it. I’m just saying.”

  “Thanks for your input but I’m about to go. I promised Bubba I would only be gone for a couple of hours,” I said grabbing my purse and getting up to leave.

  Neek placed the weed on the table and jumped up following me to the door. Just as I reached for the door knob, he brought his hand up to keep it from opening. He brought his other hand around my waist and began to kiss me softly along my neck.

  “Let me show you how you’re supposed to be treated,” Neek said as he slid his hand down the front of my pants.

  “Neek—I---mmgh,” I moaned as Neek massaged my clit sending a splurge of juices into the lining of my thong. He swooped me up from the floor and quickly brought me back over to the sofa. “Neek this not a good idea, what if Quad comes back?”

  “Quad, is not coming back tonight. He already told me he’ll back in a couple of days,” Neek said pulling me towards the edge of the sofa. He pulled at my shorts until they were dangling at my ankles.

  “Muthafucka’, you had me sitting here knowing he wasn’t going to show?” I asked and pushed him away.

  “I like you Starr. I just wanted to enjoy your company for a little while,” Neek lowered his head between my legs but I pushed his head back.

  “Neek, I can’t. Just let me put my clothes back on. I’m saying---ahhh shit!” I moaned. Neek worked his thumb over my clitoris and quickly lowered his head between my legs before I could protest any further. “Mmgh, shit. Damn, that feels so good.”

  “Relax, he not coming back. We good,” Neek said and then continued to eat me out.

  After licking me up so well, Neek dropped his pants and pulled out the prettiest ten inches of meat that I’ve ever seen. I licked my lips and wanted him to put it in me so bad but I couldn’t allow it, “Neek, wait. I can’t.”

  “Come on, just give me a few minutes,” Neek pleaded and stroked his meat.

  “I just got an abortion three days ago, the doctor said I should wait at least four weeks before having sex,” I confessed.

  “You what? Damn, does Quad know?” Neek asked.

  “That’s what I came to tell him tonight,” I admitted.

  Neek gently pushed me back onto the couch and lowered himself on top of me. He completely ignored everything I’d just said and slid himself into my pussy. Honestly the way he had my pussy thumping from excitement I didn’t care and wanted him just as bad as he wanted me.

  “Baby, let’s go. We gotta get Brian to Miami before we miss our plane,” Neek said snapping me from the past. He grabbed my hand and we walked back around to the front of the hotel where Brian was impatiently waiting for my return.

  “Oh, I see you made it,” Brian said to Neek. I told Brian everything the moment he got out of the hospital after I promised him that there will never be any secrets between us again. I also promised him that I would do whatever I had to do to ensure that he and I remained friends. I love him too much to lose him and he is the only real friend I have left.

  “Yea, let’s go,” Neek said.

  “Oh, I couldn’t find the keys. I think I might’ve dropped them in the room,” I said. Neek had someone from the front desk take him upstairs to the room to look for the keys to my car. Once he came back down we packed all of our things in the trunk of my car.

  “Damn, Brian are you able to drive? Nigga, ain’t gonna feel right driving this pink Barbie looking shit,” Neek said rubbing one hand over his head and looking at my car with a frown on his face.

  “Whatever, let’s go. You know we got a plane to catch,” I said.

  We got in the car and got on the road headed to Miami to drop Brian off. In the beginning I’d planned to go to Miami as well with Brian to work along with him and Rozalyn but honestly that was only because I was chasing after my friend. Miami would bring back too many unwanted memories and cause me to visit places that I’d promised myself I would never go to again. Neek and I were on a plane to West Virginia the moment we touched down in Miami.

  My mind kept going over everything that happened since I started messing around with Neek; had it not been for him I would’ve never found out the truth about Quad. After I found out I was pregnant the first time with Quad’s child, and immediately had sex with Neek days after; I ended up pregnant a second time. I knew it wasn’t Quad’s because I’d withheld sex from him for weeks due to me being mad when he stayed with Fatima when I needed him the most.

  For two months I hid the pregnancy from everyone knowing that my body couldn’t take another abortion so suddenly. I wasn’t so sure what I wanted to do with my baby but when Quad came bursting into the bathroom and spotted my growing belly; I’d made up my mind and decided I would keep it. It wasn’t Quad that help me decide either; but Neek.

  “Fuck, you scared the shit outta me,” I said after noticing Neek standing over me as I slept.

  “I heard that shit in the bathroom earlier,” Neek said.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean---I didn’t mean for you to hear that. But you know Quad and I are---”

  “You gonna kill my baby too?” Neek cut me off.

  I reached over and turned the lamp on and stared Neek in his face. He couldn’t have expected me to keep this
damn child knowing that Quad and I are in a relationship, “I can’t keep it Neek. Quad and I are together now. How is that gonna look when I have this child and I have to tell Quad that it isn’t his?”

  Neek tossed a picture onto my lap and sat on the edge of the bed. I looked down at the photo and gasped. It was a picture of Quad and that fool Jonathan from earlier, wrestling over a gun. I watched as Neek rocked back and forth on the bed seeming as if something was really bothering him. I didn’t know what he’d planned to do with the picture and if this was his way of making me be with him or something.

  “You were there?” I asked confusedly.

  “Yes, I was there and I took that damn picture,” Neek confessed.

  “What? Why the fuck would you do that Neek? Damn, I knew I shouldn’t have started sleeping with you,” I sighed.

  “Quad is fucking crazy Starr. Look I gotta tell you something. And don’t be mad at me ‘cause I didn’t know this shit until you ended up in the hospital, okay?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “That night you were supposed set Croy up so that we could murk that fool; Quad told me that you were gonna take him to a hotel and call when ya’ll got there. He lied and told you that we ended up getting rolled by the police and went to jail but we didn’t. Quad made me get in the car with them other fools that we were with at the club and said he wanted to take care of it his self. He sat out there and watched as Croy beat the fuck outta you just so you would need him to take care of you and want to get back with him.”

  “What? You gotta be fucking kidding me. Tell me you lying!” I screamed.

  “Shhh, be quiet before you wake Charlene up. I promise you I didn’t know shit about that until I saw the shit on the news. I wanted to say something back then but I felt like it wasn’t my place.”

  “Why the fuck are you telling me now? Why you didn’t tell me this shit months ago Neek? Why wait until after I give you some pussy and fucking get pregnant by your ass? You just as trifling as that muthafucka’! I gotta get outta here!” I jumped up out of the bed not wanting to hear anything more. Neek was either out of his mind and just trying to find a way to get me to leave Quad or Quad was truly one crazy bastard.


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